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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war


May I have a cookie?
Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, 36, an officer in the National Counter-Terrorism Unit, has died from wounds sustained in the operation to rescue the four hostages. May he rest in peace.

He is survived by his wife and two children.


This is what it looks like when a country prioritizes protecting its civilians over protecting its military. The situation in Gaza is the polar opposite of this.
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ידע זה כוח
Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, 36, an officer in the National Counter-Terrorism Unit, has died from wounds sustained in the operation to rescue the four hostages. May he rest in peace.

He is survived by his wife and two children.


This is what it looks like when a country prioritizes protecting its civilians over protecting its military. The situation in Gaza is the polar opposite of this.
A hero. Protected the hostages with his own body.


May I have a cookie?
A hero. Protected the hostages with his own body.
Everything that's coming out about this morning's operation paints a picture of a heroic effort between the police, the IDF and the Shin Bet. Both on land and in the air, operating under heavy fire and at tremendous risk.
Even when one of the jeeps carrying 3 of the hostages became stuck, special forces sent in reinforcements to get them out, while sustaining RPG fire. The air force brought in additional munitions so the men on the ground could keep fighting, and I imagine also assisted with the evacuation.

It's important for the entire world to see what it means for an army to serve the people, in contrast with the heinous way that Hamas operate.

Has there even been a single report of a Hamas soldier dying to save a Palestinian civilian's life?
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That's crazy. We all expected the worst to happen. Not to say it didn't once we get details of how they were held.

Yeah, I feared the worst too.

I believe they already did that with one of the hostages. They showed her alive and then they released pics/videos of her dead.


Gold Member
Four hostages rescued alive by a joint IDF-Shin Bet-Israeli Police operation in Nuseirat camp! Just reported.

Noa Argamani (25)
Almog Meir (21)
Andrey Kozalov (27)
Shlomi Ziv (40)

Currently being treated at an Israeli hospital. Reported healthy!

These four were kidnapped from the Nova party.
Noa Argamani's mother is terminally sick with cancer and wasn't sure she'd get to see her daughter again. Footage of Noa being kidnapped on a motorcycle by Hamas has been circulating online since October 7th.

Edit: English source

Edit2: This flies in the face of every hater who kept saying Israeli strikes have killed all the hostages. As this operation shows, some have been well-hidden in civilian facilities and were constantly being moved around all this time.
wonder how hamas loving dims are going spin this?


May I have a cookie?
wonder how hamas loving dims are going spin this?
According to Instagram keyboard warriors the narrative will go something like this: the people holding the four hostages were actually part of the resistance in Gaza, and this is why the four appear to be healthy and well fed. But because of IDF's ruthless genocide killing hundreds while rescuing the hostages, Hamas has now ordered all remaining ones to be lowered into the tunnels at even the slightest hint of another rescue operation. They're doubling down, which is to be expected.


Gold Member
According to Instagram keyboard warriors the narrative will go something like this: the people holding the four hostages were actually part of the resistance in Gaza, and this is why the four appear to be healthy and well fed. But because of IDF's ruthless genocide killing hundreds while rescuing the hostages, Hamas has now ordered all remaining ones to be lowered into the tunnels at even the slightest hint of another rescue operation. They're doubling down, which is to be expected.
Or watch western feminazi liberals twirl in loops if one of the female hostages was raped and is pregnant, then decides to "her body, her choice" and abort the fetus, enacting her colonizer privilege over a baby of color :p


Four hostages rescued alive by a joint IDF-Shin Bet-Israeli Police operation in Nuseirat camp! Just reported.

Noa Argamani (25)
Almog Meir (21)
Andrey Kozalov (27)
Shlomi Ziv (40)

Currently being treated at an Israeli hospital. Reported healthy!

These four were kidnapped from the Nova party.
Noa Argamani's mother is terminally sick with cancer and wasn't sure she'd get to see her daughter again. Footage of Noa being kidnapped on a motorcycle by Hamas has been circulating online since October 7th.

Edit: English source

Edit2: This flies in the face of every hater who kept saying Israeli strikes have killed all the hostages. As this operation shows, some have been well-hidden in civilian facilities and were constantly being moved around all this time.

Hearing this news made me so happy. Against all odds, these people were rescued from their captors. Gives hope for more.


ידע זה כוח

One of those who were at the home while the raid happened was an Al-Jazeera "journalist". He may have been the one holding Noa Argamani as a hostage.


ידע זה כוח
You can protest an abortion clinic. You can stand right outside and make a scene. But you cannot block access. Folks who block access to services get arrested, as they should.
And this is legal? Isn't that assaulting an officer?



Perpetually Offended
I'm sorry to say this, but the US are looking pretty weak. How come are not all those "activists" begin identified and arrested? You are allowed to throw bottles at the authorities and paint monuments around there? Wow, nice country...

This is one incident... Not indicative of every protest ...

Besides, I think he was instructed to not do anything to further agitate the crowd. AND he's one person... He can't do anything to all those people.

Or did you not see the police standing around when protesters were being assaulted by counter-protesters in LA? Or the NYPD grabbing all the student protestors up and arresting them?

THIS is one small incident.


ידע זה כוח

One of those who were at the home while the raid happened was an Al-Jazeera "journalist". He may have been the one holding Noa Argamani as a hostage.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
This is one incident... Not indicative of every protest ...

Besides, I think he was instructed to not do anything to further agitate the crowd. AND he's one person... He can't do anything to all those people.

Or did you not see the police standing around when protesters were being assaulted by counter-protesters in LA? Or the NYPD grabbing all the student protestors up and arresting them?

THIS is one small incident.

This is "one small incident" out of thousands going on in the US. It needs to come to a stop and these shitstains need to be arrested.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Protesting outside = legal
Storming the Capitol = illegal
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't some of these so-called protesters storm Federal buildings a while back?

Pretty sure that happened and nothing was done about it.
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To those who told us we should stop.
To those who thought that a ceasefire will release them.
To those who think we're overreacting.

Fuck you.
About this, I'm curious about your opinion on the way IDF is handling everything regarding civilians on the Palestine side. Can you please elaborate if you think that the deaths, even if you believe that the numbers are inflated, which is plausible given it's Hamas we're talking about, are entirely justifiable? Because, to me, and that's an personal opinion on the matter, one wrong does not justify the other, and the situation escalated immensely from an outside perspective. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Hamas actions and not even Hamas themselves (fuck them), but, again, from an outside perspective, Israel government handled the matter very poorly. I do hope that the hostages be freed from the terrorists that kidnapped them, but I also don't get the way Israel treats Palestine since the dawn of the country. To me, it's compared to Ukraine X Russia conflict, with Israel being Russia in that case. I'm not trying to incite any hate from your part, please be pacient and try to see this as genuine curiosity of someone truly trying to understand both parts on the conflict. Also, are you living in Israel? If that's the case, are you safe?
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About this, I'm curious about your opinion on the way IDF is handling everything regarding civilians on the Palestine side. Can you please elaborate if you think that the deaths, even if you believe that the numbers are inflated, which is plausible given it's Hamas we're talking about, are entirely justifiable? Because, to me, and that's an personal opinion on the matter, one wrong does not justify the other, and the situation escalated immensely from an outside perspective. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Hamas actions and not even Hamas themselves (fuck them), but, again, from an outside perspective, Israel government handled the matter very poorly. I do hope that the hostages be freed from the terrorists that kidnapped them, but I also don't get the way Israel treats Palestine since the dawn of the country. To me, it's compared to Ukraine X Russia conflict, with Israel being Russia in that case. I'm not trying to incite any hate from your part, please be pacient and try to see this as genuine curiosity of someone truly trying to understand both parts on the conflict. Also, are you living in Israel? If that's the case, are you safe?

Genuine curiosity wouldn’t label Israel as an aggressor on the level of Russia, come on.


About this, I'm curious about your opinion on the way IDF is handling everything regarding civilians on the Palestine side. Can you please elaborate if you think that the deaths, even if you believe that the numbers are inflated, which is plausible given it's Hamas we're talking about, are entirely justifiable? Because, to me, and that's an personal opinion on the matter, one wrong does not justify the other, and the situation escalated immensely from an outside perspective. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Hamas actions and not even Hamas themselves (fuck them), but, again, from an outside perspective, Israel government handled the matter very poorly. I do hope that the hostages be freed from the terrorists that kidnapped them, but I also don't get the way Israel treats Palestine since the dawn of the country. To me, it's compared to Ukraine X Russia conflict, with Israel being Russia in that case. I'm not trying to incite any hate from your part, please be pacient and try to see this as genuine curiosity of someone truly trying to understand both parts on the conflict. Also, are you living in Israel? If that's the case, are you safe?

This is how Israel handles Palestine: for years they pumped millions of dollars into a rocket defense system so they could shoot down all of their incoming rockets instead of curbstomping the country to end the problem.

Imagine Russia setting up a missile defense system so that they do not need to invade Ukraine. LOL


ידע זה כוח
About this, I'm curious about your opinion on the way IDF is handling everything regarding civilians on the Palestine side. Can you please elaborate if you think that the deaths, even if you believe that the numbers are inflated, which is plausible given it's Hamas we're talking about, are entirely justifiable? Because, to me, and that's an personal opinion on the matter, one wrong does not justify the other, and the situation escalated immensely from an outside perspective. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Hamas actions and not even Hamas themselves (fuck them), but, again, from an outside perspective, Israel government handled the matter very poorly. I do hope that the hostages be freed from the terrorists that kidnapped them, but I also don't get the way Israel treats Palestine since the dawn of the country. To me, it's compared to Ukraine X Russia conflict, with Israel being Russia in that case. I'm not trying to incite any hate from your part, please be pacient and try to see this as genuine curiosity of someone truly trying to understand both parts on the conflict. Also, are you living in Israel? If that's the case, are you safe?
100% justifiable.

This war was forced on us. We left Gaza in 2005, forced people out of their homes to vacate and placate the world, we created Iron Dome so that we can suffer through rockets fired on us. We hoped that at some point they will focus on themselves and move on with their lives, like any other people on earth did.

After all the ceasefires they broke, they finally did it in a way that left us no choice but to go to war. Hamas hides in schools, hospitals, mosques, and dress up as civilians. We could've just carpet bomb Gaza until nothing is left, we could've nuked it. Instead we sent them knock-bombs telling them to get out of a building that's gonna be destroyed. Raining down flyers telling them where to go to safety.

Then we went in with troops, in order to deal even less damage. We have soldiers killed almost daily because of this. Is IDF perfect? no. But all deaths in this war are on Hamas.

The dawn of our country Palestinians deaths were caused mostly by themselves. They went to war a few times and lost, and lost territory while doing it. They did two intifadas where they sent suicide bombers to clubs, restaurants, busses, etc. So we blocked off the West Bank.

Don't compare us to Russia. Israel is defending herself in this war. Ukraine didn't provoke Russia repeatedly for 20 years.

I am Israeli, I do live here, and I am safe as can be.


Don't compare us to Russia. Israel is defending herself in this war. Ukraine didn't provoke Russia repeatedly for 20 years.
It wasn't done in bad faith or to insult you. I was, like I said, expressing an outside point of view.
I am Israeli, I do live here, and I am safe as can be
I'm glad you're allright, and hope it continues that way, despite all the conflict arround you right now.

The dawn of our country Palestinians deaths were caused mostly by themselves. They went to war a few times and lost, and lost territory while doing it. They did two intifadas where they sent suicide bombers to clubs, restaurants, busses, etc. So we blocked off the West Bank.
That's an interesting take on the matter, cause I've heard myself sometimes that, and I quote, "Israel repeatedly took Palestine territory". That's one of the reasons that motivated me to ask you what I asked. And your saying is right on the matter.

Thanks again for answering me, and don't be bothered if you caught me saying something that may sound wrong to you. You can even call me out on it, if you feel compelled to. I, myself, am against every type of conflict, and it bothers me enormously that a situation like the one you are living needs to escalate to such a state that people that, presumably, are innocent needs to be killed in order to reach peace. Despite that, and the circumstances, is always a pleasure to talk to someone like you who is willing to discuss in good faith, specially in a sensible subject like that.


ידע זה כוח
That's an interesting take on the matter, cause I've heard myself sometimes that, and I quote, "Israel repeatedly took Palestine territory". That's one of the reasons that motivated me to ask you what I asked. And your saying is right on the matter.
It's not a take on the matter. It's fact.

in 1948 they rejected the UN partition plan, went to war, lost, and lost territory, and any subsequent war they lost after that.

You could say the Israeli "settlers" in the west bank keep taking territory from them, but it's a grey area where the zones are muddled and it was promised to the Palestinians but they kept rejecting those deals, so we keep building in those areas. Eventually if there will be a peace agreement they'll be removed.


Gold Member

Of course. Jewish people and Canadians are peaceful people. You arent going to get ghetto mentality in Toronto even though it's probably one of the most multi diverse cities in the world. That's because people are smart enough to just forge ahead with school and getting a job to pay for shit. Nobody wants to waste time on dumbassery. I said it a million times. When you got people who care about school, careers and paying for shit (like costly homes), people got no time being troublemakers. People would rather track how well Jays or Leafs or doing.

I googled it and it had had 6 arrests, but no details who they were. I bet they werent even Jewish if the details are released.

When Floyd riots happened and some US cities went ape shit and some Euro cities had mobs, hardly anything happened here. I think there was one peaceful march from Christie Pits to City Hall and that's it in Toronto. A whopping 1 hr walk. And in Montreal, the big news articles were a music store got trashed and some people stole guitars. Woo-pee.

That's basically it. The university school tent cities and student council mobs here are a joke compared to what you see in the US.
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Neighbours from Hell
It seems like no matter what Israel does people will just hate on Israel. They can't even free their own hostages now. People act like they specifically designed the plan to have collateral damage. If the numbers are even accurate, they may not be with all the propaganda going around. But even if they are. When you draw up a plan and put it into motion, the plan is "Let's rescue hostages and this is the means we are going to do to achieve it." That's it. And the collateral damage ends up being what it ends up being. But you can't know what it is until you execute the plan. Not "We're going to rescue hostages and kill 200+ people!" That's not how these types of operations work.

And yes, it's perfectly logical for a nation's government to care about its own citizens more than another's. There's no manual on how to free hostages from terrorist groups. You take opportunities when they present themselves and you live with the outcome.
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I guess we won't hear the 'Israel should send in special forces and not drop bombs from planes' argument any time soon. People who used it probably knew it was bullshit but it sounds more acceptable than 'Israel should do nothing'.

Guys with rifles are really effective at killing which is how Hamas killed 1200 in a few hours with a fraction of the firepower the IDF has.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Amazing show of support. I would have been there too if not for being in the midst of a trip. The rallies before have been touching with relatives of held hostages speaking.
I agree that's nice to see. Everything on television or on the Internet is how much anti-Israel sentiment there is and almost no support for the Jewish state. It's refreshing to hear about things like this and that has 50,000 people.
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