The Henery
the controllermax would be one of them, although the titan one is the newer one of that company i think
i dont follow their progress that much as im using a different adapter called xim4
it allows you to pretty much use any input device with each console, in my case the Xbox360 controller on the Xbox One
the Xbox Original controller should also work, although i havent tried it yet
on the plus side is that you can also do the button binding the way you want, bumper jumper in the H2 games is therefore doable unlike the MCC game settings that dont allow you to do so
Yeah I'm really not feeling the One controllers longer sticks and constrictive bumpers. Looked up the price on a xim4 and balked (£140 in the UK!), controller max is a more reasonable £40. Just don't want to buy one and there's slight input lag or something.