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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
some random photos from my file share. trying to go through and save them all before th beta ends and they are lost forever. more to come.





The_Inquisitor said:
Welp, just used my 2 walmart gcards to pre-order this. Missed beta unfortunately. Sounds like its pretty good though. Look forward to playing.
But why? You could've bought food for weeks with those! September is a long ways away :D


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Wow, I just had the most intense game I've ever had in probably any multiplayer game ever. It was in one flag CTF on Swordbase where we ended up in a tie but I used armor lock at the exact moment when I had the flag that allowed us to survive and score. It was awesome.

I'll post some videos up later for anyone who wants to see the armor lock at least, and I also had my first extermination from any Halo game happen in another game of 1 Flag CTF on Swordbase as well.

Then there was the time I waltzed right up to the flag and just took it and the time I got two assassinations consecutively (one against the guy who was defending the guy carrying the flag and the other against the guy carrying the flag). :lol


I have come to love invsaion. Some of the most CRAZY gameplay happens in the final moments. Netowrk test 1 however, drives me insane with the input lag. It can get so bad i just don't want to play. But it's pretty, so i play anyway.

Some shots from the past day or so.



and of course, this:

I've also been blowing through my bungie pro render points. I just rendered an almost complete invasion match. The beta better end soon or i'll be buying more.
ZayneH said:
OMG. No idea you were violentBREED. :lol Apparently I'm a mute compared to you.

wanna french inbetween bitching sessions? :lol

The legend spreads. :D

I'm unique in that the stream of sarcastic comments continues regardless of whether I do well or not. I could go +10 or -10 and you wouldnt know the difference. And I somehow manage call-outs between the chatter!
dslgunstar said:
The legend spreads. :D

I'm unique in that the stream of sarcastic comments continues regardless of whether I do well or not. I could go +10 or -10 and you wouldnt know the difference. And I somehow manage call-outs between the chatter!

haha im the same!

I was having games on CoD where I was getting Nukes, but even then I was bitching SO hard. :lol Thing is its only CoD and now Reach which makes me behave like that!
Does anyone know where to get the mp3 of that music that was in the multiplayer tailer? The one with the awesome piano and that weird digital-esque bass line? It was the intro to a podcast not long ago.

I also found my Halo 3 soundtrack that I never really listened to because of a lack of Vai :p

Any news on any incoming podcasts?
Hydranockz said:
Does anyone know where to get the mp3 of that music that was in the multiplayer tailer? The one with the awesome piano and that weird digital-esque bass line? It was the intro to a podcast not long ago.

I also found my Halo 3 soundtrack that I never really listened to because of a lack of Vai :p

Any news on any incoming podcasts?

Is this the one your looking for?


Its awesome, and its a free download! <3 Marty!
Pennybags and I just went into an Invasion Slayer game with lag and we were Elites down by almost 20 at some point, i think his internet dropped out at some point while 1 more quit from our team and we were hurting with a couple good snipers on the Spartan side...

Then after the 84-kill mark we started to somehow clutch the game and ended up winning with 10+ kills over them, through the endgame the other team started rage quitting, so awesome. :D


tagged by Blackace
Nightshade1765 said:

Am I the only person who really likes the way the new turret looks?
That is so badass. I noticed a difference, but this screenshot is awesomesauce.

Is this the same thing Jorge is always seen holding in the leaked screens?


If anyone wants to get down on some invasion/grab-bag tonight, I'll be on in about a half hour. I'm trying to get some clips for the Gaftage and more importantly trying to get some kills on dax for my Daxtage. Believe.


Crunched said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's a fan composition.
Could be wrong but I believe C-Paul, one of the audio designers composed this.

Also, I wonder if for ship Bungie will embed the network quality into save films. This could be great when watching a film incase you see some visual discontinuities. I'v seen what clearly looks like a headshot in H3 that actually wasn't what the host received. Although, now most weapons are hitscan, so this might not be necessary.
dslgunstar said:
The legend spreads. :D

I'm unique in that the stream of sarcastic comments continues regardless of whether I do well or not. I could go +10 or -10 and you wouldnt know the difference. And I somehow manage call-outs between the chatter!

<3 :lol

Playing with you and Zayne always makes me laugh.
chapel said:
Quoted for new page:

HaloGAF Reach Beta Montage - Call For Clips

I have a fun one - it's not rendered, but it's only a few seconds, involving myself and my opponent entering armor lock at the same time literally inches from each other's faces. (Yes, I'm the one who emerges the victor) http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=1272768

Total N00b Question: When I view this clip in Theater, the timeline appears on the screen. Will it still be on the screen if the clip gets rendered?

EDIT: I was browsing some other clips online and I see that they have the timeline on them; I'll go back and edit the clip and resubmit it.


In the name of science I conducted a few controlled experiments with the reticule bloom to test the extent of the randomness it produces, specifically it landing hits when the reticule is not on the player.

Here's the films of the 4 games I played, no one should bother rendering them as they're long and the purpose is to see the reticule, furthermore it's much easier to see where each shot lands by viewing it in theater and slowing it down.

Here's a pic of what I'm talking about. This is the shot that kills the player:

The reason it did so is because the bloomed reticule made the bullet land in a random location within this greater radius:

This bloom adds too much randomness in the gunplay for my liking and adds more frustration than fun or skill.


Pappasman said:
PM those clips to him.
Yeah PM's work best so Chap doesn't have to go through the thread post by post. Also, if you want something rendered for the tage, send me a PM. I just got 50 more render points (best deal evar) so just let me know through private messages, then I'll send them Chaps way with your name attached.


randomlyrossy said:
Am I alone in liking the look of the Halo 1 sword the most?
I never knew the Halo 1 sword had the double edges until a couple years ago. It just looks like one thick glow in game (and I never get a good up close look at it).

I don't see a big difference in the sword from Halo 2, Halo 3 and Reach. I dig the pulsing energy in the Reach version quite a bit.

My only critique of the Reach sword is I'd rather not re-ignite it after every sprint. I get that there needs to be a pause after sprinting before weapon use, but it's a bit awkward in the current implementation.
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