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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins


A27_StarWolf said:
Well maybe I'm too much of a "don't stoop down to their level person", but most of the time when Teammates betray me, I ignore it and eventually I get the option to boot them. Plus I know that if I finish my games I might get large credit payouts in the end.

Senador if you get matched up with people that are better than you, just play through it, sometimes you get matched with people better than you it just ends up like that.

Elite Slayer gets picked, it got picked because people WANTED to play it, sometimes it just ends up like that.

getting camped in your base and find it hard to escape? Well I personally like to do my own little mini games, see how far I can get from the base before I am seen, or if I can take a vehicle by surprise and destroy it.

I try to see the bright side in things, and I think those people that dont quit when the rest of their team has, or when facing a Superior enemy are pretty cool people.

To site an example, one time my entire team lagged out except for Duncan, Myself and Overdoz1z. They wanted to quit, I encouraged them to stay. We ended up winning against a team of six, and it was a ton of fun.

No way, I give those people credit.

Are you being for real Starwolf?

When teammates betray me I generally ignore it or let them kill me for the boot, but I am not going to start a round that way, fuck that.

Elite Slayer was picked because only a few people voted, and everyone just goes to the lift room and abuses melee power weapons, nades and armor lock. That's not fucking fun and I don't want to play that. I will not do X tactic just because others are.

I don't mind facing a superior team one bit....as long as I go in with a party or get matched with worthy teammates. I am not going to make a mini game out of trying to beat a team of dongers when I have 2 or 3 guests on my team. Why would that be fun for me?

Credits? I am not like most and say that those don't matter. I enjoy credits, but I think we've seen that not quitting games doesn't actually get you credits. We've seen this based on Ghaleon's huge non quitting streak and no jackpot, but others quit then the next game gets the jackpot. It just doesn't work right. Plus I am nearly at Noble. Staying through a BS round for a chance of a few extra credits isn't worth it for me.

I don't give the last dude staying credit at all. I just want them to quit. Why try to be some hero? Just quit and move on to the next game and we can too.

A27_StarWolf said:
I think we all wish we could have a matchmaking system that could measure fun, but because you can't make everyone happy, that machine would probably turn out to be crazy and go all skynet on us ;)


I want fair gametypes, map design, and matchmaking. Don't put guests on my team then make us face the dream team. Don't make me have to pick a gametype on a map where everyone just goes to 1 tiny room with invincibility, and don't punish me for quitting when my teammate is killing me and ruining my fun.

WTF dude, just WTF? I don't understand you one bit.

Edit: New connection we have at work:

The upload speed is also 500 but it was having a hard time registering on speed testing sites. lol
stephen08 said:
I think the current system of quit bans works well however as I have said before the quit option should be replaced with a surrender option for lopsided games. It would alleviate objective holding.

In general I don't quit. But if the circumstances are bad enough I will. I so however get booted out of many games for dealing with idiots. If I have a power weapon and someone on my team kills me for it that person is getting betrayed.

My connection:

Back when I was at school the speeds were insane. I think it was like 40 Mb/s down and 25 Mb/s up. A lot of fun to play on.

My bad for dropping out yesterday. Internet was acting up then dropped me. Got on the phone right after and set up a field call to have someone come look at it.

I think there should be some sort of mercy mechanic. Objective holding and/or winning team can offer it then, there would be a vote by the losing team (hold x to accept mercy) for a no penalty early end.
SailorDaravon said:

Ironically the game almost never makes me host.

Usually if I'm on a team where's it utterly hopeless, most people have quit and/or are fucking around I'll just go do something else in the house for a couple minutes like take out trash or dishes or something.

For giggles:



ShortBizzle said:
My bad for dropping out yesterday. Internet was acting up then dropped me. Got on the phone right after and set up a field call to have someone come look at it.

I think there should be some sort of mercy mechanic. Objective holding and/or winning team can offer it then, there would be a vote by the losing team (hold x to accept mercy) for a no penalty early end.
Yeah we were wondering what happened to you. Glad to hear it's getting taken care of.

The only problem with the implementation there would be that objective holders won't extend the offer of mercy and instead just farm the enemies.
senador said:
I don't give the last dude staying credit at all. I just want them to quit. Why try to be some hero? Just quit and move on to the next game and we can too.
But you can move on to the next game. Just quit.
So when playing games online, what matters most? Upload or Download speed?

Sorry if that is a dumb question :lol I imagine its download, but I'm not sure.
stephen08 said:
Yeah we were wondering what happened to you. Glad to hear it's getting taken care of.

The only problem with the implementation there would be that objective holders won't extend the offer of mercy and instead just farm the enemies.

Well there would be different dynamics for this mechanic.

Objective holding automatically issues the mercy to the losing team.
Say it ends up being 1v4 and there is a point where the 1 guy is getting skunked auto mercy.
Its 1v4 and the one guy is hiding the 4 can vote to mercy.
4v4 and the score is not even close 10 to 40. they can offer a mercy.

Obviously different cases and there could be different nuances for each case, but basically just be there to stop unnecessarily long games, stalemates, or uneven matches.


-Yeti said:
So when playing games online, what matters most? Upload or Download speed?

Sorry if that is a dumb question :lol I imagine its download, but I'm not sure.
uploading matters when you are hosting only.
-Yeti said:
So when playing games online, what matters most? Upload or Download speed?

Sorry if that is a dumb question :lol I imagine its download, but I'm not sure.

They both matter. Right now only my down is slow (I think its 174k down 2000k up) and this causes my character to jump, but everyone else tends to have fluid motion. When the opposite is true I tend to move ok, but everyone else gets jumpy. This is just my experience.
ShortBizzle said:
They both matter. Right now only my down is slow (I think its 174k down 2000k up) and this causes my character to jump, but everyone else tends to have fluid motion. When the opposite is true I tend to move ok, but everyone else gets jumpy. This is just my experience.
And your PING is important too.

Basically everything lol.
wwm0nkey said:
uploading matters when you are hosting only.

I see. Well, sucks for anyone who has to deal with me being host:


The worst thing about this ISP is that my connection is constantly being disconnected. By constantly I mean more than it should. I probably lose connection 5 times a day.

EDIT: Like just right now when I was submitting this post. :lol

thezerofire said:
And your PING is important too.

Basically everything lol.

The lower the ping, the better, right?


Latency and Packet Loss are the most important things about your connection. A good upload is nice but online gaming isn't going to be that heavy a draw.


Any Forgers both love and hate Forge World? I see a thousand potential maps in each place/area in FW. Which one i'd like to make? Which could actually work? Et cetera.
Considering making an Invasion map. Alaska+Montana would make a good setting. The problem is, the map would be quite huge. Too big probably. Alaska might do it, if i set the final objective in a building above gap beetween it and Montana. Of course such building is a potential frame rate hit... And without Montana, i can't make good bridges to my map. I like bridges. And using a part of Montana doesn't look good, i don't like setting large walls to block of areas, i'd rather use natural barriers or not use an area.
And while i'd like to make an Invasion map, i have a great idea for a normal Slayer/Objective map as well. ><


Tried a server in London (I'm in Florida) and got a ping of 220 ms :lol. Local server was 18.
My actual average ping under real condition (gaming and the like) is around 45.
I hate quitters as much as anyone but under certain circumstances (blatant betrayals, a full team of guests, one or more teammates that are either idle and/or decide to quite the game for whatever reason) I'd rather leave the game and bite the bullet than waste 10+ minutes of my precious gaming time basically running for my life while not having any fun in the process.

Restricting guest participation to one playlist, a surrender feature (either player optional or automatic the moment one team finds themselves at a 2 man disadvantage) along with a more substantial credit bonus for games played without actually quitting would IMO address many of frustrating elements that take a lot of the enjoyment out of MM.

stephen08 said:
Latency and Packet Loss are the most important things about your connection. A good upload is nice but online gaming isn't going to be that heavy a draw.
lol I had a time where my connection was losing packets on the upload, so whenever I was host it was essentially me stand-bying the other team. Good times.
GhaleonEB said:
I generally won't defend quitters, but it's not black and white. A system that both encourages misbehavior (Commendation farming in objective games) and then punishes players for leaving those games is a poor system.
These are flaws, but I wouldn't say they make the entire system poor. And you're really conflating two different, distinct systems. Commendations are an incentive system, and the quitter ban is a counter-griefing system. The quitter ban is good. It discourages people from dropping current games to find new games. Players usually do this because they are unhappy with some aspect of the particular game, be it the connection, a skill disparity, or things simply not going their way, but quitting for this reason is usually bad sportsmanship.


If only we could play halo at work...

Guess im upgrading to a 10 MB. Splitting that 4 ways will cost us 15 each for 4 months. not bad soldier not bad at all


HiredN00bs said:
These are flaws, but I wouldn't say they make the system poor. And you're really discussing different, distinct systems. Commendations are an incentive system, and the quitter ban is a counter-griefing system. The quitter ban is good. It discourages people from dropping current games to find new games. Players usually do this because they are unhappy with some aspect of the particular game, be it the connection, a skill disparity, or things simply not going their way, but quitting for this reason is usually bad sportsmanship.
They are separate systems, but they overlap in the way they affect player motivations.

Look at objective games. The Credit system rewards A) long games and B) kills. That provides motivation to make the games longer so they are worth more, and many parties roll through matchmaking to do that. (We might even have a few folks on this forum who roll that way, who knows.) If my team is down 2-0, there's 10 minutes on the clock, they have our flag, and they've set up to farm kills on us, my quitting is bad sportsmanship...how exactly?

I was in a game of Invasion Breakpoint over the weekend - a game type I don't really enjoy in the first place - and three of five team mates were betraying each other behind the shield doors, blowing up the vehicles and trying to form a tower of three Spartans (we started on defense). I stuck around, but why should I be punished for leaving that game?

Sorry, the quitter ban is poorly implemented. I left a few terrible games (for different reasons - game type, camping, lag in the case of Firefight) and the game harassed me for a week about it. In the middle, it banned me again because the game split me and my Firefight partner into different games, so even though I finished it counted as a quit. Bam, banned. This is a good system...how exactly?

Not all quits are created equal. I don't leave many games, and detest quitters in general. But there are legitimate situations in which it's entirely reasonable to leave a game. You say the quit ban is a counter griefing system. What's the counter griefing system for Commendation farmers? I refuse to be on the recieving end of that kind of griefing, but leaving can result in the quit ban. That. Is. A. Poor. System.
Tunavi said:
If only we could play halo at work...

Guess im upgrading to a 10 MB. Splitting that 4 ways will cost us 15 each for 4 months. not bad soldier not bad at all
I guess I could sneak in at night. But that wouldn't be too fun
HiredN00bs said:
These are flaws, but I wouldn't say they make the system poor. And you're really conflating two different, distinct systems. Commendations are an incentive system, and the quitter ban is a counter-griefing system. The quitter ban is good. It discourages people from dropping current games to find new games. Players usually do this because they are unhappy with some aspect of the particular game, be it the connection, a skill disparity, or things simply not going their way, but quitting for this reason is usually bad sportsmanship.
The problem is that objective holding is encouraged in the game based on the credit payout. You get more credits for losing a flag game that went to the time limit than you would for getting three quick flag caps and winning. That is broken. You can call it "griefing" if you want but I think that if there was a worthwhile team credit payout for completing objectives you would see a lot less objective holding and quitting because of it.
Woorloog said:
Any Forgers both love and hate Forge World? I see a thousand potential maps in each place/area in FW. Which one i'd like to make? Which could actually work? Et cetera.
Considering making an Invasion map. Alaska+Montana would make a good setting. The problem is, the map would be quite huge. Too big probably. Alaska might do it, if i set the final objective in a building above gap beetween it and Montana. Of course such building is a potential frame rate hit... And without Montana, i can't make good bridges to my map. I like bridges. And using a part of Montana doesn't look good, i don't like setting large walls to block of areas, i'd rather use natural barriers or not use an area.
And while i'd like to make an Invasion map, i have a great idea for a normal Slayer/Objective map as well. ><
Forge World has pretty much killed my desire to build anything any more. If it's not the ridiculous amount of framerate issues or the lack of anywhere decent to build a larger symmetrical map that isn't floating in the air, it's the poor choice of grey and glass that makes building seem more like a chore than it ever was for me in H3. I spend so much time searching for a good area for the pages and pages of designs that I have that I end up just ending the session before I ever place an object. The original concept of FW really had me excited, but I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am in how it turned out. Object-heavy designs are completely ruined by framerate issues, which pretty much throws that huge budget we're given right out the window. The lighting in the Coliseum is absolutely atrocious, and what it does to object shading makes me want to cry hungry, angry baby tears. More framerate issues in the Quarry if you look at the cliff sides, so you have to cover up the sides (eat up budget you shouldn't have to) to make it less of a problem.

...I could go on, but I'm depressing myself.
Im firmly in the Do Not Quit Catagory regarding the quitters discussion, i have quit in the past but recently i just dont, even if its 8 on 1 i wont quit.

Im not trying to be some hero or anything i just dont see the point, i can handle myself well enough when facing multiple opponents to still have fun. If i get betrayed intentionally i might make it my mission for a min or so to grief the other guy, usually ends in another betrayal and i boot them.


Because of the nature of the slot machine your best bet for earning credits is to finish as many games as possible in a given amount of time. Credit accumulation is time based but it definitely tapers off.

One caveat though is that if you finish a game too fast (so far our best guess is 2 minutes) the game will not award you a slot machine at all.
GhaleonEB said:
They are separate systems, but they overlap in the way they affect player motivations.

Look at objective games. The Credit system rewards A) long games and B) kills. That provides motivation to make the games longer so they are worth more, and many parties roll through matchmaking to do that. (We might even have a few folks on this forum who roll that way, who knows.) If my team is down 2-0, there's 10 minutes on the clock, they have our flag, and they've set up to farm kills on us, my quitting is bad sportsmanship...how exactly?

I was in a game of Invasion Breakpoint over the weekend - a game type I don't really enjoy in the first place - and three of five team mates were betraying each other behind the shield doors, blowing up the vehicles and trying to form a tower of three Spartans (we started on defense). I stuck around, but why should I be punished for leaving that game?

Sorry, the quitter ban is poorly implemented. I left a few terrible games (for different reasons - game type, camping, lag in the case of Firefight) and the game harassed me for a week about it. In the middle, it banned me again because the game split me and my Firefight partner into different games, so even though I finished it counted as a quit. Bam, banned. This is a good system...how exactly?

Not all quits are created equal. I don't leave many games, and detest quitters in general. But there are legitimate situations in which it's entirely reasonable to leave a game. You say the quit ban is a counter griefing system. What's the counter griefing system for Commendation farmers? I refuse to be on the recieving end of that kind of griefing, but leaving can result in the quit ban. That. Is. A. Poor. System.
All these examples say to me is that you can never make something completely idiot-proof.

Objective games require 2 minutes of gameplay to get a slot machine. Those seeking to maximize their cR rate should shoot for ending games in 2 minutes exactly. You already know how I feel about objective griefers, and I don't blame anyone for quitting on any kind of griefer, hence why I said "usually".

I've never been warned. I've never been banned. I know when I quit a game, or get booted, or disconnect, I'm going to be at risk for a probation, so I make sure to stick around in subsequent games regardless of the circumstances. It's a small price to pay knowing that bad sports will be harassed for their childish behavior.

Captain Blood said:
The problem is that objective holding is encouraged in the game based on the credit payout. You get more credits for losing a flag game that went to the time limit than you would for getting three quick flag caps and winning. That is broken. You can call it "griefing" if you want but I think that if there was a worthwhile team credit payout for completing objectives you would see a lot less objective holding and quitting because of it.
Is it griefing to hide in an unreachable area at 49 points in a Slayer game? And as I said, the problem is people don't understand the rate at which they earn cR. They think that more credits at the end of the game means they are earning a higher rate. This is not necessarily true.
Is this just me, but I like watching the cutscenes in games with subtitles on, but every time I boot up reach or halo 3, it forgets that I've turned them on and changes it to the default option. Is this by design or is there something wrong with my disc/console/hdd.

Also, if anyone from 343 is reading, is there any chance of the UK version of CEA having British spellings (I know its a little thing, but since the game is PAL rather than NTSC the game code is not identical anyway).


I remember having so many bad games that I was on probation the day the game came out :lol And somehow that probation last almost through all of September.
HiredN00bs said:
All these examples say to me is that you can never make something completely idiot-proof.

Objective games require 2 minutes of gameplay to get a slot machine. Those seeking to maximize their cR rate should shoot for ending games in 2 minutes exactly. You already know how I feel about objective griefers, and I don't blame anyone for quitting on any kind of griefer, hence why I said "usually".

I've never been warned. I've never been banned. I know when I quit a game, or get booted, or disconnect, I'm going to be at risk for a probation, so I make sure to stick around in subsequent games regardless of the circumstances. It's a small price to pay knowing that bad sports will be harassed for their childish behavior.
Except that the Slot Machine isn't the biggest reward of credits. It's the Game Completed. In a long game I'll get about 1800 or so for completion, and maybe 600 for a Slot Machine.
thezerofire said:
Except that the Slot Machine isn't the biggest reward of credits. It's the Game Completed. In a long game I'll get about 1800 or so for completion, and maybe 600 for a Slot Machine.
The slot machine is random and pays out up to 3000 cR, regardless of time. Shorter games = more pulls on the slot machine. You're maximizing your slot if you finish in 2 minutes, because that's the minimum requirement to get it, and it's not affected by time.


thezerofire said:
Except that the Slot Machine isn't the biggest reward of credits. It's the Game Completed. In a long game I'll get about 1800 or so for completion, and maybe 600 for a Slot Machine.

Except that you'd get that 600 credits regardless of length but in the time it takes you to earn the 1800 you could be on to the next game earning credits there and getting another slot machine.


I think you guys are assuming a level of intelligence for this (correct) line of thinking that the spawn camping jerks who are the problem just don't have.
Tashi0106 said:
Delta is going to charge me 205$ to change my flight from Raleigh to Orlando. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk
So, fuck those guys right? After a stunt like that they would be on my shit list. Seriously, that's just so messed up.


If you really want to penalize quitters (and still make it fair) make it so they can't join another game until the one they quit out of is finished. This way if you are the last guy you can leave and there's no issue. You quit at the start because you lost the race to rockets, you deal with the consequences.

Tashi0106 said:
Delta is going to charge me 205$ to change my flight from Raleigh to Orlando. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk
Tell those motherfuckers to pay up.


A27_StarWolf said:
Senador, we just have different ways of thinking. No amount of anything is going to change that.

Yeah for sure. I don't like being told I am part of the problem though when I feel the game threw me some unfair circumstances.

No worries though, I am also a bit on edge. I've been considering leaving my job. I have been very unhappy at work for too long for way too many reasons. I've just decided to do it. Heading in now. Wish me luck.
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