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Halo Reach Review Thread

StuBurns said:
In retrospect Halo 2 gets a lot of shit because it's hard to remember what it was bringing to the MP aspect of gaming. The campaign was a step back, but the MP was the best to ever grace a console. It deserved the praise.

MP may have deserved its praise (I never cared for Halo MP), but that should hardly warrant a full pardon, with an apparent gag order, for its rotten campaign. But whatever, that's hardly important right now.
AltogetherAndrews said:
MP may have deserved its praise (I never cared for Halo MP), but that should hardly warrant a full pardon, with an apparent gag order, for its rotten campaign. But whatever, that's hardly important right now.

I might just be being nostalgic but I liked Halo 2's campaign. Technically it wasn't great but the back story to the Covenant and playing through The Arbiter's story made it quite a solid experience.


Jexhius said:
Then I'm not sure why you'd even consider checking this out. Sounds like it won't be for you.

I get caught up too easily in hype and high review scores. Same reason I bought God of War 3 despite not liking God of War 2.
Hope it lives up to all the hype the reviews are giving it. Loved the original, hated 2 and 3 for the most part. Did like ODST though somewhat.
anonnumber6 said:
I might just be being nostalgic but I liked Halo 2's campaign. Technically it wasn't great but the back story to the Covenant and playing through The Arbiter's story made it quite a solid experience.

I thought it made the Covenant a lot less interesting. A mystical bundle of aliens became a pack of terrorists with the biggest suicide vest in the Universe. I preferred Halo, as it used the story mostly as a glue between action bits, and because the world itself was a mystery. Engaging enough story feeding you reasons to keep fighting, no more or less.

Halo 3 had more interesting worlds, so I preferred that to Halo 2, despite all the stupid story bits. And "Cortana" *shudders*


anonnumber6 said:
I might just be being nostalgic but I liked Halo 2's campaign. Technically it wasn't great but the back story to the Covenant and playing through The Arbiter's story made it quite a solid experience.
People have a soft spot for the firsts of anything...Half the people who complain about H2 do so simply out of the love they feel for the first one and since they'll never experience Halo for the first time again, nothing compares.

Trying to be objective, I think that each game in the Halo series has been better than the previous one (with the exception of ODST).


I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
will we ever get a classic map pack DLC? i would love to have all the maps from Halo:CE with a new graphical paint job.
I have never really been bothered with game trailers' spoilers but holy shit this was awful. I wonder if their writers gave the story section a second thought...


ElyrionX said:
I get caught up too easily in hype and high review scores. Same reason I bought God of War 3 despite not liking God of War 2.
Well this seems certainly more of an evolution of the previous few games then anything crazy different so I wouldn't imagine that you'd enjoy it.

Still, as others have said, renting is always a viable option.
Opus Angelorum said:
Now that's just too easy without offering an alternative.

Um... you said:

It's the best first person shooter that will ever appear on any console platform, period.

This claims that not only is it the best shooter that HAS ever appeared in the PAST on ANY console (quite a bold statement when you add "period" at the end), but it is also claims that no other shooter will ever surpass it in the FUTURE.

With that kind of obviously insane statement, it's not necessary to provide alternatives. And I fucking love Halo.
RedRedSuit said:
Um... you said:

This claims that not only is it the best shooter that HAS ever appeared in the PAST on ANY console (quite a bold statement when you add "period" at the end), but it is also claims that no other shooter will ever surpass it in the FUTURE.

With that kind of obviously insane statement, it's not necessary to provide alternatives. And I fucking love Halo.

Well, Bungie's next FPS will be better than it.


cuevas said:
Well, Bungie's next FPS will be better than it.
I doubt it. It'll take iterations to get a new series right, and presumably the budget will be smaller despite it being multiplatform.

EDIT: Forgot it was with Activision not EA Partners, I take back the budget bit.


banKai said:
Played about 90 minutes and just stopped. I have to say I never was a big fan of the core gameplay mechanic and because it seems "perfect" to the million fans out there Bungie won't change it. But everything around the shooting mechanic and how it feels is very well made. AI, sound, multiplayer, there is so much to do but I will never get into it because I can't build up any excitement.

Then why in the world did you buy it?


Opus Angelorum said:
It's the best first person shooter that will ever appear on any console platform, period.


Wired.com - 8/10

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but after playing May’s Halo: Reach beta, I feel like a bit of the game’s freshness has been spoiled. Many pivotal locations in the campaign became well-trod territory during the test. Not to mention the fact that these familiar places remind me that just a year ago we were playing Halo 3: ODST.

There used to be a big difference between annual, flogged-to-death franchises and event games like Halo, but that line is blurring. And Reach takes a couple of chinks in its armor for retreading ground.

The final, bittersweet moments of the game’s campaign suggest that Bungie has put much thought into the dilemma: Can you have too much of a good thing?

That question is no longer Bungie’s to answer. In its stead, I’ll share my two cR: It’s starting to look like it.

WIRED Amazing multiplayer, new combat-oriented character customizations, killer space dogfights.

TIRED Weak plot and characters, feels similar to last year’s Halo.


sillymonkey321 said:
Seems like:

Single Player campaign = rental

Multiplayer = puchase.

Pretty much like every game since CE. Halo has been all about MP since 2, even in one of their Reach vidocs, they state "Campaign sets an amazing table, but MP is your meal." :lol


Ramirez said:
Pretty much like every game since CE. Halo has been all about MP since 2, even in one of their Reach vidocs, they state "Campaign sets an amazing table, but MP is your meal." :lol

I still though Halo 2 was worthwhile yet disappointing, which i then put a lot of anticipation into Halo 3 to deliver that extra " rawr " that halo 2 was missing and they completely screwed that up as well, and then i realized that Bungie probably isn't going to deliver on the single player portion anymore. I'm actually glad someone else will be taking over the Halo franchise.
soldat7 said:
Then why in the world did you buy it?

The overwhelmingly positive impressions, glowing reviews, the well deserved praise...the hype surrounding high profile games is enough to suck anyone in. Making seem like it's worth a look or warrants a playthrough. Though he did (and some will) be make a blind leap of faith. I think renting "Reach" is a better solution oppose to purchasing, financially, for anyone in this position.


Single Player Campaign? In Halo Reach? No. Even Halo CE could be played in co-op. Halo Campaigns have always been part of the multiplayer package.

I still can't understand how so many reviewers completely overlook most the great things about the Halo Campaigns, especially when many of those same reviewers praise the campaigns of CoD and it's clones, which are mostly smoke and mirrors (spectacular in the first playthrough, but incredibly shallow and boring afterwards) Most don't even mention the fact that it can be played in split-screen, which is great, especially considering today's trend of "online co-op only"

Bye ;)


Giantbomb were the the guys who just ran around spraying the assault rifle everywhere in their videos right? If so, i think i will ignore that review.

REV 09

Gui_PT said:
I don't agree with that at all. Bungie created an awesome universe filled with interesting stories and characters. What I don't like is that their best stories and events don't make it into the games. Books usually get the best part of the universe.
Who cares that the books have a good story? That is no excuse for the subpar, borderline nonexistent, character development in the games. The arbiter was the only well developed character in the entire trilogy. I think this is the reason the movie never took shape. The hero (master chief) is a nobody. Games may work like that, but film requires character development.

Mad Max

cuevas said:
I have never really been bothered with game trailers' spoilers but holy shit this was awful. I wonder if their writers gave the story section a second thought...

There were spoilers? I watched the whole thing and didn't hear anything I didn't know already. Although it might also have been because the review was boring.


REV 09 said:
Who gives a fuck that the books have a good story? That is no excuse for the subpar, borderline nonexistent, character development in the games. The arbiter was the only well developed character in the entire trilogy. I think this is the reason the movie never took shape. The hero (master chief) is a nobody. Games may work like that, but film requires character development.

A lot of people?

And that's not why the movie never took shape :lol :lol
Please inform yourself about the movie before you discuss it.


BattleMonkey said:
Hope it lives up to all the hype the reviews are giving it. Loved the original, hated 2 and 3 for the most part. Did like ODST though somewhat.

Don't worry it does, and this is coming from a guy who thought halo 3 was a great game, but a bit overrated. It is a fantastic ride, ill be finishing the last half tonight.


GloveSlap said:
Giantbomb were the the guys who just ran around spraying the assault rifle everywhere in their videos right? If so, i think i will ignore that review.
Jeff made a point of playing on normal and then showed how easy it was by running around, spraying the AR. He wanted to be able to talk during the quick look and not die a bunch of times.

He made it clear that, like bungie recommends, heroic is how seasoned fps gamers should play halo.


REV 09 said:
Who cares that the books have a good story? That is no excuse for the subpar, borderline nonexistent, character development in the games.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel.

They have amazing music though.


GloveSlap said:
Giantbomb were the the guys who just ran around spraying the assault rifle everywhere in their videos right? If so, i think i will ignore that review.
He clearly stated that he wanted to show the game off, not to show his skills. I don´t get those kind of posts. Being "bad" at a game, or being bad because you have to tell the audience some facts about the game during a fight is by no means a measuring point regarding the quality of a review.

REV 09

Gui_PT said:
A lot of people?

And that's not why the movie never took shape :lol :lol
Please inform yourself about the movie before you discuss it.
This is a videogame forum where we discuss the stories that are told in videogames. How well a related story is told in another medium has no impact on the quality of the story found in the self-contained series of games. I agree that the universe is rich, but i'm disappointed in how that rich universe has been represented in the games.

Again, Halo is a brilliant, top-tier game in many aspects.


REV 09 said:
This is a videogame forum where we discuss the stories that are told in videogames. How well a related story is told in another medium has no impact on the quality of the story found in the self-contained series of games. I agree that the universe is rich, but i'm disappointed in how that rich universe has been represented in the games.

Again, Halo is a brilliant, top-tier game in many aspects.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
REV 09 said:
This is a videogame forum where we discuss the stories that are told in videogames. How well a related story is told in another medium has no impact on the quality of the story found in the self-contained series of games. I agree that the universe is rich, but i'm disappointed in how that rich universe has been represented in the games.

Again, Halo is a brilliant, top-tier game in many aspects.

But you talked about the movie. You obviously don't know what happened. The only thing that the movie HAD going for it was the popularity of Halo and the depth of the fiction.


RSB said:
Single Player Campaign? In Halo Reach? No. Even Halo CE could be played in co-op. Halo Campaigns have always been part of the multiplayer package.

I still can't understand how so many reviewers completely overlook most the great things about the Halo Campaigns, especially when many of those same reviewers praise the campaigns of CoD and it's clones, which are mostly smoke and mirrors (spectacular in the first playthrough, but incredibly shallow and boring afterwards) Most don't even mention the fact that it can be played in split-screen, which is great, especially considering today's trend of "online co-op only"

Bye ;)

They had 2 days to play it. I'm sure almost every reviewer who liked the game in those two days, and wrote a review, bumped up their score the more they played it. Not one review talked about the improvements in Theater mode and hardly really talked about Forge World. Just think about what the impressions would have been if they had a week to play.


Cynar said:
You finished your review before you even finished playing through the campaign? You've even had the game less than 48 hours. :lol I guess what can you expect, almost all video game "journalists" are guilty of this.

And, as in last year’s Halo 3: ODST, players gain experience as they play, earning the ability to unlock (purely aesthetic) armor upgrades.
It's baffling to me how often I read a review for a game where the author clearly doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about.


Cynar said:
You finished your review before you even finished playing through the campaign? You've even had the game less than 48 hours. :lol I guess what can you expect, almost all video game "journalists" are guilty of this.

I didn't write the review, dude. I do write for Wired.com's game blog, but this review wasn't done by me.


watership said:
I'd avoid them all if you're really worried about spoilers. Hold out man, 2 more days. :)
Yeah, I was about to watch the gametrailers one but turned it off less than a minute in.


GloveSlap said:
Giantbomb were the the guys who just ran around spraying the assault rifle everywhere in their videos right? If so, i think i will ignore that review.
Dude, it's Halo. It shoots like Halo, the enemies react like Halo, and the vehicles drive like Halo. They were just showing the new scenery off. Because the gunfights... they play out like Halo. The details have changed, but the feel of everything from gunplay to AI remains the same. You could ignore every review since you only need to answer one simple question: Would you like some more Halo?

Halo: Reach
It's totally Halo.
(actual halos not included)
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