Kapura said:
K bro, lemme go point by point from the top
[*]I'm sorry you have problems finding matches, but you seem to be part of a tiny minority
Americans are the majority of Halo players, but not the overwhelming majority.
[*]Searching with a full team should, logically, be faster, not slower because then it only has to find another full team, instead of matching size and then finding randoms
By experience it isn't. You might have noticed not everything is "logical" when it comes to Halo multiplayer.
[*]Search by Skill would only be even more problematic at the extreme ends of low-population playlists. If you're searching there, I'd suggest playing customs or finding a new playlist
What do you count as "extreme ends of low-population playlists" ? 2 000 players should be enough.
[*]I take it you're foreign (Australian?), so you dislike having an overseas host. But if it's really taking you this long to find matches, it seems doubtful that you or somebody with your ISP would pull host
I'm an American living in France. I've got a good connection (18d/1u), and get host my share of times when I'm playing against other Europeans, but the best connection in the world won't help when I'm paired with 7 Californians.
[*]Search by Region doesn't give you good games. It would give you geographically close games. Shitty connections are still shitty, though.
Where did I say it wouldn't look for skill as well? When you search for good connections does skill suddenly stop factoring in the equation? Just give us the option, please.
[*]Additionally, it would be harder to find games across the board, as it radiates out from your position, looking for people who are actively looking for a match at the same time as you in the same playlist. Statistically,your range would have to be very broad anyway to meet those criteria, while completely disregarding skill.
I'm not saying search in my small 50 000 person city in eastern France, I'm saying search in Europe.
[*]Drop skill related matches? Why don't you just play more customs if you don't want to play with people of comparable skill? There is a special type of thread in Bungie.net pertaining to this, which I call "WTF BUNGLE FIX MACHMAKIN." In it, the original poster complains about getting matched with, say, generals while he is a major, grade two. This sort of thing would only increase, because nobody likes getting pooped on for ten minutes.
Re-read please before trying to bring this down to some Bnet level shit. I've been there, I know what it's like, you must be blind to think this is the same thing. Re-read, I said drop the skill factoring after a certain amount of time has elapsed.
[*]Highest-skill rebalancing would only be remotely effective assuming A) that there are no parties searching and B) That there are multiple people on the extreme end who have fallen over five minutes into the dead zone
Not sure what you where replying to..?
You might try finding and opening the ports used for Xbox Live, after I did that I found games very quickly. Or if you're on WiFi, try to get closer to the signal source. My Xbox is on Wifi, but It's a good router and it has direct line of sight with the xbox's antenna.
:lol Haha my Xbox is directly connected to my router, all ports are opened for XBL, NAT is Open. I'm glad MS didn't include Wifi with every 360, shame the high price tag for the dongle didn't stop people from buying it and ruining online games though..
More like a mix between the carbine and human aesthetic.
Have you read the article? What you just described is called the BR..