Hey You said:Is Reach not working for anyone else?
I know it was down earlier, first It took a while to connect to the Reach servers and now it says "Playlist data pending download".
Is it a Xbox Live wide thing or just Halo?
J10 said:I hope the Chief at some point ditches the Mjolnir completely in favor of some Forerunner tech.
But in green. New trilogy, new clothes.
GhaleonEB said:Actual, the t-shirt will be all over you.
*bada bish*
Couldn't resist.
Thank you! I knew someone else would see it.senador said:
where?Hydranockz said:Thank you! I knew someone else would see it.
Also, Chief is far too small for this armour. It appears in Reach.
It's on.Tempest
Hydranockz said:Thank you! I knew someone else would see it.
Also, Chief is far too small for this armour. It appears in Reach.
It's on.Tempest
10days? 10days? dude, that's insane.Hitmonchan107 said:I never noticed that Halo Waypoint has a list of the active challenges.
Apparently, I've put 10 days time into Reach. Really? I feel like I've put in 5 days, max.
Absolutely.Devin Olsen said:Is there any plans for a HaloGAF PAX meetup?
Kanbo from HBO on the HBO T-shirts said:And about cost: the more shirts, the cheaper they are. We're looking at probably no more than $12 (shirt and shipping) on average per shirt. Order will most likely go USPS First Class, as that's a pretty cheap and fast method. I'm shipping all the shirts myself, and I personally welcome international orders!
I'm coming the whole way from Germany. I would kill myself if I didn't meet you guys. Can't wait. Can't wait. ARGH! Only a few weeks only a few weeks!Devin Olsen said:Is there any plans for a HaloGAF PAX meetup?
Devin Olsen said:So I've been doing my best trying to keep up with this thread, but I do have a few questions.
Those screen grabs of MC sliding on a zip line (?) - what video is that from?
Is there any plans for a HaloGAF PAX meetup?
What? I've never seen or heard of this and can't find anything about it on google.Hydranockz said:Thank you! I knew someone else would see it.
Also, Chief is far too small for this armour. It appears in Reach.
It's on.Tempest
Hint: it's really big.PooBone said:What? I've never seen or heard of this and can't find anything about it on google.
omg.kittens said:I would be all over a Halo with Metroid inspiration. Keep the fluid combat dynamics, but add a bit more exploration. That sense of exploring an alien world is one of the most frequently cited reasons for people loving CE -- bring that feeling back with Halo 4 in a whole new way.
If they're talking about the "eye" the energy beam shoots from, I'm going to whip out a facepalm.gif. :lolncsuDuncan said:Hint: it's really big.
Letters said:I also want that one (and Big's Perfection one, and about 12 general gaf ones.. fuuuuu). It's weird that is not there, if there was something wrong with it, she would've received a PM reply saying so, so maybe there's a second batch of designs getting put up shortly.
Whip it out /nohomoBlue Ninja said:If they're talking about the "eye" the energy beam shoots from, I'm going to whip out a facepalm.gif. :lol
Blue Ninja said:If they're talking about the "eye" the energy beam shoots from, I'm going to whip out a facepalm.gif. :lol
Donat said:Looks great so far but I thought it had to be 5s?
Are you sure you don't have that in reverse? Sleeker? More ninja like? He looks huge, nothing like a nina to me.thee henery said:Looks sleeker, sure, but more agile, more ninja like.
While I've got a lot of facepalms to choose from, let's keep it a bit in theme, shall we?senador said:Totally are. lol
Seems like no one wants to give you feedback about anything lolDevolution said:If hitmonchan wants me to cut it down I can but he hasn't said anything about that.
Eight seconds is fine with me. :^)Devolution said:I went for more to include some halo music. If hitmonchan wants me to cut it down I can but he hasn't said anything about that.
J10 said:I hope the Chief at some point ditches the Mjolnir completely in favor of some Forerunner tech.
But in green. New trilogy, new clothes.
SorryRamirez said:Devo's and Letter's shirts MIA, sad panda.
All Halo music should be fair game, I think. Something about Microsoft's rules that should make it okay.Hitmonchan107 said:Eight seconds is fine with me. :^)
Will we run into an issue with licensing by including Halo music?
awesomeJ10 said:I'm telling you. Would look good in green...
Urk commented on it a while ago. It was just some conceptual art tests in relation to the Terminals.J10 said:We saw it months ago when the image was first discovered. Probably why the Forerunner in Halo Legends looked nothing like it. Still bad-ass though.
Care to elaborate?Hitmonchan107 said:Absolutely.
Edit: What the what:
Marty O'Donnell said:@NathanFillion and @GeoffKeighley are both in it (among others). I like it. Wow, 20 years is a long time! #crydoc
MrBig said:Urk commented on it a while ago. It was just some conceptual art tests in relation to the Terminals.
On the meetup? I think Duncan has a list of people from HaloGAF who are going. I figured we could all grab a bite to eat sometime. Nothing's set in stone, but we can start planning it out now, if you'd like.Devin Olsen said:Care to elaborate?
Geoff Keighley for some reason also in the ViDoc.
The Halo 3 terminals concerning the forerunners AIs. It's not for anything actually being made, unless 343 has a use for the concept. Don't know anything more than that.Thagomizer said:
About the HBO shirts or a PAX meetup?Devin Olsen said:Care to elaborate?
Zeouterlimits said:Are you sure you don't have that in reverse? Sleeker? More ninja like? He looks huge, nothing like a nina to me.
Letters said:edit- any news on why Devo's shirts are missing?
There will be some general flakiness in matchmaking while we work through some issues. Updates can be found here - http://bit.ly/oePD52