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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Recharge should be shorter.

Pistol 5 shot is fine.

DMR should be 3 head, 4 everything else.

Sniper should be 1 head, 2 body. It is that already though yeah?
No 3 shot weapons. That goes against everything Bungie is trying to do with Reach's sandbox


Played some System Link Halo 3 recently. Soo awesome. Almost forgot how good Halo 3 was for a bit. Mainly played MLG settings with TS and CTF. 2v2 since we had 5 people. Good stuff yo.
urk said:
You're misreading. The Polish version is complete. Other regions are still works in progress.
:lol The giant sausage that is Bungie. It all makes sense now.

Kapura said:
New topic: Shield recharge wait should be longer, kills should be 8 shots with pistol and DMR. It would create higher skill gap.


Negative. I thought, at some point, this may help but it only helps the new to the game. 5 shots with the pistol is fine. I just wish it had maybe one (or two) more round(s) in the clip.


metareferential said:
Thread is more dead than ever probably because not everyone enjoys the endless rant that lingers in the air xD
And not everyone wants to spend their Memorial Day weekend talking about how there's not anything new to talk about.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Kapura said:
But if I play the devil's advocate, would that not create a higher skill gap? Yes or yes is fine.

Yea but you'll increase frustration and the game won't be so fun anymore. Just imagine how long it would take to fucking kill someone.


Trasher said:
Uhhhh, there is no new info on any of this, or anything for that matter, though. That was his point. >_>
Right. Nothing new to chew on. I've got a list of stuff I hope is in, but I've regurgitated that a dozen times over since Reach was announced. Really looking forward to the podscast - sounds like it will give a lot to chew over. Sage is very interesting to listen to, even if I didn't like some of the directions he took the core gameplay in. And of course, we should get a sense of how things are being tweaked before ship.

Give how much there is to reveal in Reach - the campaign, the rest of MP (maps, game types), Firefight, Forge - we should be on a non-stop trickle of goodies from E3 onward.

Kapura said:
But if I play the devil's advocate, would that not create a higher skill gap? Yes or yes is fine.
All things equal, longer encounter times will always favor the more skilled player.


GhaleonEB said:
Right. Nothing new to chew on. I've got a list of stuff I hope is in, but I've regurgitated that a dozen times over since Reach was announced. Really looking forward to the podscast - sounds like it will give a lot to chew over. Sage is very interesting to listen to, even if I didn't like some of the directions he took the core gameplay in. And of course, we should get a sense of how things are being tweaked before ship.

Give how much there is to reveal in Reach - the campaign, the rest of MP (maps, game types), Firefight, Forge - we should be on a non-stop trickle of goodies from E3 onward.

All things equal, longer encounter times will always favor the more skilled player.
Gotta give him props for making nearly every weapon worthy of picking up.
GAF, I am disappoint. lol

EazyB said:
I'd rather be let down later rather than sooner. If the beta had never come out I would not have known how mediocre it was. I would be sitting at my computer with a shining grin on my face, springing out of bed each morning knowing I was another day closer to Reach, talking with my internet friends about how amazing it will be, stroking my game boner in fevered anticipation.

But no, the beta didn't want any of that, it just wanted to break my spirits. What's there to look forward to without Reach?

At least you got your Halo 3 skillz back.
So for you it's coming home with Reach on Day 1 and not knowing it's going to be crap...

Rather than coming home with Reach on Day 1 knowing you spent money on crap?

All this and we don't even have anything tangible form campaign or even E3 yet.

You'll get to stroke your little game boner when E3 hits, don't you worry your little head.


metareferential said:
Thread is more dead than ever probably because not everyone enjoys the endless rant that lingers in the air xD
Personally, I thrive on negativity. It's the pebble that makes the pearl. The sand in my vagina, if you will.


GhaleonEB said:
All things equal, longer encounter times will always favor the more skilled player.
Eh, that's only with 1v1 encounters. Longer encounters allow firefights to be a little more interesting, make it so each player has enough time to demonstrate more skill than the other player, and doesn't turn the firefights into who sees who first. But something shorter encounters allow for is clutch plays where someone can be outnumbered but come out on top. In CoD someone with quick aiming and maneuvering take down multiple people with nothing but the gun they spawned with. Now I think CoD's encounters are too quick so that it does boil down to who sees who first and taking out multiple targets is much too easy (one guy keeping his sights on a doorway can mow down person after person no matter how many rush through).

I thought the encounters in Halo 3 were fine and if anything edged on the too long side but with Reach they took it to a whole new level. Not only do non-power weapons take more bullets to put someone down, you have to artificially slow your RoF to make sure those piles of bullets necessary actually land, and the clip sizes have been reduced to force players to reload in combat much more often. Then there's the power-weapons that instead of getting nerfed alongside the primary weapons actually received a buff in almost every instance. This has turn the game more into who has the power weapon than it ever was. No longer do I have a shot at BRing the guy with rockets as long as I jump over the first, I'm not going to put the shotgun down when I'm in it's now huge range, and if the sniper somehow manages to miss my slow moving ass then they should've stuck with the AR.

What gets me the most though is whether or not long encounters require more skill, first and foremost they should be more fun. Long encounters are fun when players can maneuver all about during the firefight, jumping up and over crates, moving from one level to the next, strafing quickly around columns, etc. But with Reach they nerfed maneuverability during firefights, the base player speed is reduced, and the jump height is embarrassing. Now firefights just consist of long stretches of players skating around the floor pulling the trigger until someone's down. It's more frustrating than fun. Maybe they really will change these attributes by release but I think my concern is justified.


EazyB said:
What gets me the most though is whether or not long encounters require more skill, first and foremost they should be more fun. Long encounters are fun when players can maneuver all about during the firefight, jumping up and over crates, moving from one level to the next, strafing quickly around columns, etc. But with Reach they nerfed maneuverability during firefights, the base player speed is reduced, and the jump height is embarrassing. Now firefights just consist of long stretches of players skating around the floor pulling the trigger until someone's down. It's more frustrating than fun. Maybe they really will change these attributes by release but I think my concern is justified.
This is an excellent description of my favorite aspect of encounters in Halo—the special something I felt was missing in the Beta. It worries me that Bungie seems not to have noticed its absence.
I know the whole Reach movement horse has been completely beaten to death but I tend to agree. When ever I would play games like CoD or Gears I would go back to Halo and it all of a sudden felt like a straight jacket had been taken off of me, I could finally move again! I really didn't get that sensation of freedom in the beta like I have in previous halo games. I will say that I don't know if it isn't there or if it is just that Halo has been my primary FPS since C.E. and I am conditioned to that specific style of movement.


Trasher said:
Gotta give him props for making nearly every weapon worthy of picking up.
Absolutely, and I've done so. The "some" in the core gameplay I referred to had more to do with base player traits, to which I concur with the last few posts. But since I'd beaten that horse to death, and am content to see how if at all Bungie tweaks it, I didn't elaborate. :)


With armor abilities, they won't change it too much. The player is already fast enough to maneuver from vehicles, grenades, multiple enemies, etc. with sprint. The jet-packs add the aerial assault to the fold, therefore with that in line, I'm sure they may increase the agility up a little, and bump the player ceiling on the jump height. Not much else is going to be expected; Urk has mentioned before something about the core gameplay remaining in tact.

I love the weapons already, sans the Focus Rifle and Plasma Launcher. They need tweaked more than in a marginal view, for example, the Plasma Launcher's targeting, notably on infantry. It's a point-&-forget weapon. The Pistol is excellent, and once the reticle contains less opacity, it'll be even better. I hope they don't notch it down, because with it being a starting weapon, it doesn't enforce players to scope the map and require the need for power weapons or a DMR/Needler Rifle to gain an advantage.


EazyB said:
Eh, that's only with 1v1 encounters. Longer encounters allow firefights to be a little more interesting, make it so each player has enough time to demonstrate more skill than the other player, and doesn't turn the firefights into who sees who first. But something shorter encounters allow for is clutch plays where someone can be outnumbered but come out on top. In CoD someone with quick aiming and maneuvering take down multiple people with nothing but the gun they spawned with. Now I think CoD's encounters are too quick so that it does boil down to who sees who first and taking out multiple targets is much too easy (one guy keeping his sights on a doorway can mow down person after person no matter how many rush through).

I thought the encounters in Halo 3 were fine and if anything edged on the too long side but with Reach they took it to a whole new level. Not only do non-power weapons take more bullets to put someone down, you have to artificially slow your RoF to make sure those piles of bullets necessary actually land, and the clip sizes have been reduced to force players to reload in combat much more often. Then there's the power-weapons that instead of getting nerfed alongside the primary weapons actually received a buff in almost every instance. This has turn the game more into who has the power weapon than it ever was. No longer do I have a shot at BRing the guy with rockets as long as I jump over the first, I'm not going to put the shotgun down when I'm in it's now huge range, and if the sniper somehow manages to miss my slow moving ass then they should've stuck with the AR.

What gets me the most though is whether or not long encounters require more skill, first and foremost they should be more fun. Long encounters are fun when players can maneuver all about during the firefight, jumping up and over crates, moving from one level to the next, strafing quickly around columns, etc. But with Reach they nerfed maneuverability during firefights, the base player speed is reduced, and the jump height is embarrassing. Now firefights just consist of long stretches of players skating around the floor pulling the trigger until someone's down. It's more frustrating than fun. Maybe they really will change these attributes by release but I think my concern is justified.


I prefer the DMR over the Halo 3 BR, and same goes for the Pistol, but making them 5SKs made them a tad underpowered in my book, especially when you take into effect the reticle bloom. Encounters tended more to be 'who can throw off the most grenades or melees' or 'who has the power weapon' rather than 'who has the best aim'.

The reduced mobility made firefights less interesting, especially in games were all using AL. Slayer Pro games had that problem to a lesser degree, to to everyone Sprinting. Vertical mobility has been neutered so bad it's not even funny. I get that there are jetpacks in the game now, but that ledge jump on Powerhouse (you know the one I'm talking about) should be feasible for a Spartan III.

I'm all for the Rockets, Frags, and Shotgun returning to their H1 glory, but in that case the DMR/Pistol should as well. 3SK might be overkill, but I honestly don't see a 4SK DMR/Pistol being overpowered in the current (as we saw it in the Beta at least) sandbox.


EazyB said:
Eh, that's only with 1v1 encounters. Longer encounters allow firefights to be a little more interesting, make it so each player has enough time to demonstrate more skill than the other player, and doesn't turn the firefights into who sees who first. But something shorter encounters allow for is clutch plays where someone can be outnumbered but come out on top. In CoD someone with quick aiming and maneuvering take down multiple people with nothing but the gun they spawned with. Now I think CoD's encounters are too quick so that it does boil down to who sees who first and taking out multiple targets is much too easy (one guy keeping his sights on a doorway can mow down person after person no matter how many rush through).

I thought the encounters in Halo 3 were fine and if anything edged on the too long side but with Reach they took it to a whole new level. Not only do non-power weapons take more bullets to put someone down, you have to artificially slow your RoF to make sure those piles of bullets necessary actually land, and the clip sizes have been reduced to force players to reload in combat much more often. Then there's the power-weapons that instead of getting nerfed alongside the primary weapons actually received a buff in almost every instance. This has turn the game more into who has the power weapon than it ever was. No longer do I have a shot at BRing the guy with rockets as long as I jump over the first, I'm not going to put the shotgun down when I'm in it's now huge range, and if the sniper somehow manages to miss my slow moving ass then they should've stuck with the AR.

What gets me the most though is whether or not long encounters require more skill, first and foremost they should be more fun. Long encounters are fun when players can maneuver all about during the firefight, jumping up and over crates, moving from one level to the next, strafing quickly around columns, etc. But with Reach they nerfed maneuverability during firefights, the base player speed is reduced, and the jump height is embarrassing. Now firefights just consist of long stretches of players skating around the floor pulling the trigger until someone's down. It's more frustrating than fun. Maybe they really will change these attributes by release but I think my concern is justified.

Sums up my thoughts perfectly.
Too bad you've been such a jerk about it up till now... but you could do with a few more posts like this.
i thought that weapons on average take the same time to kill a person.

I know for a fact the reach pistol > halo 3 pistol, and urk mentioned something about the optimum time for a DMR kill vs BR kill was within milliseconds. If anything it takes even more skill to kill another player now then it did in halo 3 since players now have to time shots as oppressed to hit that trigger as much as possible. I know I personally pull off more double and triple kills during the beta then I did in halo 3. I think Halo 3 is a lot more first see, first kill mentality you mentioned, and with the introduction of abilities a completely new set of tactics can be introduced.

My biggest fault is with the overall level design of the beta maps which usually results in a player kill, followed by death from an said players teammate, and the fact if you throw 2 grenades at the red X there's a good chance you'll get a kill from it. I think tweaking of maps will be the biggest factor in how halo reach plays out.
Kapura said:
New topic: Shield recharge wait should be longer, kills should be 8 shots with pistol and DMR. It would create higher skill gap.


Agreed, anyone that doesnt like it just wants Halo 3.5.
"In case you couldnt tell, I was being sarcastic"

Vh, Im up for playing, what the hell happened to Gaf customs?

EazyB said:
Eh, that's only with 1v1 encounters. Longer encounters allow firefights to be a little more interesting, make it so each player has enough time to demonstrate more skill than the other player, and doesn't turn the firefights into who sees who first. But something shorter encounters allow for is clutch plays where someone can be outnumbered but come out on top. In CoD someone with quick aiming and maneuvering take down multiple people with nothing but the gun they spawned with. Now I think CoD's encounters are too quick so that it does boil down to who sees who first and taking out multiple targets is much too easy (one guy keeping his sights on a doorway can mow down person after person no matter how many rush through).

I thought the encounters in Halo 3 were fine and if anything edged on the too long side but with Reach they took it to a whole new level. Not only do non-power weapons take more bullets to put someone down, you have to artificially slow your RoF to make sure those piles of bullets necessary actually land, and the clip sizes have been reduced to force players to reload in combat much more often. Then there's the power-weapons that instead of getting nerfed alongside the primary weapons actually received a buff in almost every instance. This has turn the game more into who has the power weapon than it ever was. No longer do I have a shot at BRing the guy with rockets as long as I jump over the first, I'm not going to put the shotgun down when I'm in it's now huge range, and if the sniper somehow manages to miss my slow moving ass then they should've stuck with the AR.

What gets me the most though is whether or not long encounters require more skill, first and foremost they should be more fun. Long encounters are fun when players can maneuver all about during the firefight, jumping up and over crates, moving from one level to the next, strafing quickly around columns, etc. But with Reach they nerfed maneuverability during firefights, the base player speed is reduced, and the jump height is embarrassing. Now firefights just consist of long stretches of players skating around the floor pulling the trigger until someone's down. It's more frustrating than fun. Maybe they really will change these attributes by release but I think my concern is justified.

This post summed up my point of view perfectly, in a non bitchy way, bravo.

Weapon kill times/ bloom/ reduced movement + speed/ and even shield recharge taking longer have all combined to just slow down the game too much for me, I think that a few of those changes would have been good, but all of them together is just overkill.


bobs99 ... said:
Agreed, anyone that doesnt like it just wants Halo 3.5.
"In case you couldnt tell, I was being sarcastic"

Vh, Im up for playing, what the hell happened to Gaf customs?

Many people haven't returned to Halo 3 yet. That's what happened to customs.

With E3 coming soon, I suppose either Ghal or Dani will make a new thread. Any word on a date for that?

And just one last time:

As you know, chapel is working on the HaloGaf Reach Beta Montage. He wants to include a list of people who rendered videos for fellow gaffers as a thank you during the credits. If you rendered videos for others and are not in this list, PM me!

  • Ssparks
  • ZayneH
  • Tashi
  • Wolffen
  • Darkflight
  • Spasm
  • electricpirate
  • NH Apache
  • Louis Wu
  • Pennybags
  • OverHeat
  • Mayyhem
  • GhaleonEB
  • big ander
  • Devin Olsen
  • Zeouterlimits
  • WJD
  • Domino

If you're not in the list when the montage comes out, don't you come bitching at me.


Since Halo: Reach is publicly 1 Year old today maybe the good folk at Bungie will throw us an audio treat. Regardless, Happy Birthday Reach, your growing up so fast- like Dax!


bobs99 ... said:
Vh, Im up for playing, what the hell happened to Gaf customs?
I'm going to try to start playing more (even though red dead still calls) and the last 2 weeks I've been busy (getting drunk off my ass) but I'm definitely going to be around this sat.

also great post eazy
Was there something changed about halo 3 big team battles since over a year ago or has it just become that much fun again? I use to suck with the chopper but now I find it a fucking beast :lol I love how it's shots have force behind them enough to flip warthogs or crash banshee's, it may be a ugly brute vehicle but it's awesome in multi.

With Reach I found that 4 on 4 was real balanced, while returning to halo 3 I hate being spawn killed by a BR welder :( that shit was annoying in halo 2 also.
I would agre with Eazy's post...
"Were it so Eazy :p"
but I just feel that Bungie have heard his cries. Base player traits have been tweaked. Until we are told to what degree I am getting rather pissed off that the arguement of moving slow and jumping low is being used to shit. Granted, there is only so much to talk about lately, but saying you are gonna get let down by Reach come September is a bit irish as the saying goes.

Moral of the story: Complain about the H3 beta carbine more.

Actually discuss this; "Carbine", is it said like 'car-bye-n' or 'car-bean'. Because I heard Brian saying 'car-bean' on that OXM podcast and it scared me.


Hydranockz said:
Actually discuss this; "Carbine", is it said like 'car-bye-n' or 'car-bean'. Because I heard Brian saying 'car-bean' on that OXM podcast and it scared me.
I say car bye n. I think people say car been as a joke.


I wonder if in custom games it would be possible to make a 2v2 slayer variant like spys vs Mercs in Chaos Theory, 1 team gets camo (spys) and the others get sprint (merc)


Major Williams said:
I was putting off my backlog of non-Halo games to play until after the beta. It's after the beta.

Exactly, that's the case for most people. Most of HaloGaf is playing Red Dead Redemption atm.

Others actually tried Halo 3 again, didn't like it, and decided to not touch it again for a while. But that's maybe 3 or 4 people?


Woke up to an Amazon email telling me the game had been delayed!! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!...... but turns out they were just late to adjusting the release date from their early guess Sept 1 to the official Sept 14. Fuckin Amazon scared me there for a sec.

Cuban Legend said:
My fav part is cowering behind the tree then stepping in your face to avoid the final punch.
EazyB said:
I'd rather be let down later rather than sooner. If the beta had never come out I would not have known how mediocre it was. I would be sitting at my computer with a shining grin on my face, springing out of bed each morning knowing I was another day closer to Reach, talking with my internet friends about how amazing it will be, stroking my game boner in fevered anticipation.

But no, the beta didn't want any of that, it just wanted to break my spirits. What's there to look forward to without Reach?

Not trying to knock at ya, but I guess you prefer 'Ignorance i bliss'. Personally, I prefer to keep my hype levels below average. That way when the game I'm hyping is released, there's a low chance of disappointment. I had super high hype levels for Halo 2. And in my opinion Halo 2 didn't live up to them. I have average hype levels for Halo 3. I really enjoyed Halo 3 a lot. I'm keeping my hype levels as low as I can for Reach. I want to be impressed. The beta impressed me. So far, so good.

wwm0nkey said:
Hey Church, random question why do me and all my friends seem to keep running into you? Just played against you today in lost planet 2 and my other friends that I usually talk too have ran into you several times on bad Company 2 :lol

Hmmmm. What Gamer Tag was it exactly? I've run into quite a few other 'Churchs' in my day. And I hate to bust your bubble, but I don't own nor have I ever played Lost Planet 2 or BF Bad Company 2. Though I intend to one day. My old Gamer Tag was 'Church RvB' (I still own it with a silver account). My new GT is 'iHN Jury'

I guess Church is a popular GT? I miss it, but for every compliment I got for it, I'd get a few douche bags telling me to 'go suck jesus' dick. :lol


Church RvB said:
Hmmmm. What Gamer Tag was it exactly? I've run into quite a few other 'Churchs' in my day. And I hate to bust your bubble, but I don't own nor have I ever played Lost Planet 2 or BF Bad Company 2. Though I intend to one day. My old Gamer Tag was 'Church RvB' (I still own it with a silver account). My new GT is 'iHN Jury'

I guess Church is a popular GT? I miss it, but for every compliment I got for it, I'd get a few douche bags telling me to 'go suck jesus' dick. :lol
Well besides me feeling super retarded for not checking your GT, there is a guy with a GT exactly like your screen name that me and all my friend keep running into but he isnt on any of our list lol. Like seriously every other week one of us gets matched against him.
wwm0nkey said:
Well besides me feeling super retarded for not checking your GT, there is a guy with a GT exactly like your screen name that me and all my friend keep running into but he isnt on any of our list lol. Like seriously every other week one of us gets matched against him.

Well I own the GT 'Church RvB'. It's silver, not gold. But I don't think that matters. Maybe he's 'Church Rv8'. I swear, people used to call me that all the time. And 'Church Er Va Ba'. I'm not even kidding.
Gui_PT said:
Exactly, that's the case for most people. Most of HaloGaf is playing Red Dead Redemption atm.

Others actually tried Halo 3 again, didn't like it, and decided to not touch it again for a while. But that's maybe 3 or 4 people?
I played Halo 3 last week for a few social slayer games. I think I went negative every game except my first game. I wanted to sprint too badly.

Louis Wu

Hydranockz said:
Actually discuss this; "Carbine", is it said like 'car-bye-n' or 'car-bean'. Because I heard Brian saying 'car-bean' on that OXM podcast and it scared me.
Brian's been doing this for a while; the first time he did, I thought, wow, that's totally wrong, but it's not. I still say 'Car-byne' because it SOUNDS better to me - but it's still incorrect.

Audio pronunciation here.
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