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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


343i Lead Esports Producer
neoism said:
so Tashi were you born with it or something:lol
wish he was as good at halo

Maybe it's Maybelline lol

Bobs, I use the magnum for long range when I don't have a DMR on me. I don't really try to get kills with it though. It's good to drop shields and put some team shot long range.
chapel said:
HaloGAF Reach Beta Montage Call For Clips

Please PM me (on here) a link to any rendered clips you would like to see in a montage. Try to limit it to 10 unless they are related clips that give different POV or ancillary action to the scene. They can be awesome, omgwtfbb, funny, cool, whatever. Anything that shows off the beta would be cool, especially glitches that are unique or really funny.

Since the beta is coming to a close and all data on the website seems to be going with it, please get me the clips by the 19th so I can download them locally.
Hmmm.... Anyone want to be a kind soul and render 2 clips for me so I can submit?

First kill of the beta.
Dani, was that you? :p
Dropping down from high vent on Swordbase to assassinate a guy

I embrace change :p


I've asked, but can someone render these 4 that can be used for the montage?

I'd appreciate it.


Dax01 said:
There are problems with the gametype itself. Sudden death, flag return radius is still too small, to name two issues I have with it.

We played a game of 1-Flag where it went into sudden death, but ended while I was holding the flag, four steps from the capture point. I was FURIOUS!

Then again, two matches before that happened, my buddy turned into the Monitor during the match :lol He can't render the video, but he sent me the clip here: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=1279034

Yeah - there are still a lot of things to iron out. :lol
Tashi0106 said:
Maybe it's Maybelline lol

Bobs, I use the magnum for long range when I don't have a DMR on me. I don't really try to get kills with it though. It's good to drop shields and put some team shot long range.

Thanks for the reply, I stopped trying to use it at long range, im glad its not just me being too crap too pull off the long range kills. :lol

Im actually pretty sad to see the beta go despite not really enjoying it as much as I hoped. I embrace change and all, and the AA's were cool, but the change to the low level gameplay still hurts. =( I guess ill wait for Fall to judge it as maybe the bugs and general beta state of the game influenced my impression.
divisionbyzorro said:
We played a game of 1-Flag where it went into sudden death, but ended while I was holding the flag, four steps from the capture point. I was FURIOUS!

Then again, two matches before that happened, my buddy turned into the Monitor during the match :lol He can't render the video, but he sent me the clip here: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=1279034

Yeah - there are still a lot of things to iron out. :lol

WHAT!?? Did he try and spawn any objects at all???

Oh man, someone render that clip!

Oops, sorry for the double post.
Since we're going through what we want the final mission to be like.

I think it should occur after the darkest moment. Noble team knows their screwed and rescue isn't coming... so they hole up and protect what civilians they can, with Covenant forces closing in. The entire mission is protecting your outpost form the onslaught as your fellow Spartans die. AS the mission goes on the credits begin to role as you continue your gameplay. The game and the credits then come to an end as the plant becomes glassed.

Then final game credits roll, with neat artwork in the background. Then as per usual a final cutscene is displayed as the Pillar of Autumn looks over Reach surrounded by Covenant cruisers. We then get a glimpse in the bridge as Keyes commands them to jump into Slipspace. As this occurs the games graphics quickly switch over to those of Halo:CE, and we end with the Cheifs Cryo Tank.
AwesomeSyrup said:
Seriously, after the game ends we need to be able to play the first level in Halo CE remade.

I would much rather play the first level when you land on the ring itself, or Silent Cartographer, but I guess thats not gonna happen. :lol

By the way apparently quitting out of Theatre gets you a matchmaking ban, hopefully thats not true because it would be a pretty big glitch and my quit record would be horrible.


SO guys we can talk about single-player in here.. right. I'm just wondering how epic, or better do you think it will be, with all Bungie's learned of the past 10 years. I'm hoping for the most epic FPS shooter campaign experience ever!But I'm thinking sense they're trying for the H1 feel that it won't be as overthetop... H2. I have faith in Bungle
my favorite developer..
neoism said:
SO guys we can talk about single-player in here.. right. I'm just wondering how epic, or better do you think it will be, with all Bungie's learned of the past 10 years. I'm hoping for the most epic FPS shooter campaign experience ever!But I'm thinking sense they're trying for the H1 feel that it won't be as overthetop... H2. I have faith in Bungle
my favorite developer..

they're getting help from a dude who worked on Uncharted so I don't even worry about singleplayer, I simply know it's going to blow my mind.
AwesomeSyrup said:
No, I think it would be cooler if it ended with the Chief getting in the escape pod on the Pillar of Autumn.
Halo is still one of the best levels out of all the Halo games, and it would be much better to step out of the escape pod and behold Halo with Reach's graphics. You don't want to waste an opportunity like this with an average level such as "The Pillar of Autumn."
UltimaPooh said:
Just have 343 work in Conjunction with Bungie on post DLC for Reach... That DLC being Halo:CE re done with the Reach engine.
If they are gonna remake Halo CE just release it on a disc.

I hope you are listening Frankie. :p


mescalineeyes said:
they're getting help from a dude who worked on Uncharted so I don't even worry about singleplayer, I simply know it's going to blow my mind.
:D :D :D :D :D awesome. UC2 is my favorite singleplayer in a game ever...
AwesomeSyrup said:
If they are gonna remake Halo CE just release it on a disc.

If it ends up being like ODST and doesn't keep the series from moving forward "(events after Halo 3.) Then I'm down for a full release.


Dax01 said:
Halo is still one of the best levels out of all the Halo games, and it would be much better to step out of the escape pod and behold Halo with Reach's graphics. You don't want to waste an opportunity like this with an average level such as "The Pillar of Autumn."
I agree. Temperate canyons plz.
Ugh. Just when Im starting to love Reach again, inconsistency strikes again.

I lay grenades at enemies feet, they walk through relatively unscathed. A grenade flies over my shoulder and explodes 6 feet away, Im a shot away from death.

Irritating as shit.
Gui_PT said:
I personally do not understand how these shots are popular... It is just all white/yellow, how is that interesting at all?

I am not trying to attack you, because you are just doing what so many other people do. Perhaps I just do not have an artistic eye.
Devin Olsen said:
I personally do not understand how these shots are popular... It is just all white/yellow, how is that interesting at all?

I am not trying to attack you, because you are just doing what so many other people do. Perhaps I just do not have an artistic eye.
Neh, I agree.


Devin Olsen said:
I personally do not understand how these shots are popular... It is just all white/yellow, how is that interesting at all?

I am not trying to attack you, because you are just doing what so many other people do. Perhaps I just do not have an artistic eye.

That's actually the 1st one I took of the kind. I just like the way it looks *shrugs*

Now get on and let's play


How to kill Elites when you are a Spartan in SvE:

Our team led this game all the way until the end by working closely as a team, until the end when we all spawned in different parts of the map and got picked off trying to regroup. It was a heartbreaker. But I did learn to team up for the beat down.

The alternate angle made me think it would be a nice "GTFO" gif. :lol

On Sword Base, I have publicly lamented this kind of behavior. But in the name of science, I sword camp the squid-faced bastards. With the deck so stacked against the Spartans, I wanted to see if it would work. For science. It helped that the guys we were playing against went into a protracted fit of stupidity. (Note the score at the beginning and end of the clip.)
bobs99 ... said:
WHAT!?? Did he try and spawn any objects at all???

Oh man, someone render that clip!

Oops, sorry for the double post.

So...I really don't know what happened there. He e-mailed me the link, which I thought was to the clip, but it turned out to be the entire match. And it must have been the wrong match too - some poor soul wasted their 9 render minutes on that...

My bad - I should have verified the link first. I don't know who did it, but if you PM me I can paypal you back since I know render minutes don't come cheap.


UltimaPooh said:
We then get a glimpse in the bridge as Keyes commands them to jump into Slipspace. As this occurs the games graphics quickly switch over to those of Halo:CE, and we end with the Cheifs Cryo Tank.
I like this.


A few random pics from last night:

I love the explosions in this game so much.



The chunks of debris scattering are actual geometry that lands, bounces, and sticks around after the explosion. I thought they'd fade out like the spray from a grenade.

Dude getting nailed by the drop pod from last night (I got beaned once, myself):



Random shot of the ammo packs, which for some reason I thought was neat. I'd love to be able to place these in multiplayer via Forge as with weapons. rocket ammo in particular.
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