Only played Halo 1 so far but holy shit it finally clicked. All I ever played of Halo 1 was the stuttery weird PC version and I fully expected to never get why people loved this game so much. But now I can see it.
Also makes me sad thinking about Bungie/Destiny.
Is anyone having problems installing MCC? Mine won't go past two...
for the most part the games have the same great A.I.,, although it isn't as noticeable in Halo 2/3 due to (Halo 2 story spoiler)I'd say the closest game to Halo CE when it comes to A.I. is Halo Reach, due to (same Halo 2 spoiler)the lack of Elites as enemies (for the most part).the Elites being a primary enemy again.
Yeah, sadly the MP is still very problematic! =(Cool to see someone new to the franchise playing this. The MCC seems (mostly) great for the campaigns. Halo AI has always been good.
As for multiplayer, unfortunately it's a bit shit right now. Hopefully they fix it soon so you can have a good experience. Stay away for the time being.
Another, cool! I'm excited for all the new folk.
I tried Destiny beta, and yeah, its nowhere near what I'm seeing with Halo CE. And I have to say that besides it indeed looks old, in motion the game looks pretty good! I'm really not bothered at all by this (except that it feels a bit dark).Honestly I think I prefer the look of the old graphics... It doesn't have all the bells and whistles and it's definitely more ominous and dreary. I'm ignorant to the performance stuff but regardless I've been constantly switching back and forth because I can't make up my mind.
The AI is truly some of the greatest... I was mad disappointed with the AI in destiny
Yeah I didn't expect it to hold up so well. So goodOn Truth and Reconciliation right now on Heroic and the gameplay is so f'ing timeless (^___^)
Are you using a disc or download?
Because I have the disc and having the same issue. It's been stuck on 3% for ages
Just noticed it has reached 90 on meta:
The world is finally back in balance.
MSFT throttles the download speed of digital purchases. No matter how fast your isp is, you will ha e alow dl speed of games.
On Truth and Reconciliation right now on Heroic and the gameplay is so f'ing timeless (^___^)
This is untrue. I've downloaded a ton of XB1 games and they've all been done relatively quickly.
Anyone noticing any MM improvements at all?
Same here, getting my ass whooped by the two hunters inside too. I don't remember the aiming reticles being this huge, I feel like I have no precision whatsoever. Still fun though. Destiny did make me a slightly better Halo player, I'll give it that.
Parties will not stay together.
Everyone disbanding when the party leader cancels matchmaking search is a bug right? RIGHT?
I was stuck on 3% for a very long time but then it suddenly jumped to 17%, stick with it man, it'll get there...eventually.
I dont get how you can expect to have even matched team when everyone is starting to play the game so there is no skill set yet.All playlists seem to work apart from H2A.
Also what is the deal with only one ranked playlist at launch?
This is a horrible horrible first day with the game. Add that on to the fact most people playing the game are either completely pathetic or really good. This is leading to highly unbalanced teams right now, I can't wait till people get to their respective skill ratings so I don't have complete headless chickens on my team.
Matchmaking however is more broken in the respect in never ever matches up even teams. For a game that is a system seller it is all pretty embarrassing.
All of the negatives aside, loving playing Halo 2 again and shows just how damn good it was to stand the test of time.
Halo 3 has the best soundtrack.
Same here![]()
So I just played a 1v1v1v1v1 in MM. This game is beyond broken.
x-post from hgaf
Just played my first match, got into a game no problem, no lag whatsoever.
Was 3v3 BRs on Lockdown in H2A.
Holy hell it feels fucking amazing. Way better than I ever thought it would.
x-post from hgaf
Just played my first match, got into a game no problem, no lag whatsoever.
Was 3v3 BRs on Lockdown in H2A.
Holy hell it feels fucking amazing. Way better than I ever thought it would.
I dont get how you can expect to have even matched team when everyone is starting to play the game so there is no skill set yet.[IMG]
So I just played a 1v1v1v1v1 in MM. This game is beyond broken.[/QUOTE]
In a TS playlist and not Rumble Pit?
That's great.
Behold! Master Chief's Pro Tank Skater 2. Gnarly grind to 1080 spin! Burst out laughing when I saw Master Chief ragdoll out the tank after I died.
What do you want and I'll set it up.
Ohhh when you said even teams is same number of players and not even in terms of skills.I was saying I can't wait until everyone gets to their respective levels as some people really are atrocious at the game and right now it isn't fun (for single players).
My gripe is with it never matching up even numbers for teams at the moment it seems to lock in odd numbers way too quickly.