egg mcmuffin with lettuce
I got into a game!
lmao, you're gonna get crushed in MP. good luck.
i'd recommend staying with campaign for a few days, let good players rank up so you don't deal with them.
Honestly I think I prefer the look of the old graphics... It doesn't have all the bells and whistles and it's definitely more ominous and dreary. I'm ignorant to the performance stuff but regardless I've been constantly switching back and forth because I can't make up my mind.
Does this speed up the download?
I know exactly what you mean. I vividly remember 3 BR shots to the head was enough to kill someone. Either the net code is borked or the hit detection.
I got into a Team Slayer game and it turned it into a 1v1v1v1v1v1 game of multi-team. Wow.
I got into a Team Slayer game and it turned it into a 1v1v1v1v1v1 game of multi-team. Wow.
I was in that game to. Was it on Last Resort? Fun game, zero lag. Just can't take your party with you to the next game.
Now that I can get into Multiplayer with ease and I've tried out Forge, this is the only game I need for the rest of the year.
No joke.
I'm going through CEA right now.
I'm up the to the Silent Cartographer.
I haven't played through this campaign in many years but it is still just as amazing as I remember.
This game is just so fun to play.
The updated graphics are nice as well. I didn't play this on the 360.
I did notice a bit of screen tearing and some fps drops but so far it hasn't been frequent enough to really bother me.
Did I hit the suicide button on the Ghost?
Matchmaking, party, joining, roster is glitchy as hell. Can't even join people for customs. Disappearing rosters, etc.
Halo 1 legendary is brutal. Hot damn.
Teach us!
Can we get a Gaf custom going
Can we get a Gaf custom going
I've had no luck with that yet. Trying to join someone right now from here and I get connection failed even after a hard reset.Can we get a Gaf custom going
Nothis doesn't really belong in here but...
my xbox one is on a ups truck for delivery today. could i download the newest firmware onto a usb drive and have it ready to install when i set my xbox up?
Anyone noticing any MM improvements at all? I really hope tonight goes better than last night as far as MP goes. Id also like to play a game with even teams instead of this 4v3 or 3v2 bullshit.
What do you want and I'll set it up.
Just noticed it has reached 90 on meta:
The world is finally back in balance.