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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins


omg.kittens said:
Sorry about your immensely crappy game, Senador. I saw you online and was gonna invite you, but my buddy who just moved to Japan was playing with me, and we were caught up with chatting and donging.

Oh nice he's there already huh? Isn't it cool today that you can still play like he didn't leave? No worries, I saw you guys were playing zombies and doubles and stuff so I didn't message you.

Louis Wu said:
rofl - I had an almost identical game last week:

Pretty sad, because last week was nuts; I got only 5 multiplayer games in, TOTAL (for the week), and that was one of them.
What's worse - it followed right on the heels of THIS game:


You just never know.

Bah. I absolutely hate it. A Corporal on top of the guests. A thought I had this morning while trying to figure out why they did it was...

Did they do the guest thing the way it is so you can't boost? If guest parties always got matched with other guests you could just put 3 extra controllers on and expect to be matched up with another guy doing the same thing and have fun padding your stats. Oh lord that's it isn't it? :(

HiredN00bs said:
Aren't there playlists that don't allow guests? I know for sure Arena doesn't.

Arena is like the only one, but I think Squad is the only one you can take a full guest party in. I don't care if guests are in playlist, but I really truly think they need heavy weighting to be matched with other guest parties. They'd have more fun too. If that doesn't work, for the love of everything holy, true skill should work. Match me with 3 guests and a dude that's only played 9 games before this one, really? REALLY? :(

HiredN00bs said:
Well, if people were jumping off of cliffs instead of fighting in Slayer, they'd probably avoid playing that too.

This happens in Slayer. I see it on Powerhouse and now Countdown too. The other day I made it a point to headshot a dude before he hit the water on Countdown. Effers.
senador said:
Did they do the guest thing the way it is so you can't boost? If guest parties always got matched with other guests you could just put 3 extra controllers on and expect to be matched up with another guy doing the same thing and have fun padding your stats. Oh lord that's it isn't it? :(
As in have it sit there afk?
They could detect that.

I wonder if it's purely because everyone would abandon the guests-inclusive playlists and ultimately make the feature useless, thereby loosing a certain portion of the fanbase who do use it & consider it one of Halo MP's better features.
Zeouterlimits said:
As in have it sit there afk?
They could detect that.

I wonder if it's purely because everyone would abandon the guests-inclusive playlists and ultimately make the feature useless, thereby loosing a certain portion of the fanbase who do use it & consider it one of Halo MP's better features.
Except all the people playing with guests


thezerofire said:
I've gotten matched with a guy for his very first game, and I was a Brig

Me too and at higher ranks even. I know ranks are meaningless, but anyone at Lt Colonel has played enough to know the game more than anyone starting. Shouldn't new people also be matched with new people?

Zeouterlimits said:
As in have it sit there afk?
They could detect that.

I wonder if it's purely because everyone would abandon the guests-inclusive playlists and ultimately make the feature useless, thereby loosing a certain portion of the fanbase who do use it & consider it one of Halo MP's better features.

Just a thought I had. Again I just think the guests stuff needs tweaking. Trueskill should be different when guests are involved. Perhaps it should look for lower levels than the primary account or something.

I was partied up with Nutter, Barrow, Devo and Plywood and we were matched against full guest parties 4-5 times. So even with a full party you can't avoid it, you can only make it so they don't end up on your team. These guys are really really good. Its absurd the game would match those without trueskill against these guys. Its not really fun playing guests, and it can't be fun for them. GRRRRR.

Anyway, I am beating a dead horse, preaching to the choir, etc. This is one of my top complaints though and its just really frustrating.


Risen said:

Not that I doubt the compilation of stats... at least not exactly... how can there be 35 million views and 20,000 live spectators and have a population of under 2k on any given day in the MLG playlist?

Granted... not all of these are Halo fans... but goodness, even if 1 percent of the viewers were Halo players, it would seem the population would be higher day to day.
Most of the people there were there for Starcraft. It's way bigger in MLG than Halo now, and it's their primary game.


thezerofire said:
Most of the people there were there for Starcraft. It's way bigger in MLG than Halo now, and it's their primary game.

What do you base that on? I mean Halo had more than a thousand competitors for Halo. How many were CoD and/or Starcraft?


Risen said:

Not that I doubt the compilation of stats... at least not exactly... how can there be 35 million views and 20,000 live spectators and have a population of under 2k on any given day in the MLG playlist?

Granted... not all of these are Halo fans... but goodness, even if 1 percent of the viewers were Halo players, it would seem the population would be higher day to day.
Are all football fans also players?

I watched a fair amount of the MLG stream but I won't touch the playlist.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
GhaleonEB said:
Are all football fans also players?

I watched a fair amount of the MLG stream but I won't touch the playlist.

This. Some of the matches were pretty sweet to watch. Heck, some of the levels they have look like they'd play really well. Doubt I'll ever spend much time in the MLG playlist. I'm easily outclassed in there plus the movement feels a bit odd.
Risen said:
What do you base that on? I mean Halo had more than a thousand competitors for Halo. How many were CoD and/or Starcraft?
I base it on the fact that I was there and there were a shitload more people watching Starcraft than Halo, and that Starcraft had the Main Stage, and soundproofed booths for the players to play in. Besides, Starcraft had 2 streams for Halo and CoD's one apiece.

also, the number of competitors is irrelevant, because Halo is 4v4 and Starcraft is 1v1


GhaleonEB said:
Are all football fans also players?

I watched a fair amount of the MLG stream but I won't touch the playlist.

I get that... though I'm not sure one can directly compare the two... gaming is a far different phenomenon than football. I do get that there are many who would not wade into the list but would love to watch people play at the highest level. My point is that the numbers sound wrong to me given the number of folks actively playing.

As I mentioned... if only 1 percent of those viewing actively played Halo, that's 350,000 people.

Seems skewed that on any given day less than 2000 of those enter the list.

I'm not debating anything really... just seems... off.

thezerofire said:
I base it on the fact that I was there and there were a shitload more people watching Starcraft than Halo, and that Starcraft had the Main Stage, and soundproofed booths for the players to play in. Besides, Starcraft had 2 streams for Halo and CoD's one apiece.

also, the number of competitors is irrelevant, because Halo is 4v4 and Starcraft is 1v1

I guess I was looking for more numbers... but I appreciate your observation... The numbers still don't seem quite right to me.


Risen said:
I get that... though I'm not sure one can directly compare the two... gaming is a far different phenomenon than football. I do get that there are many who would not wade into the list but would love to watch people play at the highest level. My point is that the numbers sound wrong to me given the number of folks actively playing.

As I mentioned... if only 1 percent of those viewing actively played Halo, that's 350,000 people.

Seems skewed that on any given day less than 2000 of those enter the list.

I'm not debating anything really... just seems... off.
You're also mistaking "stream views" for people. I was about six of those stream views, as I hopped on and off the stream at various times during the event. They could say how many unique viewers they had, but the number would be a small fraction of that impressive sounding 35 million.


GhaleonEB said:
You're also mistaking "stream views" for people. I was about six of those stream views, as I hopped on and off the stream at various times during the event. They could say how many unique viewers they had, but the number would be a small fraction of that impressive sounding 35 million.

Ahhh see I was indeed mistaking it for Unique Viewers - I'd love to see that number... broken down for each of the games.


king picollo said:
Halo 3 was never that bad, the matches were closer.

Reach i'd say 1 in 10 are competitive, 7 are usually too easy and there's always a couple where the opponents are far superior.

I think half of it is down to team matchmaking, in Halo 3 it used to try and match you up against teams of roughly the same number, in Reach it's just anyone. Playing a team makes a lot of difference to playing individuals.
Party restrictions was only in Ranked.

And yes, Social was just as bad. It got worse later in my belief as you had these silly rankings (Forced Lt., for example) because the players would play so much and get the artificial EXP. The unranked playlists often had unbalanced teams and end results for me, notably playlists like Social BTB. Multi-CTF Valhalla turned into camp middle with Laser, Snipers, and troll around their base with Banshee and Warthog within 2-3 mins of the match.


GhaleonEB said:
Are all football fans also players?

I watched a fair amount of the MLG stream but I won't touch the playlist.

Not only this but a lot of the players who play MLG, do so in customs.


Does anyone remember how the Reach statues sold solo at launch, or if there was even a demand for them? I'm toying with the idea of picking up the Gears 3 Epic edition for the art book but getting rid of the statue to recoup the cost difference between it and the limited one.

Sean P.

Are you a very recently approved member of neogaf? No, but staying a Junior is a pro strat

What country are you posting from and what's your current age. US and 20

At what age did you get into Halo and with which game.
When I was a kid I had to write a letter to my mom to convince her that Halo 1 on the xbox was not too violent of a game for me to be playing. When I was in Highschool though was when I really got into competitive Halo with Halo 2

For how long have you been reading HaloGAF?
Since pre-halo 3

What's your absolute favorite Halo campaign? And your favorite multiplayer? (you're not allowed to pick Halo: Combat Evolved for any of the two)
Favorite campaign? I really enjoyed reach as well as ODST close behind, and favorite Halo MP is Halo 3 by a MILE

Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
Lol errrr 50 in Team Slayer, Team Snipers, Team Doubles and Team swat

AR or BR?
BR, and pistol over AR in Reach

Absolute favorite multiplayer map from Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and 3 (just one from each).
CE: Never played much CE MP but Battle Creek 2: Headlong 3: The Pit

Least hated Reach mp map.

Do you prefer BTB or MLG? (pre-Reach era)
Eh I've never been a fan of the MLG playlist, not fun people, but I love competitive play so idk.

Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Competitive multiplayer

Games completed on solo Legendary.
Halo, Halo 2 (fucking fuck), Halo 3, Halo ODST, Reach

Are you EazyB? Mike DongBlain?
I wish I was as cool as Eazy

What are some of your favorite Campaign missions.
CE: Silent Cartographer, AOTCR, The Two Betrayals
2: Outskirts, Delta Halo
3: Tsavo Highway, The Ark, The Covenant
ODST: Uplift Reserve, the whole thing
Reach: Basically it all

Favorite Reach playlists.
Team Slayer, Team Snipers

Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes). 0

Opinion on reticule bloom.
Feel it strays much to far from the Halo formula and what made halo fun. Not the end of the world, but I liked no bloom much better

Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you usually end up picking.
FUCK. Sprint is ok, everything else is the gayest thing EVER. Armor lock being the biggest gameplay ruining thing they could have made. How do we make a fast pace game better? Oh I know! Add a stupid ability that makes someone invincible while everyone else stands around.

Why are you a Halo fan?
Well obviously because of the games, but mainly because of the people. I have had so many great memories through Halo, between launch parties and just LAN's, tournament play, etc.

Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, some of us would enjoy reading it.
Time to look like a tool. I was sponsored by Astro Gaming at one time when I actually played a lot and was good, now I do promo work for them. Currently studying to be an Industrial Designer (product designer) where this relationship with them will hopefully pay off as it has brought me pretty close to Astro Studios and given me an opportunity. So you could say Halo has directly benefited my future life in the real world
Sean P. said:
Time to look like a tool. I was sponsored by Astro Gaming at one time when I actually played a lot and was good, now I do promo work for them. Currently studying to be an Industrial Designer (product designer) where this relationship with them will hopefully pay off as it has brought me pretty close to Astro Studios and given me an opportunity. So you could say Halo has directly benefited my future life in the real world
That's actually pretty cool. No need for self-deprication. I love my Astros. Welcome!

Sean P.

HiredN00bs said:
That's actually pretty cool. No need for self-deprication. I love my Astros. Welcome!

Originally I was just going to add the sponsored part when I said that, but I decided to add the extra info as well :p

And to add my most prized halo possession:
J10 said:
I just came here to post that. Bungie's next game to have no missions confirmed!

And I haven't the slightest fucking clue what that would even mean.
My guess: Being a "mission designer" means level crafting, and the lack of levels hints at an open world where quests and the like are the rule of the day.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Hitmonchan107 said:
My guess: Being a "mission designer" would mean levels, and the lack of levels hints at an open world where quests and the like are the rule of the day.

Quests between Landmarks, perhaps? lol


Dani said:
Quests between Landmarks, perhaps? lol
Aye, that was what I was about to say. There are no missions per se, just areas and settings in the world.

I'm an admirer of Dan's design work in the series, can't wait to see what he and other others have been up to.
trying to deal with someone who's claiming that Reach is the best halo because it's most like CoD and doesn't have a skill gap. sigh. and it's also somehow the most like Halo CE.
J10 said:
I just came here to post that. Bungie's next game to have no missions confirmed!

And I haven't the slightest fucking clue what that would even mean.
Silly question: Is every specific designer a designer now? Maybe it hasn't really something to do with the game.
Hitmonchan107 said:
My guess: Being a "mission designer" means level crafting, and the lack of levels hints at an open world where quests and the like are the rule of the day.
I can see it now. We will have daily quests and week long quests. For the first few weeks, Bungie will introduce a global quest to lift a seemingly arbitrary level cap. We'll be kind of annoyed at the cap and although the daily quests have been somewhat fun, they get stale pretty quick. Not only that, but some crazy difficult quests will give as much loot as you would get from grinding for an hour while at the very same time, some daily quests will be worth next to nothing. A lot of us will question why Bungie hasn't put more effort into sustaining this virtual economy whose Return on Investment seems to fluctuate as much as the player's opinion of the game.

But I'm sure they'll keep very quiet on the matter throughout the game's initial hype and in a few years we will get cryptic references to the thought process, or lack thereof, in an epic Vidoc.



Blinding said:
I think it depends on what kind of mood I'm in while I'm playing. If the game is utterly boring and I want to kinda turn that around, then I'll try to get as many kills as I can with whatever, but then again I also do that when the kids on the other team are absolutely terrible and I feel like being a dick, so I'm not necessarily for or against it, I just do it to make things more enjoyable and entertaining for me.

I think this is how everyone is, if the game is boring, you have to create meta games to make it more fun. :p Don't think it has anything to do with people purposely setting out to hold objectives or whatever.


Sean P. said:
Time to look like a tool. I was sponsored by Astro Gaming at one time when I actually played a lot and was good, now I do promo work for them. Currently studying to be an Industrial Designer (product designer) where this relationship with them will hopefully pay off as it has brought me pretty close to Astro Studios and given me an opportunity. So you could say Halo has directly benefited my future life in the real world

I have to say, I am a real fan of Astro Gaming. In an age where dollar is bottom line and the customer experience is almost always taking a back seat to profitability, they are a breath of fresh air.

Their product isn't perfect, but my experience with their customer service has been outstanding.

Ramirez said:
I think this is how everyone is, if the game is boring, you have to create meta games to make it more fun. :p Don't think it has anything to do with people purposely setting out to hold objectives or whatever.

This... there are times when going into MM that I just goof off... whether that's running around with a plasma pistol rather than my "try-hard" hat, or only trying to pick up grenade launcher kills, or nades and beat downs only... it's a way of making the game more fun for myself while I play it... particularly when playing against people of much lower skill.

When this is done in Team Objective... I guess some may look at it like "objective holding" or not playing to the spirit of the game... but if my friends want to play objective, and we get matched with awful people - it's doubtful I put forth much effort.

I see this as being much different than actually holding an objective to farm kills.
Ramirez said:
I think this is how everyone is, if the game is boring, you have to create meta games to make it more fun. :p Don't think it has anything to do with people purposely setting out to hold objectives or whatever.
Totally agree. Unfortunate side effect it causes though.


Hydranockz said:
Totally agree. Unfortunate side effect it causes though.

Yea, it does suck for the other team I guess. Like I said though, it happened to us 10x over the other night against that one team, you just have to tip your hat and suck it up.
GhaleonEB said:
Are all football fans also players?

I watched a fair amount of the MLG stream but I won't touch the playlist.

I can't get over the fact that MLG just seems to shallow, too stripped down. Devoid of emotion almost.

I like to imagine it as a bunch of Vulcans playing, saying "its only logical to play MLG".

When does Tashi Return :(


A27_StarWolf said:
I can't get over the fact that MLG just seems to shallow, too stripped down. Devoid of emotion almost.

I like to imagine it as a bunch of Vulcans playing, saying "its only logical to play MLG".

When does Tashi Return :(

There is a real depth to MLG play... even in Reach. I mean I get that if someone likes all the options, they may view MLG game types as stale in comparison... but strip away the fluff, and the layers of strategy, individual/team play, and that core "Halo-ness" is pretty rich. The fewer options available, the more dynamic a team's play must be in order to prevail.

There is no faster paced Halo available than MLG game types... I think many who choose not to enter, or those that do and get steam rolled just aren't seeing the levels of game play that are there... from opening pushes, to control of spawns, to use and control of power weapons and power ups, to when/how to pull a flag and how to escort said flag back... and how to counter all those.

And these decisions are made and implemented in milliseconds... and then coordinated within a team.

It's a bit like looking at a chess match on the surface and saying... "looks pretty boring" but being unable to see all that is going on in truly great chess player's heads.

Provided one has a sufficient skill level, these things do not have to happen in regular matchmaking. Wins and losses come simply because one has better aim than another... or one uses an ability better than another. The thought process is very different... or not there at all.

For me, general matchmaking is stale... in most of my games, I can go in with good friends, play thoughtlessly, put forth very little effort, and win. It's like Juices, Kyle, Ram, Nutter, and others going into TO and winning more than 25 straight... and never break a sweat - they never get pushed.

Go into MLG though, and this changes... and not because of any greater ability in aiming... it's all the other stuff that goes into it that makes the difference.


I've tried MLG like 2 or 3 times. Its hard. Everyone in there seems to be super good. I wish the population was larger to even it out. I'd try it with a party, but even then I see it being really tough. Its hard to play without radar after so many games with it.
senador said:
I'd try it with a party, but even then I see it being really tough.
Yup, it is. It feels like a good smack in the face, which a coach shouting in your ear "Why'd you miss that shot?" "Nice grenade Littlefinger, no wonder half your team is dead!"
We gave it more of a shot in H3, but all experiences in Reach have resulted in painful losses that had us abandon the playlist almost as soon it came out.


Risen said:
There is a real depth to MLG play... even in Reach. I mean I get that if someone likes all the options, they may view MLG game types as stale in comparison... but strip away the fluff, and the layers of strategy, individual/team play, and that core "Halo-ness" is pretty rich. The fewer options available, the more dynamic a team's play must be in order to prevail.

There is no faster paced Halo available than MLG game types... I think many who choose not to enter, or those that do and get steam rolled just aren't seeing the levels of game play that are there... from opening pushes, to control of spawns, to use and control of power weapons and power ups, to when/how to pull a flag and how to escort said flag back... and how to counter all those.

And these decisions are made and implemented in milliseconds... and then coordinated within a team.

It's a bit like looking at a chess match on the surface and saying... "looks pretty boring" but being unable to see all that is going on in truly great chess player's heads.

Provided one has a sufficient skill level, these things do not have to happen in regular matchmaking. Wins and losses come simply because one has better aim than another... or one uses an ability better than another. The thought process is very different... or not there at all.

For me, general matchmaking is stale... in most of my games, I can go in with good friends, play thoughtlessly, put forth very little effort, and win. It's like Juices, Kyle, Ram, Nutter, and others going into TO and winning more than 25 straight... and never break a sweat - they never get pushed.

Go into MLG though, and this changes... and not because of any greater ability in aiming... it's all the other stuff that goes into it that makes the difference.
Very good post. I couldn't have explained the strategy any better.
Risen said:
There is a real depth to MLG play... even in Reach. I mean I get that if someone likes all the options, they may view MLG game types as stale in comparison... but strip away the fluff, and the layers of strategy, individual/team play, and that core "Halo-ness" is pretty rich. The fewer options available, the more dynamic a team's play must be in order to prevail.

There is no faster paced Halo available than MLG game types... I think many who choose not to enter, or those that do and get steam rolled just aren't seeing the levels of game play that are there... from opening pushes, to control of spawns, to use and control of power weapons and power ups, to when/how to pull a flag and how to escort said flag back... and how to counter all those.

And these decisions are made and implemented in milliseconds... and then coordinated within a team.

It's a bit like looking at a chess match on the surface and saying... "looks pretty boring" but being unable to see all that is going on in truly great chess player's heads.

Provided one has a sufficient skill level, these things do not have to happen in regular matchmaking. Wins and losses come simply because one has better aim than another... or one uses an ability better than another. The thought process is very different... or not there at all.

For me, general matchmaking is stale... in most of my games, I can go in with good friends, play thoughtlessly, put forth very little effort, and win. It's like Juices, Kyle, Ram, Nutter, and others going into TO and winning more than 25 straight... and never break a sweat - they never get pushed.

Go into MLG though, and this changes... and not because of any greater ability in aiming... it's all the other stuff that goes into it that makes the difference.
Yeah, MLG takes way more teamwork than ordinary Halo. At the same time, however, I don't think Reach rewards individual skill like previous Halo games did, so it's really difficult to have fun when playing it alone. You don't have one player making clutch plays really, which is good and bad I guess. I mean, watching at Anaheim was such a trip. When I was there in 2009, people would go nuts for Killtacs and overkills and stuff, but now people were like "oh shit he got a double kill."

I much preferred Halo 3's MLG. just my two cents.
OuterWorldVoice said:
However, I am not one of those people who calls well done steak eaters monsters. If you prefer your steak blasted all to gray he'll, then good for you.
Were it so easy.

Gui, you're a Portugese montser.
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