Gabotron ES
AR spawns will be a much more enjoyable game type once the TU drops, bloomless Magnum 
P.S: I already posted this but no one answered, maybe Frankie can shed some light on it:
Are there plans to allow us to purchase Bungie Pro render minutes via Microsoft Points in the future?
I already asked Urk about this, he replied:
P.S: I already posted this but no one answered, maybe Frankie can shed some light on it:
Are there plans to allow us to purchase Bungie Pro render minutes via Microsoft Points in the future?
I already asked Urk about this, he replied:
Urk (November 11 said:We'd love to offer a method to pick up more minutes via Microsoft Points. If we can make
some headway on that front, we'll clue you in when it's go time. For right now (and the
foreseeable future) Amazon Payments is the only path to purchase.