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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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Gold Member
Here is a small reminder that today marks the anniversary of the death of Hitler. And 2 days ago, the death of Mussolini.
It should be a day of celebration, marking the end of the lives of two of the most cruel men in human history.
Unfortunately, we are, once again, living in a time of rising antisemitism.


Gold Member

Animated GIF


Gold Member

I would LOVE to know what this guys job is here...to block students from coming in, to pounce on anyone 'bothering' these protesters, or just mack on the girl standing there?


they really need to take better quality shots of faces, ask to remove the masks or show ID, or really show them for the anonymous cowards they are. Though this looks like a barricade with just normal folks milling around on the other side of it (other than the...5 masked idjits?), the whole thing seems oddly staged, maybe it is marking off a "protest zone" that he just doesn't want to walk around?


Neighbours from Hell
Not to be Internet Tough Guy, but have any of these people who have been blocking students from getting to glass been shoved aside or decked?

If I were a student and someone was physically not allowing me to get to class by blocking my path I'd give them about 20 seconds and then I would physically remove them from my path. If you allow these people to get away with this they will keep doing it. If the school will not discipline them, the individual has to. Lessons are not learned when actions have no consequences.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Not to be Internet Tough Guy, but have any of these people who have been blocking students from getting to glass been shoved aside or decked?

If I were a student and someone was physically not allowing me to get to class by blocking my path I'd give them about 20 seconds and then I would physically remove them from my path.

Exactly what I was thinking as well. It's baffling to me how they just stand there not putting up any sort of fight to pass through. It's like it's a spotlight on the ultimate coddled generation of pussies and headcases.

I mean these kids dont even like to get laid so it's no surprise that they just stand there meek and incompetent.


Exactly what I was thinking as well. It's baffling to me how they just stand there not putting up any sort of fight to pass through. It's like it's a spotlight on the ultimate coddled generation of pussies and headcases.

I mean these kids dont even like to get laid so it's no surprise that they just stand there meek and incompetent.
It looks like the kid in the video tries to push through the people obstructing him, but there are like a dozen plus dipshits forming a human wall.


Gold Member
You folks seriously think that a male Jewish UCLA student, obviously outnumbered, should have pushed and shoved his way through some girls impeding his way, with a few sympathetic guys nearby ready to play white knight and with who knows how many smartphones recording from different angles, ready to provide footage of “violent Zionist attacks protestors” for more internet outrage?

There are moments when punching someone in the face is the right answer. This isn’t it.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
It looks like the kid in the video tries to push through the people obstructing him, but there are like a dozen plus dipshits forming a human wall.

He barely puts in any effort to try and get by lol

I wouldve shoved myself through and probably decked someone in the face :messenger_beaming:


He barely puts in any effort to try and get by lol

I wouldve shoved myself through and probably decked someone in the face :messenger_beaming:
Terrible optics. That’s likely what they want. It would shift the narrative to “violent jewish students are assaulting peaceful protesters.”

EDIT: The Westboro Baptist Church literally used this tactic. They would deliberately provoke people into attacking them and then sue them.
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Gold Member
Not to be Internet Tough Guy, but have any of these people who have been blocking students from getting to glass been shoved aside or decked?

If I were a student and someone was physically not allowing me to get to class by blocking my path I'd give them about 20 seconds and then I would physically remove them from my path. If you allow these people to get away with this they will keep doing it. If the school will not discipline them, the individual has to. Lessons are not learned when actions have no consequences.
The problem is if you even touch one of these douchenozzles they will collapse to the ground, screaming as if you just ripped a rib out of their chest, then the rest will dogpile on you while the security guy just stands there until he thinks it's safe to mace you, cuff you, and then haul you away for "instigating violence".

Clown world!

What we need is a couple of enterprising folks to disperse good old fashioned itching powder around that place at night or a bunch of fire ants, let the good times roll. Any Eagle Scouts could handle this mess inside of an hour.


Gold Member

This shit is simultaneously hilarious, and infuriating. This chick is LARPing as a Palestinian, demanding “humanitarian aid” when she and her peers are very clearly just fine. Need water? Turn a faucet on in the building you and your buddies are occupying. Or should I say “colonizing”? I love how her position falls apart at the most basic level of questioning from the reporters.

She tried to take down her Columbia student page, but the internet never forgets.

“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”



Neighbours from Hell
You folks seriously think that a male Jewish UCLA student, obviously outnumbered, should have pushed and shoved his way through some girls impeding his way, with a few sympathetic guys nearby ready to play white knight and with who knows how many smartphones recording from different angles, ready to provide footage of “violent Zionist attacks protestors” for more internet outrage?

There are moments when punching someone in the face is the right answer. This isn’t it.
There was a student who earlier broke through their barrier and they chased him down and surrounded him and formed a human chain and kept him there for over an hour while security looked on and did nothing until they finally let him out.

So when is it acceptable to fight your way through barriers where you want to go somewhere and you're being prevented against your will? 5 hours? 24 hours? Once you set that precedent, you see where it can go. If students don't want to get physical, that's their prerogative. I'm just saying what I would have done in that situation. I wouldn't be thinking about internet videos leaking dishonestly to make me look bad in that moment. I'd be thinking a bunch of crazy people are not allowing me to get to a place I have every right to go and I'm not going to allow them to dictate what I am and am not allowed to do. And if that leads to a video coming out or other students attacking me, so be it. There is no right or wrong answer on how to handle it, because this is supposed to be illegal and students aren't supposed to have to deal with this. That's the point of laws, to prevent chaos.
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This shit is simultaneously hilarious, and infuriating. This chick is LARPing as a Palestinian, demanding “humanitarian aid” when she and her peers are very clearly just fine. Need water? Turn a faucet on in the building you and your buddies are occupying. Or should I say “colonizing”? I love how her position falls apart at the most basic level of questioning from the reporters.

She tried to take down her Columbia student page, but the internet never forgets.

“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”


Animated GIF
sometimes I wonder how many of these morons actually believe the bullshit they are spewing or are just paid actors from some "activists" groups whose sole purpose is to create chaos for sake of creating chaos.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Honestly, these "protests" what frighten me a bit more if I was younger. I'm already hesitant to tell people I'm Jewish and with everything going on, maybe I'm doing the right thing by keeping it to myself.



This shit is simultaneously hilarious, and infuriating. This chick is LARPing as a Palestinian, demanding “humanitarian aid” when she and her peers are very clearly just fine. Need water? Turn a faucet on in the building you and your buddies are occupying. Or should I say “colonizing”? I love how her position falls apart at the most basic level of questioning from the reporters.

She tried to take down her Columbia student page, but the internet never forgets.

“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”


Unfortunate name she has.


Gold Member

This shit is simultaneously hilarious, and infuriating. This chick is LARPing as a Palestinian, demanding “humanitarian aid” when she and her peers are very clearly just fine. Need water? Turn a faucet on in the building you and your buddies are occupying. Or should I say “colonizing”? I love how her position falls apart at the most basic level of questioning from the reporters.

She tried to take down her Columbia student page, but the internet never forgets.

“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”


At any other time, this could be an SNL sketch.
The lack of awareness and stupidity is almost funny, if it wasn't for the fact that they are supporting terrorists.


sometimes I wonder how many of these morons actually believe the bullshit they are spewing or are just paid actors from some "activists" groups whose sole purpose is to create chaos for sake of creating chaos.

Welp, turns out that 80% of the people arrested at the ASU encampment were NOT students or faculty.


A university statement said: "ASU Police arrested 72 people for trespassing after they set up an unauthorised encampment Friday, in violation of university policy. Encampments are prohibited on Arizona State University property.

"A group of people - most of whom were not ASU students, faculty or staff - created an encampment and demonstration that continued until well past 11pm when the group was instructed repeatedly to disperse.

"Individuals who refused to leave after numerous warnings were arrested and charged with criminal trespass. Of the 72 arrested throughout the day Friday, 15 were ASU students; about 80 per cent of those arrested were not students."


I’m sorry but this is no different than any other anti war protest. Anti war protests happening at college campuses are as old as….college campuses. To be clear, yes, there are some people attending these protests that have insane, objectionable views, but it’s always been this way when you get a large number of people together. The loudest, most extreme voices are going to stand out and those with an agenda are going to put a megaphone on those in an effort to delegitimize the entire thing. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand.

If some of you truly believe this entire thing, or even a large portion of it, is about Jew hating…I really don’t know what to tell you. You’re choosing to see what you want to see. A large number of these students ARE Jews that want a peaceful resolution and I seriously doubt theres anyone other than the most extreme, insane people that support what happened on October 7th. Unless you’re actually there and can report on what the majority of students think, you’re just sharing select footage that often lacks context….or kids that maybe aren’t that educated going because their friends are.

Im sure someone will follow this up with a video of someone saying “death to Jews” as if to prove me wrong, not realizing they’re actually proving my point. Whatever. There’s a reason I’m at GAF and not the other place. We largely tend to look at things objectively and not get swept up in culture war nonsense, but clearly we’re not immune to it. If this is a problem, please thread ban me, but I feel like some people need to take their blinders off. Not everything is so black and white.

“This is no different from other anti-war protests”

Right. So where are the protests about the Ukraine war? When we learnt about the Bucha massacres and the mass graves were exposed, where were those ‘anti-war’ students?

Nobody interested in demanding a full divestment from Russia? China?


Gold Member

This shit is simultaneously hilarious, and infuriating. This chick is LARPing as a Palestinian, demanding “humanitarian aid” when she and her peers are very clearly just fine. Need water? Turn a faucet on in the building you and your buddies are occupying. Or should I say “colonizing”? I love how her position falls apart at the most basic level of questioning from the reporters.

She tried to take down her Columbia student page, but the internet never forgets.

“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”


I would bet you $1000 you could have an AI generate 4 papers off that synopsis, then stick her actual paper in the stack and she wouldn't be able to tell her own from the AI. So much bullshit word salad nonsense!



This shit is simultaneously hilarious, and infuriating. This chick is LARPing as a Palestinian, demanding “humanitarian aid” when she and her peers are very clearly just fine. Need water? Turn a faucet on in the building you and your buddies are occupying. Or should I say “colonizing”? I love how her position falls apart at the most basic level of questioning from the reporters.

She tried to take down her Columbia student page, but the internet never forgets.

“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”


She has every right to live her fantasy on her own, why do we have to accept it as reality though?
The lunatics are running the asylum now.


If you wanna stamp out these pro-terrorist groups rioting at these universities and cities? Arrest them and hang them for treason.
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Saw that the person driving a lot of the terrorism at Columbia is some 60+ year old professional "protest consultant" who has been arrested over 80 times.

Who the fuck is paying a "protest consultant"?
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Dr. Claus

Saw that the person driving a lot of the terrorism at Columbia is some 60+ year old professional "protest consultant" who has been arrested over 80 times.

Who the fuck is paying a "protest consultant"?
The same retards that promote and defend Nazis and terrorists.


Gold Member
Someone, PLEASE, make toilet paper with the Hamas flag on it! Not that I really condone that level of immaturity, but DAMN it would be fun to see the reactions :p
Not going to lie, when Commissioner Gordon ripped the flag off the halyard, you could feel the “sick of this shit” energy through the video.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

This was expected. What ever US students are protesting over, our students will follow like good little sheep.

What do they think will happen? Rishi Sunak will telephone Benjamin Netanyahu and say:

"Listen, Ben, I'm going to have to ask you to stop your war against Hamas............why? Oh because our students are protesting"

Netanyahu will not give a shit that some students are refusing to study. Not one shit. This won't bring the region closer to peace.

Anyway, let them have their protest. It's their education they're sabotaging. An education that they're probably paying for in student loans. Looks like a self own to me.
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