Welcome to HaloGAF.lybertyboy said:Some folks just aren't happy unless they're complaining.
Welcome to HaloGAF.lybertyboy said:Some folks just aren't happy unless they're complaining.
Tashi0106 said:That's weird. I need to become a partner already so I can have the resolution changer. I need 1,000 followers on my channel already!!
xxjuicesxx said:4,000 followers.
It ain't going to happen. Ninja has like 5,000 and hes been partnered for weeks. Its easy if you're popular to get the first couple thousand but 3-4-and 5k just becomes tougher since so few people make accounts.
We'll all probably be waiting until its out of beta. Unless for some reason you blow up. Which would mean making a name for yourself at an event or something.
Devolution said:Haven't been around all day anything cool happen?
Also home grilled burgers > *.
Sean when are you lining up tomorrow?Sean P. said:I have a video on the prisoner remake in very poor quality from our tourney win I want to upload. Mainly because my buddy wins a 2v1 and just screams "FUCK you guys" hahahaha
Devin Olsen said:Sean when are you lining up tomorrow?
Also when is everyone else lining up?
Sounds good, see you tomorrow.Sean P. said:Waking up at 5, in line by 6. We will see how it goes. By the latest 630
senador said:I feel like my aim is getting worse. :/ I've been playing SWAT to work on headshots. I might get some Kontrol Freeks to see if they help. Anyone use those?
senador said:I feel like my aim is getting worse. :/ I've been playing SWAT to work on headshots. I might get some Kontrol Freeks to see if they help. Anyone use those?
He just needs to twitch the reticle for 9/10 headshots bromega.Tashi0106 said:Just blame it on bloom, it's easier to deal with like that
On a serious note, trying moving your right stick less.
Tashi0106 said:Lol yea that's what I said. I'd have to get like top 32 at Orlando or some shit hahaha.
senador said:I feel like my aim is getting worse. :/ I've been playing SWAT to work on headshots. I might get some Kontrol Freeks to see if they help. Anyone use those?
Tashi0106 said:Just blame it on bloom, it's easier to deal with like that
On a serious note, trying moving your right stick less.
Devolution said:Anyone up for playing right now? I gotta shoot some shit.
Mostly very little but sometimes not at all. Also be aware of your surroundings. Use cover to reset the bloom. Don't be afraid to jump yourself as well. Try different things. Maybe your sensitivity is too high. I play on 3.senador said:Cool thanks guys. I think I'll try some KFs since they don't cost much. Just gotta decide concave or convex.
I always read this but it is hard for me in practice. Do you mean move it small amounts, or not at all in some cases?
When in a firefight and someone is jumping around and strafing its hard for me to track them. I know that's the point but I just can't keep the reticule on 'em. Blurg.
I'm still on and Tunavi keeps going on and off.
Tashi0106 said:Mostly very little but sometimes not at all. Also be aware of your surroundings. Use cover to reset the bloom. Don't be afraid to jump yourself as well. Try different things. Maybe your sensitivity is too high. I play on 3.
Tashi0106 said:Mostly very little but sometimes not at all. Also be aware of your surroundings. Use cover to reset the bloom. Don't be afraid to jump yourself as well. Try different things. Maybe your sensitivity is too high. I play on 3.
Ahh yes. I've been in fights like that before. If you recognize you're going to lose early, turn around and bail. If that's not possible, try to get melee before you die. Things like that help your team win. Also, don't look at your shot being the only problem. Look at your positioning on the map. How often do you find yourself getting the first shot in a battle? Do you find yourself away from teammates often? Open up your whole game for inspection not just your shot. Good luck to ya!senador said:Gotcha. Pretty sure my problem is the right stick. I react too harshly then overcompensate and end up chasing the reticule around. Its hard for me to do finer movements of the stick. I used to play on 6, went to 4 and did better, and now at 5 thinking that would help. I'll try 3 out. Jet Packers become more of a problem with lower sensitivity though. Damn Jet Packs. Thanks Tashi.
GhaleonEB said:I'm so tired I fear for death. But the day was worth it.
In non-HaloGAF news, the Skyrim panel was glorious anarchy. That game will take over lives and not let go for months.
On to the HBO breakfast and Halo 4 panel tomorrow, which means I'm getting up in ~6 hours. I'm going to need a vacation from this vacation.
Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice.thezerofire said:How is Instinct so fucking good?
rofl I'm becoming a pro at running away now that I use sprint instead of jetpack. Letters would hate me for itTashi0106 said:Ahh yes. I've been in fights like that before. If you recognize you're going to lose early, turn around and bail. If that's not possible, try to get melee before you die. Things like that help your team win. Also, don't look at your shot being the only problem. Look at your positioning on the map. How often do you find yourself getting the first shot in a battle? Do you find yourself away from teammates often? Open up your whole game for inspection not just your shot. Good luck to ya!
Devin Olsen said:Sounds good, see you tomorrow.
GAF'ers seem very quiet this year... I've seen Sean and Duncan lots but everyone else keeps to themselves/their groups and doesn't say hi much. Sad stuff
PNut said:Still no word on fixing grenades, Arena, or the addition of a Race playlist from Halofest? Shame.
Working as intended.Devolution said:Or banshee. Or revenant snipe crazy aim (how is this still in?).
Devolution said:Or banshee. Or revenant snipe crazy aim (how is this still in?).
Tunavi said:Premium BTB. Highlands (no laser), Condemned, Breakpoint (no laser), Tempest (with tunnels), Ridgeline, Headlong, Hang Em High
Tunavi said:Premium BTB. Highlands (no laser), Condemned, Breakpoint (no laser), Tempest (with tunnels), Ridgeline, Headlong, Hang Em High
Cut them some slack, it's not like they've got some sort of consumer-exposed map editor that would allow them to remove the vehicle from the map at the touch of a button instead of keeping an obviously broken vehicle in matchmaking for a full year while completely ignoring the issues that it presents with both its sniper and physics glitches.Devolution said:Or revenant snipe crazy aim (how is this still in?).
thezerofire said:How is Instinct so fucking good?
In my Classic 8v8 playlist, I would want Hemorrhage, Highlands, Headlong, and Ridgeline.Tunavi said:Premium BTB. Highlands (no laser), Condemned, Breakpoint (no laser), Tempest (with tunnels), Ridgeline, Headlong, Hang Em High
Arena isn't needing "fixed", it isn't broken - at least no more broken or conflicting as Trueskill's 1-50 was. Race playlists? Really.PNut said:Still no word on fixing grenades, Arena, or the addition of a Race playlist from Halofest? Shame.
Yeah, that's a fun tough mission on Legendary, quite like it.Desmond said:Can we talk 'bout SP here?
Just finished from the Space mission to the end on Solo Legendary. Fucking tough lol
Ah so that's how I got it. Got a DM from her.PsychoRaven said:I'd believe it. Alison from 343 got hacked tonight too. You can change your password to stop them.