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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.




I find ratings discussion to be discouraging at best when it comes to Hannibal, myself.

If anyone else enjoys podcasts about shows they are watching, I am a fan of the podcast done by Sound on Sight, This Is Our Design. They started with season two, and then went back and did season one, so if you listen to old episodes that is why it looks like they are out of order. There are also great episode write-ups on the site that I think are more observant than the norm.

One of the hosts, Kate, also does write-ups about the scoring; she has a background as a classical musician and she points out a lot of interesting things about the scoring that contribute to her interpretations of themes and characterization.

These are the first few paragraphs of the most recent episode I linked above:

“Primavera” ended with a stunning surprise, Will standing in the catacombs under the Norman Chapel and, upon sensing Hannibal’s presence, offering his forgiveness to Il Mostro. As shocking as this may have been for the audience, it’s far more keenly felt by Hannibal and the entirety of “Secondo” is spent exploring how this proclamation has affected both men. There is power in storytelling, the episode argues, in crafting a narrative for oneself to make even the most horrific experience bearable. But while the fairy tales we tell ourselves may be beautiful, they are also isolating, fragile things easily shattered by other players in the drama. We must choose between maintaining the fantasy or returning to society, where words as simple as, “I forgive you” can bring our carefully constructed walls tumbling down.

Hannibal spends the first episode of the season delighting in his power and freedom. He’s left Will and the rest of his life in Baltimore behind him, starting over as Dr. Fell and embracing his new history. In “Mizumono”, Hannibal claims he has forgiven Will, and though his actions instantly belie this—he forgives Will with one breath and with the next, summons Abigail to her death—Hannibal is able to maintain this fiction until presented with Will’s heartfelt closure. Whereas he has been the picture of confidence, or perhaps overconfidence, throughout “Antipasto” and “Primavera”, in “Secondo” he is sent spinning, acting out and making rash decisions. Unlike his calculated murder of the Fells or murder of necessity of Anthony, here Hannibal impatiently stabs Prof. Sogliato at the dinner table, petulantly invoking his previous comments on participation versus observation when Bedelia balks at his unwillingness to put Sogliato out of his misery. As if this weren’t enough of a risk, Hannibal then highlights Sogliato’s absence to his colleagues, abandoning prudence in favor of a quick hit of the power and dominance he feels when feeding Sogliato to his ravenous, and unwitting, peers.

“Antipasto” and “Primavera” showed a powerful, in control Hannibal subsuming the will of Bedelia and Will with his own, beautifully visualized as Bedelia and Will sinking into the inky blackness, or bloody waters, of Hannibal’s influence. Here that is reversed: by forgiving Hannibal, and doing so sincerely, Will exerts his independence from Hannibal, regaining his power and throwing Hannibal for a loop. Rather than being trapped in his memories of the Red Dinner, mired in the blood-soaked depths of his trauma, letting go of his anger towards Hannibal frees Will and lets him rise to the surface, shown here when Will walks over red-tinged liquid, his footfalls dissipating first the color and eventually, as he moves confidently forward, the water entirely. He may have emerged changed, but Will is once again on dry land.
I find ratings discussion to be discouraging at best when it comes to Hannibal, myself.

If anyone else enjoys podcasts about shows they are watching, I am a fan of the podcast done by Sound on Sight, This Is Our Design. They started with season two, and then went back and did season one, so if you listen to old episodes that is why it looks like they are out of order. There are also great episode write-ups on the site that I think are more observant than the norm.

One of the hosts, Kate, also does write-ups about the scoring; she has a background as a classical musician and she points out a lot of interesting things about the scoring that contribute to her interpretations of themes and characterization.

These are the first few paragraphs of the most recent episode I linked above:

That's awesome. Thanks for sharing, Mumei.
What does the fox say?
I think part of the reason I haven't liked this season is what the dialogue has turned into. I felt like the style of dialogue worked in Hannibals conversations with Will but now it seems like no one even attempts to hold a normal conversation

The only thing keeping me watching is how beautiful this show is.

I really hope this is one of those times where when I rewatch the season without the week breaks it makes sense


I really hope this is one of those times where when I rewatch the season without the week breaks it makes sense

I think that's the case.
As i said, it takes too much time to get in the mood, just to end up with the credits.
A Netflix structure would've helped this season's style.
I think part of the reason I haven't liked this season is what the dialogue has turned into. I felt like the style of dialogue worked in Hannibals conversations with Will but now it seems like no one even attempts to hold a normal conversation

One of the things I miss is the sense of ensemble - much of the first two seasons revolved around the same people with their dynamics constantly shifting (mostly due to Hannibal's mechninations.) Whenever a new character was introduced, it shook things up or mirrored something of the core relationshiops.

Now everybody is off on their own and all the people they meet have mostly been exposition devices (Pazzi, Chiyoh) or dispoable (Dimmond, the Prisoner, Sogliato.) It's still compelling in its own way but not as much as the previous seasons.

I'm with Fuller to the end though. Maybe it will all pay off. As always, this is show is something else.
I think episode 4 (Guy Fieri's Traditional Old Skool Pasta Sauce) will be where the plot truly kicks in. We'll get Bloom, Chilltron and Mason revving up their machinations.
I think part of the reason I haven't liked this season is what the dialogue has turned into. I felt like the style of dialogue worked in Hannibals conversations with Will but now it seems like no one even attempts to hold a normal conversation

The only thing keeping me watching is how beautiful this show is.

I really hope this is one of those times where when I rewatch the season without the week breaks it makes sense

I'm not sure what a normal conversation is supposed to look like here. All the major characters have gone through catastrophic events. None of them were really normal before, no way they get any closer to normalcy. It's all further down the rabbit hole for them. Hannibal is out there in world, they all know what he is capable of, and now he is more free than ever. Things could not be more fucked up for these people, I'm quite happy the style is reflecting that.

I can tell you rewatching Episode 1, I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more. I believe this season will benefit from binge-watching than any other. If you know anyone that hasn't watched any of season 3 yet, I'd recommended they wait until Episode 4 is here. I imagine those 4 episodes back to back will be stunning.
I find ratings discussion to be discouraging at best when it comes to Hannibal, myself.

If anyone else enjoys podcasts about shows they are watching, I am a fan of the podcast done by Sound on Sight, This Is Our Design. They started with season two, and then went back and did season one, so if you listen to old episodes that is why it looks like they are out of order. There are also great episode write-ups on the site that I think are more observant than the norm.

One of the hosts, Kate, also does write-ups about the scoring; she has a background as a classical musician and she points out a lot of interesting things about the scoring that contribute to her interpretations of themes and characterization.

These are the first few paragraphs of the most recent episode I linked above:

Just what I was looking for--I remember reading her breakdown of the music in S2, and I was curious what she thought about the most recent episode. Thanks!


Yeah Sound on Sight has an interesting set of podcasts in general as well.

Also I just recently finished watching Monster. Johan Liebert may as well be a young Hannibal (not really but there are some similar qualities to them and the shows sometimes explore similar ideas. Very different in tone though.)


As has been rumored the past week, NBC has canceled Hannibal. Will complete its third season run on NBC.


A statement from Fuller praised NBC, and also left the door open for the show to try to find another home. “NBC has allowed us to craft a television series that no other broadcast network would have dared, and kept us on the air for three seasons despite Cancellation Bear Chow ratings and images that would have shredded the eyeballs of lesser Standards & Practices enforcers. Jen Salke and her team have been fantastic partners and creatively supportive beyond measure. Hannibal is finishing his last course at NBC’s table this summer, but a hungry cannibal can always dine again. And personally, I look forward to my next meal with NBC.”

It will be shopped to other networks


That seemed somewhat inevitable and it's been pretty clear from the direction they've taken this season that they have no interest in pandering for ratings.
Hopefully people will start talking less about the ratings and more about the actual episodes now.

I bet it will get picked up, but, if not, it had a great run.


Yeah, honestly, I don't love ratings talk in TV threads because that seems to dominate discussion instead of the episodes themselves (though I do get why people talk about them), so I'd be really glad if Hannibal went to a platform where the ratings weren't public.


I think it's fine if it ends at this season.

Fuller has consistently said that he wants *at least* a five season show

Yeah, honestly, I don't love ratings talk in TV threads because that seems to dominate discussion instead of the episodes themselves (though I do get why people talk about them), so I'd be really glad if Hannibal went to a platform where the ratings weren't public.
same! that shit is exhausting


Many shows are canceled while profitable just because there's a good chance it's replacement will be more profitable. Hannibal wasn't profitable. Sinking to an 0.5 with 1.7M total viewers is... abysmal. Those are mediocre ratings for the CW, let alone NBC.

I'm not so sure someone is going to rescue this. Fuller's statement sounded very goodbye-ish, and he already has another show to run.
I had given up on this show during the latest episode. I found myself paying no attention to what was being said. A load of words with absolutely nothing to say. Boring. And the constant cookery shots. Jeez! It became a bit too up itself for my liking.

But now it's been cancelled I guess I'll see it through 'til the end.

The season 2 finale will forever be one of my favourite episodes of television.
Many shows are canceled while profitable just because there's a good chance it's replacement will be more profitable. Hannibal wasn't profitable. Sinking to an 0.5 with 1.7M total viewers is... abysmal. Those are mediocre ratings for the CW, let alone NBC.

I'm not so sure someone is going to rescue this. Fuller's statement sounded very goodbye-ish, and he already has another show to run.

You also have to consider that Fuller is aware of the possibility of moving to another platform, but he said that when you do move, it usually comes with budget cuts because you're "sloppy seconds".


Many shows are canceled while profitable just because there's a good chance it's replacement will be more profitable. Hannibal wasn't profitable. Sinking to an 0.5 with 1.7M total viewers is... abysmal. Those are mediocre ratings for the CW, let alone NBC.

I'm not so sure someone is going to rescue this. Fuller's statement sounded very goodbye-ish, and he already has another show to run.
other networks wanted the show after season 1 and most of all its funding is provided by AXM/ international, AFAIK.


I can not find much more hate possible for NBC.
Everytime I hate them , they do something to make me hate them even more.


Many shows are canceled while profitable just because there's a good chance it's replacement will be more profitable. Hannibal wasn't profitable. Sinking to an 0.5 with 1.7M total viewers is... abysmal. Those are mediocre ratings for the CW, let alone NBC.

I'm not so sure someone is going to rescue this. Fuller's statement sounded very goodbye-ish, and he already has another show to run.

A lot of this post is dead wrong, but mostly that Hannibal isn't produced on the same model that most shows are. It's international licensing fee makes it so it's one of the least expensive shows on network or bigger-tier basic cable nets (and Hannibal's licensing fee is a lot lower than some smaller cable shows I've worked on).

We'll never know the actual profit margins for Hannibal because neither you nor I work at NBC. But if I were a betting man, I would guess that Hannibal actually made a profit or broke even, but that wasn't enough at this point.

It's extremely likely that a streaming network will pick it up due to the show and brand's huge international appeal.

It's also not even really an NBC original! It's an international co-production that just happens to air on NBC in the United States.

I can not find much more hate possible for NBC.
Everytime I hate them , they do something to make me hate them even more.

They aired this show for 3 years. That's pretty impressive.


I don't see another actual TV network touching Hannibal with its current ratings. I'd think the only feasible scenario is a streaming service picking it up.


While this REALLY fucking blows, it's not unexpected. NBC gave them free reigns on a lot of content, and season 3 has been enough proof. It shouldn't have been on NBC to begin with, but they should be applauded for letting this go as far as it has. Show's turned too avante-garde.
Looks like I'm eating some crow re: this show's insulation from the consequences of terrible ratings.

Hopefully NBC airs the rest of the episodes as scheduled, but I wouldn't object if it's online-only so I can actually hear the dialogue.

If the books are anything to go by, this season will mark the end of
the Will-Hannibal dynamic anyway
, so I won't be crushed if it's the closing chapter for the series.

I'm just sad that if it doesn't get picked up by another network, we might be losing Bryan Fuller to the utter dreckitude that is American Gods.
Bummed to hear this. Hope someone picks it up soon.

Yeah, honestly, I don't love ratings talk in TV threads because that seems to dominate discussion instead of the episodes themselves (though I do get why people talk about them), so I'd be really glad if Hannibal went to a platform where the ratings weren't public.
same! that shit is exhausting
Yup. It's too bad that it often comes up with high quality shows on the brink, like Hannibal. They merit a lot of discussion based on the content alone, and the constant ratings concerns are a distraction. I completely understand why people worry about it, but it'd be nice just enjoy the shows while they're still on.
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