We dont know. but Sotaro Tojima is Audio Director at 343i. Otherwise he don't do the compose stuff.Sean P. said:Has there been any word on who will do the music for Halo 4? Talk about filling big shoes
My short version: six years ago I landed in the hospical with pneumonia, a few hours from death. Still have lung damage, and I have an x-ray of that damaged lung on the wall of my cube. It reminds me of my own motality. 'Tis good to be alive.FyreWulff said:Are we all going to start posting our medical pictures and Xrays now? :lol
Devolution said:Real life shit?
thezerofire said:anyone up for maybe doing any Halo 3 MLG tonight at about 9 PST?
I'm like 34, maybe. I never had a team to go in with and that's all I could get to on my own. I'd probably need decent warming-up first though.bobs99 ... said:What rank are you? Im up for Halo 3 but im really rusty, I doubt I could handle high level MLG
xxjuicesxx said:Yea I have two more nights of work and then I have like 10 days off before my next job starts. I expect to do a hell of a lot of donging on those days, so pumped for my Halocation.
Translation:gute Quote du Scheisscamper...
Tashi0106 said:http://i.imgur.com/igGzo.jpg
squidhands said:Hey folks, I've been in the hospital for the last few days and will probably be here for a few more (getting old sure does suck). Fortunately it's nothing life-threatening, and I'll have plenty of time to catch up on the last several days worth of pages. Sure could use an xbox right about now
darthbob said:Worse...tech support.
HaloGAF seems like a completely different place now than what it was one month ago, a much better one, Devolution deserves major props for starting the reveal your mug thing, we seem like a big happy family now (maybe not everyone feels that way, but at least I personally feel much closer to all of you) and going forward discussions about any topic that surfaces will be held in a much better tone.bobs99 ... said:seemed like youve been gone ages!
GhaleonEB said:My short version: six years ago I landed in the hospical with pneumonia, a few hours from death. Still have lung damage, and I have an x-ray of that damaged lung on the wall of my cube. It reminds me of my own motality. 'Tis good to be alive.
Also, built my new PC and got myself a legit HD capture card soooo yea, that's pretty awesome.
Halo 3 MLG tonight?Tashi0106 said:Get well soon Squid!
Thanks guys for the warm welcome. Lemme tell you, it was a long fuckin month. Welcome juniors. Fuck you guys going to PAX and Halofestand where do I sign up for my Halo Veteran status membership?
I'll slowly get back into the swing of things but I just wanna say, play MLG and real men play Recon.
Also, built my new PC and got myself a legit HD capture card soooo yea, that's pretty awesome.
I left work early because it pissed me off. May get on to cool down for an hour or so.Devolution said:Where is everybody I got some post summer school finals playin' to do.
Letters said:HaloGAF seems like a completely different place now than what it was one month ago, a much better one, Devolution deserves major props for starting the reveal your mug thing, we seem like a big happy family now (maybe not everyone feels that way, but at least I personally feel much closer to all of you) and going forward discussions about any topic that surfaces will be held in a much better tone.
thezerofire said:I'm like 34, maybe. I never had a team to go in with and that's all I could get to on my own. I'd probably need decent warming-up first though.
Letters said:HaloGAF seems like a completely different place now than what it was one month ago, a much better one, Devolution deserves major props for starting the reveal your mug thing, we seem like a big happy family now (maybe not everyone feels that way, but at least I personally feel much closer to all of you) and going forward discussions about any topic that surfaces will be held in a much better tone.
GhaleonEB said:My short version: six years ago I landed in the hospical with pneumonia, a few hours from death. Still have lung damage, and I have an x-ray of that damaged lung on the wall of my cube. It reminds me of my own motality. 'Tis good to be alive.
Devolution said:I like HaloGAF a lot. If it weren't for you guys I'd be the fuck out of here honestly. This subcommunity is hilarious and fun. <3 you all, even the juniors I give too much of a hard time.
Also props to the people who put up with me ranting and raving about the game like every time I play looooooooooool.
kylej said:Complaining about how Bungie/Halo/Host/Spread/Bloom/AR/Grenades/Rockets/Radar/Shield Doors/Zero-G/Maps/Gametypes/Playlists/Enemies suck is a long standing tradition.
xxjuicesxx said:Umm technically its LOW-G. DUHGHHHHH
thezerofire said:Halo Reach MLG tonight?
I request a harder time be dished in my direction.Devolution said:I like HaloGAF a lot. If it weren't for you guys I'd be the fuck out of here honestly. This subcommunity is hilarious and fun. <3 you all, even the juniors I give too much of a hard time.
Also props to the people who put up with me ranting and raving about the game like every time I play looooooooooool.
like 5bobs99 ... said:Im up for it, im no good with timezones though how many hours is it till your on?
it's fine, I bitch and whine enough on my own, I don't mind.Devolution said:I like HaloGAF a lot. If it weren't for you guys I'd be the fuck out of here honestly. This subcommunity is hilarious and fun. <3 you all, even the juniors I give too much of a hard time.
Also props to the people who put up with me ranting and raving about the game like every time I play looooooooooool.
I'm thinking around 9 PSTTashi0106 said:Sure I'd love to!
Gross.Homeboyd said:I request a harder time be dished in my direction.
thezerofire said:Halo 3 MLG tonight?
Sweet.Tashi0106 said:Also, built my new PC and got myself a legit HD capture card soooo yea, that's pretty awesome.
Indeedkylej said:Complaining about how Bungie/Halo/Host/Spread/Bloom/AR/Grenades/Rockets/Radar/Shield Doors/Zero-G/Maps/Gametypes/Playlists/Enemies suck is a long standing tradition.
Of course. That'd be 4TrounceX said:Hey can I join you guys?
I've been really wanting to go back and play some H3 just to see how it feels after getting so accustomed to Reach.
Sweet.Karl2177 said:Gross.
How would they? No Blood Gulch in CE:A.Sean P. said:I really hope RvB os going remake the blood gulch chronicles on CE:A in HD. Panel question!
thezerofire said:Of course. That'd be 4
Rickenslacker said:How would they? No Blood Gulch in CE:A.
Homeboyd said:I request a harder time be dished in my direction.
Edit: Tashi... been playing some MLG lately. Im liking it. You gettin back on your streams anytime soon?
hm maybe but we'll give it a shot anyway. Either way, I'd rather get stomped on in Halo 3 than in Reach. at least I know they're better than I am.TrounceX said:Awesome!
Whenever you get on just send me a FR. My GT is Trounce
I think I'm still a 50 in MLG though is that a problem?
Blood Gulch is in Reach. Yes yes, bitch all you want, they'd be crazy to waste one of the six on a map that exists in Reach MP already.Sean P. said:Do we know all the maps they are remaking yet? I thought someone had mentioned that blood gulch was going to be remade, may have been misinformation though
thezerofire said:Of course. That'd be 4
The multiplayer side of the game is going to be Reach, and Reach already has its bastardized take on the Gulch.Sean P. said:Do we know all the maps they are remaking yet? I thought someone had mentioned that blood gulch was going to be remade, may have been misinformation though
- DamnationSean P. said:Do we know all the maps they are remaking yet? I thought someone had mentioned that blood gulch was going to be remade, may have been misinformation though
no worries. time zones are a bummer, but maybe I can play with you once school starts and I don't work full timebobs99 ... said:Hey not sure I can make it that late, I doubt we would have got a game as a 4 anyway. :/
I was actually wondering the same thing (I remember him from my lurking days)... then I saw him posting in another thread the other day. Can't remember which one it was.Schmitty said:Whatever happened to that spambot named Alien Shogun?