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Halo Reach Forge |OT| - Create, Share & Kill

Retro said:
Man, I've had a hell of a frustrating morning. I've been trying to set up Moonpool II for CTF.

Flags are spawning / returnable, no problem. What keeps happening is, the second player isn't respawning where he's supposed to. I've read just about everything on spawning at Forgehub and Bungie.net, and I'm no closer to solving my problem.

Here's the issue. I've got Anti-spawn zones up (Anti-red at the blue base, Anti-blue at the red base) but for some reason it keeps ignoring the anti-spawn zones and putting Red players on the blue flag, for example. The spawn it keeps dropping them at is Neutral.

In addition, the neutral spawn points I've established specifically for CTF are ignored, even though I've placed them within a Hill Marker designated as CTF_RES_ZONE and set to either blue or red appropriately, in an area I want players to respawn when their flag is home (i.e. if you're killed defending your flag, you don't respawn right back next to it).

The CTF_RES_ZONE_AWAY zones,which I've team-coded and placed at the respective bases, which is where I want players to spawn when their flag has been taken, blue for blue base and red for red base (i.e. if your flag has been taken, you respawn at your base instead of somewhere in the middle of the map.)

I'm not sure if it's because it's because I'm testing it with two players (using two controllers) or what, but for some reason it wants to ignore my RES_ZONE and drop the player onto 3 specific spawn points (1 at each base and 1 that's in the middle but out of the way).

It's driving me insane and I can't make heads or tails of why it keeps spawning players in the enemy base. I thought Anti-spawn zones meant "This color never spawns here ever", yet it seems to be doing just the opposite.

A few things

1) Check your height with your respawns, i've found I wasn't quite reaching the floor in a few places throwing it off.

2) Respawn zones are the ONLY THING that can be affect spawning with the flag away/flag at home tags.

3) Generally the combination of a positive spawn area, and a negative somewhere else will guarantee you not spawn in the negative. I have a feeling when you change these respawn tagged areas to Respawn zones it will work properly.

I'm not sure about gametype specific spawns, but those things worked for me.
Raide said:
Few bits. Love the layout, the sniper works well as a focal point for the teams to head for. From the Blue spawn, the ramp up towards the sniper needs tweaking to the side a little. Also, the ramp that leads over to the Concussion Rifle, the box underneath needs tweaking for alignment. I would be tempted to either alter the direction of the ramp, or just add 2 ramps that criss-cross each other.

A few texture flickers but not much you can do about those in some places. Just have a run through again to make sure things are nice and straight, don't forget the continued colour coding too. Making one side all blue or all red helps with the symmetry.

I would be tempted to take out the small barrier that is on the left and right of the map. Its pretty easy to just hop over, so removing them would prevent that but also focus people on either taking the high road or the low road. It also adds a bit more danger from people dropping off. :lol

A few of the respawn points are facing walls. This is always a little annoying. Spawn them in cover is fine but you always get that second or two of "WTF? Where am I?"

Hopefully this help a bit more. Really good map, look forward to playing it in customs more.

Awesome awesome feedback thanks. I'll get those spawns in place. I did some of what you said already (color coding, a few alignment tweaks etc).

I'm not sure about the ledge, I kind of like jumping around the wall, but it probably messes with the flow, I'll try removing it, or put in the other small barrier that you can't really stand on to see how it looks.

I like the criss cross idea, might make that path a little better.


electricpirate said:
A few things

1) Check your height with your respawns, i've found I wasn't quite reaching the floor in a few places throwing it off.

That was one of the first things I checked, and I've gone so far as to make sure all of my zones go below the floor.

electricpirate said:
2) Respawn zones are the ONLY THING that can be affect spawning with the flag away/flag at home tags.

See, Forgehub seems to think that using Hill Markers is the only way to set Flag Home/Flag away, and I tried that since the Respawn Zones weren't working. I even made a little test map and I still get the same results.

electricpirate said:
3) Generally the combination of a positive spawn area, and a negative somewhere else will guarantee you not spawn in the negative. I have a feeling when you change these respawn tagged areas to Respawn zones it will work properly.

I'm not sure about gametype specific spawns, but those things worked for me.

I'll try switching things back later, I had to take a break from things before I smashed my controller. I hope it's as easy as switching to Respawn zones, but I dunno what to do if it doesn't. Testing went really well last night but I want a hell of a lot more on this map than Slayer and Swat.
Retro said:
That was one of the first things I checked, and I've gone so far as to make sure all of my zones go below the floor.

See, Forgehub seems to think that using Hill Markers is the only way to set Flag Home/Flag away, and I tried that since the Respawn Zones weren't working. I even made a little test map and I still get the same results.

I'll try switching things back later, I had to take a break from things before I smashed my controller. I hope it's as easy as switching to Respawn zones, but I dunno what to do if it doesn't. Testing went really well last night but I want a hell of a lot more on this map than Slayer and Swat.

From Jonny OThan's guide,

"ctf_flag_return" - REQUIRED - flag spawn point and return point (team specific)
"ctf_res_zone" - respawn zone which is active when your team's flag is at home
"ctf_res_zone_away" - respawn zone which is active whne your team's flag is not at home
Note that flags will not spawn for teams that are not active in the game (have at least one player).

NOTE on respawn zone labels in Assault and CTF - these only work as intended when applied to one of the respawn zone objects. But objects with these labels are always turned invincible and can never be picked up (if they are weapons).

NOTE on one-sided Assault and CTF variants - the red team is always on defense in the first round.

I dunno it wouldn't be the first time Forgehub has known more than a bungie dev, but it worked for me.

NH Apache

electricpirate said:
From Jonny OThan's guide,

I dunno it wouldn't be the first time Forgehub has known more than a bungie dev, but it worked for me.

What does he mean by respawn zone objects?

NH Apache

electricpirate said:
Place object-> spawning-> Respawn zone (strong weak and anti).

Oh, gotcha. Thought he meant objects placed in the respawn zone.

Anyways Pics!

This is a remake of Temple from Goldeneye 64 called Templaar. Obviously couldn't do the moving doors, so I adapted the no doors from Perfect Dark. Also, there was no structure quantity left to do ceilings (I wanted ceilings so bad!)








Map not ready to publish yet. Hopefully tonight!

As you can see I upped the scale to accommodate the Reach weapons range. There are only 3 dmrs on the map (Blue Spawn, Red Spawn and Neutral). Emphasis will be on Pistol and teamshot.

Depending on how it plays, I may have to put objects in to break line of sight, but I'm thinking it will play well. Temple had a great mix of small and large spaces that I'm thinking will work well, especially with a greater amount of players. Would be awesome for Rumble pit/FFA.


Heya all.

Um...I think I have Forge OCD. I seriously cannot stop making maps. :lol :lol


Some crazy ass 2v2 SWAT arena...with Dishes. Dunno if I will finish it but any thoughts etc would be most welcome. Basic spawn in, just for testing.


Sub Harbor
This ancient port houses an intact forerunner submarine.
This is the last and final definitive version to Sub Base. Completely redone from the ground up, sitting up against the rock column. Like Sub Base, this map is based on Chain Reaction from SOCOM 2, but retrofitted for Reach game play.
Gametypes: SWAT, Slayer, Assault, Capture the Flag, Oddball, King of the Hill, Infection, Stockpile and Head Hunter
Players: 2-12


50% bigger than the original Sub Base.

75% more submarine!

A very dangerous place.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallways
Link to File Share


cazosozey said:
Sub Harbor
This ancient port houses an intact forerunner submarine.
This is the last and final definitive version to Sub Base. Completely redone from the ground up, sitting up against the rock column. Like Sub Base, this map is based on Chain Reaction from SOCOM 2, but retrofitted for Reach game play.

Will download and post up some feedback.


cazosozey said:
Appreciate it, i think the only thing I'm worried about is the spawning for like a 12+ FFA, it may get crazy.

I always start in Forge, just so I can float around quickly and check things out. :D

Really nice map, love the design but there is some frame drops when you look at the middle of the map. Halo Reach seems to have a problem when lots of objects are together in the same area. I think it must mess up the Level of Detail stuff.

Seems like a perfect Invasion map, or at least BTB. Any less that 8 players and it might seem a little empty. I spotted a few DMR's around, so they will help but it might be better to go for DMR starts.

Sounds odd but I would have been tempted to make the sub much lower and get rid of the bottom half. May sort the frame rate issue out, plus it would leave you with more budget to work with for tweaks, more spawns etc. (Blocking off the bottom of the long staircase would be handy)

Needs a good NeoGAF Customs play, just to see how the map handles a full stack of players. Keep up the great work! You obviously have a great eye when it comes to attention to detail.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Sub Base

Spawns are too open and exposed. Not enough cover for folks and initial and subsequent spawning locations can be confusing and disorientating.

There is not enough cover in the outer walk ways, you can be pinged by fire from almost any direction.

The inside base are including the central room with view overlooking the rest of the level is simply broken. It's far too easy to camp the room with it's only two entrances and exits being the top of winding stairwells which you can track enemies coming up far in advance. Additionally the window holes give a wide view of the levels below easily giving you the heigh advantage and cover against everyone below.

The level feels quite cramped and the sight lines are simply all over the place - it's simply too easy to die from being shot from any number of angles, particularly when spawning.


I appreciate the feedback fellas.
Here is a video of the map originally from Socom 2: Chain Reaction, for the curious.

Its definitely more of a team slayer/objective map, as FFA is just too nuts, like you said Dani. I especially think 1 bomb assault and CTF would work extremely well in conjunction with the "as_res_zone_away" and "ctf_res_zone_away" labels. Obviously it is extremely lopsided toward red (defenders) (humans, in an infection gametype). I also think team swat, with limited lives would be very interesting, as it would be the most like Socom in that regard.

As for the different levels, here is how my logic went while adapting this map for reach: Bottom to top, it goes low risk to extremely high risk and higher the level, higher the reward. Assault rifles on bottom, pistols, then Dmr, and if your ballsy enough you can grab the sniper rifle and concussion rifle or sword if you want to jump back down and slice some people.

While the top "crows nest" is great for spotting and camping, its catch 22 up there, because if your watching the windows trying to dong on people, you can easily be assassinated by way of stairwell or grav lift, and if your watching the stairs you really don't know where your enemies are coming from anyway.

Anyways hope that sheds some light on some of the decisions I made for the map.


Ugh, I take it back. There's no place that my map would work. I can't believe I can't find one place in Forge World. I'm about to give up on even trying to make it work in Canyon, or risk size and parts of the map in Quarry. :/


Invasion it is! :D

Alaranjado Terminal is back as a fully functional Invasion map. The issue of the Core carrier not being able to pilot, or ride in, a flying vehicle has been fixed using the ONLY method available. Change the objective to a Bomb (the Core is a Flag) and allow the carrier full vehicle use.

click first pic for slide show




Alaranjado Terminal File Set

Feel free to include this in customs but remember this map is just a test to see if Invasion actually works as planned. The timing, loadouts, and player traits are generally default, although the Jetpack was removed from Attackers for obvious reasons. The hangar was slapped together rather quickly and will be completely different in the final version.

Each team has at least 3 respawn zones per phase (Spawn Sequence 4), with 5 possible respawns for the defenders in phase 3 to ensure fair vehicle distribution. Please inform the testers to cycle through the available respawn zones, or on their battle bro. I am not sure what the ideal party size is but i am guessing 4v4 to 6v6 unless frame rate becomes an issue. I believe it can also support uneven teams.

Phase 1 is intentionally stacked against the Defenders to drive the battle to the skies in the latter rounds. Phase 2 shifts the balance of power to the Defender's side but hopefully the Bomb can be extracted in each round. If all goes well the Bomb carrier should be exiting the hangar under heavy fire. Phase 3 is pure dogfight since the arm point is floating half way between each side's vehicle supply.

A few notes. Any piece can be used as an Invasion phased respawn. I found this out the hard way when i was plagued with a spawn which kept putting me under the map. It turns out i missed the Hill Marker and attached the phase 2 respawn properties to a floor piece.

You can set any item as the phase 1 or phase 2 territory. My map originally used teleporter frames as territory markers. However, you must use a capture plate as the Bomb goal in phase 3 in order to generate an explosion. If you use any other item it will arm the bomb, but it will not detonate and score the point.

An early test the map revealed considerable frame rate issues. I believe this is due to the glass windows stressing the LoD system when the attackers are flying up from the beach. I made attempts at reducing this effect as the game progresses by de-loading unnecessary pieces at each phase. By the time the air battle phase loads almost all of the glass and decorative pieces from the terminal have been removed to ensure a smooth finish.
Alanjado looks, just... amazing.

I had a couple of thoughts last night.

1. Using b.net stats api to create a custom viewer, and game stats for map testing. IE, select a few custom games and you can have it tell you what weapons were used the most, were most effective, etc. I'm not sure how much the b.net api gives you, but I'm thinking of useful stats now, average time between spawn and first shot fired/taken, average time alive, weapons used, location that kill was made from/to, average distance of kill, ratio of headshots/assists etc.
2. A design in my head for a fun 1 flag ctf/territories/KoTH map, going to get started on that after I upload the next version of bounce :) It's a bit more ambitious than bounce, a perfect second project :).


So last night I decided to make an invasion map and I also decided to take 1 screenshot (approximately) every hour as a fun little project as well. Here are my first 4 hours from last night and this morning.

First hour:

Spent sometime flying around Forge World looking for the right place for my map. I knew I wanted something on the water because I wanted to make a dock with maybe some ships as well. So I settled on the Island because you can go off the shore pretty far before running into a invisible wall (unlike the cayon). Here's the rough outline of what I call the docks.

Second hour:

Somewhere between the end of the first hour and the beginnig of the second I decided to make a lighthouse at the end of the docks. It took awhile to make a lighthouse I was happy with (I first started with the small circular incline) but this is the start of it.

Third hour:

Finished the structure of the lighthouse (with working lift going to the top). I also made the base underneath it navigable.

Fourth hour:

Started planning out what the first stage of invasion will be like. I added ramps and made that grass path in the middle (hooray upside down tincups). I also perfected the lift that takes you top of the lighthouse.

That's it for now I'll probably update again after another 4 hours (I have a feeling this might take awhile)
Version 1.4 of bounce is out :)

Players: 2-8
Gametypes supported: All standard (no race/invasion)

I've also included a gametype designed for it, http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileSets.aspx?player=electricpirate&set=7770

The gametype isn't required, but the small size/fast movement of this map means that you are going to want to play an accelerated CTF game. This one has touch return, and no drop shield, and you can flag juggle, all to make things move more quickly.

I took Raide's feedback, watched some films of the map, and made some changes

- Fixed Geometry glitches on red side
- realinged windows of the central wall, and shifted the central level ever so slightly
- fixed mancannons issues
- put in a smaller railing around the outside, no more shortcut around the side!
- more cover added to central walkways area to promote combat there
- all spawns oriented towards landmarks
- I changed up the cover around the sniper, to make it more fun to fight up there.

Unfortunately, I introduced some Z fighting, but it plays a lot better with the geometry where it stands, so I'm leaving it.

Now I just need to get another slayer and CTF game to see if everything plays like I hoped. I have new screenshots, but they haven't gone up to B.net yet.


Shit I think I downloaded the wrong allejandro terminal...

I initially spawned outside somewhere, return to battlefield, then died :(

The spawned in the base and couldn't find a way out...

Old versioN?


vhfive said:
Third hour:

Finished the structure of the lighthouse (with working lift going to the top). I also made the base underneath it navigable.
Take a look at Alaranjado Terminal's Phase 3 objective (Bomb plant on the dish, in forge) for a hint as to how to add a touch of realism to the lighthouse.


electricpirate said:
Version 1.4 of bounce is out :)

Players: 2-8
Gametypes supported: All standard (no race/invasion)

I've also included a gametype designed for it, http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileSets.aspx?player=electricpirate&set=7770

The gametype isn't required, but the small size/fast movement of this map means that you are going to want to play an accelerated CTF game. This one has touch return, and no drop shield, and you can flag juggle, all to make things move more quickly.

I took Raide's feedback, watched some films of the map, and made some changes

- Fixed Geometry glitches on red side
- realinged windows of the central wall, and shifted the central level ever so slightly
- fixed mancannons issues
- put in a smaller railing around the outside, no more shortcut around the side!
- more cover added to central walkways area to promote combat there
- all spawns oriented towards landmarks
- I changed up the cover around the sniper, to make it more fun to fight up there.

Unfortunately, I introduced some Z fighting, but it plays a lot better with the geometry where it stands, so I'm leaving it.

Now I just need to get another slayer and CTF game to see if everything plays like I hoped. I have new screenshots, but they haven't gone up to B.net yet.

Will download now!


oatmeal said:
Shit I think I downloaded the wrong allejandro terminal...

I initially spawned outside somewhere, return to battlefield, then died :(

The spawned in the base and couldn't find a way out...

Old versioN?
The old version only works with Assault. The new version has no spawns and will not work without the attached variant.


electricpirate said:
Thanks, let me know what you think of the improvements :)

Quick feedback.

Standing on the sniper platform, facing the Red spawn, the floor where you spawn needs nudging over to the left 1. It then aligns with the Blue Base and the Red spawn Box (PP on top of it) :D

The Column on the far left also needs nudging left 1.

Looking at Blue spawn from the same as above, the column with the DMR leaning on it also needs nudging left 1.

Also, don't forget to colour code the glass covers over each base.

Flat rock in the blue spawn also needs pushing out a bit so people can run around it, just like the red base rock.

Edit: Just adding, you need to rotate the middle blue-base platform to match the top of the other red base area. Just to keep everything symmetrical. :D
Crossposting from the OT:

Does anyone else think the first stage of Invasion on Boneyard could be fixed by adding a few mancannons to the front for the Elites to use? I think the main problem with the first stage isn't unequal weapons, but that there are only two places the Elites can come from to get into the ship and both of them are narrow death funnels. There's no strategy involved because the map doesn't allow for it, just keep throwing bodies at the Spartans until you get to the generators. Way too many games get stonewalled at the first stage because it's so easy to defend if the Spartans have the slightest bit of coordination. Adding a mancannon or two would change it up by adding another method of attack, plus it would allow for a lot more "holy shit!" moments and good times with Elites flying through the air instead of just charging up ramps for two minutes.

does anyone think this will work?
Raide said:
Quick feedback.

Standing on the sniper platform, facing the Red spawn, the floor where you spawn needs nudging over to the left 1. It then aligns with the Blue Base and the Red spawn Box (PP on top of it) :D

The Column on the far left also needs nudging left 1.

Looking at Blue spawn from the same as above, the column with the DMR leaning on it also needs nudging left 1.

Also, don't forget to colour code the glass covers over each base.

Flat rock in the blue spawn also needs pushing out a bit so people can run around it, just like the red base rock.

Edit: Just adding, you need to rotate the middle blue-base platform to match the top of the other red base area. Just to keep everything symmetrical. :D

Haha,sweet. Done. file is stuck re-upping, but I fixed those things :).

Anyone else get a glitch where your pieces randomnly rotate 90 degrees?

NH Apache

electricpirate said:
Haha,sweet. Done. file is stuck re-upping, but I fixed those things :).

Anyone else get a glitch where your pieces randomnly rotate 90 degrees?

Yes. Fucking sucks. Happened to me a lot with the coliseum walls.


So, here's Crossroads 1.0.

Edit: updated to 1.1 version.


Overlapping roadways bind this vast vehicular playgroud together. 12-16 players, Slayer, CTF, Stockpile.

As the description indicates, it's set up for Slayer, CTF and Stockpile currently. It's been tested with Slayer and CTF, and while they went fairly well I made a good number of adjustments in response to both play tests. A quick visual tour (something I should have posted before the play test, in hindsight):


Base spawn (the Warthog had been moved in the pic). Armament:

Base Weapons (30s respawn): DMR x2, Plasma Grenade x2, Frag grenade x2, Plasma Pistol, Magnum, Machinegun Turret (60s respawn)

Base Vehicles: Mongoose x2 (15s respawn), Warthog (90s respawn), Revenant (2m .respawn)

The base can be mounted from all four corners and is relatively open on top. The area can be accessed from below two ways:


The grav lift moves players right up to land next to the flag. The y-ramp takes players up to the side of it, next to the Revenant spawn.


Near the base is this man cannon, which launches players to one of the main bridges. While the landing zone is (deliberately) wide open, cover is close in any direction. Snagging the flag and getting to the man cannon is a five second trip; from landing to getting around the corner, after which line of sight is broken to the base, is also about five seconds. Our team was able to make a flag cap fairly swiftly this way, on foot.


Right next to where the man cannon lands is the rockets, up against the central strut. On the opposite side of that gulf is the other team's rockets. This should play out a bit like the rocket rushes on maps where there is only one power weapon - but there's two, and the two sides will be able to engage at some distance as they jockey for their own.


Behind the base is this draw bridge structure, intended to be an alternate route for vehicles to get between levels quickly. A well placed grenade will throw vehicles off, but the curves are gentle enough that you can barrel across is at full speed without issue. At the bottom, up against the large block, is a sniper rifle (12 rounds, 2m 30s respawn), plasma grenades and a health pack. I had the sniper set to 8 rounds in the play tests, but it did not nearly dominate the map the way I had feared, so I upped it to a more normal clip size.


On each corner of the map is what I call the quarry area, marked by using the stones to make it distinguishable from the rest of the map visually. It's also a "bail out" respawn zone of sorts, so if the entire base and surrounding spawns are getting mobbed, players spawn about a 12-second hike away but with an armament and a Mongoose on a rapid respawn.


On the base approach, around the wide side, is the Grenade Launcher (6 rounds, 90s respawn) and some ample cover. Though, Warthogs can comfortably ramp over the platform and drive through the tunnel to flush out infantry. (Or get tagged by the grenade launcher, as the case may be.) If there's infantry in this area vehicles may want to take the low road around them.


The center of the map has a gulf for vehicles to ramp gently over, though it's not a wise idea if you're in heavy combat to try it. On either footbridge is a plasma grenade for infantry to tag vehicles as they try to leap the short cut between bases.


The top sniper towers are mostly free of cover on top, so snipers will be pretty exposed. The facing man cannons are set so you don't take fall damage upon landing on the ramp. Do a double jump on them similar to the one on the front of Valhalla's bases to land right next to the down ramp. Oh, and one of the nine flags on Stockpile spawns in the apex of the trip over, so you have to launch over the gulf and snag it out of the air. The other eight are symmetrically placed on either side, two within walking distance in the span of a round, two somewhat further away. Grab a Mongoose and a flag partner.

In the file set is a CTF game type that has my recommended load outs for the map. It's definitely a DMR or Nerfle start map, with secondary.

I think both the scale and the openness of the map are a bit deceptive from the overview shots: the elevation and structures break up the sight lines a great deal, except down the driving lanes which are intentionally open. Travel time between bases on foot ranges from 38 to ~55 seconds on foot depending on the route and if you have sprint or not; vehicles take about 15 seconds. It seemed to work out well in play testing, though I've made tweaks since then. Hopefully you guys can beat it up good in a few 16 player matches and let me know. :D


ckohler said:
I was bored so I built this. Not a map, per say, more of a physics experiment. :D

I present: "Fling"

Since landing on angled terrain sometimes/always negates fall damage, you may be able to build a landing pad of sorts that will allow you to survive every time instead of relying on catching the side of that cliff the right way.

But that was way rad either way.
Raide said:
Does anyone know if it is possible to activate a Teleport once Phase 1 of an Invasion is completed?

You could just gate the teleporter, so it only appears in later rounds.

1. Create or hover over the object you wish to Gate.
2. Press X to edit the objects properties
3. Select the Advanced Option and the Game Type Label property
4. Change the value to INV_WEAPON or INV_VEHICLE
5. Change the Spawn Sequence property to the first phase the object should be active (i.e. if it should appear at the start of phase two, set the value to 2)

Something to consider with phased objects is spawn time. Phased objects do not immediately appear on a round change, they must spawn in. The shortest spawn time is 1 second; do not use "Never" as they will never appear. For weapons and vehicles this is a problem as a short spawn time will mean that the vehicle or weapon will constantly respawn.
Um, Ghal, would it be possible to place some neutral initial spawns on Crossroads? Because right now if you play FFA Slayer (say, if you just want to wander around it during an idle moment) you spawn and die endlessly somewhere out of the map.

Anyway, I was gonna be all "Hey, Ghal, great map, looks fantastic, can't wait to try it out, you've really put a lot of thought into this and it looks like a really original design and fun playspace compared to a lot of the trashy maps I've previously downloaded..." But then I noticed you have not even one but two gravity hammers on this map, so you get a fat zero.

Better luck next time.

NH Apache

Fixed weapons should not be used since they stay 'fixed' after being dropped, and after you drop the weapon you can't pick it up again.

Dammit. I fixed them only because they are extremely hard to see. i have them floating over a street cone.
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