Halo controls/aiming and movement (among other things) set the standard for console shooters for a good while. But FPS on the consoles have exploded into a variety of different forms, and sometimes the lack of sprint and an aim-down-the-sights feels like a relic from a bygone era.bobs99 ... said:Controls wise I really dont know why the controls not being different is a issue if theyre already really good, COD 2 to 4 was probably a bigger leap because the controls needed to be refinded, with Halo 2 all the way to ODST the controls worked perfectly, changing the controls would just frustrate players.
For example, I just finally beat ODST on Legendary with a buddy of mine last night, and there were several situations where the lack of sprint felt... wrong. Here I am jumping off of a Scarab and "running" for the hills before its explosion wipes me out with my beeping sliver of health. Or that last, pure evil, endless run along the highway - god forbid your vehicle goes up in flames and you find yourself slowly jogging to get back to the fight in time.
Now I know that these are the design choices that make Halo what it is, and it'd be blasphemy for most here to change these things, but these are the expectations that the current FPS market holds to when they put a game in.
For me personally, I don't mind the lack of ADS so much, but the lack of sprint and over-emphasis on auto-aim are detriments to the game.