I think the spawn logic is fine, prevents spawn camping.
Do explain lol.A27_StarWolf said:I think the spawn logic is fine, prevents spawn camping.
Trasher said:Well the spawns on the Lockout remake are awful.
A27_StarWolf said:I think the spawn logic is fine, prevents spawn camping.
GhaleonEB said:
Dani said:We've never been given an explanation for why they used that spawning system on certain maps and not others, but that is what I assumed however, I don't think spawn camping is a particular threat on the bigger maps where the variable spawn system has proved to be annoying.
Agreed, a great update! Well done! I think its all from great communication with the community.ncsuDuncan said:Agreed. This is probably the single greatest playlist update Halo has seen. The number of fixes and gametypes added is amazing. Also really glad with the fast response on Highlands power weapons.
All this, and we still get Community BTB sometime this month.
It should never spawn you by enemy players. It's as simple as that.A27_StarWolf said:I always assumed it was just to decrease exploits in spawn camping, it is not that big a deal in slayer games.
You can also argue that it gives teams a chance to be on both sides.
So does this mean no more red players spawning at blue base? If so, fantastic. This and all the rest of the changes came quick. Damn good job, 343i.Highlands
* Slayer specific respawn zones added for Red and Blue teams to make teams spawn on the third of the map where their base is located
Holy shit. I can't believe I never noticed this while playing the game. Another Easter egg! Further props to 343i.* Hill in "Big Horn River" by the Cliffside moved slightly upstream, between the two boulders
Trasher said:Assists seem even harder to get in Classic. Wtf
It should never spawn you by enemy players. It's as simple as that.
Lazslo said:That price tag reads $89.99- I remember reading in September the Legendary Sku would be very Limited unlike the Halo 3 Legendary but they had about 10 Halo: Reach Legendary SKU's in Stock at my local best buy.
Well that's what I'm talking about when I say the spawn logic is awful. >_>A27_StarWolf said:I don't think it should spawn you by enemy players either.
Shit I am so tired.
Lazslo said:I finally caved and got a new Xbox Slim w/ Kinect- I was looking for just the regular Xbox Slim 250g without the Kinect bundle as I currently have the old 2007 12g Xbox and it's a nightmare to manage. I think MS is really pushing Kinect Hard to the 'core' gamers because I could not find one Xbox slim with 250g's without Kinect. I called around everywhere and nobody had it in stock. They only had the 4gig SKU (without kinect) I was going to buy that with a 16g thumb drive but by that point it was only $40 cheaper then the Kinect 250g Bundle. Might try and sell the Kinect if anyone is interested for cheap or give it away to charity as I'll never use it and I'm sure kids would enjoy it much more that I will.
-Also I was so close to buying this: That price tag reads $89.99- I remember reading in September the Legendary Sku would be very Limited unlike the Halo 3 Legendary but they had about 10 Halo: Reach Legendary SKU's in Stock at my local best buy.
Alienshogun said:Fuck Haloball, stupid idea.
That is all.
A27_StarWolf said:Its a joke play list.
Why are you complaining about a JOKE.
kylej said:"The Halo 3 Legendary Edition is so limited that people in our studio can't get them" - Bungie Podcast, Pre-Halo 3 release.
Wait another 6 months until that thing is $19.99.
OuterWorldVoice said:I am not even a scrub. I have almost a 1/1 K/D ratio depending on how much I suck. Feel free to ping me or my other scrub friends, Ram and Juices. We will all suck together. AR 4 lief.
Alienshogun said:Fuck Haloball, stupid idea.
That is all.
http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=58422432Subject: Please remove DMRs from maps.
On some (maybe all) maps there are too many DMRs on the map. It's a problem during Classic Slayer because everyone has Assault rifles, and the person that gets the DMR has a large advantage over others. It's almost as if the DMR is a power weapon when playing Classic Slayer.
This is just my opinion, but I believe others may feel the same way.
A27 Tawpgun said:Extreme is a clusterfuck. Regular is fun.
MrBig said:
A27_StarWolf said:Its a joke play list.
Why are you complaining about a JOKE.
OldMattacus said:I finally got the ITCTHMB achievement. I just wanted to come here to celebrate. Tip of the Spear, on heroic, leaping from the top of the shield tower, slowed enough by the jetpack to keep from dying halfway down. And my wife witnessed it, which means I'm getting laid tonight.
Steelyuhas said:Meh, I understand what he is saying. Power slayer, speedflag, and speedpile may be a joke to some people, but they are still clearly an FPS gametype. Although HaloBall is kind of cool, I don't think its something that should have a permanent home in matchmaking.
Its all people vote for in that playlist by the way. I played 11 games in there and didn't get to play speedflag, or speedpile outside of Hemorrhage (Why Hemorrhage is still in 4v4 playlists outside of snipers is beyond me).
MrBig said:
OldMattacus said:I finally got the ITCTHMB achievement. I just wanted to come here to celebrate. Tip of the Spear, on heroic, leaping from the top of the shield tower, slowed enough by the jetpack to keep from dying halfway down. And my wife witnessed it, which means I'm getting laid tonight.
Alienshogun said:More proof that the Halo community are fucking idiots.
Speedpile was fucking awesome though I must say. That is, when we weren't stuck with idlers.
Come to think of it, I think me and Barrow had idlers in every fucking game today.
You didn't fall that far, bro. You've always been pretty low!Ramirez said:Getting lumped into jokes with juices, oh how I've fallen.
Seriously, what a load of crap, I see them at my local game stores like GameStop and Best Buy all the time, in stacks even. And this is around the Milwaukee area. Luckily, I was able to contain myself and not buy the LE this time around though. I did for Halo 3 and regretted it.kylej said:"The Halo 3 Legendary Edition is so limited that people in our studio can't get them" - Bungie Podcast, Pre-Halo 3 release.
Wait another 6 months until that thing is $19.99.
Steelyuhas said:Oh yeah, whenever I enter a playlist by myself, I want to slap people silly for how they vote. Team Slayer is literally Team Sword Base if you are playing solo.
We had some mad quitting sprees on the group I was playing team classic with today. Although, we were doming scrubs pretty hard.
Sai-kun said:
Jroderton said:Loving Classic so far. It's like I'm playing Halo again.
Sai-kun said:
Tunavi said:I'm at a buddy's house. Can I download DLC from my account onto his xbox and still play it on my own xbox at home? Or should I just download it to the thumbdrive I have my gamertag on?
Sai-kun said:
MrBig said:
I agree. I have yet to find an AR pick up in team classic. If we can't have an AR in team classic, we shouldn't have a DMR/NR pick up in classic slayer.
03.29.2011 7:21 PM PDT
CyReN said:Exactly my thoughts, it's weird playing with friends and them laughing and having fun like Halo 2 days instead of complaining.
Steelyuhas said:Oh yeah, whenever I enter a playlist by myself, I want to slap people silly for how they vote. Team Slayer is literally Team Sword Base/Cage/Countdown if you are playing solo.
OuterWorldVoice said:fixd
But Countdown is the only good map of the three.OuterWorldVoice said:fixd
great! thanksncsuDuncan said:You can download it to his hard drive. No worries.
- You have to be signed into XBL for that DLC to work on his Xbox.
- It won't affect the DLC on the Xbox you first bought it on.