GrimBrother One
Enfinit, answering one of your questions as we speak on the Waypoint Modcast.
I don't know, I saw that mini interview with Frank earlier, and I just have zero hype. Cortana taking over Halsey's body and suiting up in Spartan IV armor to become the main villain doesn't really make sense, but Halsey's pretty old, so it lines up with the "ancient evil" teaser at least. And the new jetpack pygmy Hunters look cool, but the fact that the use stolen Spartan Laser tech is going to make them feel really cheap. Halo 2 jackal snipers all over again.
Also, I'm calling bullshit on Wahrer Machine's "Cyborg Sergeant Johnson" spoiler. That doesn't even make sense.
"First look" @ Halo 4 Legendary logo via IGN
In the video they say the new skull is "Forerunner in nature"
They also mention Single Player and multiplayer videos coming tonight, mentioning a new war games MP mode.
Skull is clearly Forerunner, I don't think its any specific Forerunner. Also, I think the issue I have with it is that it just looks so human like that it loses a lot of its identity. If you saw that on a shirt your first thought wouldn't be Halo, it would be a funky human skull with knives. Maybe if it was a Forerunner skull in a Knight helmet it would better? I dunno. Still, I wanna see a better version of the logo before I judge it.
So, maybe the french will break the media embargo?
I can record it and upload it to youtube in 720p, but I don't think I'll be able to stream. Though don't these go live on GameTrailer's website like an hour after the show airs anyway?
I can record it and upload it to youtube in 720p, but I don't think I'll be able to stream. Though don't these go live on GameTrailer's website like an hour after the show airs anyway?
Logo looks great!
This deserved to be quoted and you deserve an avatar.Reveal: "free blowjobs."
Over: Too up close. CQC should be removed from the game.
kyleJ: of course 343 couldn't promise anal; too busy modeling Seattle.
Letters: would be better on PC.
bob: Assassin Creed devs would have announced this months ago.
Yikes."First look" @ Halo 4 Legendary logo via IGN
In the video they say the new skull is "Forerunner in nature"
...Indeed I did. Anyways, Skull looks more organic than robotic.You don't say.
Enfinit, answering one of your questions as we speak on the Waypoint Modcast.
Nothing in life is free, especially blowjobs...
I see a cross between Jason Voorhees & a bunny rabbit in that logo, weird.
Reveal: "free blowjobs."
Over: Too up close. CQC should be removed from the game.
kyleJ: of course 343 couldn't promise anal; too busy modeling Seattle.
Letters: would be better on PC.
bob: Assassin Creed devs would have announced this months ago.
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on repeat?
Can we move on to some healthy speculation about the big reveals tonight?
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on repeat?
Can we move on to some healthy speculation about the big reveals tonight?
You also never know when you're going to be partially in a photo of Heckfu that you had no idea was being taken, yet you still have a solid look away going.You just never know when pictures of yourself you forgot exist show up.
Imaginary? LOTR is fucking real-life history.Well, Arda (the world of LotR) is in the imaginary past of Earth... Halo is set in the future.
Just the bottom three difficulties? You never managed the fourth?
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Chopper reveal tonight please
Nothing in life is free, especially blowjobs...
Blowjobs have an opportunity cost. That cost is handsomeness and winning charm.
Easy money, or not.
LMAO<3 So good.snip
You quoted that entire post just to say lol.
It sucks even more on mobile GAF. Sucks even more when there are a ton of gifs.
I try to spare them, as I am a mobile GAF user.
The world is flat.
kylejThe world is flat.
I choose to issue a super-low interest loan of HaloGAF salt to a small area in a developing nation...let's call it "Waypointalore" to improve the global blowjob economy.So let's say GAF produces product A. Let's call them blowjobs. Let's say GAF can produce 50 max, and 0 B. Meanwhile we have product B (We'll call it salt.) Let's say GAF can produce 100 of this. ( You can use what ever unit of weight you want.) Meanwhile, 343 can produce 20 blowjobs 60 salt. Give me two PPC graphs, who has the comparative advantage in what, and who has the overall advantage.
I was bored.
So let's say GAF produces product A. Let's call them blowjobs. Let's say GAF can produce 50 max, and 100 B. Meanwhile we have product B (We'll call it salt.) Let's say GAF can produce 100 of this. ( You can use what ever unit of weight you want.) Meanwhile, 343 can produce 20 blowjobs 60 salt. Give me two PPC graphs, who has the comparative advantage in what, and who has the overall advantage.
I was bored.
Enfinit, answering one of your questions as we speak on the Waypoint Modcast.
You know, with how long the machete has been in the difficulty logos it really should be in the game.
When exactly will it be on I don't have Spike.
1AM Eastern
Not very futuristic, no role in the sandbox. Just sayin'
You know, with how long the machete has been in the difficulty logos it really should be in the game.
I believe you mean Isolation.
Jk sandtrap
Make it the human equivalent of the sword.
"Far evolved from the simple daggers of wars past, the SSK (Spartan Survival Knife) features a super-heated diamond edge, able to cut through all materials....." There, now it's canon.
Ship it.
Whoa Ram someone on my facebook has their profile picture as your avatar and it just freaked me the fuck out lol
You forgot to factor in the amount ofPrometheansprotein per salt but kudos.
By the way, seemingly stupid question, but are there any spoilers in the music beyond the titles themselves? For example, is Revival's chanting going to start saying COMPOSER COMPOSER SING ME A SONG, I WANT TO EXTERMINATE PROMETHEANS ALL NIGHT LONG or anything remotely revealing? Or will it stick to mostly ambiguous Gregorian chants?
I thought that time was only for Spike? Sweet! I'm staying up then.
I bet he's an awesome guy.