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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed

Tashi0106 said:
I sit leaned forward and my face is probably 3 feet away from the screen. I'm basically in the fucking monitor.

For mic, I use my 360 wireless mic, I just tuck that under my headphone. I also have a little cellphone mic I put under when my mic dies.

Heh, yeah I know what you mean. My eyes end up darting around side to side just to check if anyone is next to me. I think when I have to do that, I'm definitely too close.
As for the mic thing, I've tried using my wireless tucked under one side but it just pains me to only hear my BR in one ear.
I imagine it's slightly different with the 555's, they have larger cans.

Fake edit: *facepalm* I could just change the balance to have the mic ear extra loud. It won't sound as nice as it does without the mic but it'll still be a hell of a lot better than crappy PC speakers. :)

Edit: It works pretty well. Got the balance just right. :)
Still pretty uncomfy though, a sacrifice I shall have to make for fantastic sound.


Guys, I think I've figure out where Oonsk can go (besides a shoulder pad).

Forge monitor.
I'm not thinking there will be a whole lot of Forerunner in this game, so it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for the Monitors to show up (Because it was canon, you know). So I was thinking to myself "What other small being could be used to spawn equipment and the like into the game world?"

And then it hit me, like a grenade that was prepared to drop.
This isn't simple some amusing image crafted by urk instead of putting up the BWU, this is a DESIGN DOCUMENT in .gif form. Oonsk doesn't have explosive deuces, he's SPAWNING GRENADES. Think about it: New, small dude to fly around the map. Spawns equipment. Universally beloovèd.

Oonsk in forge for reach.

Make it happen, Bungie.


343i Lead Esports Producer
BladedExpert said:
Wait, that means you're the same level as me in MLG! lolololol...

Maybe we should play so you can boost
me to 50 while you regain yours :D


Ya know, as much as I've been lagging out and cheated, I've also been getting shit on too. I've been playing terrible lately. I think I need you to carry me now lol.


Ramirez said:
How does anyone have slow matchmaking times in Halo? The only time I've ever had to wait over 30 seconds is in a playlist that has a terrible population and I'm in the high levels. Examples would be Throwback & Squad Battle.

Say hello to Australia!!
Heres a little something from me :D


I have a high res version that i fit to my monitor (1366 X 768). can anyone here host a high res image? if so, message me. Photobucket downsizes everything..


dilatedmuscle said:
Heres a little something from me :D

I have a high res version that i fit to my monitor (1366 X 768). can anyone here host a high res image? if so, message me. Photobucket downsizes everything..
that looks REALLY nice, id definitely rock that :p
LOL @ poop comments. I was planning on having him sit on a rock and have a crazy scenery but i didnt plan ahead on a lot of things so it wouldnt have worked out so i had to leave it with the character alone and crop out his legs i had gotten too far into the character that i didnt want to erase hours of work. If i thought about it as a wallpaper from the get go instead of a piece with envoronment and stuff i wouldve made his pose different. I have another wallpaper in mind that involved emile and win lol.


dilatedmuscle said:
Heres a little something from me :D


I have a high res version that i fit to my monitor (1366 X 768). can anyone here host a high res image? if so, message me. Photobucket downsizes everything..



for the love of god, let us VETO the maps BEFORE or WHILE LOADING
can't be that hard, can it?
also, the option between 3rd person/1st person in passenger seat as someone suggested would be pretty sweet


Kapura said:
When was the last time you had to wait that long to getting a match? It usually takes me about thirty seconds, and no longer than two minutes.

Every time I play. On average it's five to ten minutes, but it does get in the 15+ minute range pretty often. that's by searching alone or as a party of two, I've given up searching as a party of 4.

NullPointer said:
One thing that I love about Halo's matchmaking is that you have that choice. Whether it be connection speed, or player skill, or if you just want to get matched up as quickly as possible.

Search by skill = increase MM times even more.
Search by connection = US host = shitty game 80% of the time.

Ramirez said:
How does anyone have slow matchmaking times in Halo? The only time I've ever had to wait over 30 seconds is in a playlist that has a terrible population and I'm in the high levels. Examples would be Throwback & Squad Battle.


JaggedSac said:
I find Halo 3 matchmaking to be quite fast. Very comparable to CoD.


AwesomeSyrup said:
Yeah I find matches really fast in Halo 3. Never had a problem with that, only game I've ever had a hard time finding games in is Gears 2, although I don't know who didn't. :D


Spirit3 said:
Say hello to Australia!!

Aha, not US :lol

gafster1 said:
Same here. No trouble with Halo 3 matchmaking.

Gears 2 isnt as good, but still better than some.


Ironborn said:
for the love of god, let us VETO the maps BEFORE or WHILE LOADING
can't be that hard, can it?
also, the option between 3rd person/1st person in passenger seat as someone suggested would be pretty sweet



Search by Region would be a godsend, as well as MM dropping all skill-related requirements after five minutes have passed without a game being found. Highest skill needs to be taken into the equation when making "balanced" teams.


Yes would definitely love the option to search by region in Reach. The problem with 3 is that a person's BR is only so effective if you have an inferior connection when compared with your opponents. It heightens this inferiority when playing the MLG playlist, as you will just get bukkaked if your connection isn't as good as other peoples. Obviously the AR transcends connection issues to be the ultimate in devastating weaponry.


BTW Arnie, last week I played against a guy named 'Arnie lfc 4 life' or something like that, seems you have a fan :lol


MagniHarvald said:
Every time I play. On average it's five to ten minutes, but it does get in the 15+ minute range pretty often. that's by searching alone or as a party of two, I've given up searching as a party of 4.
Ummmm...wow. That really sucks. Glad I don't live where you live. =/


Maybe Bungie could take one of these GAF/Oonsk Emblems and make it available for GAF users only?

That would be pretty sweet

Edit: Probably a stupid question, but Urk or Frankie, I suppose there's no way you'll be selling the Be a Hero shirts on an European site, is there?
Gui_PT said:
Edit: Probably a stupid question, but Urk or Frankie, I suppose there's no way you'll be selling the Be a Hero shirts on an European site, is there?

It's kind of unfortunate, but by the time Bungie get their act together about international shipping the Be a Hero campaign will probably have ended.

Louis Wu

Awesome artwork from HBO this morning:

TDSpiral posted this:


and ZZoMBiE13 sent along this:


On a totally separate subject: DiabolicalBagel, they make 'below the ear' mics you might want to consider: I'm not suggesting you buy from this vendor, but it provides a decent pic of what the unit looks like, and shows you the model number. Before I got a pair of Astro A40s, I had a pair of 5.1 headphones with no mic, and this fit pretty comfortably below it. (My son, however, couldn't wear it - his ear wouldn't hold it on right, or something.)

Just something to consider.


MagniHarvald said:
Every time I play. On average it's five to ten minutes, but it does get in the 15+ minute range pretty often. that's by searching alone or as a party of two, I've given up searching as a party of 4.

Search by skill = increase MM times even more.
Search by connection = US host = shitty game 80% of the time.




Aha, not US :lol




Search by Region would be a godsend, as well as MM dropping all skill-related requirements after five minutes have passed without a game being found. Highest skill needs to be taken into the equation when making "balanced" teams.
yup. halo matchmaking is pretty fucking horrible


MagniHarvald said:
BTW Arnie, last week I played against a guy named 'Arnie lfc 4 life' or something like that, seems you have a fan :lol
OMG, that is crazy. I do tend to create that sort of reaction with my overall charismatic persona.

Just got my EDGE magazine, the Reach feature was superb. A huge positive from the article, as well as the ones we have already gleaned, is that the BR looks to be making a return. I understand this has already been discussed but I will walk you guys through it.

Firstly, in ODST the decision was made instantly to exclude the BR, not so much in Reach. In fact there is a selection of artworks depicting Noble Team, and while the player character is clearly holding what we have identified as the DMR, a clear mix between the Sniper and the BR, Carter is holding what we know and love, the BR. It looks completely faithful to previous games, with a bullpup design and a scope resting on the top. It looks significantly different to the rifle we have seen in the VGA trailer and in the Noble Team artwork. Understandably, the BR is only in an artwork, so it isn't confirmed to be rendered in game, yet the fact that they have at least considered it is a positive. Coupled with this quote(which I know has been posted):
The new DMR, a powerful single-shot rifle with 3x zoom, overlaps many of the Battle Rifle's strengths, but Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out.
Louis Wu said:
Awesome artwork from HBO this morning:

TDSpiral posted this:

This isa wesome. Oonsk looks like he's about ready to kill every living thing on this planet twice over.:lol


MagniHarvald said:
Every time I play. On average it's five to ten minutes, but it does get in the 15+ minute range pretty often. that's by searching alone or as a party of two, I've given up searching as a party of 4.

Search by skill = increase MM times even more.
Search by connection = US host = shitty game 80% of the time.


Search by Region would be a godsend, as well as MM dropping all skill-related requirements after five minutes have passed without a game being found. Highest skill needs to be taken into the equation when making "balanced" teams.
K bro, lemme go point by point from the top
  • I'm sorry you have problems finding matches, but you seem to be part of a tiny minority
  • Searching with a full team should, logically, be faster, not slower because then it only has to find another full team, instead of matching size and then finding randoms
  • Search by Skill would only be even more problematic at the extreme ends of low-population playlists. If you're searching there, I'd suggest playing customs or finding a new playlist
  • I take it you're foreign (Australian?), so you dislike having an overseas host. But if it's really taking you this long to find matches, it seems doubtful that you or somebody with your ISP would pull host
  • Search by Region doesn't give you good games. It would give you geographically close games. Shitty connections are still shitty, though.
  • Additionally, it would be harder to find games across the board, as it radiates out from your position, looking for people who are actively looking for a match at the same time as you in the same playlist. Statistically,your range would have to be very broad anyway to meet those criteria, while completely disregarding skill.
  • Drop skill related matches? Why don't you just play more customs if you don't want to play with people of comparable skill? There is a special type of thread in Bungie.net pertaining to this, which I call "WTF BUNGLE FIX MACHMAKIN." In it, the original poster complains about getting matched with, say, generals while he is a major, grade two. This sort of thing would only increase, because nobody likes getting pooped on for ten minutes.
  • Highest-skill rebalancing would only be remotely effective assuming A) that there are no parties searching and B) That there are multiple people on the extreme end who have fallen over five minutes into the dead zone
You might try finding and opening the ports used for Xbox Live, after I did that I found games very quickly. Or if you're on WiFi, try to get closer to the signal source. My Xbox is on Wifi, but It's a good router and it has direct line of sight with the xbox's antenna.

Arnie said:
...the DMR, a clear mix between the Sniper and the BR...
More like a mix between the carbine and human aesthetic.


Arnie said:
Not how Bungie described it bro.
You mean Edge and Game Informer. I'll admit, I've not read the Game Informer article, but from the tiny amount of information on it in Edge, it looks to be a headshot weapon with three x zoom. Perhaps it's on par with the Halo 3 Beta carbine, but I can't image it moving too much towards the sniper side of things.


Wait what? Some people are actually hating on Halo 3 matchmaking? dah fuck.

You really can't please everyone. Unbelievable.
Matchmaking in Halo has always been slow to me, but it is random sometimes I can get in a game quick while I've had matchmaking go on for over 5 minutes for some reason.


Kapura said:
You mean Edge and Game Informer. I'll admit, I've not read the Game Informer article, but from the tiny amount of information on it in Edge, it looks to be a headshot weapon with three x zoom. Perhaps it's on par with the Halo 3 Beta carbine, but I can't image it moving too much towards the sniper side of things.
That is how it is described in GameInformer. As GI never got to actually play the game, I would imagine the weapon descriptions were given to them by Bungie, similar to how they claim the Needlerifle is "headshottable". As it only takes 4 shots to kill someone, the rifle will fire at a slower rate than the Carbine, thus making it a mix between the BR and the Sniper.


BattleMonkey said:
Matchmaking in Halo has always been slow to me, but it is random sometimes I can get in a game quick while I've had matchmaking go on for over 5 minutes for some reason.

I haven't played halo in a couple of months but when I played it easily had the best matchmaking system, unrivaled imo. I guess theres a minority who have had bad experiences with Halo's matchmaking .

Was always really quick for me.


Arnie said:
That is how it is described in GameInformer. As GI never got to actually play the game, I would imagine the weapon descriptions were given to them by Bungie, similar to how they claim the Needlerifle is "headshottable". As it only takes 4 shots to kill someone, the rifle will fire at a slower rate than the Carbine, thus making it a mix between the BR and the Sniper.
If I don't see a quote from Tung, Sage, or Sage's Beard, I'm going do guess it's a description by observation, so not to be taken completely at face value.


Kapura said:
K bro, lemme go point by point from the top
[*]I'm sorry you have problems finding matches, but you seem to be part of a tiny minority
Americans are the majority of Halo players, but not the overwhelming majority.
[*]Searching with a full team should, logically, be faster, not slower because then it only has to find another full team, instead of matching size and then finding randoms
By experience it isn't. You might have noticed not everything is "logical" when it comes to Halo multiplayer.
[*]Search by Skill would only be even more problematic at the extreme ends of low-population playlists. If you're searching there, I'd suggest playing customs or finding a new playlist
What do you count as "extreme ends of low-population playlists" ? 2 000 players should be enough.
[*]I take it you're foreign (Australian?), so you dislike having an overseas host. But if it's really taking you this long to find matches, it seems doubtful that you or somebody with your ISP would pull host
I'm an American living in France. I've got a good connection (18d/1u), and get host my share of times when I'm playing against other Europeans, but the best connection in the world won't help when I'm paired with 7 Californians.
[*]Search by Region doesn't give you good games. It would give you geographically close games. Shitty connections are still shitty, though.
Where did I say it wouldn't look for skill as well? When you search for good connections does skill suddenly stop factoring in the equation? Just give us the option, please.
[*]Additionally, it would be harder to find games across the board, as it radiates out from your position, looking for people who are actively looking for a match at the same time as you in the same playlist. Statistically,your range would have to be very broad anyway to meet those criteria, while completely disregarding skill.
I'm not saying search in my small 50 000 person city in eastern France, I'm saying search in Europe.
[*]Drop skill related matches? Why don't you just play more customs if you don't want to play with people of comparable skill? There is a special type of thread in Bungie.net pertaining to this, which I call "WTF BUNGLE FIX MACHMAKIN." In it, the original poster complains about getting matched with, say, generals while he is a major, grade two. This sort of thing would only increase, because nobody likes getting pooped on for ten minutes.
Re-read please before trying to bring this down to some Bnet level shit. I've been there, I know what it's like, you must be blind to think this is the same thing. Re-read, I said drop the skill factoring after a certain amount of time has elapsed.
[*]Highest-skill rebalancing would only be remotely effective assuming A) that there are no parties searching and B) That there are multiple people on the extreme end who have fallen over five minutes into the dead zone
Not sure what you where replying to..?
You might try finding and opening the ports used for Xbox Live, after I did that I found games very quickly. Or if you're on WiFi, try to get closer to the signal source. My Xbox is on Wifi, but It's a good router and it has direct line of sight with the xbox's antenna.
:lol Haha my Xbox is directly connected to my router, all ports are opened for XBL, NAT is Open. I'm glad MS didn't include Wifi with every 360, shame the high price tag for the dongle didn't stop people from buying it and ruining online games though..

More like a mix between the carbine and human aesthetic.

Have you read the article? What you just described is called the BR..


Kapura said:
If I don't see a quote from Tung, Sage, or Sage's Beard, I'm going do guess it's a description by observation, so not to be taken completely at face value.
Even so, the BR is a human version of the carbine. The DMR fires at a slower fire rate with increased power. Thus a mix between the BR and Sniper. If the DMR killed people in as many shots and at the same fire rate as the Carbine, then I'd agree.


MagniHarvald said:
Every time I play. On average it's five to ten minutes, but it does get in the 15+ minute range pretty often. that's by searching alone or as a party of two, I've given up searching as a party of 4

As you can tell, you're in the very low minority. Most people here only have to wait 2 minutes tops. I live in Canada, but I lived in Australia for two years and still didn't have the problems you're describing. Something is hinky - your connection is horrible, or your router is broken, or your 360's network card is broken.

How are other games' matchmaking? I'm guessing they're just as bad for you. This isn't something Bungie or even Microsoft can fix for you, I think.


Arnie said:
Even so, the BR is a human version of the carbine. The DMR fires at a slower fire rate with increased power. Thus a mix between the BR and Sniper. If the DMR killed people in as many shots and at the same fire rate as the Carbine, then I'd agree.
We don't know that. The DMR could be more like the Halo 1 pistol with Slow but Powerful shots with pinpoint accuracy up to a ridiculous range.

The Carbine, on the other hand, can be fired pretty quickly and it's shots aren't as accurate over long range.

Like someone said, DMR is likely a Sniper/BR cross rather than a straight human carbine (isn't Bungie trying to cut down on redundancy?)

But again, we can only speculate. Which is fun.

-edit- Some of you guys get a little too sensitive when it comes to criticising Halo, be it gameplay or matchmaking or whatever. I mean, some people don't like waiting 3 minutes for a game...no need to get all upset. I'm still new so I'm bailing out of the matchmaking gameplay discussion. Don't want to be Junior Dax 2.0
sorry Dax

-DOUBLE EDIT- All of the artwork on this page is Great!


EliCash said:
Wait what? Some people are actually hating on Halo 3 matchmaking? dah fuck.

You really can't please everyone. Unbelievable.

Not everyone has the same online experience as you. Unbelievable. I'm not hating on Halo 3 MM, I find it to be pretty good most of the time. But the times are rather long when you consider that Halo 3 was the most played title on XBL for 2009.

Some things need to be changed as well: map loading after veto, not before, total revamp of the veto system, anti-deranking measures need to be put in place (votekick/autokick), high skill needs to be taken into account when putting players in two teams.

Example: playlist skill (high skill)
34 (46) vs 35 (47)
33 (50) 32 (41)
30 (47) 32 (39)
27 (48) 25 (34)

Does this feel like a great match up if you're that 35 (47) dude? I mean, both teams have a total 124 skill in that playlist, so it must be good, right?


32 (41) vs 35 (47)
33 (50) 30 (47)
32 (39) 34 (46)
27 (48) 25 (34)

Would you agree that this be better?


formerly cjelly
EliCash said:
Wait what? Some people are actually hating on Halo 3 matchmaking? dah fuck.

You really can't please everyone. Unbelievable.
Well, loading a map before allowing people to veto is a pretty fucking big oversight, IMO.


cjelly said:
Well, loading a map before allowing people to veto is a pretty fucking big oversight, IMO.
That's a small thing I've never thought about but you're completely right. It just causes more damn delays when the initial map is vetoed.


Sill4 said:
We don't know that. The DMR could be more like the Halo 1 pistol with Slow but Powerful shots with pinpoint accuracy up to a ridiculous range.

The Carbine, on the other hand, can be fired pretty quickly and it's shots aren't as accurate over long range.

Like someone said, DMR is likely a Sniper/BR cross rather than a straight human carbine (isn't Bungie trying to cut down on redundancy?)

But again, we can only speculate. Which is fun.
True, but I'm basing my speculation off of hard information.

Another point from the EDGE article which had me salivating at the mouth was Bungie's dedication to make the Covenant's plasma weapons dangerous and visceral. This is something the novels always managed to transmit but was never realised in the game. The feeling that a blast of plasma could burn through anything is something I can't wait to experience in Reach.
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