It's going to suck being the flagrunner on Ragnarok. At least before when you had to trek across all the open ground you didn't have a waypoint telling everyone your exact location.
I guess it'll be balanced by all of the people standing at the Mantis spawn waiting for it to appear.
Color, color everywhere!
Laser on Ragnarok.
I don't like Ragnarok's aesthetics. Its very... Valhalla in HD-y. I wanted something special, like a little more snow, maybe at sunset. I have said this before, I know, but still.
How else would you lock down vehicles?
Laser on Ragnarok.
BG wasn't good for MP above 8 people. Waterworks, Headlong, even Containment and Coag's were above it. More entrances of attacking the base whether it's for rushing with the bomb, or pushing multiple players in for a flag run. It was often too confined and empty for something that's built for 16 players. I felt Avalanche was the same way.Bases done right, see; Blood Gulch, Coag.
Valhalla... not so much.
One change from BG/Coag in those games to Hemorrhage in Reach was replacing the Rockets with a Plasma Launcher. But now...but Laser has always been on valhalla
Honestly, if there were no vehicles on Valhalla, it would make me like the map a whole lot more. I don't think vehicles work on that map...
Remake not a revision
the important question.....can you use the mantis in the man cannon?
And it has always been horrible.but Laser has always been on valhalla
Ok Valhalla/Ragnarok gameplay.
*Gun to head*
And it has always been horrible.
Bases done right, see; Blood Gulch, Coag.
Valhalla... not so much.
And it has always been horrible.
Custom Games, replace Laser with Rockets. Done.
Being the best BTB map in Halo 3 doesn't make valhalla a good map - it was just the least terrible.
Disappointed it's not waterworks or coagulation to be honest.
Replace Lazer with Railgun or Binary Rifle
All turrets (vehicle and mounted) are more powerful.
Warthog and Mongoose are sturdier, heavier, and more stable
You wanted another coag? We've had one version of that map in each Halo.
Now Waterworks. that would've been awesome.
Yeah, hopefully they realise this.
Replace it with the Railgun, sorted.
FRG, rockets, incinerator, railgun (maybe even the SD) all are better options. There's absolutely no excuse for the Spartan Laser to be on Valhalla again.Yup. Please do NOT put that thing in matchmaking, 343. You have plenty of other heavy ordnance that would work better, such as the Forerunner disintegration cannon thingy.
Im all for reducing randomness, but this is a non issue. If you have a problem with this then maybe we should ban random cross map sticks.
That's not programed randomness, it's just players getting super lucky every once in a great while. Even if some scrub picks up the UNSC Sniper now, he could pull the trigger and get a cross map double no scope. Was his no scope random? Yes, but not because it was programed to be random, but just because he got incredibly lucky. It's just something that happens, you can't really eliminate that.
FRG, rockets, incinerator, railgun (maybe even the SD) all are better options. There's absolutely no excuse for the Spartan Laser to be on Valhalla again.
A coagulation remake rather than a blood gulch remake like hemorrhage would have been preferable to valhalla for me. Valhalla is just so flat and uninteresting compared to the halo 2 BTB maps.
It's ok, you don't understand. You likely never played professionally. That's understandable as you lack insight to the games mechanics which made it good.
Glitches are illegal in leagues. I remember one match I had with a bunch of halo 2 players from gaf where we lost a game because someone dropped the oddball through the floor on warlock (this was on CAL-O... Open league had people who cheat anyways, same with CS until I became CAL-i) .. So we did have to spend time talking with cal officials and showing footage to show what happened.
But when the glitches are subtracted from the game and its played competitively (like in leagues) then it's far and above the best halo multiplayer game. That's what people were hoping from halo 3 and ended up being just an ok game. Then reach came and it's MP is kinda mediocre.
But keep being ignorant.
Do you think CS is cheat free? You think there isn't people who moderate their footstep speed to walk almost as fast as normal speed but don't walk fast enough to make sound? You think people don't texture swap levels and player models? You don't think people use aim bots? All the most popular online games have problems.
Well that mission 3 preview that Frank played was glorious.
If anyone is wondering why I kept missing the Watchers and the Banshees (and kind of the Elites, but I was able to lead those shots) it's because there was RIDICULOUS lag in the AV system in the hall. Made me miss a neat little vignette, but we will put out a better playthrough at some point.
If anyone is wondering why I kept missing the Watchers and the Banshees (and kind of the Elites, but I was able to lead those shots) it's because there was RIDICULOUS lag in the AV system in the hall. Made me miss a neat little vignette, but we will put out a better playthrough at some point.
Halo 2 is not a good competitive game. The animation glitches were the only thing that most real competitive players look back on fondly. The shooting skill-gap was non-existent. How can that make for a good competitive shooter?
Are there any returning aerial vehicles besides the Banshee that have been announced? I wouldn't mind seeing some revamped versions of the Hornet or even the Falcon, but I won't be terribly disappointed if they don't come back.It's going to suck being the flagrunner on Ragnarok. At least before when you had to trek across all the open ground you didn't have a waypoint telling everyone your exact location.
I guess it'll be balanced by all of the people standing at the Mantis spawn waiting for it to appear.
Indeed, there are plenty of new weapons that could easily take the Laser's place and would undoubtedly work better. It will be interesting to see how it's set up with the ordnance drops.FRG, rockets, incinerator, railgun (maybe even the SD) all are better options. There's absolutely no excuse for the Spartan Laser to be on Valhalla again.
If anyone is wondering why I kept missing the Watchers and the Banshees (and kind of the Elites, but I was able to lead those shots) it's because there was RIDICULOUS lag in the AV system in the hall. Made me miss a neat little vignette, but we will put out a better playthrough at some point.
I'd have to argue that this is an overly-simplified way of looking at the situation. I've had (and still have) many gameplay experiences where the competitive nature or the leaderboard features are a huge part of why I play them so much. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't enjoy the game without them, but they are another layer of enjoyment on top of the base game that also has the effect of extending replay value.
You talk about playing games simply for challenges. Why is it so bad that some people treat higher skill ranks as a challenge? I've gotten all acheivements and 100% on games like Super Meat Boy (106% in that case), Geometry Wars, Rock Band Blitz, Alan Wake, etc but I keep coming back to them to compete on leaderboards, because I find it fun and challenging to try to beat my score or my friends as well as moving up on the leaderboard positions. That doesn't mean that I think the games aren't fun otherwise, because I enjoy the shit out of them. I just enjoyed the leaderboard/ranking systems as well. In H2/H3, it was fun and challenging (not as challenging in 3) to rank up, cheaters aside.
I don't understand the criticism of people who enjoy these parts of games (assuming they're not jerks about it) and want to know if a product they're using their hard-earned cash to buy has a feature that they consider valuable. In a consumer economy, I feel it is a valid concern.