Ranked Arena
Team Slayer (4vs4): Play different slayer variants; slayer,
slayer DMRs, classic slayer, slayer pro and bro slayer.
Squad Battle (5vs5): Play slayer and objective variants on
small-medium sized maps; slayer, slayer DMR, classic riffles, Multi
flag CTF, 1 Flag CTF, 2 Flag pro and Assault.
Team SWAT (4vs4): Play SWAT slayer and objective oriented games.
Team Snipers (4vs4): Proof your sniping skills in this playlist.
Team Doubles (2vs2
Fight alongside your fellow spartan mate;
slayer, slayer DMR, classic slayer, oddball and crazy king.
Big Team Battle (8vs8): Big battles with lots of vehicular combat.
Multi Team (2vs2vs2vs2): Four teams of two, pure madness;
slayer, classic slayer, elite slayer, 3 Ball, Rocket Race and Crazy
Premium Battle (6vs6) [DLC required]: slayer DMR, Classic
riffles, Assault, 1 Bomb, Multi Flag CTF, 1 Flag, Invasion and Elite
Rumble Pit (FFA): FFA social oriented playlist; slayer, classic
slayer, headhunter pro, oddball, crazy king and juggernaut.
Team Anniversary (4vs4) [DLC required]: Play Anniversary slayer and
objective variants on your old favorites; Anniversary slayer, Anniversary
riffles, Slayer Evolved and classic CTF and Bomb variants.
Action Sack (4vs4): Sack up!
Griffball (4vs4):[/b] Get the disease!
MLG (4vs4): Play official MLG game types and rules.
FFA Action Sack (8 players): Race on the best community tracks
and enjoy some of the best FFA gametypes; includes Speed, Hogs from
Heck, Jump Rope, Cat n' Mouse, Crash up Derby, Battleships, Cawk Blawkin' and more.
Co-op campaign: Play co-op campaign over Xbox LIve.
Firefight Arcade: Enter a frenetic battlefield with lots of crazy game types.
Firefight Doubles: Fight to the end with your fellow spartan mate.
Some ideas:
-Make all one sided CTF/ Bomb variants consist on two rounds of 5 minutes each to avoid quitting.
-As for the removal of Firefight Limited, include a limited gme type variant as a third voting option in both Arcade and Doubles Firefight.
-Return the old (1-50) ranking system for the Ranked Arena playlists.
What do you guys think about this? I will post a more deeper reflexion regarding all these changes and the implementation of the TU and Anniversary maps sooner or later.