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Halo Reach Forge |OT| - Create, Share & Kill

Thanks for all the input for Proctin guys, I've gone ahead and implemented a few changes.

- Sniper has twice as long respawn timer and 1 less clip
- Grenade Launcher has more ammo but a longer respawn timer
- Moved the flag locations from the top of the base to the bottom floor, I'm hoping this allows for flag returns
- Teleporter locations have changed, the one on the bottom floor goes to middle floor, middle to top, allowing only quick movement upwards
- Added a mongoose for fun, is quite drivable around the map
- Turret gun is in the same place roughly, making it so you can shoot the entire middle section makes it dominate too much. Will play around with it some more though.

In my File Share.


-Yeti said:
Wow, haha! :lol

Now I'm really going to add something there so people don't just drive off the edge. :lol

I'm not sure what I said, but I think it was "Get us out of here!" to Raide, who was driving (I think, it all happened so fast). He floored it and I thought "Don't hit the wall, don't hit the wall" and amazingly, we cleared the gap and were getting away...

and then we slashed down and that was that...



Retro said:
I'm not sure what I said, but I think it was "Get us out of here!" to Raide, who was driving (I think, it all happened so fast). He floored it and I thought "Don't hit the wall, don't hit the wall" and amazingly, we cleared the gap and were getting away...

and then we slashed down and that was that...



All I heard was "Drive me!" and that is where our demise started.


Raide said:

All I heard was "Drive me!" and that is where our demise started.

Well, I didn't say "Drive me into the drink!", that was all you. I was just along for the ride.

Seriously though, I'm so glad we have GAF Customs and Forge Customs. Pulling off something incredibly awesome (or embarrassing) is ok in matchmaking, but being able to come here and laugh about it is so much better.

I have 3 map ideas I want to build, but I have to finish Moonpool 2 first. I'm dreading getting the spawns set up since I'm not comfortable yet working in zones. I've looked around but nobody has really written a solid FAQ or walkthru for setting up objectives. Everything seems to be just a bare bones description of what to do.

I'm thinking I'll just do CTF and Territories and if people want to see more later, add it in later. I'm really eager to build something new.


Retro said:
Well, I didn't say "Drive me into the drink!", that was all you. I was just along for the ride.


It was a snap judgement of 'Get the hell out of here!' Powering over that edge was my first thought...and also my last.


Started working on a BTB Assault Map. Called Up and Over. Could also possibly work as a BTB CTF or Invasion Possibly.

Not sure what people think about BTB CTF.
Okay, this may be one of my last posts about Yeti Bay. I think I have fixed it up to the point where I don't want anything else changed. I've already spent hours upon hours making this map the best I can get it. I would like to thank those who helped test this map. You guys have helped me get it to it's current state. Right now I'm really satisfied with it, and I will most likely submit it to the Forgetacular Contest after I do some detailed polishing.

Since the last iteration that you guys played, I made some tweaks to the map. Juicy Filter is gone, Revenant is gone and replaced with a Ghost, Railings were added to the Red Base where Raide and Retro drove off to their deaths :lol, railings were added below red base to prevent people from falling in the drink while driving on the ground, and finally I added Crenelation Cover pieces on both bases where the Shade Turrets used to be.

Anyway, here is the download link for the current version: Yeti Bay v2

And some images to show what changes were made:



Juicy Filter Gone:


Revenant Gone:



Ah sucks I missed last night. Nice to see you guys are trying to get some BTB maps made. I actually started one a couple days ago. Hopefully I can fix up the rest of it this week.

Also, if I edit a map such as placing spawn zones and different weapons, will I have to upload it to my fileshare again or it will just replace the old map on it's own?
koshunter said:
- Crown of Flies by squidhands: Slayer
I played split-screen. It dipped to about 5 fps in fights and made it unplayable. I didn’t pay attention to the map too much because I was too busy watching myself die. T_T Many times.

timetokill said:
- Crown of Flies by squidhands: Slayer
I still love the layout of this map, but yeah -- in practice things were getting pretty choppy. The guys playing on split-screen were chugging pretty badly from what we heard, and that mirrors my feelings on it flying around in split-screen with a friend a few days back. Still really love the map but I guess the sheer amount of merged objects will need to be toned down for performance.

Man, this sucks to hear. Like really, really sucks. I've been tweaking the map a bit lately anyway, but I'll look in to taking out some more of the aesthetic pieces. I may start with the lights and I've also heard that the 'Bridge, XL' pieces are a major cause of the framerate dip. I hope I can come up with something, because this is/was going to be my Forgetacular Contest entry. grrrrrr...

Thanks for playing the map, though. Sorry it ended up being such a crapfest. :-(


-Yeti said:

Okay, now I see my problem with the shape of Yeti Bay. When you spawn at blue base, the only real base-like structure you can see is the decorative stuff up on the hillside there. Because the map is so dark, you sort of naturally assume that's the red base.

What threw me is that your map is basically horseshoe shaped, but with a lot of extraneous stuff up in the bow for vehicle play. The bases are practically side-by-side and the majority of the map appears to just be a playground.

It's a very confusing layout to jump into, and the Juicy Filter kind of limits your vision and adds to it. Now that I see an overview of the map (Maybe make this kind of perspective your Loadout Camera?) it makes perfect sense.

squidhands said:
Man, this sucks to hear. Like really, really sucks. I've been tweaking the map a bit lately anyway, but I'll look in to taking out some more of the aesthetic pieces. I may start with the lights and I've also heard that the 'Bridge, XL' pieces are a major cause of the framerate dip. I hope I can come up with something, because this is/was going to be my Forgetacular Contest entry. grrrrrr...

Thanks for playing the map, though. Sorry it ended up being such a crapfest. :-(

Don't be too hard on yourself. If it's any consolation, I saw 5 or 6 things that really jumped out visually (and I had no idea how you did), so it's one hell of a pretty map. Maybe cut some of the merged objects and design it for very small groups (2v2 or something), so you can 'hide' the framerate issues by keeping it limited to just a few players?


Yeti dome: Really nice looking, great theme (it doesn't look like any other map I've played). But there were a few things that could be improved upon. First and foremost, why spike rifles? They are almost a carbon copy of assault rifles, but they were put in the game to give brutes something to do with their hands. I really, really don't like seeing them (or plasma rifles as opposed to repeaters) on maps.

After that, I found the map somewhat confusing. It's just a pile of rocks, and I often found myself looking out of the map to try and orient myself. Also it's really hard to tell teammates where people are; "by that rock" doest really cut it. Perhaps you could add slight pieces of visual flair, or even lights, to make each side more distinct?

And finally, it's silly easy to break. You can jetpack out and just camp on the sides of the map. Not so fun.
Retro said:
Don't be too hard on yourself. If it's any consolation, I saw 5 or 6 things that really jumped out visually (and I had no idea how you did), so it's one hell of a pretty map. Maybe cut some of the merged objects and design it for very small groups (2v2 or something), so you can 'hide' the framerate issues by keeping it limited to just a few players?

Thanks, I'm just bitter about having all these tools to work with but end up being screwed by them at the same time. The map started out as a 1v1 map back in Halo 3, and I just kept coming back to it to improve on the design. My overall goal for Reach was to rebuild it for 4v4 gametypes, so I'll try everything I can to make it work.

Makes me wonder if Tempest will have these problems.


squidhands said:
Thanks, I'm just bitter about having all these tools to work with but end up being screwed by them at the same time. The map started out as a 1v1 map back in Halo 3, and I just kept coming back to it to improve on the design. My overall goal for Reach was to rebuild it for 4v4 gametypes, so I'll try everything I can to make it work.

Makes me wonder if Tempest will have these problems.

The issues seems to happen on maps that have lots of geometry in a small space. The only way to get around that is to either spread things about a bit more, or reduce the amount of objects you use.

The latter can be annoying, since it can reduce maps to being a little barren, since most of the extra objects people add to maps add to the decorative feel of the map.

Don't give up on your map. Despite a few tech issues, it has potential. You just need to go back and rework things. I have had to do that loads. Sometimes I find it easier to start from scratch and just put in the bare-bones of the map, then look if I can add decoration that won't impact the map too much.


So I folded and made a Multi CTF map for the contest.

Right now it's just called "Glory," but I'm sure there will be a name change down the line.

It's a smaller (pretty symmetrical) map with two bases that each side connecting to two towers in the middle. There's a teleporter behind each base that warps you into each tower increasing the pace of the game. I've spent most of my time trying to balance the map really well.

There's plenty of neat shortcuts, cover and soft kill-zones all around.

(picture from above the Blue base)

(above the map)

(picture from inside the Blue base)

It looks a lot better on the ground!

I'd like to try and test it out with a few of you if possible. I'm also available to play on other GAF maps tonight. Let me know!
Looks pretty cool Spac!

Are you around on Saturdays, around 2pm PST/5pm EST?
We did that over the weekend and it seemed to work out pretty well.

Also, you should upload your map and link us to it so we can check it out in the meantime :D


timetokill said:
Looks pretty cool Spac!

Are you around on Saturdays, around 2pm PST/5pm EST?
We did that over the weekend and it seemed to work out pretty well.

Also, you should upload your map and link us to it so we can check it out in the meantime :D


I'll definitely be available around that time this upcoming Saturday. I look forward to it.

And here's a link to the map"]here's a link to the map[/URL] if anyone is interested in checking it out and leaving some input. Thanks GAF!

Edit: The Grenade Launchers are supposed to spawn with 4 shots, not just 1. Big mistake that's fixed now.


SpacLock said:
I'll definitely be available around that time this upcoming Saturday. I look forward to it.

In the meantime, here's a link to the map if anyone is interested in checking it out and leaving some input. Thanks, GAF.

Downloading, will give you some feedback once I get some time to try it out. :lol

Nice to have some more people for ForgeGAF stuff.
Kapura said:
Yeti dome: Really nice looking, great theme (it doesn't look like any other map I've played). But there were a few things that could be improved upon. First and foremost, why spike rifles? They are almost a carbon copy of assault rifles, but they were put in the game to give brutes something to do with their hands. I really, really don't like seeing them (or plasma rifles as opposed to repeaters) on maps.

After that, I found the map somewhat confusing. It's just a pile of rocks, and I often found myself looking out of the map to try and orient myself. Also it's really hard to tell teammates where people are; "by that rock" doest really cut it. Perhaps you could add slight pieces of visual flair, or even lights, to make each side more distinct?

And finally, it's silly easy to break. You can jetpack out and just camp on the sides of the map. Not so fun.

Hey, thanks for the feedback, and also, thanks for actually downloading it. :lol

I guess I should have spent more time on this map. I never really even tested it. I thought my death barriers were good enough, but I think I didn't even think to camp on top of the dome. And yeah, I should definitely add some visual flair to help people orient themselves.

And the reasoning behind Spike Rifles? They are pretty underrated, but I guess they are a bit out of place as well.

I will tweak this map right now!

In other news, here is a preview of my current creation:



-Yeti said:
Hey, thanks for the feedback, and also, thanks for actually downloading it. :lol

I guess I should have spent more time on this map. I never really even tested it. I thought my death barriers were good enough, but I think I didn't even think to camp on top of the dome. And yeah, I should definitely add some visual flair to help people orient themselves.

And the reasoning behind Spike Rifles? They are pretty underrated, but I guess they are a bit out of place as well.

I will tweak this map right now!

Spike rifles fit with the theme, though.


Just started a BTB map on hemorrhage, yet it actually may be fun to play. Started thinking a little different on map layout. I'll post pics tomorrow hopefully. Currently celebrating my birthday. :D Hope to have a good 1 flag/BTB slayer map when I am finished.


I ended up being able to test the map a little bit tonight and made quite a few changes.

Here's a link to the map.


- Team color lights to each base.
- Extra rounds to Grenade Launchers.
- Anti-spawn zones to the towers and adjusted other respawn points.
- Added extra fusion cores to each tower to prevent easy flag get away.

Should play beautifully compared to the last test.

Thank you to everyone who checks it out. I really appreciate it.
Hi all,

So I think my first real effort is ready for testing. You wanted big team maps? You got 'em. It's called Bifrost

Map: Bifrost
Players: 4-16 (ideally 12, I think)
Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF (single, multi, or neutral), Assault (single, multi, or neutral)
Teams: Red, Blue

Screenshots (click to embiggen):

Middle Towers

Red Base

Taking inspiration from Gephyrophobia from Halo PC and also a bit from Narrows. There are 3 levels - high infantry catwalks, a low vehicle-centric byway, and a sub-basement for covert infantry approaches. Movement is aided by teleporters and mancannons throughout. Power weapons include sniper rifles at each base on a 90 second timer, Rockets on the high bridge on a 3 minute timer, plasma launcher on the low bridge on a 2 minute timer, shotties placed symmetrically on the vehicle level mid-map, propipes placed symmetrically on the backfield (2-story) towers by the teleporters.

Man cannons: one in front of each base, one at each backfield tower. All go to the center high bridge where the neutral flag/bomb/rockets spawn
Teleporters: one-way going from each base to the middle towers, two way going between the two backfield towers, two-way going into each base from the sub-basement catwalks

Problem areas I'd like to get feedback on
  • There may not be enough cover on the vehicle plane. Warthog may be too OP.
  • Too many teleporters may trivialize map movement - especially the two-way porter between the backfield towers
  • Spawning may be a little janky
  • Not sure if there's an easy way to get back to the base from the field in case of emergency
  • I'm fairly sure I locked it up with kill zones, but jetpack and sprint-jumps may still break small parts
  • Framerate issues may exist mid-map
I'm not sure I can make it to customs this weekend but if you guys give it a go I'd love to see some films and get feedback.

You guys rock!

Download Bifrost


Anyone here have 11 render minutes they are willing to use on my CTF gameplay video?

Trying to show a friend my CTF contest submission via the web. It's competitive/symmetric old school multiflag CTF action. My gameplay is poor but it shows the map well.

Multi CTF gameplay

I listed my map here over a month ago but I've made some visual tweaks so I could submit to bungie since then. You are welcome to try it out. Works for Team Slayer or CTF only as that's all it's designed to support. Here is the complete file set with screens.

Turkey Burger


"Finished" by first big team map: Typhon. Christ big team map making is so much harder than the 4-12s I was doing before. It's probably imbalanced as hell, but i want to get some games in before I make more changes. It's set up for Team Slayer, 2 Flag CTF, and 1 Flag CTF, and I'd like to get feedback on all of those before I continue. If anybody does play on these maps before Gaf customs, a film upload would be very nice. Time fo pics:




If anyone wants to put together a map list for the latest customer Maps etc. I can update the op, been a little out of it.

I need to dump the Mrs & baby one weekend night so I can get in the ForgeGAF customs too.

I posted it in the Reach thread I would love to see a new style FB group (like this one) for Halo/Forge GAF to get the get togethers setup as events in everyone calendars.


I started working on a BTB map and then found out they don't have BTB Assault. :lol

1 Flag CTF Has one team attacking and one defending and then swapping after capture right?

Quick Edit.

For my BTB map, I did not want to make a huge map with loads of stuff. I wanted to try and make an attack and defence style map but based around air combat for attackers and heavy defence abilities for the defenders.

Defenders get Rocket Launcher + AL Loadout and Grenade Launcher + Sprint Loadout.
Attackers get Concussion Rifle + Drop Shield. and Needle Rifle + Hologram.

Possible infinite ammo but we will see how things go. Also weapons loadouts will be tweaked.



Attackers start at the bottom, defenders get the top building.


Ok so three days ago (or about that, I lost track of time) I started my first ever forge project. I never messed with it in Halo 3, but given that the tools have been made a bit easier I decided to give it a go.

Please take a look at my video guide, and let me know what you think. I know it probably isn't amazing, but it's my first try at something like this.

Section Gamma
The map is created as a UNSC training facility. 2 factions, each has their own base (and logo) fight on a symmetrical battleground.
Right now it's only built for Team Slayer and FFA and currently only supports up to 8 players.


This will only make sense to people who played on the last few iterations of Crossroads, but I gave that map the mother of all polish passes over the past few days. (Up to version 1.7 now.)

The three areas of focus were, 1) removing the last remaining bumps in the road, 2) getting railings on the last of the exposed edges and 3) addressing the excessive sight lines below the base and in the center.

Bumps that looked like this:


...now look like this:


In the center of the map, in four corners, I had placed covered bunkers. But in reviewing the films of the playtests, no one used them. That's because when people are out in the center of the map, in the open, they're not looking to hole up, they're looking to get the hell out of there because it's so open. So, I yanked those and replaced them with some tall columns. Those provide the cover, but more importantly got me a net $560 in budget (swapping four $150 pieces for $10 ones) with which to seal off the rest of the edges in the map. I've been at $30 in budget for weeks, and keep having to make trade offs. So that was like, a shitload.

The $30 in budget kind of bugged me, though: it should be an even amount, since the map is symmetrical. So tonight I tallied up how many units of each category I had left, and put that along side what the category limit was and how much they cost in Excel. And did that for everything that cost budget: weapons, vehicles, geometry, man cannons, etc.

And it turns out, even though I'd deleted the Revenants, there were still two on the map. And a third Warthog, somewhere (maybe on the island below). They were probably added at some point by guys playing on the map while I built. So that got me another $350 in budget. Yay!

I used that to create a set of tunnels along the inside of the center of the map, leading toward the grav lift area. So now players in the center can traverse the tunnels or duck into them for cover, making the center more viable for infantry. And people with the flag can duck into them or behind the added columns for cover. Before, they had to make it up the epic bridge to the center to find real cover. So flag caps should be able to originate from down there much more easily now.

Two before pics:



The same areas, after:



Not huge deals all told, but I was able to fix up a dozen bumps, block off eight edges and fix two major areas of the map that were affecting the game in test. And all when I thought I was entirely out of budget and stuck with the flaws (other than the bumps). So I'm like, super excited.


Does anyone know how to create spawn points for 1 flag or bomb game types? I need one team to spawn on a certain side of the map when on offense and then the other team spawn on that same part of the map the next round when they're on offense. It has to be possible, right?
Have a read of this here. A very good guide to setting up maps and spawns.
In short, the red team will always be on defense in one flag/bomb, so make sure to set the spawns in the area you want to defend as red team spawns and offence area as blue team spawns. The game takes care of the rest of it.
I was wondering if anyone had any feedback on a map I posted right at the end of the last page so it may have been overlooked slightly so a shameless plug again.
droppedbear said:
I have been working on and off on this map for over a week now, so I believe it is up to the stage of hopefully some play testing occurring on it of larger groups (ideally 4vs4 as a minimum, up to 6 vs 6. Currently only set up for CTF/Slayer/Assault.
The map is called Serpent Gully and is available Here
Link to a Fly-through of the map
The map was designed to be based within the terrain of forge world which presented a few difficulties. The map itself is meant to be balanced between both sides but the layouts are not identical for a number of reasons, primarily that one base is disadvantaged as it is lower down than the other. Hopefully I have managed to balance this out to try and minimize any imbalance but I need play testing to fully analyze this.
Red Base nestled at the end of the Canyon

Overview of central part of the map

Blue Base out in the open

At the moment I'm not entirely happy with the design of the walkway coming out of red base/may need to give that area an entire overhaul depending on feedback.
I also decided not to use any Colosseum walls to wall people into the map, but used the decorative columns to show people where the safe zone ends and I think it works well to keep the map open visually while maintaining a reasonable small play area.
Thanks for reading this long post and hope you have fun trying it out.


Insaniac said:
how did you fix the bumps?
I'd assume he was manualy rotated and moved them instead of using coordinates like he was before.
I hate the Colosseum wall, its the only piece that wasn't built in world units.


MrBig said:
I'd assume he was manualy rotated and moved them instead of using coordinates like he was before.
I hate the Colosseum wall, its the only piece that wasn't built in world units.
Yup. I'd been sticking to the coordinate system, but no amount of tilting and sliding got them to line up. So I manually rotated them, using the left stick clicked in to tip it very gradually. Took a surprisingly long time to get them all just right, but it worked. Makes a surprisingly big difference in how vehicles handle, as well.

I should have done it sooner.

For customs tomorrow I'm going to try and get three films (Slayer, CTF, Assault) so I can submit to the Forgetacular contest. I'm finally happy with all areas of the map.


I seriously need to get more of my maps tested and in the "Finished" pile. I have so many WIP maps. :lol


Working on another BTB map. Staying away from ground based maps, trying to make something different. Wanted to make a map that focuses around Jetpacks possibly. (Hence the map currently being called Fett):D

Initially wanted to make a UT Instagib gametype with Focus Rifles and SWAT rules, thought it might be a bit messy, so trying to figure out how to make my new map work with different objectives and not just BTSlayer.



So, Icarus is done!

Gametype | Map | Forgehub Thread

In the Greek myth, Icarus flew too close to the sun; the wax on his wings melted, and he fell to his death. In the Great War, the last pilot of Icarus Company is stuck waiting for extraction above an enemy force thirsty for blood. If he can dodge their plasma fire for long enough, he lives. If not, he plunges to a grisly death.

Icarus is a modified version of Infection, in which one person spawns next to a Falcon above the playing field. There's a soft kill zone to force him to get in, and a soft safe zone around him to stop him going too far away. If he survives for three minutes, he gets five points, and lives for another day.

Everyone else spawns below, with infinite plasma pistols and regular jetpacks. If they can tag the Falcon, it'll fall to earth through a killzone and net two points for the shooter.

Five rounds for now, although this and the points system might be tweaked based on feedback. 5-9 players because any more than eight on the ground and it gets too hard for the pilot, and any fewer than four, it's too easy.

Action shots!

A loadout camera:

Another loadout camera, showing the whole map (the island isn't playable, only the top surface of the structure):




Gametype | Map | Forgehub Thread
Fucking terrain, makes it SO hard to make symmetrical BTB maps :lol

I sort of gave up on making it symmetrical and I'm just trying to make the Red base and Blue base be unique but similar. Main issue is Blue Base is farther from the center "focal point" of the map than the Red Base is. Ah well.

I'll show some shots of it soon.

Also, great to see some new updates from you guys!
Sorry for the double post but it's been a while --

Is anybody going to be around at 2pm PST/5pm EST/10pm GMT for some ForgeGAF customs?
I'm finally able to introduce not one but TWO new maps!

First up, Great Bear Lodge. This one was played in customs last week, and that helped me out immensely with polishing up the map. Those who played on it will notice I changed a corner of the map. I added a bit more cover there for protection, as well as to make a more visible "base" for the team on offense for Assault/CTF gametypes. And yes, those have been included :D

Great Bear Lodge was designed for 8-12 players, and should be especially suited towards asymmetric objective types as well as slayer. Download it here and let me know what you think!

A scenic shot of the map:

A picnic table is setup nearby a jump into the attic/loft area above the main lodge.

One side of the lodge has been caved in over the years. Here you can see a ruined wall and staircase.

An overhead shot. The top area is accessible from four directions... up the glass windows, the man cannon shown previously, an internal gravity lift, and an external gravity lift opposite the man cannon. There isn't much in the way of weaponry to protect yourself up there, so go prepared.


We need to get a team shot by the Picnic Table. :lol

Changes look really good. Looking forward to playing it again.

Hopefully I can get the changes to my Trapped CTF map tested out.
Next up, Bear Canyon. I think it was Dani that asked us to make some BTB maps for the usually big HaloGAF customs. I said I'd oblige, and what resulted was Bear Canyon.

Frustrations: The terrain in ForgeWorld actually makes it incredibly difficult to make a decent symmetric map. So I decided to just accept that it wouldn't be symmetric and attempt to make things even in other ways. In the end, you have what you see below.

The red base is on the left, and the blue base is on the right. The broken bridge (and its under-bridges) form the focal point of the map and controlling the bridge will basically give you control over movement across the map. Red base is closer to the bridge, and also has another method of travel: a huge jump in the back. You have to be careful making the jump but it's a good way to avoid the bridge if Blue Team has it locked down. Of course, there's no way back except across the bridge so you'll have to deal with them sometime ;)

I envisioned this would be useful for asymmetric objective matches (1 Flag CTF) especially, though I did what I could to even things out. Hopefully HaloGAF enjoys it. Download it here.




Raide said:
We need to get a team shot by the Picnic Table. :lol

Changes look really good. Looking forward to playing it again.

Hopefully I can get the changes to my Trapped CTF map tested out.

Man, I am really looking forward to seeing that one updated and a bunch of the other maps we tried last week as well, if other people were able to update them. A lot of them were just steps from greatness if you ask me.

Also, I won't post pictures or anything, but I updated Château with two gravity lifts to make getting to the 2nd floor from the 1st easier. I also moved the flag spawns ever so slightly to the dead middle of the 2nd floor, which will hopefully give flag carriers something to think about rather than just scuttling immediately across the bridge :lol


Finally tweaked Trapped.

*Each base now has a Magnum with a 10 second spawn, so people should always have pistol ammo.

*Sniper perch in each base has Focus Rifle instead of Sniper Rifle (which is instead of nothing!)

*More spawns and more cover when navigating the map. Also some mid-way team spawns instead of all in the base.

*Weapons in the map! :lol Purple base has the Grenade Launcher but it is in-between both the Red and Blue bases.

*Multiflag CTF, Oddball and KotH

Hopefully we get enough to test later.

In my File Share if anyone fancies downloading and giving me some feedback.

SpacLock said:
Are we testing maps today? I'd really like to get some feedback on mine.

Anyone up for it?

Yep, gonna try it at 2pm PST just like last week, since that worked pretty well.

That's in 1.5 hours from now people! ForgeGAF Customs!
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