Shake Appeal
One minute before midnight on November 6th, bsangel will tweet that there is no ranked multiplayer.correction
he said we'll talk about that closer to launch
why would they give us bad news before launch?
One minute before midnight on November 6th, bsangel will tweet that there is no ranked multiplayer.correction
he said we'll talk about that closer to launch
why would they give us bad news before launch?
Last question, and it's about Recon armor? Really?
One minute before midnight on November 6th, bsangel will tweet that there is no ranked multiplayer.
Which time zone
Ps I rage quitted the YouTube feed when that dude asked about recon
You closed the page 10 seconds before it ended. Congrats.
I can haz recon?
With rage. That's the important part!
he said we'll talk about that closer to launch
why would they give us bad news before launch?
They want your pre-order :3
But I already preordered!
If anyone missed the session or wants to rewatch it in good quality, it should be up on the same link soon. Still processing.
See, its working...
But I preordered months ago!
Having a ranked multiplayer only changes how much I will play and enjoy multiplayer more than anything
I bought halo 1 as a single player game... And every game after because of said single player.
So what you're saying is that you plan on buying the game even if it doesn't have the type of ranking system you want. And that you would just play it more if it does. So..why are you so anxious to find out before the game comes out?
So what footage did you guys see? What mission and was it a complete one?
Yeah, I liked how audible the Elite's movements were, I don't remember the footsteps being so clear in previous games.That was pretty damn amazing. Loved the PiP graphics and stuff. The Banshee sounded so fucking monstrous! Seriously, the way it kind of builds up this big, ominous, looming drone sound is glorious! What really made me gasp was how the Elite he fought at the top flanked him around the corner as he waited for his shields. So good. I loved the combat scenario where that mounted laser thing had him pinned down while he juggled two Watchers. Frankie showed off plenty of the sandbox.
Hype reaching critical mass.
So what footage did you guys see? What mission and was it a complete one?
Really... 'We'll tell you more about this later?'
Why the hell are they holding back? There's nothing else to change if the game has already been completed and all that is left is the age thing process. Stupid.
Why have they given us the UNSC, Covie and Protein weapons videos over 3 weeks instead of 1?
Why are they waiting until October 5th to show us more stuff when we know they have it now?
As one of the first awake in AmericaGAF
Yes, because all the people buying the game are buying it because of a e-penis ranking system.Why haven't they at least given us a date to when they'll release the info about the ranking system, instead of just 'later' 5 months later 'later' 5 months later 'later date.'
Because the ranking system is going to be crap and they want as many people to pre-order the game as possible before they release information on it?
It's gonna be like November 5th and someone will ask and they'll respond with 'We'll talk more about this later'. Next day they haven't even got it implemented yet, and they're going to do it in a future patch.;
Why haven't they at least given us a date to when they'll release the info about the ranking system, instead of just 'later' 5 months later 'later' 5 months later 'later date.'
Because the ranking system is going to be crap and they want as many people to pre-order the game as possible before they release information on it?
Why haven't they at least given us a date to when they'll release the info about the ranking system, instead of just 'later' 5 months later 'later' 5 months later 'later date.'
Because the ranking system is going to be crap and they want as many people to pre-order the game as possible before they release information on it?
They rarely gave us dates for info drops before. Your speculative statement is hilariously pessimistic and paranoid at the same time.Why haven't they at least given us a date to when they'll release the info about the ranking system, instead of just 'later' 5 months later 'later' 5 months later 'later date.'
Because the ranking system is going to be crap and they want as many people to pre-order the game as possible before they release information on it?
Watched part of the stream, here's what it impressed upon me:
AI seemed completely unresponsive to the player and showed no aggressive tactics. Probably because it was on Easy.
That whole encounter felt really empty. It was like a stage/set with pretty set pieces in a walled canyon, and with totally flat and uninteresting terrain. Really didn't feel alive, like a real place that actually had a purpose.
Or maybe they have a schedule of when specific information is going to be released to the public? To be honest I kind of like the way we've been getting information with small little bits of info every few days or weeks with the occasional mountain of content. It helps keep you interested and excited for what tomorrow has to offer.
Also if the only reason you're going to play is because of ranks you may as well cancel your pre-order now. I love ranks just as much as the next guy but it's not a game breaker for me. The only thing that truly matters is whether or not the game is fun.
I haven't pre-ordered yet... the only reason I'm getting annoyed about them not releasing info on the ranks is because I want to know what the system is first before I pre-order.
I'm waiting to see if Recon is in the game before I preorder.I haven't pre-ordered yet... the only reason I'm getting annoyed about them not releasing info on the ranks is because I want to know what the system is first before I pre-order.
Reach really excelled at that last part, in my opinion. I think that Easy makes the game look crappy. I mean CE Legendary and CE Easy are universes apart. But I see what you are saying about the overarching artistic design in this demo.Watched part of the stream, here's what it impressed upon me:
AI seemed completely unresponsive to the player and showed no aggressive tactics. Probably because it was on Easy.
That whole encounter felt really empty. It was like a stage/set with pretty set pieces in a walled canyon, and with totally flat and uninteresting terrain. Really didn't feel alive, like a real place that actually had a purpose.