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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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Perpetually Offended
One has to prove intent so any such claims should present evidence not speculation. We’ve seen what happens when incorrect headlines proliferate before facts can be determined.

Overall, I still see the number of civilian casualties is still low relative to the force being addressed so don’t yet see a cause for concern.

Accidents can and should be expected and when they happen they should be investigated and tried by the courts where negligence comes into play. Similarly, the lack of discipline among conscripts and general lawlessness with settlers disrupting aide should also be addressed.

I agree with you in principle ...

Yet those 3 aid trucks were in the same caravan and had IDF clearance. I believe in coincidence but given those reported facts from the international food aid service of a famous chef (I mistakenly Said UN), I can't believe that was coincidence or an accident. Our own military (USA) is not above a cover-up, as many have been unearthed in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places. Not too mention how they cover-up rape and abuse of female soldiers.

Maybe I'm too anti-military even though I write my congressmen about better pay and better VA resources for our troops. I'm just very cynical about any military. These people have so much PTSD

Dr. Claus

One has to prove intent so any such claims should present evidence not speculation. We’ve seen what happens when incorrect headlines proliferate before facts can be determined.

Overall, I still see the number of civilian casualties is still low relative to the force being addressed so don’t yet see a cause for concern.

Accidents can and should be expected and when they happen they should be investigated and tried by the courts where negligence comes into play. Similarly, the lack of discipline among conscripts and general lawlessness with settlers disrupting aide should also be addressed.

Exactly. Civilian casualties are tragic, but a thing that happens in any war. I still see Israel trying harder than most nations to limit the number as much as they could, but there is only so much that can be done - especially against an enemy who is known for using its civilians as fodder and meat shields to demonize the israeli forces.


Exactly. Civilian casualties are tragic, but a thing that happens in any war. I still see Israel trying harder than most nations to limit the number as much as they could, but there is only so much that can be done - especially against an enemy who is known for using its civilians as fodder and meat shields to demonize the israeli forces.
If the reports are true then they've killed TWO hamas soldiers in that attack, which means 43 innocent people died, I dunno, feels like they could've waited for a better ratio there.


While it’s perfectly correct for Israel to defend itself, it’s also correct to state that this latest attack was a fucking obscenity, conducted by a government who should have been thrown out of power a long time ago. Important to acknowledge when the Israelis are in the wrong, and on this they are. Hideously stupid mistake to make that should never have happened.
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Gold Member
Remember Hanlon's razor: ‘Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect.’

Still, the fact remains, that at a time when all the world is looking at this war, such a serious mistake, will harm Israel's political position ever further.
The IDF has to make a greater effort to avoid repeating such errors.


Remember Hanlon's razor: ‘Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect.’

Harder to explain away as neglect when it’s happened multiple times. You and I know Israel isn’t deliberately targeting civilians but like you rightly note, they’re losing the PR war very badly.

They really should get the Rafah operation underway and over with ASAP. The more this lingers, the more criticism they’ll face.


Gold Member
Harder to explain away as neglect when it’s happened multiple times. You and I know Israel isn’t deliberately targeting civilians but like you rightly note, they’re losing the PR war very badly.

They really should get the Rafah operation underway and over with ASAP. The more this lingers, the more criticism they’ll face.

Anyone that has studied history of war, knows that it's extremely complicated to coordinate units, information and strategy.

And I agree with you, Israel has to finish the war sooner, rather than later.
But rushing things might just increase the amount of errors.


Perpetually Offended
While it’s perfectly correct for Israel to defend itself, it’s also correct to state that this latest attack was a fucking obscenity, conducted by a government who should have been thrown out of power a long time ago. Important to acknowledge when the Israelis are in the wrong, and on this they are. Hideously stupid mistake to make that should never have happened.


Israelis are still HUMAN... Prone to all our worst instincts and iniquities. When Israel does wrong, acknowledge it!

But I don't think this can be blamed on Hamas... This is at the feet of the IDF. It's easy to blame the Boogeyman (Hamas) for everything that hurts civilians (both Israeli and Palestinian) but that's just biased thinking. The IDF is responsible for things affecting civilians in this war... Even before this war started as there were conflicts (some were one sided) weeks and months before October 7. There was NO peace before Oct 7 from either side.


Perpetually Offended


Gold Member
This seems to corroborate the confusion the survivors were saying... That they didn't know WHERE the safe zone was. There's too much confusion... I fault both parties (Hamas and IDF) for this confusion! Neither is innocent!
Imma gonna go out on a limb and suggest that a bunch of innocent civilians were NOT the ones clustered around a large stockpile of HAMAS weapons.

Barring MUCH better reporting from the site, this smacks of the same overblown stuff the "hospital" strike did with '400 dead in a parking lot'.

Israel has a responsibility to limit collateral damage, it does not have an obligation to prevent ANY loss of civilian life when the bad guys insist on embedding themselves amidst civilians and storing explosives next to refugee tents.

HAMAS can always surrender and return all hostages, then no Gazan will be at risk.


Perpetually Offended
Imma gonna go out on a limb and suggest that a bunch of innocent civilians were NOT the ones clustered around a large stockpile of HAMAS weapons.

Barring MUCH better reporting from the site, this smacks of the same overblown stuff the "hospital" strike did with '400 dead in a parking lot'.

Israel has a responsibility to limit collateral damage, it does not have an obligation to prevent ANY loss of civilian life when the bad guys insist on embedding themselves amidst civilians and storing explosives next to refugee tents.

HAMAS can always surrender and return all hostages, then no Gazan will be at risk.
Hamas aren't rational people. They'd rather ALL their civilians die to say "see? Israel is evil!"

But I believe there is confusion on the ground with the people not having a full picture of everything going on. They have radios, hearsay and rumors... Some have phones but most don't. Hence, not knowing where the safe zones are .. this isn't the first time deaths have happened because of such confusion.

You can't ALWAYS put everything on Hamas. Everything wasn't on the Taliban or isis during the Afghan and Iraq wars... The allied militaries did a lot of murder and rape on their own, including the contractors from around the world!

My point, this isn't like WWII where we KNEW the enemy were the Nazis. This is generational blood feuds and hatred and land claims on both sides.
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ידע זה כוח
Hamas aren't rational people. They'd rather ALL their civilians die to say "see? Israel is evil!"

But I believe there is confusion on the ground with the people not having a full picture of everything going on. They have radios, hearsay and rumors... Some have phones but most don't. Hence, not knowing where the safe zones are .. this isn't the first time deaths have happened because of such confusion.

You can't ALWAYS put everything on Hamas. Everything wasn't on the Taliban or isis during the Afghan and Iraq wars... The allied militaries did a lot of murder and rape on their own, including the contractors from around the world!

My point, this isn't like WWII where we KNEW the enemy were the Nazis. This is generational blood feuds and hatred and land claims on both sides.

Maybe read up some history. See what the allies did during WW2. It's not even comparable to what Israel is doing, and I'm not sure if you're both-sidesim this. Which is digusting. The enemy is Hamas, and if you doubt that then educate yourself.


Perpetually Offended

Maybe read up some history. See what the allies did during WW2. It's not even comparable to what Israel is doing, and I'm not sure if you're both-sidesim this. Which is digusting. The enemy is Hamas, and if you doubt that then educate yourself.

I have been educating myself. I'm here in America, you're in Israel. You've stated many times how you feel and how extreme your views are.

Yes, I'm blaming both sides because of the history of the antagonism coming from both sides. Kids being shot for throwing small rocks. Video of unarmed men being sniped by IDF soldiers. Video of Hamas and related militants kidnapping Innocents. Not to mention, as I did above, that there was NO peace before Oct 7. There were skirmishes and killings in the days, weeks and months before October 7. To say there weren't is denying recent history.

Both have done dirt on both orders and individually as combatants.

And folks like to bring up Dresden (not talking about you) as though that's an excuse to kill Innocents in a war. It's the whole reason that it's now an official war crime to do such.

IMO, there are no good guys (not talking about Jews, but the military and the Netanyahu govt as well as Hamas and related groups). Just like here in America and the rest of the Western world.


ידע זה כוח
I have been educating myself. I'm here in America, you're in Israel. You've stated many times how you feel and how extreme your views are.

Yes, I'm blaming both sides because of the history of the antagonism coming from both sides. Kids being shot for throwing small rocks. Video of unarmed men being sniped by IDF soldiers. Video of Hamas and related militants kidnapping Innocents. Not to mention, as I did above, that there was NO peace before Oct 7. There were skirmishes and killings in the days, weeks and months before October 7. To say there weren't is denying recent history.

Both have done dirt on both orders and individually as combatants.

And folks like to bring up Dresden (not talking about you) as though that's an excuse to kill Innocents in a war. It's the whole reason that it's now an official war crime to do such.

IMO, there are no good guys (not talking about Jews, but the military and the Netanyahu govt as well as Hamas and related groups). Just like here in America and the rest of the Western world.
Only one side has repeatedly accepted peace deals. Land deals. Listened to to the West and done its bidding. Anything just to move on.

Only one side continues to dwell in forever victimhood and wanting to kill Jews.

You warped view is just that, warped.


Perpetually Offended
Only one side has repeatedly accepted peace deals. Land deals. Listened to to the West and done its bidding. Anything just to move on.

Only one side continues to dwell in forever victimhood and wanting to kill Jews.

You warped view is just that, warped.

Recent events call that into question. According to reports, Hamas capitulated to many demands of Netanyahu's govt for a peace deal and NETANYAHU rejected them. And that has happened multiple times.

YOUR view is warped because you are to close to it. I mean, do you call those IN ISRAEL who want Netanyahu gone as "traitors"? It's like you've forgotten his push to abolish your supreme court. You've forgotten he was under investigation for multiple crimes. You've memory holed the times he's called Hamas a useful tool (something to that effect).

I'm not trying to fight you on this. It's a stupid battle to try to wage. We can disagree on all of this and still come out civilized.


ידע זה כוח
Recent events call that into question. According to reports, Hamas capitulated to many demands of Netanyahu's govt for a peace deal and NETANYAHU rejected them. And that has happened multiple times.
hamas hasn't moved an inch on the deal. They want Israel to stop the war, and Israel doesn't. Please link to an article where Hamas capitulated.

YOUR view is warped because you are to close to it. I mean, do you call those IN ISRAEL who want Netanyahu gone as "traitors"? It's like you've forgotten his push to abolish your supreme court. You've forgotten he was under investigation for multiple crimes. You've memory holed the times he's called Hamas a useful tool (something to that effect).
I think Netanyahu is the worst PM in our history, and he should've resigned on the eve of the 7th. Him and his entire government. Where did you think I'm a fan of the feckless leader who gave us this war.

I'm not trying to fight you on this. It's a stupid battle to try to wage. We can disagree on all of this and still come out civilized.
It's not a stupid battle. If you equate Hamas to Israel, there's a problem in how you view things. Israel can make mistakes, and will, but viewing us as the other bad guys in this forever feud that was forced upon us time and again is failed logic. We built a defense system so we wouldn't need to go to war in Gaza every time they shoot rockets at us, we would gladly not lose people and not deal with it. Can you say the same on the other side?

I'll put you on ignore. I hope you find sense.


Gold Member
I have been educating myself. I'm here in America, you're in Israel. You've stated many times how you feel and how extreme your views are.

Yes, I'm blaming both sides because of the history of the antagonism coming from both sides. Kids being shot for throwing small rocks. Video of unarmed men being sniped by IDF soldiers. Video of Hamas and related militants kidnapping Innocents. Not to mention, as I did above, that there was NO peace before Oct 7. There were skirmishes and killings in the days, weeks and months before October 7. To say there weren't is denying recent history.

Both have done dirt on both orders and individually as combatants.

And folks like to bring up Dresden (not talking about you) as though that's an excuse to kill Innocents in a war. It's the whole reason that it's now an official war crime to do such.

IMO, there are no good guys (not talking about Jews, but the military and the Netanyahu govt as well as Hamas and related groups). Just like here in America and the rest of the Western world.
The problem I have with this perspective is that when you decide that both sides are in the wrong you run the risk of equating Hamas and the IDF. We have to inspect why this war is happening compartmentally, more so than historically. There is a clear and obvious difference in strategy and motive. You cannot simplify the fundamentals of this war with the “I blame both sides’ rhetoric because it’s objectively not true. Hamas are a terrorist organisation, who killed and took hostages. Israel’s response is justified, is it a proportional response? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that a lot of innocent people are dying, but make no mistake Hamas are terrorists and have always acted with evil intentions so let’s not bury this with “there are no good guys”. War begets war, Israel was never going to let Oct 7. slide. The IDF have intermittently got things wrong, tragically and to devastating effects. That isn’t the same as Hamas who has only ever acted with clear malice. You can argue there was no peace before Oct 7. and while that might be true, it is not necessarily the catalyst to todays events.


Gold Member
All it's going to take is a video or two of HAMAS killing Palestinians.
Pretty sure we have those from early on, HAMAS shooting gazans that were trying to get out of the line of fire between them and the IDF at the hospital complex. Plus who do you think equips all those suicide bomber children? When "Inshallah" is the ubiquitous panacea for any type of self inflicted misfortune, what criticism, reflection, and growth can there ever really be?


The deaths of innocent civilians is always bad. Not sure it's worth arguing that in this thread.
It seems Israel is being very careful to conduct precision strikes to destroy the terrorist organization known as Hamas. Hamas did not attack an army base, or soldiers, they went around killing, r**ing, torturing, mutilating and God only knows what else, innocent civilians. This is the same Hamas who builds tunnels with relief money, billions of it, that is supposed to go to the Gazan people. These tunnels are built under civilian infrastructure. They fire rockets from schools and hospitals with documented cases by worldwide reporting of using the Gazan people as human shields. Hamas doesn't care about anything or anyone other than their delusional religious fantasy.

There is "no both sides to this*. This is a conflict with no winners. I really can't fault Israel for doing what needs to be done. War is war, there is collateral damage, people die. If Hamas wants to end it, they can, surrender, release hostages, otherwise keep this thing going until they get wiped out anyway with a lot more collateral damage. I can't see Israel stopping, too much has already been sacrificed to back down now.


Perpetually Offended
The problem I have with this perspective is that when you decide that both sides are in the wrong you run the risk of equating Hamas and the IDF. We have to inspect why this war is happening compartmentally, more so than historically. There is a clear and obvious difference in strategy and motive. You cannot simplify the fundamentals of this war with the “I blame both sides’ rhetoric because it’s objectively not true. Hamas are a terrorist organisation, who killed and took hostages. Israel’s response is justified, is it a proportional response? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that a lot of innocent people are dying, but make no mistake Hamas are terrorists and have always acted with evil intentions so let’s not bury this with “there are no good guys”. War begets war, Israel was never going to let Oct 7. slide. The IDF have intermittently got things wrong, tragically and to devastating effects. That isn’t the same as Hamas who has only ever acted with clear malice. You can argue there was no peace before Oct 7. and while that might be true, it is not necessarily the catalyst to todays events.

Perhaps you're correct. Perhaps there is NO equivalence between them.

When I look at Gaza, I see the majority of their infrastructure gone... Their homes gone ... And they'll be left with the bill. If they can even rebuild there. It's been said that it's all uninhabitable... I don't know.

I saw videos of beautiful walkways, buildings, artful statues, etc. I also saw reports of people bidding for land in Gaza (probably a scam). I've seen videos of starving babies, disfigured kids from bombings, etc. But I also saw dead bodies of young Israelis, some butchered.

IN MY HEART I feel that war is senseless... And that there's a fundamental misunderstanding on both sides of what each really wants. I don't believe most Palestinians want Israel destroyed, just like I don't think any Israeli (except the hardline extremists) want a genocide. I believe the PEOPLE in both Gaza and Israel want peace. Both sides will have to give something... The hostages need to be freed. That's been a consistent thing. But too Israel will have to give something (what? I don't know). Peace can happen...

And I know this part runs antithetical to what I've been saying but Hamas leadership needs to be taken out... Assassin's Creed style! Or at least arrested and their money transferred to the MEDICAL AID of every Palestinian child.

I don't have the answers... None of us do... But the World should get those in power in this war and bring them both to justice!

I still believe a concentrated ground assault (perhaps allied with other nations from the START) would have ended this war by now with FAR fewer casualties on both sides. I don't know tho. Maybe.


Perhaps you're correct. Perhaps there is NO equivalence between them.

When I look at Gaza, I see the majority of their infrastructure gone... Their homes gone ... And they'll be left with the bill. If they can even rebuild there. It's been said that it's all uninhabitable... I don't know.

I saw videos of beautiful walkways, buildings, artful statues, etc. I also saw reports of people bidding for land in Gaza (probably a scam). I've seen videos of starving babies, disfigured kids from bombings, etc. But I also saw dead bodies of young Israelis, some butchered.

IN MY HEART I feel that war is senseless... And that there's a fundamental misunderstanding on both sides of what each really wants. I don't believe most Palestinians want Israel destroyed, just like I don't think any Israeli (except the hardline extremists) want a genocide. I believe the PEOPLE in both Gaza and Israel want peace. Both sides will have to give something... The hostages need to be freed. That's been a consistent thing. But too Israel will have to give something (what? I don't know). Peace can happen...

And I know this part runs antithetical to what I've been saying but Hamas leadership needs to be taken out... Assassin's Creed style! Or at least arrested and their money transferred to the MEDICAL AID of every Palestinian child.

I don't have the answers... None of us do... But the World should get those in power in this war and bring them both to justice!

I still believe a concentrated ground assault (perhaps allied with other nations from the START) would have ended this war by now with FAR fewer casualties on both sides. I don't know tho. Maybe.

Frankly, you're trying to see sense in a conflict based around a bunch of religious people fighting over a pile of rocks.
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Perpetually Offended

Where's the images of the tunnels? Have they been destroyed? I thought Egypt didn't want anything to do with Gaza? How are there THAT many tunnels? Was anyone captured using them? Why were they never discovered before now? Are these recently made ?
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Perhaps you're correct. Perhaps there is NO equivalence between them.

When I look at Gaza, I see the majority of their infrastructure gone... Their homes gone ... And they'll be left with the bill. If they can even rebuild there. It's been said that it's all uninhabitable... I don't know.

I saw videos of beautiful walkways, buildings, artful statues, etc. I also saw reports of people bidding for land in Gaza (probably a scam). I've seen videos of starving babies, disfigured kids from bombings, etc. But I also saw dead bodies of young Israelis, some butchered.

IN MY HEART I feel that war is senseless... And that there's a fundamental misunderstanding on both sides of what each really wants. I don't believe most Palestinians want Israel destroyed, just like I don't think any Israeli (except the hardline extremists) want a genocide. I believe the PEOPLE in both Gaza and Israel want peace. Both sides will have to give something... The hostages need to be freed. That's been a consistent thing. But too Israel will have to give something (what? I don't know). Peace can happen...

And I know this part runs antithetical to what I've been saying but Hamas leadership needs to be taken out... Assassin's Creed style! Or at least arrested and their money transferred to the MEDICAL AID of every Palestinian child.

I don't have the answers... None of us do... But the World should get those in power in this war and bring them both to justice!

I still believe a concentrated ground assault (perhaps allied with other nations from the START) would have ended this war by now with FAR fewer casualties on both sides. I don't know tho. Maybe.
You feel that war is senseless, but also want "the World" to get those in power in this war and bring them to justice. In other words, you are decrying war in one sentence and calling for the start of WW3 in the second sentence.

Dr. Claus

You feel that war is senseless, but also want "the World" to get those in power in this war and bring them to justice. In other words, you are decrying war in one sentence and calling for the start of WW3 in the second sentence.
His title is apt. He just wants reasons to be offended and play as/defend whom he perceives as victims. Classic mindset of that ideology.
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Perpetually Offended
You feel that war is senseless, but also want "the World" to get those in power in this war and bring them to justice. In other words, you are decrying war in one sentence and calling for the start of WW3 in the second sentence.

No. I'm calling for their arrest ... Not waging war. The leaders of Hamas and related groups are living in the laps of luxury. Get the leaders of those nations to let Europol or whoever to arrest them and bring them to the ICC. Cut off the heads and the bodies will die.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
45 casualties in a tent city that is supposedly called a genocide? I dunno. If this was truly genocide, I would have expected 20x those numbers easily.

Sounds more like either an error or Hamas using its civilians as collateral to damage Israel’s reputation again.
That's probably their primary goal. Hamas wants the world to turn on Israel so they love it anytime the civilians get killed.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
No. I'm calling for their arrest ... Not waging war. The leaders of Hamas and related groups are living in the laps of luxury. Get the leaders of those nations to let Europol or whoever to arrest them and bring them to the ICC. Cut off the heads and the bodies will die.

If it were that simple it would have been done already.

For example, Qatar isn't going to hand over Ismail Haniyeh to the ICC or Israel, regardless of what they say publicly. The world isn't going to demand he's handed over either. It also wouldn't do anything to stop the war.

Mohammed Deif? Nobody knows where he is. If the IDF knew then he'd already be dead.

Mahmoud al-Zahar? Probably in Gaza. Could already be dead? Who knows.

Basically, Hamas has a lot of people who could be considered leaders. It also has a lot of people who can step up if any are killed/arrested.


Perpetually Offended
If it were that simple it would have been done already.

For example, Qatar isn't going to hand over Ismail Haniyeh to the ICC or Israel, regardless of what they say publicly. The world isn't going to demand he's handed over either. It also wouldn't do anything to stop the war.

Mohammed Deif? Nobody knows where he is. If the IDF knew then he'd already be dead.

Mahmoud al-Zahar? Probably in Gaza. Could already be dead? Who knows.

Basically, Hamas has a lot of people who could be considered leaders. It also has a lot of people who can step up if any are killed/arrested.

Dammit! This is disheartening to learn


Gold Member
What's the deal with "Hxmas"? An attempt to use gender inclusive language like "latinx"? A way to get around censoring the word "HAMAS"? Typo? Cultural appropriation of the term "xmas" to try to garner sympathy?

Sometimes I have seen people do this to avoid coming up in searches or for people who see certain keywords


No. I'm calling for their arrest ... Not waging war. The leaders of Hamas and related groups are living in the laps of luxury. Get the leaders of those nations to let Europol or whoever to arrest them and bring them to the ICC. Cut off the heads and the bodies will die.
You wrote bring them both to justice, which suggested to me you wanted Israeli officials "brought to justice" as well. Whether intentional or not, the whole mea culpa that you meant have these people arrested makes it obvious you are not evaluating this situation with any degree of seriousness in my opinion. Which was already rather obvious if you think there's any possible moral equivalence between collateral damage in a war started by Hamas, and what Hamas and Hamas supporters did on October 7.


On the heels of international rushes to judgment of Israel’s strike in Rafah, new evidence has revealed the following:
1) The strike was outside of the safe zone Israel designated, on a building outside of the tent area. The tents were at least 40 meters away.
2) The strike used a tiny munition—two bombs, each with 17kg of explosives (around 37 pounds)—that could not have possibly caused the fire, explosion, and deaths.
3) The strike targeted two senior Hamas commanders responsible for terrorism in the West Bank and Gaza, who appear to have been using the tent area as nearby cover.
4) The strike may have ignited Palestinian rockets or ammunition, or a fuel tank, or all of the above. That would be the most likely explanation for the deaths and large fire, because the tiny munitions could not have done so.

This is the small diameter bomb. It shouldn't possibly have hurt people so far away

Guess we haven't learned this one in society eh. Or more likely, people don't care to learn it and it's all just an information war and no one cares if they're spreading a Hamas lie



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Coming soon to every city in 'merica.

A lot of communists cosplaying as Hamas terrorists making it very clear they want to end Israel.

I said a few pages back that Biden was wrong. White supremacy and the far-right are not the most dangerous threats to the US or the West.

The most dangerous are these communists because unlike fascists, nobody takes these people seriously. Nobody really understands how dangerous an ideology communism is and it's being left to grow unchecked.


Perpetually Offended
You wrote bring them both to justice, which suggested to me you wanted Israeli officials "brought to justice" as well. Whether intentional or not, the whole mea culpa that you meant have these people arrested makes it obvious you are not evaluating this situation with any degree of seriousness in my opinion. Which was already rather obvious if you think there's any possible moral equivalence between collateral damage in a war started by Hamas, and what Hamas and Hamas supporters did on October 7.

I tried to speak plainly if no one gets what I said, that's ok. This whole thread is depressing


Perpetually Offended
What is depressing is your need to try and assign equal blame to Israel. It is clear you understand very little of the ongoing conflict.

No. You don't get what I'm saying. And none of what you said is my meaning or intent.

Like I said, this whole thread is depressing. Time to leave once more.
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