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Hard Reset |OT| Resetting the Shooter Genre, two guns at a time


coopolon said:
Why do quicksaves bother you so much? If you don't like them, don't use them? Why is it better for designers to remove the option for other players?
And along those lines, what the hell is wrong with the developers who deny me my god-given quicksave rights? Demons' Souls would be infinitely better if I could just save before Flamelurker.
Tried the demo. The gameplay is fun, but quite simplistic and aged for something releasing in 2011. If i'm really honest, I prefer where we're at now for shooters - cover systems, stealth, choice of play style etc, as opposed to the straight up blasting of *older* shooters like Hard Reset. Visually I wasn't impressed either, as it doesn't seem to be pushing the boundaries in any particular way - for example, a game like Crysis 2 runs better and looks much better on my PC. The art style is fairly drab and forgettable too, lots of greys and uninteresting mechanical designs that are reminiscent of something like Enslaved or a generic UE3 title. One area I did really like surprisingly enough was the music. Overall, I think this is more of a budget title that really isn't that deserving of the nostalgia driven "PC GOTY" praise. I will pick it up, but only when it hits £5 in the Steam sale.

Yeah if you prefer modern FPS games you're not going to see Hard Reset as being worth $26.00

As someone who hates modern FPS games Hard Reset is like a breath of fresh air. I love every minute of it.

As for the art style, I was never big on graphics nor do I really take them into account when determining a game's value. Though different people have different values so I can understand your position.
Deadbeat said:
We dont know if this is a quality developer. This is their first game. They have a quality pedigree, but that doesnt meant shit.
Yeah i mean look at square enix now. Pedigree is shit.

Also really looking forward to this game. Loved painkiller.


subversus said:
what is EX mode?

You start from the beginning again, but can choose whatever difficulty you want and retain your upgrades from the previous play-through. I'm playing on Hard now, and it's fucking awesome.

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Unconfirmed Member
I expected alot out of the demo but after 2 playthroughs I was left underwhelmed. Still buying it though so I can experience the whole thing.


Don't see anyone talking about the physics and the explosions, especially blowing through walls with debris flying everywhere. Thought this aspect was outstanding.


Here's my review on Hard Reset -


Didn't have much trouble with he difficulty on Normal - only was frustrating in a few spots during the later stages. Could use refinement though. Same with the weapon switching, which sometimes feels unresponsive. I think a quick save system should've been included but for the most part checkpoints are well placed.

Very solid game overall, I hope we see more from them.


x3sphere said:
Here's my review on Hard Reset -


Didn't have much trouble with he difficulty on Normal - only was frustrating in a few spots during the later stages. Could use refinement though. Same with the weapon switching, which sometimes feels unresponsive. I think a quick save system should've been included but for the most part checkpoints are well placed.

Very solid game overall, I hope we see more from them.

There is a quick save system but you to have enable it.

Hawk SE

For the other reviewers maybe playing on a higher difficulty:

Ctrl + ~ to bring up console

type "imbad" without quotes to get unlimited health, armor, and ammo. Whatever you had will lock and not deplete. If you replenish, it'll stay at 100%. I know it's a "cheat", but up to you. I'm not feeling very good about using it, won't get a feel for the difficulty at all. So this is just for the people who end up buying it and get "stuck" an don't want to lower the diff for a battle.

However, I am finding the "bind f5 save" to be the best thing for the game. I like making my own saves.

Devs will be releasing an update to the game that will allow you check and option to speed up the menu transitions and increase your FOV through the menu.


awwyeahgurrl said:

Apparently I need to go back to Painkiller. :|

I definitely remember not liking the way movement felt in that game. Kinda like how I feel about Serious Sam. I'd have to revisit to say anything more concrete, though.


Hawk xSx said:
For the other reviewers maybe playing on a higher difficulty:

Ctrl + ~ to bring up console

type "imbad" without quotes to get unlimited health, armor, and ammo. Whatever you had will lock and not deplete. If you replenish, it'll stay at 100%. I know it's a "cheat", but up to you. I'm not feeling very good about using it, won't get a feel for the difficulty at all. So this is just for the people who end up buying it and get "stuck" an don't want to lower the diff for a battle.

However, I am finding the "bind f5 save" to be the best thing for the game. I like making my own saves.

Devs will be releasing an update to the game that will allow you check and option to speed up the menu transitions and increase your FOV through the menu.
Cool to know! Are they gonna release a day 1 patch? I was playing Painkiller earlier today and noticed there's a whole tab in the options dedicated to the HUD, including size and opacity. I miss that stuff.


coopolon said:
Why do quicksaves bother you so much? If you don't like them, don't use them? Why is it better for designers to remove the option for other players?

Edit: Or don't abuse them anyway. I can see the point that if they implement quicksaves they won't have autosaves as often so you'd probably have to use them occasionally, but just don't abuse them in the middle of fights or whatever.

Some games have well-placed checkpoints while also having quicksaves. Episode 2 and Crysis are good examples. I'm mostly okay with this, but it'd be nice if I knew ahead of time whether or not the developers put any thought into the checkpoints. It's way too easy to assume they did not.

In games where we have thoughtless autosaves/checkpoints (almost every older FPS as well as the Serious Sam games), I don't want to have the responsibility of shaping a fundamental part of the game myself. Having to constantly worry about whether or not I'm making the game too easy simply by following my natural instincts as a player is not fun at all. Definitely dampens the experience, unquestionably hurts any tension.

I really like how Hard Reset is doing it. Checkpoints, straight-up, with quicksaves only as a console-unlocked cheat. The functionality is there for those who feel they absolutely need it. Makes me think it'd be cool to see FPSes with quicksaves only for easier difficulty levels.
Chacranajxy said:
Giantbomb's quick look made the game look kinda bad.

Playing the demo confirmed that it is awful.

Haters gonna hate.

I've played the demo so many times trying different combinations of upgrades. Got 3 hours out of the demo so far. I love every minute of it.

I'm now finding it relatively easy even on Insane. The walkers are fucking cake. It is the little robots that give me trouble depending on what I'm using. Plasma + Rifle was definitely the hardest. Cumulative plasma got rid of the bulk of them, and I had to take great care aiming the rifle at individual bots to slow them down since it seemed like a single attack would kill me.


Tain said:
Apparently I need to go back to Painkiller. :|

I definitely remember not liking the way movement felt in that game. Kinda like how I feel about Serious Sam. I'd have to revisit to say anything more concrete, though.
I played the Hard Reset demo directly after playing Painkiller. Painkiller controls and moves so much better than Reset that they're like night and day. Which is a shame because I'd be down for this new game if it controlled like Painkiller. Instead it's a clunky mess.


Lost all credibility.
Obsessed said:
Haters gonna hate.

I've played the demo so many times trying different combinations of upgrades. Got 3 hours out of the demo so far. I love every minute of it.

I'm now finding it relatively easy even on Insane. The walkers are fucking cake. It is the little robots that give me trouble depending on what I'm using. Plasma + Rifle was definitely the hardest. Cumulative plasma got rid of the bulk of them, and I had to take great care aiming the rifle at individual bots to slow them down since it seemed like a single attack would kill me.
Hopefully the alt fire upgrade for the Mortar will come in handy on Insane mode:
sykoex said:
Hopefully the alt fire upgrade for the Mortar will come in handy on Insane mode:

I find the demo on Insane mode to be pretty easy using the Shotgun + Mortar combo. You basically can stun the shit out of everything. Freeze them next to a car/explosive/electric grid with the mortar. Fire an electric grenade. BOOM.

Shotgun takes care of anything that survives or gets close, and stops walkers in their tracks.

@ the review: At least it said the game was fun. My plan was to skip through the story entirely so looks like I have an even bigger incentive to do that now. A shame that it has been getting pretty poor reviews though. I'm having a total blast playing it and I want it to do well :(


subversus said:
Game's length? Story? lol

They are both legit criticisms. Story matters to some (thankfully I don't give a damn about a FPS story), and the short game length is a reason to wait for a sale rather than paying 26-30 dollars for it.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Obsessed said:
They are both legit criticisms. Story matters to some (thankfully I don't give a damn about a FPS story), and the short game length is a reason to wait for a sale rather than paying 26-30 dollars for it.

Yeah it's just the pathetic state of "game journalism".

"Hard reset six hours long? Omg short, negative aspect of product "
" Random AAA fps game 6 hours long campaign : norm "

Ars technica Black ops review : "The single-player campaign is longer than we're used to in this sort of highly scripted action game, closer to eight hours than six, and it's incredibly enjoyable"

7~ scripted campaign with zero replayvalue? ENJOYABLE!!!!


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Obsessed said:
They are both legit criticisms. Story matters to some (thankfully I don't give a damn about a FPS story), and the short game length is a reason to wait for a sale rather than paying 26-30 dollars for it.

I wonder if people were judging Commando by its story.

As for length if you're not going to replay it then yes, wait for 10$ sale.

Hawk SE

Damn. I was set to have my review out today, but last night as I was nearing the end of the game - my videocard died. :(


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Tain said:
I'm on the fence about this game, but the Ars dude definitely doesn't have very similar taste to mine.

Did you play the demo? Even though it was fairly short I think it definitely sheds light on how the end product will be.

Old school, fast paced, challenging, cyberpunk first person shooter.


I did, and I'm still not sure what I think. I'm all for the setting and the retry structure and the weapons and all that, but I'm not crazy about the enemies shown in the demo from my single playthrough. I felt like I had no idea if I was actually damaging anything.

I'd like to know if there's way more enemy variety in the full game, too. Obviously there will be more, but how many are we talking?


JoeTheBlow said:
Not good. Stinks of a development schedule cut short through lack of money, hence the lack of conclusion.
Will wait for a sale now.

Story aside, it's still longer than a lot of games you'd pay full price for.

Tain said:
I did, and I'm still not sure what I think. I'm all for the setting and the retry structure and the weapons and all that, but I'm not crazy about the enemies shown in the demo from my single playthrough. I felt like I had no idea if I was actually damaging anything.

I'd like to know if there's way more enemy variety in the full game, too. Obviously there will be more, but how many are we talking?

I counted around 7 different enemy types during my playthrough. A few are just variations with the same basic abilities though, like chargers that look different. It could've used more variety.
Corky said:
Yeah it's just the pathetic state of "game journalism".

"Hard reset six hours long? Omg short, negative aspect of product "
" Random AAA fps game 6 hours long campaign : norm "

7~ scripted campaign with zero replayvalue? ENJOYABLE!!!!

Yes it is pathetic. I've learned to never expect consistency with reviewers. Never forget 8.8. Lower score for the better version!

And to be fair, those AAA games with 6 hour campaigns usually are multiplayer focused.

Tain: I'll give you that. It was hard to tell if you were damaging the smaller enemies, and there seemed to be little variety in enemy types.

Hawk xSx said:
Damn. I was set to have my review out today, but last night as I was nearing the end of the game - my videocard died. :(

Not finishing the game hasn't stopped other reviewers (for different games). Why should it stop you? Integrity in journalism is so last century.


Well I enjoyed what I played of the demo, so I'll probably be picking this up. Also was that the Metroid Prime beam charging sound effect I heard?! Very unmistakable.


Veal said:
Well I enjoyed what I played of the demo, so I'll probably be picking this up. Also was that the Metroid Prime beam charging sound effect I heard?! Very unmistakable.

Haha! Yes, it sounds exactly the same.

Just finished recording the VO for my video review. I'll have it up sometime tonight. Probably late.


Tain said:
Apparently I need to go back to Painkiller. :|

I definitely remember not liking the way movement felt in that game. Kinda like how I feel about Serious Sam. I'd have to revisit to say anything more concrete, though.

If you're not bunny hopping 100% of the time in Painkiller you're doing it wrong.

The Dutch Slayer said:
ars review: skip :(

Don't worry, I already skip their reviews.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

It does sound odd that the campaign just ends on a totally random note. Did they somehow waste all the budget forcing them to cut to black in what was supposed to be the middle of the campaign?


Played the demo: "ehmmmmm, no". Sorry, I'm very influenced by old-school FPSs and very little stuff nowadays (mostly Valve) holds up to what I expect of the genre.
Obsessed said:
It does sound odd that the campaign just ends on a totally random note. Did they somehow waste all the budget forcing them to cut to black in what was supposed to be the middle of the campaign?
heh wouldn't surprise me.
beje said:
Played the demo: "ehmmmmm, no". Sorry, I'm very influenced by old-school FPSs and very little stuff nowadays (mostly Valve) holds up to what I expect of the genre.

Interesting. What didn't you like about it?
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