Hypertrooper said:
Play mutliteam and hope that you'll play all time Crazy King with peoples who are trying to win.
Which is incredibly unlikely, as nearly every single person I've ever played who has a mic and runs multiteam does the exact same thing to farm cheap multikills by voting for CK, creating a situation where everybody thinks the are super clever by ignoring the objective. It then turns into the most painful 10 minutes of kill yoinking and shit spawns you'll ever experience.
You should play multiteam to have fun, one of the best ways to do that is vote in Rocket Race, the only unique gametype available in the hopper. Or you could vote in Headhunter and go for the 30 second game-ending skullamanjaro move near the first power weapon spawn rush, either way...
Finished up my last RR map, until they give word of it expanding to its own playlist at some point I have very little motivation to keep working on new ideas. I'm tired of supporting a game that can't even support the gametype I actually enjoy, much like the case became with Halo 3 after they killed the playlist. I'm not really surprised the Race category winner of the Forgetacular was a completely vanilla affair, but that doesn't make it any less boring, particularly when there's no way to actually play it outside of running a custom. Typical Bungle.
Regardless I bring you
Entheogenic, a case studio of Paradiso, affectionately deemed the worst default RR map in Reach. Literally all of the default structures are perilous to cogent navigation, the three bases take up an inane amount of real estate that you can't find available anywhere else on the map, and the foot bridge with the goofy lifts is incredibly painful to utilize with any speed.
I attempted to
expand the dimensions of the island while cleaning up the front midsection, adding geometry where necessary to create accessible routes to the mid-level of the mountain slope while avoiding any disturbance of the ground level flow. Similarly the cannons are all placed off the main paths, facilitating rapid traversal of the map in relatively symmetrical ways, rather than throwing you into rocks across a stream that would have taken you two seconds to drive around.
I've also added two pairs of two-way teleporters on each end of the map, allowing for creative teams to make unique decisions in terms of the quickest way to reach the next destination, or allowing players who do not really enjoy the middle section to avoid the majority of it without resorting to camping one side of the map. They are located in the water underneath each arc on the base sides, and from the backyard shore near the neutral base rocks to the front of the peace sign.
Another unique twist is the utilization of the Initial Spawn for each team color, creating an initial "starting line" rush at the end of Hemorrhage, through the cave and across the shoal connecting the island. This only happens once, and then as you perish you respawn at the neutral respawns located just off the playing field on either shoal. I attempted this because it's the default behavior on Spire, although one or two teams sometimes get put at the front of the map, and I thought it was a cool way to mix things up. The other reason for it is that in Halo 3 the destinations were random except for the first one, so there was one big central rush at the start of each game where every team was in the mix. The last justification is that it's just kind of cool and it only happens once, so you aren't going to be penalized with a 6-second scenic drive every time you die.
Between that and my Carbide submission I'm afraid there's not much else I can bring myself to do relative to the time investment. I'm not trying to play customs with these, that's the last thing I intend them to be used for outside of a few playtest sessions. Really hope they find some time to roll a playlist together, particularly now that Grifball is going live tomorrow and everything else has been addressed in some form or another outside of a TU.