The Strokes
I quit the game and got back in, no more Swat :/. Fun while it lasted.
Uhh... did anyone just lose a few of playlists?
Maybe I gone digital this gen. It took my 30-45 mins download the game. Everyone does say Xbox One has long install time
You are missing something. There are Legendary no skull playlists for each Halo campaign. I know, as I am playing through one. I am going off memory, but you have to go Playlists and then select which Halo game you want to run through on Legendary. Then under that game's playlists you should find one for Legendary only.Unless I am missing something there is no way to change the difficulty in the campaign mission playlists.
I wanted to play through all four campaigns continuously on legendary with no skulls (well maybe Grunt Birthday Party) yet my only options are either "The Master Chief Saga" (which is all 45 missions on Normal difficulty) or "The Legendary Master Chief Saga" (which is all 45 missions on Legendary difficulty with 24 skulls activated). It's hard to believe they did not include playlists for one play-through at each difficulty.
The remedy, of course, is to just play through the campaigns separately on Legendary, but still, an odd thing to omit when thinking of "playlists." Was Custom Campaign Playlists completely shelved or is that still a possibility?
She didn't know that. She went out of her way and broke policy to try to help you personally with that suggestion. No, it wouldn't have been a good thing to do, but it looks like she suggested it because she legitimately felt bad for you and wanted to help.
Chances are you just got the poor woman fired or in serious hot water at her job, all because she tried to go out on a limb and help you.
Yes, everyone did. It's intentional.
Who do I need to add to get into gaf customs?
Lost my fucking save for halo 2. I'm on the second to last level and my fucking save is gone.
Fuck this. It's going back.
I'm more shocked at the fact someone was able to get into enough games to be a level 8 already.What playlists are you trying to go on?
So here's a recap of my afternoon in Matchmaking:
After the first downloading server update window poped, I went to the H2A playlist, and it found the players rather quickly, got into some matches, then this happened
Most wtf glitch ever?
Most wtf glitch ever.
20hrs to download a game is reasonable?I have never experienced the PS4 install time, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but O think Xbox One's install time is far from the worse thing. Reasonable wait time.
You are missing something. There are Legendary no skull playlists for each Halo campaign. I know, as I am playing through one. I am going off memory, but you have to go Playlists and then select which Halo game you want to run through on Legendary. Then under that game's playlists you should find one for Legendary only.
Anyone in the industry wanna garner a guess as to what happened? Someone with the knowledge?
Like the know how on how a games matchmaking works?
People should suck, people should be average, people should be good, people should be great. Unfortunately those groups are being mixed together right now.People suck at this game...
Most wtf glitch ever?
Most wtf glitch ever.
These issues had to have been known before release or MS failed to test in real-world user scenarios. The latter is doubtful.
If they did know, management or producers postponed the bug and went gold hoping to patch it with a title update.
Conclusion, it looks like the 15GB day one patch didn't solve the issues, which brings us to where we are today.
Didn't read my edit did you.People should suck, people should be average, people should be good, people should be great. Unfortunately those groups are being mixed together right now.
I haven't touched a halo title since 3, I hate how slow the game feels and prefer Destiny and cods gameplay, but I'm playing hAlo for fun, entertainment. All you try hards need to relax until the skill system really starts working, then you can pretend you might win money playing the game one day with people just like you.
Frankie stated in the other thread that these issues were not apparent in their testing, so who knows.
For search time issues we have a specific thread for that in our support forum.
Then the game wasn't network tested in a real-world scenario. (I don't really buy the fact they didn't know.)
I'm more shocked at the fact someone was able to get into enough games to be a level 8 already.
As far as I'm concerned, if 343i wants any shot whatsoever of regaining the trust and respect of the players who they've upset, they need to come forward with a sincere, straightforward, and honest apology.
No excuses, no shifted blame, just an absolutely honest apology that explains what happened and how such an unfinished, buggy, and broken game got released to the public. The existing faceless "apology" posted under the "Forum Team" account on the Waypoint message board simply doesn't cut it:
The achievements are a very small issue in the grand scheme, and it seems as if they were only mentioned with the intention of offloading some of the responsibility. It's a strange thing to mention specifically otherwise given the myriad of other (more pressing) issues.
While The Master Chief Collection certainly has a lot of content, its "large surface area" does not need to be brought up as a defense. This is a port of existing code, not new games from the ground up. That's not to say there isn't a lot of work involved, but the fact that there's multiple games included is not an excuse. Other multiple game collections have been done before, and they've been done better. None of the games in this bundle are without issue.
As for "issues surfaced at launch," this is probably the most frustrating part of the whole thing. No, issues did not "surface at launch." Issues that were already clearly there became viewable by the public. The game has had issues with crashes, bugs, and unexpected behavior at every event they've demoed it at. Tournaments with professional players have had games canceled and restarted due to crashing. Community questions and requests for media of the various games went unanswered.
Many of the issues in the game are deeply rooted and have nothing to do with the online component. These are all things which should have been clearly obvious during any QA test and exist offline. Things like poor frame rates on Halo 2 Anniversary maps, nearly unplayable Halo 4 split screen, crashes, freezes, save game data losses, audio problems, unaddressed bugs from old builds, missing and broken features, and so on. Many of the items listed in the bug tracker can not be blamed on the online aspects of the game, and many of the online-related issues should have been caught and fixed long ago. It is painfully, painfully clear that this collection did not receive the polish and quality assurance that production code should.
The situation is far past the stage of "launches are hard; things happen." There's a community who is upset and who has had their trust shaken. But I think there's also a lot of people who are willing to forgive, especially if a truly honest apology happens.
So please, 343 Industries: no red tape, no politics, no excuses. Just admit that the game is broken, shouldn't have shipped in its current state, and that there were issues with development and the schedule. Let the community know that you're truly sorry and that you're sincere about fixing the issues and making it up to everyone.
As far as I'm concerned, if 343i wants any shot whatsoever of regaining the trust and respect of the players who they've upset, they need to come forward with a sincere, straightforward, and honest apology.
No excuses, no shifted blame, just an absolutely honest apology that explains what happened and how such an unfinished, buggy, and broken game got released to the public. The existing faceless "apology" posted under the "Forum Team" account on the Waypoint message board simply doesn't cut it:
The achievements are a very small issue in the grand scheme, and it seems as if they were only mentioned with the intention of offloading some of the responsibility. It's a strange thing to mention specifically otherwise given the myriad of other (more pressing) issues.
While The Master Chief Collection certainly has a lot of content, its "large surface area" does not need to be brought up as a defense. This is a port of existing code, not new games from the ground up. That's not to say there isn't a lot of work involved, but the fact that there's multiple games included is not an excuse. Other multiple game collections have been done before, and they've been done better. None of the games in this bundle are without issue.
As for "issues surfaced at launch," this is probably the most frustrating part of the whole thing. No, issues did not "surface at launch." Issues that were already clearly there became viewable by the public. The game has had issues with crashes, bugs, and unexpected behavior at every event they've demoed it at. Tournaments with professional players have had games canceled and restarted due to crashing. Community questions and requests for media of the various games went unanswered.
Many of the issues in the game are deeply rooted and have nothing to do with the online component. These are all things which should have been clearly obvious during any QA test and exist offline. Things like poor frame rates on Halo 2 Anniversary maps, nearly unplayable Halo 4 split screen, crashes, freezes, save game data losses, audio problems, unaddressed bugs from old builds, missing and broken features, and so on. Many of the items listed in the bug tracker can not be blamed on the online aspects of the game, and many of the online-related issues should have been caught and fixed long ago. It is painfully, painfully clear that this collection did not receive the polish and quality assurance that production code should.
The situation is far past the stage of "launches are hard; things happen." There's a community who is upset and who has had their trust shaken. But I think there's also a lot of people who are willing to forgive, especially if a truly honest apology happens.
So please, 343 Industries: no red tape, no politics, no excuses. Just admit that the game is broken, shouldn't have shipped in its current state, and that there were issues with development and the schedule. Let the community know that you're truly sorry and that you're sincere about fixing the issues and making it up to everyone.
game froze before i was about to win an FFA, for the third time
GlitchHave yet to stay in a lobby after a match. Am I doing something wrong? It just shows the after game stats. If I wait it doesn't do anything and if I press B I'm back at the main menu.
I'll be level 7 shortly. If I didn't suck I'm sure I'd be a lot higher by now.
Dan Ayoub said:I’d like to take a moment to address the state of matchmaking in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and tell you what we’re doing about it.
Players have expressed frustration at poor matchmaking times, or bad experiences in general. This is something we are working 24/7 to isolate and fix. Since launch, we have done a number of daily server-side tweaks to improve this experience and our data indicates these adjustments have helped considerably, but the state is still far from where it needs to be.
Over the past 48 hours, we believe we have identified the primary matchmaking issue, and are working on a solution right now. In the meantime, we’ll be rolling out additional tweaks over the next days to further improve the experience while we ready this solution. We are monitoring the data and working on tweaks that should continue to improve your matchmaking experience while we prep. In addition, we’ll be releasing a game Content Update tomorrow that will address non-matchmaking related issues. For more details, please visit our support FAQ on our forums that is being updated in real-time:
An additional measure you will see take effect today, is that we’ve decided to trim the hopper list to allow us to drive population to those that are functioning the best – this will serve to further increase the speed with which you find games. We will bring the other hoppers back online as things improve, but our primary focus right now is getting you into matches. For details on which matchmaking playlists are being temporarily taken offline, please visit our support FAQ here:
We are doing everything we can on an hourly basis to improve the experience, while we work on our solution. In the meantime, we’ve found a few things looking at the data that can help you a little as well. We’re seeing successful match times from anywhere from 15 seconds to 4 minutes. 4 minutes is a long time to wait for a match, but don’t quit out too quickly as it will come. If you haven’t found a match within about 4 minutes, please exit the search and restart, as this will reset the parameters and increase the likelihood of entering a match. I realize this isn’t ideal, but it’s temporary while we sort things out.
I’d like to personally apologize to you all for the current situation. I can assure you we’re attacking this from all directions from 343 Industries to the Xbox platform, and we won’t rest until it’s what it should be. People are reporting improvements across the board, which is great, but we’re not backing down until we finish this fight.
Here’s a bit more information on what to expect next week in terms of MCC updates:
Daily server-side tweaks to continue to improve time to get into games
A Content Update tomorrow that addresses some campaign fixes and scoring issues
Content Updates and server side tweaks over the next week focused on matchmaking
Dan Ayoub
Executive Producer
God Dam what the hell am I doing wrong. I've had this since Monday @ 11pm and I've only played 1(yes I mean 1 as in one) game online. Every other time I try to find a match online, it just says "searching" forever and ever. I'm seriously considering snapping this disk in 2 pieces.
Im not trading in, but im in the same boat, im looking at WoD or jumping into my first Dragon Age game.Welp couldn't get on when I got back home so just got back from trading the game back.
Goodbye MC hello Dragon Age.
Hopefully I can see you guys in the future. Best of luck