Firefight Limited is pretty awesome. Had some great last man standing, um, stands, holding off for 2-3 minutes against a full Elite General wave solo to revive my two team mates midway through the second Round. We went on to survive through the bonus round at the end. I partied up with them, and we did a few other games together, including a fantastic Legendary game on Corvette. Brutal, but oh so good.
Lots of idlers/droppers, but they mostly dropped out after a while - I'm wondering if Bungie found a way to kick them, or if they just quit after a few minutes. Either way, not too bad. Some crappy players were drains on the lives pool, but that's life.
Fantastic, intense (and lucrative cR payout) playlist. I'll be living in it nightly until it goes away.
Crashsite is a disappointment, though. It's still two Phantoms dumping a zilliion guys right on top of the lone generator. I'd rather it be us trying to defend the generator from a ton of hard enemies dropped a ways away, whittling them down and trying to hold the position.