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Harry Reid threatens Nevada's brothels. The prostitutes laugh at him

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s threat to shut down the regulated sex industry in his state doesn’t exactly have Nevada prostitutes shaking in their G-strings.

“I will lie down for a lot of things, but Senator Reid is not one of them,” said Brooke Taylor, a five-year veteran working girl at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch just outside Carson City.

In his biennial address at the state capitol Tuesday, the Nevada senator vowed to strip the state’s 16 counties of the right to determine their own brothel laws, saying that “the time has come” to rid the state of the practice.

“When the nation thinks about Nevada, it should think about the world’s newest ideas and newest careers – not about its oldest profession,” Reid told the state delegation.

Reid’s call to ban prostitution in the state — which is only legal in a handful of mostly rural counties — received a downright cold response from the audience, which included brothel owner Dennis Hof and eight of his “ladies” who work for him at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

Hof, and other local industry leaders, said Reid was just using the issue to distract from the state’s other pressing problems. Nevada has one of the worst unemployment rates in the country, and its economy has seen little recovery since the recession began.

By focusing on prostitution, Reid could spend the week back in his district fielding frivolous questions about cathouses and not the state of the economy, brothel owners said.

“Reid is just trying to cover his butt,” Hoff told The Daily Caller. “He’s putting the spotlight on the brothel industry and using us as a red herring. He’s punishing the counties who didn’t vote for him. He’s saying, ‘You didn’t vote for me, then go to hell.’”

Nevada Republican Governor Brian Sandoval, who would have the final say on any proposal to outlaw the industry state-wide, suggested he would veto the bill if it ever made it to his desk.

“It’s up to the counties to decide if they want it or not,” he told the Las Vegas Sun.

In large part, brothel owners and defenders of local rights say that although they take calls from policymakers to eliminate their livelihood seriously, Reid’s speech was an empty threat that lacks any significant support in the Nevada assembly.

“No one has rallied on his behalf,” Bobbi Davis, owner of the Shady Lady Ranch in Goldfield, told TheDC. “In the last election, only one rural country supported him. His son ran for governor and no one supported it. It could be retaliation. It sounds like a dumb thing for a grown man to do, but that could be it."

George Flint, a former minister who has been the spokesman for the legal sex industry in Nevada since the mid 1980s, wrote off the senator’s remarks as just another “political move.”

“I’m not going to lay awake worrying about it,” Flint told TheDC. “I don’t see anybody down there, and I mean this sincerely, being swept away by the senator’s comments. The general feeling yesterday afternoon as I started polling various members of the legislature was in fact that Nevada has better things to worry about than that.”

Reid’s comments no doubt took most in the industry by surprise. The Senate majority leader has been known to boast about how his mother paid for his law school fees by washing the clothes of local prostitutes in Searchlight, Nevada.

“It’s very much unlike him,” Flint said. “You never know about Harry.”

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I don't really get why he would even touch on it. He has no ability to change anything at the state level, and surely Nevadans know they they only exist because of their lax gambling, drinking, and other laws.


I had no idea prostitution was legal *anywhere* in the US.

At times it seems like every state is its own country.
I think prostitution's a pretty bad thing for women, but nobody's ever going to get rid of it, so it's better to have it out in the open with regulations and protections (mandatory STD testing, organized wages instead of paying prostitutes in drugs, much harder for pimps to use the illegality of it to make their prostitutes feel like there's nowhere they can go) than to have it on the far more dangerous black market.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Lol. I had lunch with George Flint once. Good luck loser Harry. We don't care what you say. You only won reelection because Hispanics hated Angle.
Cooter said:
Lol. I had lunch with George Flint once. Good luck loser Harry. We don't care what you say. You only won reelection because Hispanics hated Angle.

Or you know, Sharon Angle was batshit crazy, but whatevs.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
ConfusingJazz said:
Or you know, Sharon Angle was batshit crazy, but whatevs.
Most people here would take crazy over Harry Fucking Reid. The man is the worst.


sangreal said:
Not anymore

edit: :|
Wait, really? Last time I checked (a year ago), there wasn't a (non-religiously ran, democratic) country in the world that had the legislative power to outlaw prostitution, just soliciting. In the UK for example, it is illegal for me to trawl streets looking for hookers, but it'd be perfectly fine to make a private arrangement with someone to have sex for pay.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
ConfusingJazz said:
Except those that could vote.
His machine here is so corrupt I almost assume he stole it. Every pole had him down by 5 going in and he wins by ten. Makes sense to me. That and he took a large percentage of the Hispanic vote who sole voted out of hatred for Angle. The type of voter who can't tell you who the VP is. No, i'm not saying all Hispanics are uninformed but enough of them are to make a difference.


Suairyu said:
In the UK for example, it is illegal for me to trawl streets looking for hookers, but it'd be perfectly fine to make a private arrangement with someone to have sex for pay.
Yep same thing in France.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Reid is a fucking joke. I would take one of these prostitutes in the article over him for office any day.
I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over him.


FlashFlooder said:
the way it was intended.
Question about that: is it totes cool for Americans to just pack up and move to a different state if they don't like how things are run, or are there restrictions on interstate immigration?
Suairyu said:
Question about that: is it totes cool for Americans to just pack up and move to a different state if they don't like how things are run, or are there restrictions on interstate immigration?
You can move to any state you want. I've live in Louisiana and Indiana as well as California. The rules might be different, taxes different, customs different. If your an American you can go to any state.


Suairyu said:
Question about that: is it totes cool for Americans to just pack up and move to a different state if they don't like how things are run, or are there restrictions on interstate immigration?

My American brain finds this question very odd. I can see why you would ask that, but still. If there were restrictions on inter-state immigration that would just be weird.
Cooter said:
His machine here is so corrupt I almost assume he stole it. Every pole had him down by 5 going in and he wins by ten. Makes sense to me. That and he took a large percentage of the Hispanic vote who sole voted out of hatred for Angle. The type of voter who can't tell you who the VP is. No, i'm not saying all Hispanics are uninformed but enough of them are to make a difference.
maybe the GOP shouldn't nominate a loony racist next time


Gaborn said:
“I will lie down for a lot of things, but Senator Reid is not one of them,”

Oh god, I tried to read the rest of the article but the tears, they won't stop! Funniest thing I've read in weeks.


edgefusion said:
Oh god, I tried to read the rest of the article but the tears, they won't stop! Funniest thing I've read in weeks.

Definitely hilarious. I almost made it the thread title to be honest.
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