bobs99 ... said:
Yeah I agree, getting trounced because people on your team suck... sucks. I think in Tashi's case, hes playing at such a high level he expects his teammates to do well, so for Tashi, just doing average when playing with him can cost the game.
Without something to lose though, I just cant be bothered with the must win mentality. Especially since its likely that my opponents will be super casual. I did go in really trying early on, but as I was finding every match extremely uncompetitive, I lost that drive. Its no fun playing competitively against people who don't try. I also find the game mechanics of Reach less fun when I go all super serious, its so much more fun to just hop in a Banshee.
Its the same on all games, having teammates on CoD who give the enemy kill streak rewards drives me up the wall, I don't go into games with a stupid mentality, but I sure as hell wont bring my A game into every match and thats why I liked that distinction between ranked and social before - when I feel like playing seriously I would jump into Ranked, otherwise I would stick to social. After working im too tired to take a video game 100% seriously.