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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Letters said:
Sad to be sitting out on this montage, but I really have done nothing worthwhile in the 300+ games I've played... depressing. :(
It's worse when you constantly forget which games to save clips from, or if you do, you can't remember what it was you wanted to save without watching the whole film.


Dax01 said:
Hadn't seen this before (probably because I haven't checked Waypoint in awhile), but here's an interview with Nylund about Dr. Halsey's journal that's coming with the special editions of Reach:

Somewhat unrelated:
I want mah sequel to GoO NOW!
Do want, DO WANT :)

How did you think fans will react to this content in this book? What do you hope they take away from the journal?

ERIC: I think they'll love it.

I know I do.

For me, it feels like my crowning fiction achievement for the Bungie-HALO universe. I hope the fans take away a feeling of being let in on the most important secrets, getting a glimpse into the mind of Dr. Halsey, and sneaking a peek at some new mysteries to come.

Plus there's a ton of other stuff I haven't even touched on about the journal, right? I mean should I mention [blacked out] the [blacked out] Or is someone at 343 just going to redact all that?
343 is a tease :lol
GhaleonEB said:
I thought I was joining a smaller party than I was - I was in the mood for Grab Bag. I really hate Invasion Slayer and don't care for Invasion at all. Got donged on for five minutes and had enough; playing as Elites on Invasion Slayer is just a terrible experience. Sorry to bail on everyone, I just couldn't roll with it tonight.

Watched a show and the election results instead.

Well, I hate it, see.
Elites are the most fun part of the Beta hands down, and are completely OP-ed when matched up skill for skill vs a Spartan IMO (shotgun vs sword is a no no though :lol ). All of the loadouts are great, with the exception of no pistol - which is pretty huge.
Played the last few matches I would get around too earlier while showing a friend the beta, he loved the new features and extras and generally how much better it looks over halo 3.

The beta has been sweet, the perfect length as from last week I was cutting down my play time with it, the fall release will make it feel fresh for me again.


Major Williams said:
Elites are the most fun part of the Beta hands down, and are completely OP-ed when matched up skill for skill vs a Spartan IMO (shotgun vs sword is a no no though :lol ). All of the loadouts are great, with the exception of no pistol - which is pretty huge.
Playing as Elites is quite fun in Covy Slayer, but I don't like the human vs. Elite dynamic in any of the presented formats in the Beta. The load outs really damage the match ups, and as I've ranted about before I don't like any of the three rounds of Invasion. I know plenty of people enjoy the dynamic, but I think I'll be sticking to traditional BTB for the shipping game as much as possible.
Just a interesting little tidbit, reloading the Pistol when it still has ammo in its clip gives you a different reload animation to when you reload a empty clip. I wonder if any other guns have this?
GhaleonEB said:
Playing as Elites is quite fun in Covy Slayer, but I don't like the human vs. Elite dynamic in any of the presented formats in the Beta. The load outs really damage the match ups, and as I've ranted about before I don't like any of the three rounds of Invasion. I know plenty of people enjoy the dynamic, but I think I'll be sticking to traditional BTB for the shipping game as much as possible.
I guess I can understand that - you have such a great politically correct reply I can't help but agree with you that it is merely your opinion :lol

BTW Trasher, your evading skills with the Elite last night was impressive - both Tashi and I were chasing you down and it took us longer than 30 seconds to kill you. I applaud you good sir.


It blew my mind whenever Spartan's didn't vote against S vs E slayer. I finally got to play as the Elites, grabbed the sword, and proceeded to absolutely demolish the Spartan side. Great fun for me, must have been shit for them.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Agreed, the Spartans are really over powered.



Major Williams said:
BTW Trasher, your evading skills with the Elite last night was impressive - both Tashi and I were chasing you down and it took us longer than 30 seconds to kill you. I applaud you good sir.

Yea he evaded in the open field and I chased him down. The Tea-Bagging that followed was oh so sweet



Oh man, I was about to lose a game of NT1 (as Elite), the last generator only has a tiny chunk left, sudden death is over, and the announcer is about to declare "Spartans Win!". I make a run to the generator before my screen goes blank I threw a grenade, melee'd it and won the match :D


Tashi0106 said:
Agreed, the Spartans are really over powered.

It becomes even more broken (as if that were possible) if you have the sword. Roll + Sword = 26 k/d. It's just an exercise in unfairness.
bobs99 ... said:
Just a interesting little tidbit, reloading the Pistol when it still has ammo in its clip gives you a different reload animation to when you reload a empty clip. I wonder if any other guns have this?
Um, all guns have it?
Dax01 said:
Um, all guns have it?

I meant if they all have different animations based on how many bullets are left in the clip, if you fire a pistol once then reload you get a different reload animation to if you empty out the clip.

Was wondering if all weapons have multiple reload animations, thats a lot of work if so!
bobs99 ... said:
I meant if they all have different animations based on how many bullets are left in the clip, if you fire a pistol once then reload you get a different reload animation to if you empty out the clip.

Was wondering if all weapons have multiple reload animations, thats a lot of work if so!
If you reload when you have any amount of bullets left, you get one reload animation. If you don't have any bullets left, you get a different one. Two in total for each gun.

Sai-kun said:
Dax with the asshole attitude. Nice. :lol Keep it clean!
That's...not how I meant for it to come out. Whoops. Sorry, bobs.
Dax01 said:
If you reload when you have any amount of bullets left, you get one reload animation. If you don't have any bullets left, you get a different one. Two in total for each gun.

That's...not how I meant for it to come out. Whoops. Sorry, bobs.

No worries. :lol At first I was like =(, but then I understood what you meant.

Gui, lol!


Hey Chapel I have a few cool clips you can use, they are in my fileshare :).

Also, can we still play today or is it over already?


Think I'm done with the beta.

In lieu of other games out there, its probably like a 8/10, but by comparison to my halo games its probably like a 5 or 6 / 10. I hope this was just the growing pains of the beta, but the magic feels somewhat gone for me. I love the return of the single shot hitscan weapons, but the feedback of firing and randomness of the accuracy is a bummer. I think I would have preferred recoil instead of this system. As it stands my primary weapons of pistol/dmr feel light to fire, and outside of SWAT never feel lethal. They just take so long to kill with at any decent range. They only feel like they work on maps likes Boneyard or Overlook where there are deep sightlines and you can catch someone out in the open. On the smaller/winding maps, they almost require a grenade or an enemy jetpack to get a kill.

Pro-pipe and focus rifle are my favorite addition to halo in years. They never feel cheap to me, but remain power weapons. They are really well balanced, focus rifle ammo aside.

I'm still looking forward to retail, and can't wait to see what happens... but as it stands I am anticipating this game about as much as I did with ODST.
Dirtbag said:
and for the love of god, please tune down the constantly beeping shields.
my god, whats the point if they beep for everything.

I think you need that beeping, if it was any later you would only realize you need to be careful a headshot away from death. I already find it pretty difficult to guage how much health I have at the moment.

It has caused me to prematurly bail out of a few situations earlier than I would have in Halo 3 though.


Major Williams said:
I guess I can understand that - you have such a great politically correct reply I can't help but agree with you that it is merely your opinion :lol


bobs99 ... said:
I think you need that beeping, if it was any later you would only realize you need to be careful a headshot away from death. I already find it pretty difficult to guage how much health I have at the moment.

It has caused me to prematurly bail out of a few situations earlier than I would have in Halo 3 though.
grenades really throw me off. They sound the same (to me at least) if they explode right next to me, taking away all my shield or farther away where they barely made a dent. On multiple occasions I have backed out of a fight only to look up and find most of my shield still there.
EazyB said:
Discovered I kept updating my post through the birth of a new page so I'll just copy it to the new page.

I'm not sure why you're singling out when a player dies from a shot when the reticule isn't on them to just shots simply landing (whether or not they hit the head). I find the other cases even more interesting because they mean 3 (bodyshots) landed hit the player even though the reticule wasn't on them. I just pulled that screen out because it's the first clear case of it in the single film I watched. I haven't got the chance to go through the films because I opted to play the game more instead and watch them latter so I've held off on analyzing them and unfortunately can't give you a proper response but this was just one result of the bloom that I was interested in (whether the bullet distribution in that wide circle had a uniform or Gaussian distribution) which would give me an idea of just how inaccurate the guns would get. The more important test, which I haven't conducted, would be to plot how long it takes to kill someone when spamming the trigger and see what kind of variance that distribution has.

This random element of the bloom (when someone who is spamming the trigger gets a kill over someone who more methodically times their shots) is what bothers me the most. Many times I'll be at a health disadvantage coming in or at some point in a fight and know my only chance to live is to spam the hell out of the trigger and hope that the game decides to place one of the final bullets into my opponent's head. Sometimes I'm able to take him down in a matter of seconds with a lucky headshot (where the center of the reticule is on his head but the bloom is so severe it will more likely than not fall elsewhere), other times I still die, but the important thing is I'm not doing anything different in either case, I'm just getting "lucky" and other times not.

Another factor that further makes going for a precise headshot by slowing down your shots after dropping their shield is that the opponent can often spam 3 body shots in that time. That coupled with the health system makes precision headshots less important than landing as many bullets on the person by any means necessary (spamming). If another player got even a single bullet's drop on you, you know for damn certain they'll probably be able to spam 3 body shots or the occasional headshot before you have a chance at delivering 4 shots then a precise 5th. Hell, even if you luck out of a firefight with a decent opponent you'll probably have a bit of health damage which means getting body shot in your next encounter is even more likely. All of this contributes to less of an importance on precise headshots and more on landing wild body (and occasional) headshots. I believe I may've gone off on a tangent a bit here but it's just part of the beta that makes me think the gunplay took a huge leap back from where it was.

Not sure what you mean by a lucky kill in Halo 3. Surely you don't mean things like lucky nades or sweeping sniper headshots because that's an entirely different subject. Things like latency which throw an element of chance and randomness into the equation can't be avoided but my beef with Reach's bloom is that even in the most ideal situation, the bloom mechanic alone adds that randomness in there. In Halo 3, disregarding lag, your bullets with the precision weapons landed where your reticule specified. There was a build in, random spread to the BR but nothing as severe as a DMR, let alone the pistol, fired at their full RoF. No other Halo game's precision weapons have handled this way and its something I've appreciated about the series and why I've been able to have fun with competitive Halo 3 matches.

I see what Sage/Bungie was trying to do, or at least what the concept of bloom could do to benefit the sandbox. The pistol has the potential to drop someone very quickly at close range because the max RoF is extremely quick but it's not a godly long range weapon because that same RoF would result in wild long range shots. It gives it extremely versatile without it becoming the BR or CE pistol of past games (which evidently made them play like shit?). This is great and all, but it also adds an element of randomness to how the gun performs and makes the gunplay feel looser and less consistent to me. It's trade-off that ultimately hurts the game and I believe it'd work better having the pistol and DMR acting as the two halves of the BR with a little less versatility to each one but much more consistency.

THIS. Well put.

I've yet to see someone come up with a valid argument in favor of bloom, other than "lolz suck it up nub dis iz bungles game not urs they kno wat theyre doin". Never mind the die-hard fans who have been there for years with weeks and weeks of Halo game time, knowing what a halo game, and well, a fun non luck-based game should be. Apparently Bungie is an infinite and infallible basin of correct decisions and knowledge... :lol oh wait they're not.


Letters said:
Sad to be sitting out on this montage, but I really have done nothing worthwhile in the 300+ games I've played... depressing. :(

I think when you actually watch the montage it will be full of Overkills caused by one grenade and some pistol spam. ;) :p

Also, I'm glad you all lost Eazy, you all were talking so much crap and I couldn't say anything to defend myself. :( :lol


chapel said:
HaloGAF Reach Beta Montage - Call for Clips!

Got a lot of great clips, but there are some regulars that haven't sent me anything.

BladedExpert???? It is only fitting you send some clips. Since you can capture your own, feel free to send the files using anyhub.net or whatever you prefer.

Due to the beta being extended to tomorrow, I will extend clip submissions until then. Please send me a PM with your RENDERED clips.

New Deadline: 20th

Thanks guys. I should be able to get working on the montage officially (meaning actually editing and composing it) by this weekend. No idea when I will have anything presentable though, I do have a full time job. :D

I dunno if you spotted my random stuff.

http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/fileshare.aspx?player=RAIDE UK&fc=2

A few rendered bits, hopefully they are worth putting in. Even if they are under the "Fail" section. :lol
Ramirez said:
I think when you actually watch the montage it will be full of Overkills caused by one grenade and some pistol spam. ;) :p

Also, I'm glad you all lost Eazy, you all were talking so much crap and I couldn't say anything to defend myself. :( :lol

I saw a clip earlier that was a 6 kill multikill (killamanjaro?), it it was a Headhunter game on Sword Base, and the guy basically threw 9 grenades in the space of about 30 seconds. :lol He got some AR and Melee kills but his gamestyle is seemingly spam nades everywhere. :lol

That takes skill!

Here it is for anything interested:


(Its apparently the first Killamanjaro of Reach, if so then props to the guy, if not then screw him for taking advantage of those damn nades :lol ).
Kuroyume said:
There was a clip like that too when Halo 3 first came out.

Halo 3 is still just as bad on maps like Orbital. Just found Ramirez's comment funny when I had just seen that clip a bit earlier.

Its not like anyones gonna pick up 9 nades in the space of 30 seconds in most matches but its still pretty funny it happened as a one off, especially with those nade.

Either way, fixed for fall thank god.
dslgunstar said:
To a degree they do. But they dont genetically engineer all the players on the field to move at the exact same speed, hit with the exact same power, aim their shots/throws/kicks with the exact same accuracy.

MLG basically whittles the game down to the point where everybody is exactly the same, and thats boring. In real life sports and games, you have players and teams with specific advantages and disadvantages. Some teams rely on speed and skill, others defense, and others toughness.

No team has ever been told, 'no you cant use that player, he's too good at shooting the puck'. There's no different between that and telling a player that a specific weapon or AA is off limits. Banning a player is banning a weapon from that team's arsenal. Its up to the other team to figure out how to neutralize that weapon. Likewise, it should be up to the player's in Halo to figure out the best way to circumvent particular weapons or abilities.

I personally hate the plasma launcher, for example but I still think it has a place in the game. I just have to figure out the best way to deal with it (when Im not using armor lock).

This is why I love you, and this is why I hate MLG. I've never been able to put it into words. THANK YOU!
GhaleonEB said:
Playing as Elites is quite fun in Covy Slayer, but I don't like the human vs. Elite dynamic in any of the presented formats in the Beta. The load outs really damage the match ups, and as I've ranted about before I don't like any of the three rounds of Invasion. I know plenty of people enjoy the dynamic, but I think I'll be sticking to traditional BTB for the shipping game as much as possible.

I don't like is the whole Elites being stronger than Spartans business. Not simply because it makes pure SvE games unbalanced, but because Bungie's decision to make Elites faster means they play well, and Spartans play shit; running and jumping feels right as an Elite. It feels painful as a Spartan.

It's also kind of strange in terms of continuity as well. 10 years of a universe where it's basically established that Spartans are more or less equal to Elites and Reach then comes along and says "actually they're far weaker".

SvE has potential in stuff like Invasion in my opinion, but Bungie could simply alter the player traits for Elites or something to give them stronger shields or whatever to balance out the better Spartan hardware, keeping the epic feel of assaulting the base without destroying the sandbox for Spartans in other games.


Photolysis said:
I don't like is the whole Elites being stronger than Spartans business. Not simply because it makes pure SvE games unbalanced, but because Bungie's decision to make Elites faster means they play well, and Spartans play shit; running and jumping feels right as an Elite. It feels painful as a Spartan.

It's also kind of strange in terms of continuity as well. 10 years of a universe where it's basically established that Spartans are more or less equal to Elites and Reach then comes along and says "actually they're far weaker".

SvE has potential in stuff like Invasion in my opinion, but Bungie could simply alter the player traits for Elites or something to give them stronger shields or whatever to balance out the better Spartan hardware, keeping the epic feel of assaulting the base without destroying the sandbox for Spartans in other games.
Spartan IIs are equal. We are Spartan IIIs in Reach.


Grenades on the map were god-awful for Halo 3 also. Not sure if people are forgetting that. I think the worst map for this is Construct, but maps like The Pit, Heretic, and Guardian can be this way often as well. Even Valhalla, at least in the middle, is scattered with leftover frags from dead bodies. I just hope they address this moreso than any changes to the power/radius of the current grenades in Halo Reach, because the amount of grenades is what's causing frustration, not the actual grenade themselves.

FunkyMunkey said:
THIS. Well put.
Never mind the die-hard fans who have been there for years with weeks and weeks of Halo game time, knowing what a halo game, and well, a fun non luck-based game should be.
I've been through Halo 1-3, plus ODST and Halo Wars. But I guess since I enjoyed the beta and liked most of its changes, I'm not a die-hard like Mr. Funky here. Continue your elitist attitude, it's awesome.
Kenak said:
Spartan IIs are equal. We are Spartan IIIs in Reach.

That's not really much of an answer. SIIIs had better augmentations, and at least in Reach, the same armour as SIIs.

In Ghosts of Onyx the main difference between the two is SIIIs have far less powerful armour, so obviously they would be weaker verses a SII counterpart in Mjollnir armour. The other major difference is some chemical which makes them more resistant to shock and traumatic injuries - it actually makes them tougher than SIIs (but at the expensive of losing the ability to think strategically, which would not really work for gameplay)!

So yeah, saying "They're SIIIs" doesn't cut it with regards to established continuity either.
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