There is nothing special about page 59.Blueblur1 said:On page 117, how appropriate.
Also: Sonic influences HaloGAF, how appropriate.
Note: Subtle reference is subtle.
There is nothing special about page 59.Blueblur1 said:On page 117, how appropriate.
Also: Sonic influences HaloGAF, how appropriate.
Note: Subtle reference is subtle.
Blueblur1 said:On page 117, how appropriate.
Also: Sonic influences HaloGAF, how appropriate.
Note: Subtle reference is subtle.
This again.GhaleonEB said:There is nothing special about page 59.
Blueblur1 said:This again.
Edit: I could draw a better one, Dani. Easily.
enzo_gt said:Honestly, after playing MW2, just cut and paste the matchmaking system into Reach. Drop in/Drop out multiplayer games are a must. Challenges as well can only make the game better if they are designed just like they are in MW2, equal challenges per weapon and a few fun/advanced ones. All of the challenges there don't impact gameplay as heavily and as detrimentally as the multiplayer achievements in Halo 3 which just ruin the experience at times.
:lol @ the HaloGAF cycle.
Holy crap no.enzo_gt said:Honestly, after playing MW2, just cut and paste the matchmaking system into Reach.
user_nat said:Drop in drop out, I could live with.
Get away from my Halo.enzo_gt said:Honestly, after playing MW2, just cut and paste the matchmaking system into Reach. Drop in/Drop out multiplayer games are a must. Challenges as well can only make the game better if they are designed just like they are in MW2, equal challenges per weapon and a few fun/advanced ones. All of the challenges there don't impact gameplay as heavily and as detrimentally as the multiplayer achievements in Halo 3 which just ruin the experience at times.
:lol @ the HaloGAF cycle.
enzo_gt said:Honestly, after playing MW2, just cut and paste the matchmaking system into Reach. Drop in/Drop out multiplayer games are a must. Challenges as well can only make the game better if they are designed just like they are in MW2, equal challenges per weapon and a few fun/advanced ones. All of the challenges there don't impact gameplay as heavily and as detrimentally as the multiplayer achievements in Halo 3 which just ruin the experience at times.
:lol @ the HaloGAF cycle.
enzo_gt said:Honestly, after playing MW2, just cut and paste the matchmaking system into Reach. Drop in/Drop out multiplayer games are a must. Challenges as well can only make the game better if they are designed just like they are in MW2, equal challenges per weapon and a few fun/advanced ones. All of the challenges there don't impact gameplay as heavily and as detrimentally as the multiplayer achievements in Halo 3 which just ruin the experience at times.
:lol @ the HaloGAF cycle.
EazyB said:Get away from my Halo.
Just the thought of searching for a match and getting thrown into a game that's half way over makes me want to puke. Now if they gave me the option to search without the possibility of joining midway through the game that'd be cool because I'd deselect it and enjoy the stream of new players to kill in BTB. But honestly, I have no idea who'd volunteer to join into games in progress given the choice.
EazyB said:Get away from my Halo.
Just the thought of searching for a match and getting thrown into a game that's half way over makes me want to puke. Now if they gave me the option to search without the possibility of joining midway through the game that'd be cool because I'd deselect it and enjoy the stream of new players to kill in BTB. But honestly, I have no idea who'd volunteer to join into games in progress given the choice.
gibonez said:I think Halo is one of the few modern games to not have a Left Trigger precision aiming mode.
Resistance 2, COD, Battlefield, MOH and just about every other Fps game has it.
Iron Sights wouldn't work unless they redesigned all of the weapons and added either sights or optics to them. I would imagine this is the same problem they encountered in Resistance 2 with all the Alien weaponry not having any means to aim them.
Anyone think they might try to modernize Halo a bit and include something like a precision mode ?
Yup. Oh, and can we vote to veto before the map finishes loading? Also, bring back the one button film save in the post-game lobby. Please and thank you.enzo_gt said:EDIT: Church ^ said it well. Also, if the veto is already over half the players.. just stop the vote already. Speeds things up for everyone, and theres no reason why I should wait another 8 seconds staring at a picture of Snowbound before it changes to something else.
Dani said:What is this precision mode?
Iron sights?
Why would you need any further help to aim in Halo anyways? I've never known anyone to have trouble aiming in any Halo game.
A Penguin said:Also, bring back the one button film save in the post-game lobby. Please and thank you.
gibonez said:We'll its not so much help in aiming it just for some reason make the shooting feel more intuitive. Aiming in games when there is a precision mode such as Iron sights just feels a whole lot deeper and more fulfilling.
Better question would be if they did decide to include such a mode how would you guys suggest they go about it ? Would you guys want it to be like Resistance 2 with the weapons either going into their optics or zooming in the cursor just a tiny bit and increasing the guns accuracy or full on redesigned weapons and inclusion of iron sights?
"Modernize" :lolgibonez said:Anyone think they might try to modernize Halo a bit and include something like a precision mode ?
EazyB said:"Modernize" :lol
How about adopting saved films, screenshots, and user content. That's what pushes games forward, not an alternate method of aiming.
A Penguin said:Yup. Oh, and can we vote to veto before the map finishes loading? Also, bring back the one button film save in the post-game lobby. Please and thank you.
Striker said:The jump in and jump out process could be affiliated by a custom game lobby. Allow users to search between 2-16 players, a certain gametype, or search by Friends. All that kind of stuff would be really helpful and allow users who do not want to play MM relax in a friendly environment.
If somebody says, "Well, hey, that'll split MM!", save it. You know what splits Matchmaking? Having a million playlists.
EazyB said:"Modernize" :lol
How about adopting saved films, screenshots, and user content. That's what pushes games forward, not an alternate method of aiming.
gibonez said:Do you guys anticipate Bungie evolving Halo in such a direction?
Dani said:No. And I would strongly disagree about using the term "evolving" to describe your idea either. It suggests that Halo isn't keeping up with other games in the same genre when in fact it's the industry leader on it's platform.
CoD17 MW5OuterWorldVoice said:A true evolution would be the ability to dual wield ARs.
Yeah, this is what I was getting at. It makes sense for some shooters to have ADS but games like TF2 and Halo do no fit in this category. Halo has more platforming elements then almost any other shooter. What makes Halo firefights so much deeper than other games is the marriage between maneuverability and shooting. All ADS would do in a game like Halo is bog it down.Dani said:No. And I would strongly disagree about using the term "evolving" to describe your idea either. It suggests that Halo isn't keeping up with other games in the same genre when in fact it's the industry leader on it's platform.
OuterWorldVoice said:A true evolution would be the ability to triple wield Needlers.
....I love Halo but no just no.EazyB said:Yeah, this is what I was getting at. It makes sense for some shooters to have ADS but games like TF2 and Halo do no fit in this category. Halo has more platforming elements then almost any other shooter. What makes Halo firefights so much deeper than other games is the marriage between maneuverability and shooting. All ADS would do in a game like Halo is bog it down.
Dani said:Fixed.
DiabolicalBagel said:Dani, you are clearly too tired to know what you're talking about. You have to go with the ultimate power combo: SMG, Plasma rifle and a Magnum. That is how you're supposed to triple wield, noob.
Ssparks said:I really hope Bungie takes Reach in a more intimate single player direction this time around. Don't get me wrong, playing co-op is a good time but that feeling of that personal experience in games like MW1/2 blow away co-op gameplay any day in my opinion. I guess it's just reaching that thin line of balance in development between designing a game that the player feels involved and engaged, in while also making it fun for a multiplayer experience. I really hope this is what they were referring to when Bungie mentioned a more cinematic experience in Reach.
cjelly said:Details from EDGE will be out this weekend, no?
Subscribers normally get their mag the weekend before.
What the hell are YOU talking about? Halo does have a great amount of manuverability, and its perfectly balanced as well.TacticalFox88 said:....I love Halo but no just no.
Awesome post. Well articulated and level-headed. Will read again.TacticalFox88 said:....I love Halo but no just no.
The problem with maintaining a lobby after a game is that people joining up will automatically know which opponents they'll be facing and can just back out during this intermission if they don't think they can get an easy win. CoD's system works well enough for incredibly casual play where the team's outcome really doesn't matter.NullPointer said:The part I'd take from MW matchmaking is the way you stay in the lobby after a match ends, by default, unless you leave it. Halo 3 matchmaking always bugs me with having to do all the time consuming legwork of setting up a match from scratch at the end of every game.
And yeah, I know you can select to stay on with players that agree, but I think it works better the other way around. Set up a good match, and let us just stay in the lobby and line up a new game. If we don't like how its going, think we're too outmatched, or experiencing too much lag we'll leave.
And a second nod to challenges. They work, and work well. They could unlock new armor emblems, colors, shapes, weapon/armor skins, whatever. Make them incentivize getting to know each weapon and its various uses, and make even more for achieving team objectives.
Besides that, its golden.
Can't say I agree with this. The bolded is what they already use in Halo 3 with playlists that include DLC but aren't required. Even with ""1/2 of the Halo population owning ODST I rarely ever see the mythic maps in the playlists they aren't required for. It's basic statistics. Let's say 75% of the population owns the DLC, if you randomly try to match up 10 there is only a 6% chance everyone will have the DLC. Even if you're searching as a team of 5 who all has the DLC, if 5 random players are chosen there's still only a 25% chance of them all having the Mythic maps. And that's without including the random chance MM will select a mythic map even when everyone has the maps.OK, one more thing. DON'T split up the playlists when the eventual paid DLC maps arrive. Allow players with any content to play any game type, ranked and unranked. Just use the installed DLC of various players to figure out which map and lobby to place them in.
All that 'skill' is just accidental or perhaps it is a perpetual streak of extreme luck.Dani said:Single wielding Halo 3's pistol is enough for me and you know it. =P
DiabolicalBagel said:All that 'skill' is just accidental or perhaps it is a perpetual streak of extreme luck.
Dani said:If I could continuously manifest strings of perpetual streaks of luck, I'd be stringing out pairs of sure-fire lottery tickets instead of wasting it in Halo 3 Social Slayer. =P
Besides, I haven't yet devised a proper methodology for holding 3 Needlers at the same time and retaining independent fire control whilst also retaining jumping and aiming functions.
I hope Bungie or 343 are hard at work on this perplexing yet vitally important issue.
And Edge should be in the post for subscribers at this point.
Leaving non-DLC owners (and new game purchasers) with only the bare minimum playlists to engage in, mostly non-ranked, is the far worse alternative. Its also the number one reason my friends never got into Halo 3. After being late to the party they felt they needed to shell out even more cash just to see what the game had to offer, or go to social matches which would place them with veteran players looking for easy sport.EazyB said:Can't say I agree with this. The bolded is what they already use in Halo 3 with playlists that include DLC but aren't required. Even with ""1/2 of the Halo population owning ODST I rarely ever see the mythic maps in the playlists they aren't required for. It's basic statistics. Let's say 75% of the population owns the DLC, if you randomly try to match up 10 there is only a 6% chance everyone will have the DLC. Even if you're searching as a team of 5 who all has the DLC, if 5 random players are chosen there's still only a 25% chance of them all having the Mythic maps. And that's without including the random chance MM will select a mythic map even when everyone has the maps.
DiabolicalBagel said:Why waste time winning money when you accidentally hit idiots in the face an infinite amount of times?!
Also... if you get rid of equipment, stick reload back onto X and only have access to frag grenades... then you could Quadruple wield with the shoulders and triggers. Who needs power drainers and plasmas anyway?
Dani said:Yeah, but you need to hold them! Think of the realism, man! You'd have to hold two of them behind each kneecap, which means you'd have to walk crouched, plus, the guns of your legs would fire in opposite directions from your body.
You aren't thinking real enough!
Although it could be argued that those playing Halo 3 weekly and avid enough to by the DLC should be the priority, I'll disregard that. The DLC requirements were completely reasonable throughout Halo 3's lifetime before Microsoft made them push Mythic really hard over the summer and into this fall. I have a feeling Bungie feels more like you do though. Currently the playlist restrictions are as liberal as you could possibly expect them to be.NullPointer said:Leaving non-DLC owners (and new game purchasers) with only the bare minimum playlists to engage in, mostly non-ranked, is the far worse alternative. Its also the number one reason my friends never got into Halo 3. After being late to the party they felt they needed to shell out even more cash just to see what the game had to offer, or go to social matches which would place them with veteran players looking for easy sport.
And no - buying ODST doesn't count as a solution.
If they need to create 60 playlists to avoid any problems, then they should create 60 playlists. Just don't make late buyers feel like suckers for dropping the cash in the first place and I'd be fine with whatever implementation that entails.
DiabolicalBagel said:Strap them to your feet, that way you can also utilize kicking in the melee system.![]()
Dani said:So we basically can have Bayonetta meets Halo? I'm so sold. Where do I plug in my cash card and future earnings?