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Halo Reach Forge |OT| - Create, Share & Kill

It's gonna be 10 pm for me. That may be a little late, but I will try to make it.

If I don't make it, would someone kindly save a film from the [or any] match you play on it? It would help a lot! :D

And bonus kudos will be given if someone could Render it for me. That's kind of a stretch, so I totally understand if it can't be done... and no pressure!


Rad, send me a FR and I'll invite you when it's starting up. I tried the GT in your profile but it says that it doesn't exist so maybe you're a ghost?


Hugbot said:
Just a heads-up/reminder, I'll be holding some custom games tonight on my map and anyone's map who can join in. We're also gonna try to get some time in on Yeti Bay even if he can't make it. It's going to be a late start at 11 PM CDT but we should be able to squeeze a game or two in on everyone's, depending on turnout. Feel free to bring friends if you want, we're going to shoot for 8 players, and send me a friend request any time before then to get an invite. I'll post again fifteen or so before in the main thread to get a few more heads if we need to fill it up.

Just added you to do some customs tonight, GT = cwmartin
Hugbot said:
Rad, send me a FR and I'll invite you when it's starting up. I tried the GT in your profile but it says that it doesn't exist so maybe you're a ghost?

Ah, sorry, just fixed it -- it's: BEARCANO
I'll add you when I hop on tonight though


I won't be able to make it to Customs tonight, have to be up early tomorrow.

If some of you that attend the customs fancy testing a map or two for me, I would be very grateful.

If you get the numbers, could you please have a quick test of Void v2 for me? Basic Slayer spawns in, as well as a few weapons. Soft Kill surrounds the map, so people can float around if they wish. Some cover has been added to the top area but I am thinking of boxing them off anyway.

If you could just give me some feedback on the flow and any thoughts on more cover etc, that would be great. I am rubbish at picking weapons, so any thoughts on the right weapons would also be great.


Void v2 Map File Share Link



If you fancy testing my CTF map, then that is Opposite Dragons

Need some thoughts about flow and if I need to add/tweak cover etc.

Thanks All!


Raide I have a few things to say about your maps. First and foremost, it seemed like all of the guns were spawned with default settings This is OK for your DMRs and ARs, but not powerful weapons. Rockets are spawned by default with 2 extra clips on a 30 second cooldown. That translates to 6 rockets every 30 seconds when they are being exploited correctly, or roughly about one rocket every 5 seconds. I'd highly recommend reducing the spare clips to 1 (4 rockets total, like most maps) and bumping the respawn time up to 180 seconds. The respawn times should probably also go up to 3 minutes on the sniper rifles and fuel rod guns too. If you're looking for guides on when and how to modify clips/respawn times, I'd check the precedent set on the default Bungie maps.

I also question the wisdom of putting the sniper rifles at the very top of Opposite Dragons. The map is relatively open, and the sniper rifle completely rapes, and will probably continue to do so even after you bump the spawns up. Perhaps remove such a dominant sniper perch if it continues to cause problems.

Death barriers were inconsistent. On Void, you can jump down to the gray box and basically dick around there with no fear on consequences. I would strongly recommend adding a soft kill boundary directly under the very lowest platforms that players are supposed to be on. On Opposite Dragons, on the other hand, i thought it would be OK to jump down to the rock spire (it is pretty close to the playable area of the map) but I was met with the immediate blow of a hard kill barrier. For something that is so close and not clearly out of bounds, I think it's better to probably have a soft kill barrier to tell people that their shenanigans will not be tolerated rather than killing them without so much as a warning.

For spawns, I'd again recommend checking out what Bungie does on similar sized maps. Spawns seemed to be relatively minimalistic on both maps, but I didn't see any truly horrid spawns. Make all spawn points neutral, though, and instead control team ownership completely through spawn zones. I'm making a note to post the enhanced version of my spawn point guide in this thread at a later time, but here is the Bnet version.
Sorry guys, my internet cut out. I was gonna be done after that match though.

Anyway, good games tonight guys. My favorite map from tonight would probably have to have been Lintendo's, regardless of the weird spawning. Nice aesthetics and good placement of weapons.

Chateau was really neat as well. Cool aesthetics and pretty good weapon placement as well. I love the sight-lines on that map.

Battle Beach (I think that is what it is called) was really cool. The location made it seem like an entirely different map apart from Forge World. I really like maps like that. My only complaint was that the Rocket Launcher had like 6 shots. Way too overpowering.

The first map I didn't like at all sorry. :lol Maybe it was because of the lack of DMR starts. As you guys could tell, I suck without a DMR. Also, it needs a lot more cover, especially in the middle. More ramps leading to the top of each base would be nice. Just one Gravlift doesn't really cut it.

And finally Yeti Bay. I think someone said that the spawns should be tweaked a little bit so that players spawn in cover. That is a really good idea. I noticed how sometimes I would spawn in the open. I also noticed that the Shade Turrets really add nothing to the map, so I may just replace them with Machine Gun Turrets, or just not have anything there at all. The Ghosts seemed kind of out of the way, so I'm thinking about moving one to each base.

I would love your guy's opinions though. It would help a lot. :D


-Yeti said:
Sorry guys, my internet cut out. I was gonna be done after that match though.

Anyway, good games tonight guys. My favorite map from tonight would probably have to have been Lintendo's, regardless of the weird spawning. Nice aesthetics and good placement of weapons.

Chateau was really neat as well. Cool aesthetics and pretty good weapon placement as well. I love the sight-lines on that map.

Battle Beach (I think that is what it is called) was really cool. The location made it seem like an entirely different map apart from Forge World. I really like maps like that. My only complaint was that the Rocket Launcher had like 6 shots. Way too overpowering.

The first map I didn't like at all sorry. :lol Maybe it was because of the lack of DMR starts. As you guys could tell, I suck without a DMR. Also, it needs a lot more cover, especially in the middle. More ramps leading to the top of each base would be nice. Just one Gravlift doesn't really cut it.

And finally Yeti Bay. I think someone said that the spawns should be tweaked a little bit so that players spawn in cover. That is a really good idea. I noticed how sometimes I would spawn in the open. I also noticed that the Shade Turrets really add nothing to the map, so I may just replace them with Machine Gun Turrets, or just not have anything there at all. The Ghosts seemed kind of out of the way, so I'm thinking about moving one to each base.

I would love your guy's opinions though. It would help a lot. :D

Thanks for the comments on my map Yeti, i'm gonna hafta figure out how the spawn zones work. I liked your map, but I agree the spawns need to be tweaked a little. Also i'm not sure about the revenant, but I just dislike revenants in general


I really want to stress that the things said here are not hard and fast but general guidelines for the crucial time when you need to place respawn points on the map.

The Philosophy of Spawn Placement

Many Reach cartographers spend the majority of their time working on the layout and building of the level, making it a beautiful work of art for the eyes. But many times when the map maker has not spent time thinking out and placing respawn points with care, playing on the map quickly becomes frustrating. It may seem that every time you spawn you are immediately facing a wall or even worse: getting instantly destroyed by the players who can see you and kill you before you can turn to face them. By following a couple basic guidelines, truly horrible spawn placement can be avoided and the map can be given a competent playtest.

I will not focus very much on advanced spawning issues such as respawn zones or objective spawning, but simply give an overview for basic tenants for laying down the neutral spawn points which should be all over your map.


Colours are bad

Unless you’re making a special custom game type for an unusual game (something like Grifball), ALL respawn points across the map should be neutral. This is not to say that Initial Spawn Points (which are different) should all be neutral; on the contrary: initial spawns for team games should and ought to be assigned to the team you wish to spawn on the point (or neutral for FFA). Excluding initial spawns, neutrality of respawn points should be maintained primarily to make the map easier to set up for other game types. If you set up only spawn points for red and blue teams, the game will become confused when people try to play free-for-all games or games with more teams than those that you have specified points for. The setting of which team should respawn where should be done with respawn zones set to the specific team (and, in most cases, game type) they are applicable for.


When I place respawn points on my maps, I always try to keep three points in mind:

1. Does a person spawning here have a place to go indicated by the direction and placement of the spawn?

2. Is this person spawned somewhere where they’ll immediately be at a tactical disadvantage?

3. Can the player’s teammates spawn close by without them getting in each other’s way?

The first point seems to cause a lot of problems for people who aren’t thinking carefully about where they are putting spawn points. Following this point, players should not be spawned where they will immediately run into a wall or off of a cliff after spawning. If a player needs to turn more than about 60° from the initial direction you’ve pointed him, you’ve done it wrong. A player shouldn’t have to make a U-turn after spawning because you couldn’t be arsed to point him in a sensible direction.



Beyond those basic mechanical annoyances, you need to generally point the character somewhere that they want to be going. If you’re on a large map with two bases, it doesn’t make sense to spawn somebody outside on one side of the map without pointing them towards the other side of the map. For the most part, spawns around the edges of the map should be pointing towards the centre.


Nothing to do from that spawn but turn directly around

The second point ties specifically towards placing spawns geographically on the map. You need to make sure that when a player spawns, they have some sort of cover. In small to medium sized maps, this generally implies that players either be spawned inside of rooms or by walls. If you spawn somebody next to a wall, you know that they won’t immediately be attacked from that direction. Further, the wall can help orient a player, guiding their movement as well as sight.


On larger maps, this isn’t really a practical option. If you spawned players only inside of their bases at all times, spawns would become predictable and boring. Instead, players need to be spawning in areas that have relative cover. This can be a rocky area or somewhere behind a hill or base to give them places to hide if they start getting cross-mapped. These types of spawns are especially important for maps with vehicles, as it is both important to be spawning near enough to vehicles that players are inclined to get in them but also to be spawning in areas where they won’t be immediately destroyed by a warthog’s chain gun.


This rock garden is littered with spawns

The third point has to do with spawn clusters. Spawns don’t necessarily need to be close or clustered with other ones; indeed some one-off spawns are very good for the map. However, spawn clusters are not a bad thing; they allow team members that are respawning within a few seconds of one another to spawn close to one another. But people can’t just put the spawn points all in a row so that one is point directly at another; this could easily cause a person to spawn directly in front of a team member who has just spawned, getting in his way. To avoid this, make sure that clusters are staggered if they are going to me multiple rows deep, that is they won’t be just along a wall of a room or in a corner.


Don't put your spawns in neat formations when you're coving a large area

Hopefully following these guidelines will allow you to make maps that have decent spawns. None of the points given here are hard and fast, but as general guidelines they can help you avoid the most egregious problems plaguing community released maps.


Kapura said:
Raide I have a few things to say about your maps. First and foremost, it seemed like all of the guns were spawned with default settings This is OK for your DMRs and ARs, but not powerful weapons. Rockets are spawned by default with 2 extra clips on a 30 second cooldown. That translates to 6 rockets every 30 seconds when they are being exploited correctly, or roughly about one rocket every 5 seconds. I'd highly recommend reducing the spare clips to 1 (4 rockets total, like most maps) and bumping the respawn time up to 180 seconds. The respawn times should probably also go up to 3 minutes on the sniper rifles and fuel rod guns too. If you're looking for guides on when and how to modify clips/respawn times, I'd check the precedent set on the default Bungie maps.

I also question the wisdom of putting the sniper rifles at the very top of Opposite Dragons. The map is relatively open, and the sniper rifle completely rapes, and will probably continue to do so even after you bump the spawns up. Perhaps remove such a dominant sniper perch if it continues to cause problems.

Death barriers were inconsistent. On Void, you can jump down to the gray box and basically dick around there with no fear on consequences. I would strongly recommend adding a soft kill boundary directly under the very lowest platforms that players are supposed to be on. On Opposite Dragons, on the other hand, i thought it would be OK to jump down to the rock spire (it is pretty close to the playable area of the map) but I was met with the immediate blow of a hard kill barrier. For something that is so close and not clearly out of bounds, I think it's better to probably have a soft kill barrier to tell people that their shenanigans will not be tolerated rather than killing them without so much as a warning.

For spawns, I'd again recommend checking out what Bungie does on similar sized maps. Spawns seemed to be relatively minimalistic on both maps, but I didn't see any truly horrid spawns. Make all spawn points neutral, though, and instead control team ownership completely through spawn zones. I'm making a note to post the enhanced version of my spawn point guide in this thread at a later time, but here is the Bnet version.

Thanks or the feedback. I think Weapon placement and Spawns are my weakest point for Forge maps. I did the weapons and soft kill late last night, so it was really rushed. :lol I will go back and resort those things out later today.

I put the Sniper there after playing Facing Worlds from UT.:lol I think the map is a little too small for that. I will have to go to the map and figure out what to replace it with.

Again the soft kill on Void was a rush job. Do you think it would be better to have a fairly generous Hard Kill around the map instead? I need to learn to use the Soft/Hard kill stuff better.

I will have a look at that Spawn article. I do tend to put down minimal spawns, since I always seem to make small maps.

Not having looked at the map in Forge, but the best way to keep people within a map in my opinion is to use a soft kill area (multiple if needed) to cover the entire playing area so that if they try to leave the area they have 10 seconds to get back into. I then place soft kill barriers to prevent people from getting to certain places within a map.
I'm not really a fan of using hard kill barriers except maybe underneath a map to kill people who fall, as they just seem a bit unfair in my opinion.


So last night I thought I was the only one with a mic, turns out I just couldn't hear you jerks for whatever reason. Sorry about that, I triple checked that I wasn't in a party and my voice settings were right as of Wednesday, so I'll check those when I get home. Good games either way, even if I did do terribly near the end. I'm gonna go ahead and blame my performance on not being able to voice chat with my team.
-Yeti said:
The first map I didn't like at all sorry. :lol Maybe it was because of the lack of DMR starts. As you guys could tell, I suck without a DMR. Also, it needs a lot more cover, especially in the middle. More ramps leading to the top of each base would be nice. Just one Gravlift doesn't really cut it.
I appreciate the honest feedback. It's cool, the guy who made the map didn't care for it much either. The flow is all sorts of fucked up and it needs a pretty big overhaul. I'm thinking of adding a mancannon to bridge the middle gap on the bottom and about two pages worth of additional changes to try and get it working better. It was the first test on it and it brought to light a ton of problems, so it was worthwhile at least. Any other feedback/suggestions from whoever is appreciated, be as brutal as you like. I promise I can handle it.

Since I couldn't hear you clowns I'm just gonna give feedback by map name.

Beaver something something: I liked this map a lot. The layout of the middle platform was confusing and it was really open so holding it was impossible. I didn't see where the Rockets spawned but it seemed like there were a lot of power weapons going on for such a small map. It seems like a great CTF map but is a little iffy for Team Slayer at the moment, the openness and funky layout of the middle made for a lot of swings.

Chateau: Loved it, really cool map. It is maybe a little big for 4v4 but all the kill lanes are fun. The interiors for the most part were complex without being too confusing, and the weapon placement was nice.

Forgetacular: The biggest issue was us spawning on the enemy flag repeatedly, you gotta throw some spawn influencers down. A couple of times I went to the cliff side of the courtyard outside the bases, I think there should be a way under the large structure, or around it, or to the side buildings, or some other way out of that courtyard. The bottoms of the bases were a little confusing at first but for the most part I enjoyed it.

Yeti Bay: I can't say too much for the flow since it seems designed for BTB and we were down to 3v3 at that point. The layout is good and there's enough cover to get away from vehicles, though. Also the juicy filter (I think?) gives me a headache after playing on it for a full match, turns out.
Insaniac said:
Thanks for the comments on my map Yeti, i'm gonna hafta figure out how the spawn zones work. I liked your map, but I agree the spawns need to be tweaked a little. Also i'm not sure about the revenant, but I just dislike revenants in general

Spawn Zones are pretty simple. Just have them cover an area where you would only like a certain team to spawn. And then you could put Anti Spawn Zones to prevent the other team from spawning inside your base. :lol Look at Kapura's Spawn Philosophy. That should help a ton. (It already has for me)

Anyway, I'm working on the spawns now. I just didn't realize that I was placing them so far into the open. Gotta be careful next map I make. ;) And Revenants are cool, man! :lol

Hugbot said:
Yeti Bay: I can't say too much for the flow since it seems designed for BTB and we were down to 3v3 at that point. The layout is good and there's enough cover to get away from vehicles, though. Also the juicy filter (I think?) gives me a headache after playing on it for a full match, turns out.

Sorry if the Juicy Filter gave you a headache. I really hope it hasn't given anyone else one either. I chose it to give a sort of 'Tropical' effect. I think it works pretty well, but I don't want it to give anyone headaches! :lol


Raide said:
Thanks or the feedback. I think Weapon placement and Spawns are my weakest point for Forge maps. I did the weapons and soft kill late last night, so it was really rushed. :lol I will go back and resort those things out later today.

I put the Sniper there after playing Facing Worlds from UT.:lol I think the map is a little too small for that. I will have to go to the map and figure out what to replace it with.

Again the soft kill on Void was a rush job. Do you think it would be better to have a fairly generous Hard Kill around the map instead? I need to learn to use the Soft/Hard kill stuff better.

I will have a look at that Spawn article. I do tend to put down minimal spawns, since I always seem to make small maps.

One last thing I forgot to mention about Void: That platform area at the end of those long ramps is really far removed from the rest of the map. There's no real reason to go over there; it just distances you from the action.
-Yeti said:
Spawn Zones are pretty simple. Just have them cover an area where you would only like a certain team to spawn. And then you could put Anti Spawn Zones to prevent the other team from spawning inside your base. :lol Look at Kapura's Spawn Philosophy. That should help a ton. (It already has for me)

Anyway, I'm working on the spawns now. I just didn't realize that I was placing them so far into the open. Gotta be careful next map I make. ;) And Revenants are cool, man! :lol

Sorry if the Juicy Filter gave you a headache. I really hope it hasn't given anyone else one either. I chose it to give a sort of 'Tropical' effect. I think it works pretty well, but I don't want it to give anyone headaches! :lol
I did an initial forgethrough of your map the other day, and you've got a couple of spawns that are hovering above the water (nice trick with the grid, BTW). It's pretty jarring to spawn and fall, even if it's a short distance (there are more than a few Firefight maps that have this problem). Didn't really have any other criticisms than that until I get some games on it.

@Raide re: Void - you have an interesting take on design, but everything is far too linear. Most of your structure is comprised of bridges or a variant of it, which leaves little room for strafing or different ways to travel other than jumping off said bridge. And you might want to think about raising those walkway covers; an Elite would have to crouch just to get in there.


Kapura said:
One last thing I forgot to mention about Void: That platform area at the end of those long ramps is really far removed from the rest of the map. There's no real reason to go over there; it just distances you from the action.

Actually, the top area was added later, since it actually resembled another WIP map I was working on. Some suggested I try and add them together and see what happens. I was toying with adding a Banshee on the end but that might go a bit mad. :lol I was also going to put a Rocket up there, just to get people to focus on that end of the map more.

squidhands said:
@Raide re: Void - you have an interesting take on design, but everything is far too linear. Most of your structure is comprised of bridges or a variant of it, which leaves little room for strafing or different ways to travel other than jumping off said bridge. And you might want to think about raising those walkway covers; an Elite would have to crouch just to get in there.

Most of my maps tend to be symmetrical in design, could be why everything ends up linear. :lol I need to branch out a bit. I will tweak those walkways.

At the top level, where I have used 2 bridges next to each other, does that give you a bit more room to move? If that is a good size, I might go an remake the map but widen all the walkways etc.

Most of my maps seem to be several floors and I tend to miss out interesting ways to go up or down, always ends up man-cannons. :lol

Thanks both for the feedback. I am trying to use all of these things to try and make a good map that people want to play. :D


Works for Bungie
You're one of us now. When are you going to start submitting your maps to ForgeGAF?

S'pose I could. Don't really have a lot of time for testing these days, but maybe sometime I'll submit something to you guys.

Hydranockz said:
His tag says otherwise :p

Good eye, I hadn't noticed that. I'll ask someone to change it.


Shishka said:
S'pose I could. Don't really have a lot of time for testing these days, but maybe sometime I'll submit something to you guys.

Feel free to post them all here! We would love to test them. :D


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Ok, put a lot of thought, time, and energy into this one, and I think it paid off. Here is what I've been working on, Long Walk Off a Short Bridge.


Red and Blue bases at top and bottom with man cannons to travel between them, double decker bridges on the left and right. Of note is the somewhat tricky jump to the sniper platform in the center, made easier with sprint or a jetpack.


3/4 view of map to give you a better visual of it.

As the picture and file description indicates, this map was inspired primarily by the awesome bridge to bridge encounters of AotCR and 2 Betrayals of CE and bridge/man cannon action of Narrows. currently supports 4v4 slayer and team slayer. I hope you guys enjoy it, let me know if there are any issues/over sights, clipping (or other nasty visual problems), or flow problems. I'd love to test it with ForgeGAF as well, so add LoopOfHenle to your friends list.



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
also, whats an acceptable amount of time for power weapon respawns and clip sizes? defualt is 2 clips and 30 seconds, i left that for everything except the heavies, in this case thats the one sniper and two shotties, each with 1 spare clip and a 90 second respawn. is that adequate? what about grenades?


I'munna download the fuck outta that map. Those bridge battles in CE were so awesome. So awesome. Let's see how well you can capture the feel :D

Regarding weapon clips and respawns, check the bungie default maps. I generally keep the powerful heavy weapons (rockets, sniper, sword, shotgun) on 180 respawn. For matched/symmetrical shotguns, I tend to reduce spare clips and respawn, to 90-120. For "default" weapons, I generally roll with the 2clips/30seconds default traits, except when I specifically want to limit how effective a weapon is (e.g. putting a dmr in a great position to see the map). For weapons in between the extremes, experiment. I generally keep things like the Needler and Conc rifle at between 60-120 depending on how powerful i think the weapon is on the map. Just think when you're placing the weapon; you can always change it if it's too prevalent in testing.
op_ivy said:
also, whats an acceptable amount of time for power weapon respawns and clip sizes? defualt is 2 clips and 30 seconds, i left that for everything except the heavies, in this case thats the one sniper and two shotties, each with 1 spare clip and a 90 second respawn. is that adequate? what about grenades?

Personally I extend the timers for just about everything other than the base weapons. I always bump the snipers up to the max because I don't want to enable constant sniping...

Think about the flow you want for your gameplay: For instance, on my maps, usually if I have a sniper I don't want there to be sniping going on constantly. So I bump the timers up, usually to 120 or greater with maybe 1 extra clip. That gives you a sort of ebb and flow to the gameplay... sometimes the sniper is out and people have to be cautious, and sometimes the sniper is gone so people can rush in.

If you have a lot of DMRs and they respawn with 2 clips at 30 seconds, the map will pretty much be a constant DMR battle, all other things equal (obviously the map layout, if really cramped, might prevent people from using them that much).

So it's just a good thing to think about how you want people to play on the map and adjust the weapons accordingly.
op_ivy said:
As the picture and file description indicates, this map was inspired primarily by the awesome bridge to bridge encounters of AotCR and 2 Betrayals of CE and bridge/man cannon action of Narrows. currently supports 4v4 slayer and team slayer. I hope you guys enjoy it, let me know if there are any issues/over sights, clipping (or other nasty visual problems), or flow problems. I'd love to test it with ForgeGAF as well, so add LoopOfHenle to your friends list.


Map looks great ivy, I'll download it tonight. Just off-hand I have to imagine the sniper rifle gets lost about half the time during matches, since it's on such a precarious platform. Anybody going for it and dying en route is going to drop the sniper into the water.

It's not a bad thing, just a funny sort of circumstance a lot of the time. I like that a team can try to prevent a sniper from getting the rifle, as well as from getting new ammo. I hope that the ammo count is really low on the sniper to encourage repeat visits to the platform :lol

Edit: damn it, sorry for the double post


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
timetokill said:
Map looks great ivy, I'll download it tonight. Just off-hand I have to imagine the sniper rifle gets lost about half the time during matches, since it's on such a precarious platform. Anybody going for it and dying en route is going to drop the sniper into the water.

It's not a bad thing, just a funny sort of circumstance a lot of the time. I like that a team can try to prevent a sniper from getting the rifle, as well as from getting new ammo. I hope that the ammo count is really low on the sniper to encourage repeat visits to the platform :lol

Edit: damn it, sorry for the double post

i'm not a fan of the sniper or OF snipers, so that is my revenge! :lol

really though, its not all that difficult to make the jump, but you are definitely exposed. kind of like the sniper from hang em high.

but you bring up an interesting point... if the sniper rifle does fall into the drink below, does it then start the countdown to respawn or does it respawn immediately once destroyed?
op_ivy said:
i'm not a fan of the sniper or OF snipers, so that is my revenge! :lol

really though, its not all that difficult to make the jump, but you are definitely exposed. kind of like the sniper from hang em high.

but you bring up an interesting point... if the sniper rifle does fall into the drink below, does it then start the countdown to respawn or does it respawn immediately once destroyed?

Yeah, it's not that it looks hard to get to, but I can imagine a lot of people dying out there... even just jumping out to the platform to melee in mid-air will send both to their deaths probably :lol

Anyway, it should start the spawn timer rather than respawning immediately. Of course you can double-check by grabbing it and then suiciding with it, then checking your watch at the platform :D


Started working on a new map, mainly trying to build cover and large surfaces, so players can move on something other than narrow paths. Also tried to make sure the layers have several ways to gain access to it and not just man-cannons. Also tried to build it on the ground, so adding some ground elements around the map.

Basic spawn in, no weapons, no soft kill stuff, working on map layout first, then will attack the spawns and weapons. Guess what? Its symmetrical! :lol



Map is randomly called TOY, which is in my file share if you fancy checking it out.

Thanks all!

One of these days I will actually make a good map that I actually enjoyed working on.:D
Will download Raide :) Looks pretty good, though just looking at the screens I wonder if allowing people onto the ground floor will be too much room. Of course it's too hard to tell without running on the map myself :) I'll give impressions later!
squidhands said:
I did an initial forgethrough of your map the other day, and you've got a couple of spawns that are hovering above the water (nice trick with the grid, BTW). It's pretty jarring to spawn and fall, even if it's a short distance (there are more than a few Firefight maps that have this problem). Didn't really have any other criticisms than that until I get some games on it.

Oh, the reason the spawns are floating is because they disappear once they're submerged in the water. When I settle on the permanent spawn locations, I will probably set them underwater.

Speaking of spawns, I fixed them. I followed Kapura's philosophy and changed some of the team specific spawns to neutral. They should still work the same way with the Respawn Zones I have set. I also removed some of the spawns, and moved some others to places that provide cover. I'm pretty satisfied with the placement, but I would still like to test it a little bit.

I also removed the Shade Turrets from each base. I replaced them with Machine Gun Turrets, but I moved them to the middle of the base at the crest of the ramp. I hope that is a good location. The Ghosts are also closer to each base. The walking times from each base to each Ghost should be the same on both sides.

Overall, I think I've improved it a lot. I would love to test it out again sometime. :D


Op_ivy, fantastic map except some blue initial spawns are trapped in that walkway cover, and I spawned inside it. Also there are some holes against the wall right next to the walkway cover that someone could fall into and get stuck
I have been working on and off on this map for over a week now, so I believe it is up to the stage of hopefully some play testing occurring on it of larger groups (ideally 4vs4 as a minimum, up to 6 vs 6. Currently only set up for CTF/Slayer/Assault.
The map is called Serpent Gully and is available Here
Link to a Fly-through of the map
The map was designed to be based within the terrain of forge world which presented a few difficulties. The map itself is meant to be balanced between both sides but the layouts are not identical for a number of reasons, primarily that one base is disadvantaged as it is lower down than the other. Hopefully I have managed to balance this out to try and minimize any imbalance but I need play testing to fully analyze this.
Red Base nestled at the end of the Canyon

Overview of central part of the map

Blue Base out in the open

At the moment I'm not entirely happy with the design of the walkway coming out of red base/may need to give that area an entire overhaul depending on feedback.
I also decided not to use any Colosseum walls to wall people into the map, but used the decorative columns to show people where the safe zone ends and I think it works well to keep the map open visually while maintaining a reasonable small play area.
Thanks for reading this long post and hope you have fun trying it out.


Thanks for the feedback. As far as Beaver Beach goes, I have it set up for CTF now. Still needs some tweaks on spawns though. Looking forward to testing it again.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Insaniac said:
Op_ivy, fantastic map except some blue initial spawns are trapped in that walkway cover, and I spawned inside it. Also there are some holes against the wall right next to the walkway cover that someone could fall into and get stuck

eep, i'll take a look at the spawns and holes (?) asap. i also added some health packs.


After playing around with forge quite a bit this past week or so I'd love to see some snow terrain and some pieces that don't all look the same. Maps are great but different colors more specific pieces would be great.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Jroderton said:
After playing around with forge quite a bit this past week or so I'd love to see some snow terrain and some pieces that don't all look the same. Maps are great but different colors more specific pieces would be great.

agreed, a new forge world would be awesome. i'd also like to see more objects in the natural category


tagged by Blackace
aesop said:
Research V1 is done. Setup for 4v4 slayer only right now. I posted the screenshots on the previous page. Anyways, if you get the chance to check it out, please do. I'd appreciate any feedback you guys can offer.

Hey man, I know it's set up for 4v4 slayer, but I tried playing it with 2 friends and FFA and the spawns are pretty good, and the amount of cover seems just about perfect. Only thing is, the entire bottom area goes largely unused because of the relative difficulty of accessing it, and it being a bit claustrophobic compared to the upper area. May not pertain to the kind of feedback you want as its for 4v4 slayer, but I just thought I'd let you know. :D Was really fun to play fiesta on especially.


op_ivy said:
agreed, a new forge world would be awesome. i'd also like to see more objects in the natural category

100% agree. In fact I am actually disappointed at the lack of "doodad" items in forgeworld. No forklift or random trucks to make a building look like a warehouse, only 12 crates total in the entire map? hardly any variety in barricades etc.

I'd like to see the ability to place trees perhaps. a foresty map would be awesome.


Insaniac said:
100% agree. In fact I am actually disappointed at the lack of "doodad" items in forgeworld. No forklift or random trucks to make a building look like a warehouse, only 12 crates total in the entire map? hardly any variety in barricades etc.

I'd like to see the ability to place trees perhaps. a foresty map would be awesome.

The amount of objects in the Decoration section is really, really poor. :(

Many of the Forge maps would be so much better if we could add more detail to them. It is really hard to make one Forge map actually look different to all of the others out there.

Agree on having Snow, that would be awesome. I would also love them to make ForgeField and just have a huge flat and grassy area. Would be handy when making ground based maps and not having to fight with terrain.

Space area would also be awesome!
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