I'm curious if GFWL invites even show up on the One so I just sent you one![]()
speaking of which, did you hear the rumoured possible reason for MS skipping windows 9?Hilarious.
I'm curious if GFWL invites even show up on the One so I just sent you one![]()
speaking of which, did you hear the rumoured possible reason for MS skipping windows 9?Hilarious.
I don't think so.Is there anyway to save progress across multiple saves for the same game? Right now, I am dying through Halo CE on Heroic by myself, but my friends started a run on legendary co-op as well. The game seems to restart the level whenever I hit resume or are even taken out of the game to watch a terminal and it still took my friend and I back to the start of the level..
Just watched the quicklook, game looks good.
I ahree with the guys about the mushy controls though, it was alright back when they didnt really know how to do fps on a console but the game definitely seems very slow these days, especially without a sprint. That would annoy me now.
I though Halo 5 beta looked really good because it was a lot faster. I actually believe that will make a good difference to appeal of it. Halo hardcores might disagree but I know it would appeal to me.
As it stands though I think this collection looks like a lot of fun.
Never been much for the Halo multiplayer though, it would be mainly just going back through the campaigns for me.
After playing through a bunch of every campaign, and even some multiplayer (headache that it was to get into matches...FIX IT 343!), my experience has only reaffirmed my long-held position.
Halo 1 and 2 were very good. But Bungie reached their peak with Halo 3. Brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant.
Silent Cartographer > Assault on the Control Room.
AOTCR milks out its length too much
Yup, and the sad thing is there's actual code out there that made it a good reason why..
Silent Cartographer > Assault on the Control Room.
AOTCR milks out its length too much
Silent Cartographer has an excellent opening. Storming the beach is basically embedded into my brain from 13 years ago. The recycled rooms and bridges don't do it any favors.
gotta bail grizz. busy collapsing asleep.
Wouldn't most competent coders go by the kernel version anyways? Not this "if (name of OS = "Windows 9")
execute derp for Windows 95"
i dont know programming
After getting a bunch of games in within the last few hours, I'm really wishing MCC would adopt the Mario Kart 8 style of picking maps/gametypes. There are far too many good gametypes and maps that get outvoted simply because everyone needs their Team BRs. Single Flag CTF on Headlong getting out voted in favor of Team BRs on Standoff? Ugh, come on people.
Halo 3 really is a masterpiece in every way.
Silent Cartographer has an excellent opening. Storming the beach is basically embedded into my brain from 13 years ago. The recycled rooms and bridges don't do it any favors.
I have played a disproportionate amount of Standoff. I have yet to see Valhalla.
Standoff is decent, but I want to see more variety as well.
Yup. Even today Halo 3 MLG is the best competitive teamwork oriented game ever. Halo 3 is a masterpiece for its time everything from griff ball, MLG, forge, and the theater is absolutely brilliant. It was to easy to use.
It perfected everything in 2 for online.
4 MP and 5 look horrible.....
After getting a bunch of games in within the last few hours, I'm really wishing MCC would adopt the Mario Kart 8 style of picking maps/gametypes. There are far too many good gametypes and maps that get outvoted simply because everyone needs their Team BRs. Single Flag CTF on Headlong getting out voted in favor of Team BRs on Standoff? Ugh, come on people.
Halo 1 and 2 were very good. But Bungie reached their peak with Halo 3. Brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant.
Wait, H2A is running on H4 engine?
Well that's the reason why it's so smooth! Just perfect gameplay. I wish Halo 5 would be like that.
I could totally see the dev team upping the count on the version string to windows 9 and suddenly finding many of the programs that where just working before that start to exhibit weird behavior. That said, it seems like that wouldn't be difficult to put to the test, however I have not seen anyone attempt such a test. Maybe there is some registry key you could edit or something along those lines.
Hilarious if true, but frankly MS likely wouldn't be to blame for much of it since it's other people's hasty version checking code that is at fault.
Most people are not using mics because of all the issues especially with the unbalanced teams glitch you're seeing more people vote the br/slayer types. No point in playing objective without mics. Once MM is sorted, halo has always been a social game and more objective types will be voted.
The thing is BTB seems to be the most consistent with actually giving you even teams, so objective stuff should be viable.
Uh, no. Halo 3 MP sucks. Anyone decent that was there from the beginning will tell you this.
Uh, no. Halo 3 MP sucks. Anyone decent that was there from the beginning will tell you this.
Is matchmaking any better yet? Couldn't get into a single match last night.
Is matchmaking any better yet? Couldn't get into a single match last night.
Is matchmaking any better yet? Couldn't get into a single match last night.
My rank reset to 1 for some reason.![]()
Uh, no. Halo 3 MP sucks. Anyone decent that was there from the beginning will tell you this.
The thing is BTB seems to be the most consistent with actually giving you even teams, so objective stuff should be viable.
I was there from the beginning. I'll never claim to be a pro, but I've had a K/D somewhere around 1.5 for every Halo that's presented that data via bungie.net. Strong win percentage too. I'm fine at the game, but hey if it makes you feel like your argument is stronger, dude you could totally kick my ass 1v1 for surez.
For my money, Halo 3 MP was the best, most satisfying, most multifaceted and most diverse of any of the Halo games.
Yes there were some choices that needed to be ironed out, like AR starts in BTB, but by and large they were, and quickly. And the initial map selection wasn't quite as good as Halo 2, though definitely superior to Halo: CE. Combined with the innovation and scope of the feature suite around multiplayer, nothing came close.
It was amazing.
Halo CE and Halo 2 were great stepping stones along the way to Bungie finally nailing the formula in Halo 3. I enjoyed those games plenty too, particularly at the time, but in retrospect and especially put up in direct contrast to Halo 3 in the same package, Halo 3 stands far ahead.
Are you crazy? It's the most revered Halo of them all for MP. The map selection from Pit, Narrows, Guardian for oddball was brilliant and it is the most revered in the competitive gaming community.
For my money, Halo 3 MP was the best, most satisfying, most multifaceted and most diverse of any of the Halo games.
Well, I don't think H3's multiplayer sucks but outside of removing button combo exploits I didn't think it made much of a step forward from Halo 2. Shot recognition wasn't as reliable and the map selection in H3 wasn't on the same level as CE or H2. Guardian is a wannabe Lockout. Valhalla dreams of growing up to be Coag. High Ground wishes it was Zanzibar.
No, man. No. The H3 BR spread was ridiculous and created randomness. The maps were god awful, some of the worst maps ever created for Halo. There's nothing H3 does better than H2 other then graphics..
No, man. No. The H3 BR spread was ridiculous and created randomness. The maps were god awful, some of the worst maps ever created for Halo. There's nothing H3 does better than H2 other then graphics.
Utter bullshit.
Got into a game right away. SMG starts on Lockout ;_;
Got into a game right away. SMG starts on Lockout ;_;
High Ground isn't trying to be Zanzibar. Last Resort is the Zanzibar remake.
High Ground is an asymmetrical map that's built for single flag/bomb objective modes, is designed to be a siege on a human installation where the offensive team starts on a beach, and even has a gate that can be opened/closed for easier access into the base. High Ground is totally discount Zanzibar (and this is made even more obvious when directly compared to Last Resort).
Meh, agree to disagree. Beyond the fact that they're asymmetric and share a similar aesthetic, they play totally differently to my mind, in large part due to the size difference and more emphasis on infantry-play in HG vs LR and Zanzibar (which were more vehicle heavy).