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Halo Reach Review Thread


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Aaron said:
Dude, it's Halo. It shoots like Halo, the enemies react like Halo, and the vehicles drive like Halo. They were just showing the new scenery off. Because the gunfights... they play out like Halo. The details have changed, but the feel of everything from gunplay to AI remains the same. You could ignore every review since you only need to answer one simple question: Would you like some more Halo?

Halo: Reach
It's totally Halo.
(actual halos not included)
I spent the weekend learning that my Halo 3 abilities needed a total reset, so I am not sure I agree with the premise you state so globally.

In summary I got donged on.


Buttonbasher said:
The author does post on here for what it's worth.

just want to say that Gus is good people. He's not the kind of journo who half-asses a review, or anything else really.


Junior Member
Regarding replayability of the campaign, there is no doubt in my mind that this campaign will be played as much as CE's, if not more. And this is even in a state when I am much older and have much less time for playing... and also have options such as online multiplayer, firefight and forge at hand.

So no, saying campaign is just rental is wrong. There is so much to explore and I can't wait to jump in some legendary missions with friends.


JSnake said:
just want to say that Gus is good people. He's not the kind of journo who half-asses a review, or anything else really.

Well, tell him to inform himself better, because what Ghaleon posted is pretty embarrassing. ODST had no experience system to speak of, and no armor unlocks, the most it had was turning helmets on and off for the ODST. ugh
JSnake said:
just want to say that Gus is good people. He's not the kind of journo who half-asses a review, or anything else really.
Agreed. I was just pointing it out. He posts good stuff on Wired and GAF.
Ramirez said:
Well, tell him to inform himself better, because what Ghaleon posted is pretty embarrassing. ODST had no experience system to speak of, and no armor unlocks, the most it had was turning helmets on and off for the ODST. ugh

Maybe he meant "multiplayer", but that wasn't last year. It's been there since Halo 3.


Dax01 said:
Maybe the fact that most people saw it as the next big Halo game, even though it wasn't, has something to do with it.

I think it has a lot to do with the "open world" segments of the game being polarizing. Not everyone enjoyed that part of ODST, although some loved it. Personally I felt that wandering around New Mombasa in the nighttime got stale really quickly, and as a result I only found the flashback missions enjoyable.
Sir Fragula said:
I still don't understand how people found ODST disappointing.

Overpriced, no FF macthmaking, really subpar visuals, really poor VA given the cast, repetitive and dark hub world with silly highlight-enemies-for-me mechanic, short.

The missions themselves were still solid, though.

Dax01 said:
This would be a question best asked in the OT (or you can look in the OP of the OT), but yes, you can rewind everywhere.

Thanks. You are right. I was being lazy.


tagged by Blackace
Sir Fragula said:
I still don't understand how people found ODST disappointing.
Same way Gametrailers says Halo 3's graphics were disappointing at the time, when they praised them during their Halo 3 review.

I think it comes down to the Campaign being not really.. relavent or exciting story wise. Protect the city AI, a tiny little connection to Halo 3 that appeared to be added for the sake of creating a connection between the games. It wasn't particularly eventful, and thats why people found it disappointing, especially if people walked in with preconceptions that it was "the next big Halo." I agree with the overpriced and no matchmaking criticisms though.
Sir Fragula said:
I still don't understand how people found ODST disappointing.

Easily the most disappointing bit was that the whole ODST thing, the thing that was going to separate it from other Halo games, felt poorly realized. It was Master Chief with shittier bullet damage (which makes absolutely no sense), different health system and a bit more damage. The levels felt like "Halo: the B-sides," and the writing was remarkably bad in places. The city mood was sweet though, despite the crappy Lifetime soundtrack.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Easily the most disappointing bit was that the whole ODST thing, the thing that was going to separate it from other Halo games, felt poorly realized. It was Master Chief with shittier bullet damage (which makes absolutely no sense), different health system and a bit more damage. The levels felt like "Halo: the B-sides," and the writing was remarkably bad in places. The city mood was sweet though, despite the crappy Lifetime soundtrack.
Would you say it was better or worse than Haze?


Just finished the campaign not 10 minutes ago. First up its a great game, for me it's not as plot driven as OSDT as some have said. It just doesn't have ODST atmosphere. The game is stunning looking in many parts, its got an almost hand painted look and for me is one of the best looking games this gen. It is probably overly familiar and Halo vetrans will instantly be at home, saying that there would be a riot if Bungie had botched with the game play. The enemy AI is the best in any Halo and the pacing of the game is almost perfect. As many have said Bungie have left the Halo world in a suitably impressive way.


Hmm. Well, me and my regular playing group still think ODST's the best Halo campaign released since CE, if not better than it. In fact I think I might go back and play some again now.


GhaleonEB said:

It's baffling to me how often I read a review for a game where the author clearly doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about.

What did I get wrong? Can't you unlock aesthetic armor upgrades in both games?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Flynn said:
What did I get wrong? Can't you unlock aesthetic armor upgrades in both games?
Also you accidentally typed 8 instead of 10. I am totally cool with you correcting it.
Flynn said:
What did I get wrong? Can't you unlock aesthetic armor upgrades in both games?

In Halo 3 yes or the MP disc, in ODST no. How it is worded makes it look like you can do it for ODST which you can't, only on the MP disc, which isn't ODST, but Halo 3.


Gui_PT said:
In ODST? No.

Shit, I seemed to remember armor unlockables there, will fix it.

EDIT: Okay, I killed that. I remembered unlocking and customizing shit last year while playing Firefights, but it must have been while playing on the Halo multi disc.
StuBurns said:
What's most embarrassing is even Halo at it's worst is outclassing the console competition.

Haze is hardly "competition," though. Although I guess that's sort of the point, it's not like there aren't really fucking good shooters out there that are in the Halo league.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Haze is hardly "competition," though. Although I guess that's sort of the point, it's not like there aren't really fucking good shooters out there that are in the Halo league.
That's exactly what it's like. On the consoles anyway.


Sir Fragula said:
I still don't understand how people found ODST disappointing.
I liked the atmosphere and felt it was probably the best Halo campaign since Combat Evolved. Halo 3 was a dogshit campaign once the honeymoon period wore off and Halo 2 had a great story, but meh encounters. But ODST had some issues. They talked about how you were supposed to be just another soldier without all the special things the Chief could do. Yet, you could still rip off turrets, you could still flip vehicles, you could still take Brutes head-on with little difficulty. Hunters were no problem, even on higher difficulties and the whole aspect of avoiding encounters and tackling Covenant patrols in the city turned out to be nothing more than random encounters here and there. Oh, but you can't dual wield, since only Chief is strong enough to do that.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Flynn said:
haha, My eight won't make a difference with all the tens out there.

If it changes the metacritic score by a single negative percentile, Frankle will be withholding bonuses and water from the Waypoint team.

Don't let them die of thirst, monster.
Flynn said:
Shit, I seemed to remember armor unlockables there, will fix it.

EDIT: Okay, I killed that. I remembered unlocking and customizing shit last year while playing Firefights, but it must have been while playing on the Halo multi disc.

You were semi-right, you can change up your character for firefights and pick whether they had a helmet on, but that was it, but there weren't any unlock-able armor pieces.


this thread:

"Halo Reach: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-8"

HAH! i knew Halo reach would disappoint !


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dani said:
If it changes the metacritic score by a single negative percentile, Frankle will be withholding bonuses and water from the Waypoint team.

Don't let them die of thirst, monster.
They don't need water, they have all they dust they can eat!


Dani said:
If it changes the metacritic score by a single negative percentile, Frankle will be withholding bonuses and water from the Waypoint team.

Don't let them die of thirst, monster.

I feel bad for devs who live or die by Metacritic, but the contract is theirs to negotiate. I wish more of them would fight harder for different bonus criterion, such as making deadlines.
eso76 said:
this thread:

"Halo Reach: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-8"

HAH! i knew Halo reach would disappoint !
This is every GAF thread, though. It's just that with certain AAA franchises, almost nobody needs a review to tell them if they're going to get their money's worth or not. You're in or you're out, long before reviews surface, and reviews aren't going to change your mind.

And thank God for that, because games journalists really are no different than the next GAF poster, and in many cases can't even write as credibly and coherently.

All Haze jokes aside, I'd prefer to read a long AltogetherAndrews post than I would almost any of the mainstream site reviews of Halo Reach, including the overwhelmingly positive ones.


Shake Appeal said:
This is every GAF thread, though. It's just that with certain AAA franchises, almost nobody needs a review to tell them if they're going to get their money's worth or not. You're in or you're out, long before reviews surface, and reviews aren't going to change your mind.

I've always said that if you call yourself a fan of games, movies or whatever and aren't already sure which stuff you're going to like and which stuff you're going to hate you're not as informed as you think you are.

Its the blindsides that consumer criticism are good for -- when a creator with a good track record puts out an unexpected stinker.
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