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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Due to invasions similarities to Battlefield I can't help but to imagine what the mode would look like on that engine. Wraiths knocking down buildings, spartan lasers splashing through walls, aim down the sight with DMR...would be quite a sight.


EazyB said:
Hop on again if you're still up for it and we can tear it up with Nutter.

I bailed for Uncharted 2. :lol

I used to think so, but now my opinion of that mode has changed completely. Sat down to play it for a few hours with a friend, we finally got good at it and our win ration was like 80%.

I have won 70% of my games in the playlist, doesn't make it any less terrible. I really hope the BTB of Halo 2/3 isn't completely replaced with this, I need my large Multi Flag games from time to time.

How would aiming down sights with the DMR be any different than the zoom? It would just slow the game down even more, get that outta here.


minasodaboy said:
just because you're winning, that doesn't mean its a great gametype. i have to admit that i was really excited for the idea of invasion, but in practice, meh. i always feel like i'm spawning super far away and its never really more than 3 v. 3 at a time.

i need more action!

You just have to get to a few locations, know the routes, and defend/attack key locations in a certain way. It certainly gets better with practice, and with a good team.

A poor elite team, for example, will hang around the topdeck after capturing the 1st point killing the remaining Spartans. This is bad idea for a number of reasons, mainly because Elites should be rushing to point 2 and if the Spartans are left alive they have to run the whole distance, which takes ages.

If both teams are playing well the game can be fun and fairly even.

Still, the most broken round remains the "Capture the core" round. A tiny room filled with armour-lock spartans wielding shotguns? What's a poor elite to do! We generally won that round by blitzkrieging the base before the spartans were in position.

The best part of Invasion remains spawning with the pro-pipe and knocking Banshee's out of the air with it. They never seem to see it coming.


RdN said:
I have huge problems finding a game in NT1.. it keeps searching for players.. then when it finds them the search restarts!

Is it just me or it's a common problem? All other playlists are working great and really fast.



Played some more Generator Defense this morning. If this mode or something similar is to stay, they need to do something about the length of sudden death. I just played a game where the Elites won a round by destroying the last generator after the announcer said 'sudden death over' (the generator was locked for the entirety of the sudden death time). :/

Also, I noticed this a while ago but I never posted about it: as a Spartan, if you sprint while zoomed in with a weapon, your view will revert to the unzoomed one. As an Elite, however, rolling while zoomed in will keep your view zoomed in for the entirety of the roll (but the reticle stuff disappears; it looks like the Theatre zoom), and will put you back into the scoped view when you can shoot again. Just a tiny detail, really, but it's kind of jarring.


Quoted for new page (for the lowly 50, I prefer 100):

HaloGAF Reach Beta Montage Call For Clips

Please PM me (on here) a link to any rendered clips you would like to see in a montage. Try to limit it to 10 unless they are related clips that give different POV or ancillary action to the scene. They can be awesome, omgwtfbb, funny, cool, whatever. Anything that shows off the beta would be cool, especially glitches that are unique or really funny.

Some specific clips I would like to see are:
  • Epic invasion moments (like capping the core by yourself just barely by the skin off your back)
  • Funny or crazy betrayals
  • Weird behavior or people playing oddly that is funny
  • Awesome assassinations (like from high bridge to the base on sword base)
  • And so on

Since the beta is coming to a close and all data on the website seems to be going with it, please get me the clips by the 19th so I can download them locally.
Ssparks said:
Edit: Also, If you want to be in this Dongtage and you need a clip rendered send me PM I gots some extra render points floating around

If you think they are good clips, just ask in the thread for them to be rendered, or of course send a PM to Ssparks.


My impressions for the week:

- Generator Defense is laggy and frustrating. If it doesn't make the final game my eyes will remain unmoistened.

- Slayer on Swordbase with jetpacks and a good team is wonderful. I enjoy the map at least as much as Powerhouse now.

- People aren't kidding: Hammer + Sprint really is frightfully effective. Fixed for fall, no doubt.

- Grenades are still ridiculous.

- Elites aren't much fun to play in Invasion. Spartans have better loadouts, better spawns, and more enjoyable objectives. Any Spartan team that knows what it's doing has no trouble locking down the map.

- I hate how I can't exit a tank when someone's beating on it. I know why I can't, I just don't like it.

- Assassinations fall into two categories: dumb and awesome. Most are dumb. Where's the one from the early trailer where a Spartan slugs another in his stomach? It's better than every assassination I've seen in the beta except the head stomp. (Speaking of which, how is the head stomp activated?)

- Sometimes melees seem really hard to connect. It feels like your opponent has to be in the dead center of your screen or your hit will whiff.

- Don't let Sage touch the Pro Pipe! It's perfect just the way it is.
has any noticed that on your stats page, there is an option for 'slayer arena (season 2)'?

i did a quick search, but couldn't find anything and this thread is literally thousands posts longer than it was last week when i had time to check it. sorry if i'm bringing up old news here.

The Crawf

dslgunstar said:
I lay grenades at enemies feet, they walk through relatively unscathed. A grenade flies over my shoulder and explodes 6 feet away, Im a shot away from death.
Irritating as shit.

Sorry, were you describing Reach or Halo 3? :D


Monocle said:
- Elites aren't much fun to play in Invasion. Spartans have better loadouts, better spawns, and more enjoyable objectives. Any Spartan team that knows what it's doing has no trouble locking down the map.

I agree that the Spartans are way more fun to play then the Elites, but from my experience a well organised Elite team can take out a Spartan team. Then again, maybe the Spartan teams I were up against just sucked. Overall however, the Spartans still maintain a distinct advantage.
chapel said:
Quoted for new page (for the lowly 50, I prefer 100):

HaloGAF Reach Beta Montage Call For Clips

Please PM me (on here) a link to any rendered clips you would like to see in a montage. Try to limit it to 10 unless they are related clips that give different POV or ancillary action to the scene. They can be awesome, omgwtfbb, funny, cool, whatever. Anything that shows off the beta would be cool, especially glitches that are unique or really funny.

Since the beta is coming to a close and all data on the website seems to be going with it, please get me the clips by the 19th so I can download them locally.

If you think they are good clips, just ask in the thread for them to be rendered, or of course send a PM to Ssparks.

Hey Chapel this is the only half decent clip I have -

Even then its not so great, I choke on the last kill and theres a bit of a gap between kills. (I got a little excited for my first Sniper Spree of Reach). So yeah it may be a little dull in the context of a montage.

I wish I saved more clips from the Beta, I played a awesome free for all game on Powerhouse where I used Camo SO well. There was a lot of fighting near the rocks on the outskirts of the map so I went there, and essentially kept toggling camo between kills to keep an eye on the radar while blocking it for everyone else. It felt so satisfing using that kind of tactic to get the drop on like all the enemies.

Minasodaboy I love those screenshots!


I really, really hate how today, anything that does big damage or kills quickly in multiplayer games, causes people to complain, and even worse; causes developers to oblige. It's so... SAD (for a less inflammatory term).

Why can't more standard weapons such as the Magnum, DMR and grenades be powerful? I don't get it. Why is the fact that Sprint + Hammer/Shotty being highly effective BAD? Because people not willing to put the effort into finding a way to adjust to the game will complain?

Powerful weapons are FUN. I'm quite sure anytime a weapon serves our instant gratification dispositions - that makes us happy. Standard powerful weapons are FUN. They produce faster gameplay (you're efficient and effective at spawn) and less reliance on Power Weapons to be successful (which helps make camping less powerful). Powerful combinations of Abilities and powerful weapons are FUN - it rewards player ingenuity and innovation.

I don't know what Bungie's vision for this game is, but I think I read the Magnum might get nerfed? Really? It feels too weak as is, especially with the bloom. There can be nothing "Overpowered" regarding a gun that each player is entitled to at spawn. Same with grenades. People aren't complaining on behalf of balance here, they're complaining about things that likely frustrate them because these things are beyond their comfort zone and level of dedication to the game.

I dunno, maybe I'm just getting old, but I miss the days when games were potentially "broken". Developers weren't trying to please everyone and their mother; they just crafted a vision, sent it out into a community and players just played the game. The stakes are higher today than they were 10 years ago - I get that. But the ingratiating nature of multiplayer game development today has them all feeling watered down and over-developed (Not saying this is how Reach feels, I surprisingly like Reach a lot [but this is how I would describe H2 and H3]).

But I'm sure this is just me. I should probably stop playing video games and start playing Chess, or something.



formerly cjelly
Kimosabae said:
I really, really hate how today, anything that does big damage or kills quickly in multiplayer games, causes people to complain, and even worse; causes developers to oblige. It's so... SAD (for a less inflammatory term).

Why can't more standard weapons such as the Magnum, DMR and grenades be powerful? I don't get it. Why is the fact that Sprint + Hammer/Shotty being highly effective BAD? Because people not willing to put the effort into finding a way to adjust to the game will complain?

Powerful weapons are FUN. I'm quite sure anytime a weapon serves our instant gratification dispositions - that makes us happy. Standard powerful weapons are FUN. They produce faster gameplay (you're efficient and effective at spawn) and less reliance on Power Weapons to be successful (which helps make camping less powerful). Powerful combinations of Abilities and powerful weapons are FUN - it rewards player ingenuity and innovation.

I don't know what Bungie's vision for this game is, but I think I read the Magnum might get nerfed? Really? It feels too weak as is, especially with the bloom. There can be nothing "Overpowered" regarding a gun that each player is entitled to at spawn. Same with grenades. People aren't complaining on behalf of balance here, they're complaining about things that likely frustrate them because these things are beyond their comfort zone and level of dedication to the game.

I dunno, maybe I'm just getting old, but I miss the days when games were potentially "broken". Developers weren't trying to please everyone and their mother; they just crafted a vision, sent it out into a community and players just played the game. The stakes are higher today than they were 10 years ago - I get that. But the ingratiating nature of multiplayer game development today has them all feeling watered down and over-developed (Not saying this is how Reach feels, I surprisingly like Reach a lot [but this is how I would describe H2 and H3]).

But I'm sure this is just me. I should probably stop playing video games and start playing Chess, or something.

All Halo players aspire to be MLGers.

MLG: Sucking the fun out of Halo
cjelly said:
All Halo players aspire to be MLGers.

MLG: Sucking the fun out of Halo

I rarely play MLG, I just dont enjoy it with the lack of radar and all that. Yet even I think that weapons being overpowered is stupid. Sprint and Hammer just isnt fun... I dont even see how you can adapt to it, what can you do? No AA's are quick enough to get you out of danger except Evade (even then the lunge has followed me), Armour Lock is the only thing that works.

Put it this way, it might be satisfying for you getting kills with super weapons, but everyone else is there in the match just a bit bored. I agree that spawn weapons should be powerful, but in context the DMR and Pistol are already really powerful (as they should be). I also hate getting killed by a single nade, sometimes I can be near full shields and still die, its just not very fun when the game devolves into throwing around nukes.

So yeah even the Halo players who dont aspire to be MLGers probably have a lot more fun with a balanced game...

P.S. I dont agree with the notion that MLG sucks the fun out of Halo, a lot of people find MLG rules a lot more fun than standard rules, and fun is subjective, you can play MLG or regular Halo, so why hate?


chapel said:
Quoted for new page (for the lowly 50, I prefer 100):

HaloGAF Reach Beta Montage Call For Clips

Please PM me (on here) a link to any rendered clips you would like to see in a montage. Try to limit it to 10 unless they are related clips that give different POV or ancillary action to the scene. They can be awesome, omgwtfbb, funny, cool, whatever. Anything that shows off the beta would be cool, especially glitches that are unique or really funny.

Since the beta is coming to a close and all data on the website seems to be going with it, please get me the clips by the 19th so I can download them locally.

If you think they are good clips, just ask in the thread for them to be rendered, or of course send a PM to Ssparks.

Do they have to be in first person from the theatre? I will see if I have done anything cool that might be worth the HaloGAF Montage. :lol I might have stuck myself somewhere around the beta. :D


What do you mean by "balance"? Weapon balance? As in; every weapon being an equally valuable option in all encounters? Or an even distribution of usage?
Kimosabae said:
What do you mean by "balance"? Weapon balance? As in; every weapon being an equally valuable option in all encounters?

Well I mean more like gameflow balance, a player shouldnt be able to win by just sprinting around hammering people, because then games devolve to a very basic level and im not playing Halo to see that kind of gameplay. Think Knife Runners or OMA'ers from MW2, a game with a team taking advantage of the noob tube can pretty much destroy the core gunplay.

I actually dont think all weapons should be equal, but I think the spawn weapon should give you a fighting chance against anyone, if your good enough then certainly you should be able to defend yourself from spawn.

I also dont think some weapons should always beat other weapons, because then you mightaswell just play Rock Paper Scissors.


- Assassinations fall into two categories: dumb and awesome. Most are dumb. Where's the one from the early trailer where a Spartan slugs another in his stomach? It's better than every assassination I've seen in the beta except the head stomp. (Speaking of which, how is the head stomp activated?)
As a spartan, jump on and assasinate an elite


bobs99 ... said:
Hey Chapel this is the only half decent clip I have -

Even then its not so great, I choke on the last kill and theres a bit of a gap between kills. (I got a little excited for my first Sniper Spree of Reach). So yeah it may be a little dull in the context of a montage.

I wish I saved more clips from the Beta, I played a awesome free for all game on Powerhouse where I used Camo SO well. There was a lot of fighting near the rocks on the outskirts of the map so I went there, and essentially kept toggling camo between kills to keep an eye on the radar while blocking it for everyone else. It felt so satisfing using that kind of tactic to get the drop on like all the enemies.
Thanks, although it is a little slow, I am sure it could be used. I am a far cry from having so many submissions that I have to deny any.

Raide said:
Do they have to be in first person from the theatre? I will see if I have done anything cool that might be worth the HaloGAF Montage. :lol I might have stuck myself somewhere around the beta. :D
At this point anything is fine. If a clip is better 3rd person or free camera, by all means. I am not a high level player, so I know just as most do, that there are more things to capture than overkills and sick snipes. :D

The only requirement I have for clips is that they involve a GAF member.


bobs99 ... said:
Well I mean more like gameflow balance, a player shouldnt be able to win by just sprinting around hammering people, because then games devolve to a very basic level and im not playing Halo to see that kind of gameplay. Think Knife Runners or OMA'ers from MW2, a game with a team taking advantage of the noob tube can pretty much destroy the core gunplay.

I actually dont think all weapons should be equal, but I think the spawn weapon should give you a fighting chance against anyone, if your good enough then certainly you should be able to defend yourself from spawn.

More than a few times I've fended off a Sprinting Hammer wielder. Usually, if I only have spawn weapons and the player knows what he's doing, I die - as it should be. It's a powerful option. But it's not unbeatable from my experience. I haven't seen any team completely dominate a match with Sprint and Hammer.

I don't know anything about MW2, but there's only one Hammer on Powerhouse. Doesn't everyone in MW2 have a knife? Not the same.

If the Hammer's missing, you know the other team has it, and there's a good chance a Sprinter's carrying it, allowing your team to plan accordingly. Getting killed by a Sprinter with Hammer yields the same information. You said you felt armor lock was your best chance against the combo? So respawn with Armor Lock. Learn from dying. There's plenty of options to get around it, and it's truly only powerful in enclosed spaces, which if you're smart, you'll avoid when someone has it.


chapel said:
Thanks, although it is a little slow, I am sure it could be used. I am a far cry from having so many submissions that I have to deny any.

At this point anything is fine. If a clip is better 3rd person or free camera, by all means. I am not a high level player, so I know just as most do, that there are more things to capture than overkills and sick snipes. :D

The only requirement I have for clips is that they involve a GAF member.

Okies :D

I am not an awesome player but I have certainly had some good fun playing Reach. I will have a hunt around and pop up some 10 sec clips of random stuff. I wish I had some more Fileshare space for this. :lol


Kimosabae said:
More than a few times I've fended off a Sprinting Hammer wielder. Usually, if I only have spawn weapons and the player knows what he's doing, I die - as it should be. It's a powerful option. But it's not unbeatable from my experience. I haven't seen any team completely dominate a match with Sprint and Hammer.

I don't know anything about MW2, but there's only one Hammer on Powerhouse. Doesn't everyone in MW2 have a knife? Not the same.

If the Hammer's missing, you know the other team has it, and there's a good chance a Sprinter's carrying it, allowing your team to plan accordingly. Getting killed by a Sprinter with Hammer yields the same information. You said you felt armor lock was your best chance against the combo? So respawn with Armor Lock. Learn from dying. There's plenty of options to get around it, and it's truly only powerful in enclosed spaces, which if you're smart, you'll avoid when someone has it.
I think the problem is that most people (myself included sadly) continue to run into obstacles like a hammer sprinter head on instead of approaching it with some strategy or tactics. Just like the yellow/green/ics lift that is camped so hard on Swordbase. Eventually you will wear them down, or die trying, that is what seems to happen. Where a smart approach would be a multi-pronged attack from the lift and outside.

As far as the hammer sprinter specifically, I find it greatly satisfying to take down someone charging me with the hammer with only the pistol. It doesn't happen often, but it is not rare. The only time the hammer has a real advantage is in tight spaces when they have the jump on you. If you are playing smart, as a team, it would take only one death to know where the hammer is and then you can plan accordingly to take them out.

So I really don't agree with a lot of the sentiment to nerf or alter weapons. I think they work as intended, and there are enough counters that with skill you can defend yourself properly. The hammer is a power weapon, it should be powerful.

Raide said:
Okies :D

I am not an awesome player but I have certainly had some good fun playing Reach. I will have a hunt around and pop up some 10 sec clips of random stuff. I wish I had some more Fileshare space for this. :lol
One thing you can do is have the video rendered, save it, then share it with me through a free fileshare site like http://anyhub.net

I really wish I had a capture card, or could just render everything myself, but I am not in a position to do so. I am lucky enough to have time to put into a project like this (which I am glad to do so). So with all the generous gaffers donating minutes for videos, I will have to say much thanks.


The hammer lunge is extreme, that's all. Maybe make the reticule disapear when sprinting so you have to judge the red lock on with timing.
Would be nice if the regular spartan knife assassination was random between two or three animations, all the same lengh of course.

Neck snap is still awesome especially when you jump from high up and use them as a landing cousion :p
chapel said:
I think the problem is that most people (myself included sadly) continue to run into obstacles like a hammer sprinter head on instead of approaching it with some strategy or tactics. Just like the yellow/green/ics lift that is camped so hard on Swordbase. Eventually you will wear them down, or die trying, that is what seems to happen. Where a smart approach would be a multi-pronged attack from the lift and outside.

As far as the hammer sprinter specifically, I find it greatly satisfying to take down someone charging me with the hammer with only the pistol. It doesn't happen often, but it is not rare. The only time the hammer has a real advantage is in tight spaces when they have the jump on you. If you are playing smart, as a team, it would take only one death to know where the hammer is and then you can plan accordingly to take them out.

So I really don't agree with a lot of the sentiment to nerf or alter weapons. I think they work as intended, and there are enough counters that with skill you can defend yourself properly. The hammer is a power weapon, it should be powerful.

I guess I agree, the problem is how much ammo the thing has, a good player can go for quite a while with the thing - and its not exactly like its easy to cross map a sprinting spartan who has loads of cover available. There are tactics you can use, but in a lot of instances its not me choosing to go head on, hes on me before I can take that sort of planned action.

Anyway I found this amusing, apparently theres a voice ban on Reach, if enough people mute a player he gets voice banned. Not sure I think its a good idea (seems a bit abusable) I mute lots of people without good reason, i.e. if I dont wanna hear theyre convo, but a lot of the people I mute probably dont deserve to be voice banned. :lol


bobs99 ... said:
I guess I agree, the problem is how much ammo the thing has, a good player can go for quite a while with the thing - and its not exactly like its easy to cross map a sprinting spartan who has loads of cover available. There are tactics you can use, but in a lot of instances its not me choosing to go head on, hes on me before I can take that sort of planned action.

Anyway I found this amusing, apparently theres a voice ban on Reach, if enough people mute a player he gets voice banned. Not sure I think its a good idea (seems a bit abusable) I mute lots of people without good reason, i.e. if I dont wanna hear theyre convo, but a lot of the people I mute probably dont deserve to be voice banned. :lol
I do agree that the amount of ammo needs to be dropped. That is a small tweak though, and puts the weapon in line with other power weapons. Just like the Plasma Launcher and Focus Rifle need ammo drops.

I didn't know about the voice ban, but I think if done well enough it could be a good thing. Does the person know they are voice banned?
What the fuck is with the invisible ceiling in Powerhouse. It pisses me off every time I'm rushing to stop the attacking team from capping a flag with me pursuing. It literally stops me dead in my tracks when I hit the ceiling, then I usually fall to a less-than stellar vantage point and jog whilst waiting to refuel to clear structures to continue my pursuit.
Striker said:
It's rare to avoid a Ghost if it is oncoming and you aren't expecting it, but a grenade can flip, Plasma Pistol and Pro Pipe can cool it down, and sprint/jetpack can manuever a player away from a boosting player, or simply a Ghost trolling through the pathway. It isn't "impossible", non-sense.
You shouldn't have to have specific weapons or AAs to avoid it, you should be able to do it the same way we've been doing for 10 years.
Shake Appeal said:
High school's a bitch.
Speaking of which, uh, I think it's 16 more school days until I'm done with high school.:D

Edit - I realize I've done a whole shitload of complaining about the beta lately, and I'm sorry for that. It's really not me. Hell, I think I've complained more in these 19 days than I have in the past two years here at GAF. It's just that this whole beta has been so disappointing to me.


Ah well. There's always campaign, which is what I care most about anyway.:D


UltimaPooh said:
Since we're going through what we want the final mission to be like.

I think it should occur after the darkest moment. Noble team knows their screwed and rescue isn't coming... so they hole up and protect what civilians they can, with Covenant forces closing in. The entire mission is protecting your outpost form the onslaught as your fellow Spartans die. AS the mission goes on the credits begin to role as you continue your gameplay. The game and the credits then come to an end as the plant becomes glassed.

This would be pretty awesome.

My hope, after the wash that was Halo 3's story (Cortana is rampant, oops, no she's not, 343 as the final 'boss', etc), is that Bungie really doesn't pull any punches this time. Be serious. Make gamers cry. None of the throwaway bullshit they did with Cortana in Halo 3, please. Don't dumb down the story for fear the player can't handle a mature plot.

dslgunstar said:
What the hell would the final mission be?

What kind of attack/counterattack would be epic enough but believable enough for players to accept 'yes, this could actually save the planet'...but only carried out with 6 people?

If it has anything to do with driving a warthog over exploding terrain, then Im gonna be pissed.

Yeah, it's time to retire the bolded, Bungie.

As for what ending would be epic enough for an end mission, I don't think "this could save the planet" will enter into it, as it's already established that nothing does save the planet. Reach falls. Reach is glassed. Things like preventing the Covenant from finding Earth and such seem a little weak as, well, it's obvious in Halo 2 that the Covies find Earth anyway.

I'm not sure what would make for an epic enough ending. I don't envy Bungie here. I hope they can really hit the ball out of the park on their last Halo game.

Shake Appeal said:
High school's a bitch.

Dax01 said:
Speaking of which, uh, I think it's 16 more school days until I'm done with high school.:D
Dax01 said:
Speaking of which, uh, I think it's 16 more school days until I'm done with high school.:D

Edit - I realize I've done a whole shitload of complaining about the beta lately, and I'm sorry for that. It's really not me. Hell, I think I've complained more in these 19 days than I have in the past two years here at GAF. It's just that this whole beta has been so disappointing to me.


Ah well. There's always campaign, which is what I care most about anyway.:D
Well, you back up your views which is a lot more than most do when complaining ;)
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