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Halo |OT9| One Final Effort Is All That Remains


Why do people attack Bigshow like this, and just go "oh you!" anytime kyle posts something negative?

I find their criticisms pretty valid for the most part, but maybe that's just me.

Cause I go straight for the nutshot.

Because Kyle actually posts well thought out criticisms from time to time, and he also has humor in a lot of his posts. He doesn't exist to simply be "toxic."

I think I'm hilarious.

Here's some "well thought out" criticism to assuage your anger.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Why do people attack Bigshow like this, and just go "oh you!" anytime kyle posts something negative?

I find their criticisms pretty valid for the most part, but maybe that's just me.

Because Kyle actually posts very well thought out criticisms from time to time, and he also has humor in a lot of his posts. He doesn't exist to simply be "toxic" or "edgy."


For those that care, let's talk about stat tracking for Halo 4. As all of us know, Waypoint is pretty poor. It's not good at organization, speed, and/or linking. Not to bash too hard on their webteam, (mostly because I don't know the restrictions and requirements from the folks at Microsoft) but it is in dire need of repair. I think simplicity is the key for them to look at, similar to the MP design team. They need to get the core of the tracking and the UI in order for it to be successful.


This is not simple. It is a clusterfuck of information.

How can it be improved? For starters, remove the "All games" section. You should also be able to distinguish what is Matchmaking and what is not(custom campaigns, firefights, and multiplayer). After that, Firefight is essentially unlimited Campaign, and multiplayer is vastly different from either of the AI based modes. Once you have AI and MP distinguished, you can then branch out those modes. "Arena" is no longer a separate beast from "competitive", it has simply become another playlist. Add in a playlist sort feature with checkboxes (so you can lump certain similar playlists together). Add a map sort feature so I can see what maps I need improvement on. Maybe add the feature of map-viewing, so you can put in global and personal heatmaps, and possibly Atlas integration.

It will be key to make the UI experience as easy as possible. That will be crucial if some of the extras that I mentioned are added. Achronos and the bungie.net webteam did a stellar job with giving us information in a simple design. We were spoiled too much by Bungie. There were clear and concise ways to get to your service record. Waypoint's ways to get to your service record(and for that matter what the service record is) aren't clear.



Unnecessary redundancies in the main Waypoint menu.


These medals are incorrect. It shows a Hell's Jerome medal in the Hell's Janitor position.

Next on my agenda is medals. We've seen a vast amount of medals for Halo 4, whether some of these are actual medals or just white text, I don't know. But if we are going to have Distractions, I want to see how many times I've distracted an enemy.

Adding to this, it can be possible to truly see what type of player someone is better than commendations and the Waypoint awards. If these medals from in-game can be properly translated, then you can see how that player actually functions. Are they a ranged player or a close quarters player? Do they use vehicles or kill them(or both)?

As shown in the picture above, it's also going to be key to get the medals correct.


I never want to see this again.

The speed at which you can access your stats is atrocious. To access it in-game, it is a maze of menus. Make both speedy. Make both easy to navigate. If it is a Microsoft requirement that it use Silverlight, then I guess there's not a bunch you can do. If possible, drop the Silverlight. It is slow and also makes you install Silverlight to a computer. Let's say you're at work and want to check out your stats. You can't without installing which may be against your company's policies.


This happened while I was getting screens for this post.

Lastly, the linking. Have you tried linking to a file share? Have you tried linking to someone's game history? Have you tried linking to a Waypoint news article? If the answer is yes, then you've probably had some issues accessing restricted content. Restricted content that is publicly available... That's not correct. A box specifically for a link to the content would be nice and a good solution.

*Oh and an API for developers would be nice.


Shouldn't you be warming up for our epic Finals Halo match in an hour?

You guys are finally finishing it? Thank the lord. You guys suck at meeting deadlines, haha.

I need peeps to help with the next one. Probably gonna try to get it going this winter, after people get used to Halo 4. Going to try to get prizes as well.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Bigshow and kyle areprobably my favorite two HaloGAF members.

Kyle is a quality poster IMO, he just likes to rib 343/Bungie a lot; plus he's funny. He's definitely one of the better posters here. Bigshow is none of those things, no matter how he tries to be.

He's ignore list material IMO, but many people think that about me, so it is what it is.

Then there's the fact Kyle works out and is part of FitGAF, so that makes him superior anyway.
Why do people attack Bigshow like this, and just go "oh you!" anytime kyle posts something negative?

I find their criticisms pretty valid for the most part, but maybe that's just me.

It's already been covered, but agree with him or not, kyle has a tendency to legitimately back up his points when he wants to seriously discuss them. General posting silliness isn't uncommon to any poster here otherwise. I mean hell, even some of his more ridiculous posts--like the whole "while bungie was selling chinese-made water bottles" thing--are just as relevant as Frankie's "this is a tasty burger/dev build/campaign mission/etc" ramblings if you want to get technical. Everyone's got their niches, you have to learn to take the posts with well thought-out opinions as serious (even if you or I disagree with them personally) and the ones that aren't as not. If you don't, everyone here might as well be fueling the fire.
Why do people attack Bigshow like this, and just go "oh you!" anytime kyle posts something negative?

I find their criticisms pretty valid for the most part, but maybe that's just me.
Agreed. You gotta let the people who are less optimistic about the game have their say as much as anybody else. Deal with it.

willow ve

I had no idea you posted on GAF. Stop sniping me.

It's a burden I bear. Also, does anyone else have a lot of trouble hitting the weekend super jackpot on Friday nights? I seem to think it used to be possible, but the past few weekends I feel like I never get it on Friday (although it usually pops on Saturday and Sunday after 2-3 games).

Completely agree, but honestly everything you described is just Waypoint being Waypoint. Biggest hope for Halo 4 is that they have a proper API and we can get some talented third party devs to make an interface that works quickly, is intuitive, and is easy to link.
Because Kyle actually posts very well thought out criticisms from time to time, and he also has humor in a lot of his posts. He doesn't exist to simply be "toxic" or "edgy."

You shouldn't have to be a jester to lighten/ suger coat your complaints if you have them.

It started controversially, I said I didn't like the writing style of Karen Traviss, didn't like her story in evolution either.

Will give Thursday war a chance however.

Isnt her next novel out like soon? I remember reading somewhere its out before Halo 4? That means it must be out next month sometime?

EDIT: Just checked, October 2nd, thats pretty soon! Not going to lie... I dont tend to like her stuff either, but im interested in checking it out, wonder if it ties into Halo 4 at all.


Why do you attack Bigshow like that?


edit: and to make this an actual post with a meaning, I'll throw 2 cents in and say that no one here bothers me. Be it team slrp or team downer or what have you. Except for that Franklinator guy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Agreed. You gotta let the people who are less optimistic about the game have their say as much as anybody else. Deal with it.

There's being "less optimistic" then there's being "toxic" and negative for the sake of being those things.

You shouldn't have to be a jester to lighten/ suger coat your complaints if you have them.

No one said you do. I'm simply pointing out he's likable.
My Ideal Promethean Rifle: Has Scoped Semi-Auto to Automatic Firing from Hip Alternate modes to fill in Medium distance like a Carbine and CQC like an AR.

Would be quicker switching modes instead of switch your primary and secondary weapons.


Kyle is a quality poster IMO, he just likes to rib 343/Bungie a lot; plus he's funny. He's definitely one of the better posters here. Bigshow is none of those things, no matter how he tries to be.

He's ignore list material IMO, but many people think that about me, so it is what it is.

Then there's the fact Kyle works out and is part of FitGAF, so that makes him superior anyway.

Here's some more constructive criticism so you won't beat me up with your FitGAF muscles. My bit is the last quote at the bottom of the first post.

I don't try to be anything on here. I post when I feel like it and post what I think.

You guys are finally finishing it? Thank the lord. You guys suck at meeting deadlines, haha.

I need peeps to help with the next one. Probably gonna try to get it going this winter, after people get used to Halo 4. Going to try to get prizes as well.

Yes, we're going to finish the fight. Unfortunately I sort of gave up on the tournament and haven't played Reach in months, but... meh.

My tip for running forum tournaments is to set the dates FIRST and then tell people if they can't meet them, don't sign up.


My Ideal Promethean Rifle: Has Scoped Semi-Auto to Automatic Firing from Hip Alternate modes to fill in Medium distance like a Carbine and CQC like an AR.

Would be quicker switching modes instead of switch your primary and secondary weapons.

Kind of surprised something like this isn't already in the Promethean sandbox. I mean, you have the Lightrifle (med/long) and the Boltshot (med/cqb). Although it could be potentially way overpowered.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
The Boltshot certainly looks like an interesting weapon, a deadly backup weapon.
The Plasma Pistol has excellent utility of course, so it is going to be hard to choose beetween those. At least it will be for me. The Magnum though, i still can't fathom any reason for picking it. Which is too bad, i like the model.

the magnum is a headshot weapon, should be a good tool to switch to when you need to reload your br/dmr to finish em off. also, isnt the animation to switch to it very fast, or is that not exclusive to the magnum and applies to all secondaries?


(everything you said)

waypoint is beyond astonishingly bad AT ORGANIZING everything

photo galleries, stats, game info, news articles

I really appreciate that they house so much info, but holy shit do they over complicate it

Honestly, I would be happy if they scrapped the whole thing and made it tiles at this point

M$ 4 lyfe


Those expecting ranking info should expect the proper time and place.

Giant Bomb's live stream is not one of them.

The upcoming MLG event is.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
the magnum is a headshot weapon, should be a good tool to switch to when you need to reload your br/dmr to finish em off. also, isnt the animation to switch to it very fast, or is that not exclusive to the magnum and applies to all secondaries?

Yeah, but if you have fast reload, it's redundant.

I imagine most people will probably go for quick reload, but I've no clue how anything plays out.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Yeah, but if you have fast reload, it's redundant.

I imagine most people will probably go for quick reload, but I've no clue how anything plays out.

is it? maybe it makes it blazing fast!

i havent ruled out the magnum as a secondary just yet. but really, a secondary is just a placeholder until you pick up someone else's primary after death. dmr + br. i'm actually planning my primary to be the least common out of the br/dmr/lightrifle trio just for this reason.
the magnum is a headshot weapon, should be a good tool to switch to when you need to reload your br/dmr to finish em off. also, isnt the animation to switch to it very fast, or is that not exclusive to the magnum and applies to all secondaries?

It has a insane amount of bloom, so unless your literally coming across someone who is very weak/ one shot it just looks annoying to use. Is the boltshot headshot capable? I imagine that weapon is basically a Pistol without bloom? Seems like the better option if so. I dont like the fact that people can effectively have a shotgun in the back pocket, but I suppose it looks very well balanced.

My Ideal Promethean Rifle: Has Scoped Semi-Auto to Automatic Firing from Hip Alternate modes to fill in Medium distance like a Carbine and CQC like an AR.

Would be quicker switching modes instead of switch your primary and secondary weapons.

Sounds like it would be pretty annoying, it would kill mid range precision weapon play, game would be too automatic based, which would make the game dull.

Also - Karl, I agree I hope 343 have something better than Waypoint planned for the online stats - I figure with Reach it was less important due to the handover and Bungie.net existing, so im not going to use that as a litmus test of they're capabilities.



edit: and to make this an actual post with a meaning, I'll throw 2 cents in and say that no one here bothers me. Be it team slrp or team downer or what have you. Except for that Franklinator guy.

Yeahh! Someone doesn't hate me!

People who don't hate me on HaloGaf:


Good stuff Karl. Waypoint needs super help. I had a friend just the other day ask me how to get his stats then reported back how difficult it was. He said that's a pretty big bummer because he checked Bungie.net stats daily while playing and said it was a big motivator for him. That is also true for me and many others I assume. I rarely go to Waypoint for stats and when I do, I get lost before I finally get where I am going. There's just too many clicks, links, drop downs, and animations to get to where you want. I am extremely disappointed in the site. There's not even a positive tradeoff like "well at least it looks cool". I sure hope it changes for Halo 4 since 4 has even more information it needs to convey, and if it doesn't it should be a main focus for after launch.

Why do people attack Bigshow like this, and just go "oh you!" anytime kyle posts something negative?

I find their criticisms pretty valid for the most part, but maybe that's just me.

10% of kyle's posts are absolute nuggets of gold shining with brilliance, but the other 90% are troll posts, and most know it and know you can't get anywhere with him unless you too make outlandish out-of-context posts.


Here's some more constructive criticism so you won't beat me up with your FitGAF muscles. My bit is the last quote at the bottom of the first post.

I don't try to be anything on here. I post when I feel like it and post what I think.

Yes, we're going to finish the fight. Unfortunately I sort of gave up on the tournament and haven't played Reach in months, but... meh.

My tip for running forum tournaments is to set the dates FIRST and then tell people if they can't meet them, don't sign up.
Definitely. Lesson learned from this one.

You guys have probably heard this before, but yeah trust me, next one will be much improved.
Yeah, but if you have fast reload, it's redundant.

I imagine most people will probably go for quick reload, but I've no clue how anything plays out.
Which packages (I think that's the name) are in that category? I'm definitely curious to use dexterity, but the option for more ammo with power weapons is very tempting.
There was a clip shown at some point of someone using the banshee bomb where it looked like it hit right next to a guy and didn't kill him, it doesn't look like it's going to be a problem


Definitely. Lesson learned from this one.

You guys have probably heard this one before, but yeah trust me, next one will be much improved.

Also, while it may not be the most popular decision, I started to make them 2v2's instead of 4's. Its just easier for people to coordinate.


Definitely. Lesson learned from this one.

You guys have probably heard this before, but yeah trust me, next one will be much improved.

Which packages (I think that's the name) are in that category? I'm definitely curious to use dexterity, but the option for more ammo with power weapons is very tempting.

Tactical Package:
  • None
  • Mobility: Unlimited Sprint
  • Shielding: Shield Recharge Rate buff
  • Resupply: Pick up grenades from fallen Spartans
  • AA Efficiency: AA Recharge Rate buff
  • Grenadier: Increases grenade carrying capacity
  • Firepower: Carry 2 primary weapons
  • Fast Track: Increased XP bonus*
  • Requisition: Ability to re-roll an Ordnance drop*
  • Wheelman: Lessened EMP effect, Vehicle Health buff*
Support Upgrade:
  • None
  • Ammo: Hold more Ammo
  • Dexterity: Faster reloads and weapon swaps
  • Sensor: Increased Motion Tracker Range
  • Awareness: Use radar while scoped
  • Explosive: Increased grenade blast radius with decreased damage received
  • Ordnance Priority: More frequent ordnance drops
  • Stability: Lessened knock out of scope*
  • Gunner: Reduce Turret cool down, move faster when carrying Turret*
  • Drop Recon: Heads up on Ordnance and On-map weapon drops*
  • Nemesis: Possibly reveals opponent who last killed you*
  • Stealth: Decreased visibilty vs PromVision, Faster Assassinations, dampened

* Unlocked via Specializations

flatulator, gtfo
Definitely. Lesson learned from this one.

You guys have probably heard this before, but yeah trust me, next one will be much improved.

Which packages (I think that's the name) are in that category? I'm definitely curious to use dexterity, but the option for more ammo with power weapons is very tempting.

need a way to split teams up better. having people in different time zones really messes up schedules
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