Major Williams
Or Arkham Asylum! I just borrowed it from a friend.... AWESOME... I don't know why I waitedDax01 said:Portal 2!![]()
Or Arkham Asylum! I just borrowed it from a friend.... AWESOME... I don't know why I waitedDax01 said:Portal 2!![]()
Tashi0106 said:Just booked my flight for MLG Orlando woooohoooooooo
sure delta, take 195$ of fees :/
All the people of the world love Portal 2 lol.A27 Tawpgun said:Oh, if Ghaleon hasn't played Portal 2 yet GET ON THAT. Your daughters would love it too.
PsychoRaven said:Yea. That's what we really need to figure out. We don't want to split the community. After all that would be bad for the population of said threads. The fewer the better.
Steelyuhas said:All the people of the world love Portal 2 lol.
Great game.
Haha all Halo MP jokes aside, I don't want HaloGAF to become all fragmented. I like having one thread to go to.
Karl2177 said:Looking forward to hearing release dates:
(Mirror's Edge 2, please Dice!)
It will be all entered around Pistol discussionDax01 said:This reminds me. What will be the Halo thread post CEA? Will all MP discussion still go in the Reach OT series, or will it start over with CEA? The former because CEA only comes with six Reach maps and not the entire set?
Have a CE OT for the campaign, and a Reach OT for the multiplayer, so as to not split up the community...hmmmmmm.Dax01 said:This reminds me. What will be the Halo thread post CEA? Will all MP discussion still go in the Reach OT series, or will it start over with CEA? The former because CEA only comes with six Reach maps and not the entire set?
I don't.squidhands said:Am I the only one who doesn't like Countdown?
Yay! This is the only game where I can ignore the gameplay and just look at the city and listen to the music. Beautiful game.Sean P. said:You'll hear sooner or later :] Word a month or so ago was they restarted development, easily one of my favorite games.
Halo AnniversaryTha Robbertster said:Pfff, so many games in the upcoming months I want to buy.
Halo Anniversery
Battlefield 3
Gears of War 3
Deus Ex
Dead island
Maybe I should get a job or something :lol
What upcoming games are you guys gonna buy?
Please don't tell me you prefer CoD.Karl2177 said:This is a source.
Battlefield controls feel weird to me, and none of the control schemes felt right to me. I just didn't think BC2 was fun at all. Even the campaign pissed me off.
CoD4 is the only one I like. I tolerate MW2(only because of the story), but I think the others are terrible. I played BF:BC2 and got about halfway through the campaign before I was fed up.A27 Tawpgun said:Please don't tell me you like CoD.
To be fair, Battlefield was never about the campaign. CoD is more campaign oriented than BF.Karl2177 said:CoD4 is the only one I like. I tolerate MW2(only because of the story), but I think the others are terrible. I played BF:BC2 and got about halfway through the campaign before I was fed up.
That really is the only one you need. It is the best out of the series.Karl2177 said:CoD4 is the only one I like. I tolerate MW2(only because of the story), but I think the others are terrible. I played BF:BC2 and got about halfway through the campaign before I was fed up.
Karl2177 said:CoD4 is the only one I like. I tolerate MW2(only because of the story), but I think the others are terrible. I played BF:BC2 and got about halfway through the campaign before I was fed up.
WHAAAAAAATSean P. said:You'll hear sooner or later :] Word a month or so ago was they restarted development, easily one of my favorite games.
I prefer how CoD aims and moves to how BC2 does. I enjoy BC2 more but I never feel like I can aim at what I want to, and I always get stuck on stupid little details on the groundA27 Tawpgun said:Please don't tell me you prefer CoD.
thezerofire said:WHAAAAAAAT
Tashi0106 said:Anniversary and Skyward Sword for sure. My cousin also just got a 3DS and he's telling me how amazing it is. I think I might get one next month.
thezerofire said:WHAAAAAAAT
I prefer how CoD aims and moves to how BC2 does. I enjoy BC2 more but I never feel like I can aim at what I want to, and I always get stuck on stupid little details on the ground
It was a continuation of 4.A27 Tawpgun said:That being said you tolerate MW2 for the story? To me that story was a huge clusterfuck of awful. It was only sort of enjoyable to play since it was non-stop michael bay action.
I was told this after I sold it. I decided to play it at a friend's house, and the start of the game was a fucking mortar war. My fun had already ended.wwm0nkey said:Also Battlefield is not about the single player XD
Tha Robbertster said:The story?? So many things just didn't make any sense likewhy did ghost and that other guy got killed and burned after that one mission, I couldn't find it anywhere
Ramirez said:The 3DS really isn't that amazing, such a boneheaded buy for me.
I'll wait for DE:HR to drop in price, tired of buying games/systems and then they're half price in a matter of a few weeks. :|
Blood, why do you like Uncharted's terribly unsatisfying gunplay compared to Gears? I really don't get it.
Yup my 3DS has hardly been touchedRamirez said:The 3DS really isn't that amazing, such a boneheaded buy for me.
I'll wait for DE:HR to drop in price, tired of buying games/systems and then they're half price in a matter of a few weeks. :|
Blood, why do you like Uncharted's terribly unsatisfying gunplay compared to Gears? I really don't get it.
I think the movement will take place naturally. The CEA thread will be for those players romping through the Campaign again and for general Halo talk. As time goes on, more and more of the MP side of things will return to the Reach threads, since that's the primary game and most MP players will have both. I like our relative seclusion here in the Community forum as we (usually, monthly cycles aside) have a better signal to noise ratio than threads on the gaming side.HiredN00bs said:Have a CE OT for the campaign, and a Reach OT for the multiplayer, so as to not split up the community...hmmmmmm.
Karl2177 said:Betrayal. Betrayed. Shepard had his goals and methods, while Price had his own. Price did his own thing which was EMP-ing Washington DC. This pissed Shepard off so he basically said they were traitors. Meanwhile Price, Soap, Ghost, and the other dude were off doing their mission while Shepard planned to kill these traitors.
It's setting up one of the (possibly) coolest finales to a series ever.
ncsuDuncan said:I'm not a seasoned veteran of these things but I imagine:
Halo: Reach |OT8| - Community side. Mostly HaloGAF posts.
The Official Halo: CEA Thread - Gaming side. Mostly posts by the rest of NeoGAF.
Heh, just experienced my first earthquake. Pretty minor here, but supposedly a 5.8. Somewhat odd for Virginia.Evacuating building now.Nevermind, we get to stay inside.
Ghaleon, Earth has told me you should get Portal 2 cause I felt an earthquake here in Wilmington, NC just now.GhaleonEB said:I think the movement will take place naturally. The CEA thread will be for those players romping through the Campaign again and for general Halo talk. As time goes on, more and more of the MP side of things will return to the Reach threads, since that's the primary game and most MP players will have both. I like our relative seclusion here in the Community forum as we (usually, monthly cycles aside) have a better signal to noise ratio than threads on the gaming side.
I just realized that Skyrim hits the 11th and CEA the 15th. With Newegg's 3-day shipping, that will give me a full week with Skyrim before CEA lands. I don't think I'll mind the extra days as much as I thought earlier. It will be good to have a bit of breathing room. After the CEA Campaign romp, I can see myself settling into a pattern of a long Skyrim session capped by a few Halo games to round out the evenings.
I'm leaning heavily toward snagging Deus Ex after PAX and taking a Halo break. Partly because I want something new, and partly because if I don't, I'll hit max rank by the end of the year at this pace and I'd rather chew through that after the TU and new maps hit.
Maybe it's just the sensitivity, but it just feels looser. Maybe it's no reticule magnetism. BC2 also doesn't do that great of a job telling you how much damage you've done, or how much health someone has left.A27 Tawpgun said:I see no difference in aiming. I can sort of relate to the getting stuck thing.
The only thing I don't like about BC2 is the bad hit detection and lack of good feedback that you're taking damage. I'm glad BF3 is going back to the visual health system and none of this bloody screen shit.
I agree completely. It took me a few weeks after playing and a long discussion with a few friends regarding what happened and why.Tha Robbertster said:Okay, I can get into that. I wish the game had explained it better to the player though. I'm finding it out 2 years after the game released which isn't exactly a good thing.
FyreWulff said:A group of GAFfers I played with a couple of nights ago also saw this in action. We were playing 1 Flag Condemned, I knew exactly where to stand to buddy-spawn them right next to the opposing team's flag. It was like a spawn hose of spartans only 30 feet away from their flag. As soon as Team GAF would die, they would spawn right in the stairway outside of their base. Other team never stood a chance and were only able to break the spawn hose once one of them decided to go root me out of the stairwell.. but I came right back and started the spawn hose again.
Previous post is written as an extremely educated guess based on way too much spawn testing and jonnyothan posts from the Forge World group for the stuff I couldn't quite figure out, by the way.
(and this is why any MLG Pros out there should stay in high school. MATH!)
Oh how I wish the cannons on the drop ships got nerfed. They're the main reason I find myself voting for Arcadefight in Doubles rather than Limited. Fewer drop ships, and I can snipe the guns off quickly. Going back to Limited for a game just reminded me how they wreak so many maps.Karl2177 said:I agree completely. It took me a few weeks after playing and a long discussion with a few friends regarding what happened and why.
Also, another TU request. Concussion shells shouldn't knock me out of sprint, stun me, and make me useless. Make the gun feel more like the brute shot please.
@ work in Laurel, MD. I'm in a fairly large building and the whole thing did shake. First one for me as well...scary shit.ncsuDuncan said:Heh, just experienced my first earthquake. Pretty minor here, but supposedly a 5.8. Somewhat odd for Virginia.
bungieaerospace tweeted on June 30: "Just to clear up a little early morning confusion: "Crimson" will be available on iOS and Android. More details soon.senador said:Edit: iPad only? Boo.
I want to like that but just not my type of game at allsenador said:The Crimson: Steam Pirates out on 9/1 for free!
Stats will be recorded on
Sorry, not Halo but still fitting I say.
senador said:The Crimson: Steam Pirates out on 9/1 for free!
Stats will be recorded on
Sorry, not Halo but still fitting I say.
I'm prepared for the news cycle for today and tomorrow to revolve around QuakeGate.ncsuDuncan said:Heh, just experienced my first earthquake. Pretty minor here, but supposedly a 5.8. Somewhat odd for Virginia.Evacuating building now.Nevermind, we get to stay inside.
Can't beat free!senador said:The Crimson: Steam Pirates out on 9/1 for free!
Stats will be recorded on
Sorry, not Halo but still fitting I say.
Edit: iPad only? Boo.
If you dont have a ipod or ipad you canAwesome Barlow said:Can't beat free!
HiredN00bs said:Or you could purchase the game at full price at a midnight release and then return the sealed copy to Gamestop for a full refund when it arrives...