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HBO orders alternate universe Civil War drama [update: interview w/ producers]

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Speaking of Turtledove-y stories, could we do a Worldwar show next?

Those books were cool.
Even if the war had ended in a stalemate the idea that the Confederacy would have slaves in 2016 is fucking dumb. They should have gone with an apartheid angle.


Try doing more than citing an amendment as if that's a substitute for presenting an actual argument to support your position, sport.

Me: did the people fighting to keep slavery really lose?
You: yes
Me: *laughs at you in 13th amendment *

13th amendment said:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

You are clearly do not have the range for this subject. Educate yourself kthx

Are they seriously going to try to paint SLAVE OWNING TRAITORS as some kind of righteous people try trying to make it day by day?? Fuck the very concept of this show. I'm sick and tired of people writing stories that either are based in reality where black people get brutalized(12 Years a Slave) or these white supremacy power fantasies. We're either a background prop or a whipping boy for most of Hollywood. Its disgusting.

🤔 Link?


...You can get literally anything greenlit and you decide to dive straight back into problematic race issues, issues which your show never quite figured out.

It just depresses me when creators waste their carte blanche like this.
...You can get literally anything greenlit and you decide to dive straight back into problematic race issues, issues which your show never quite figured out.

It just depresses me when creators waste their carte blanche like this.

When has has something similar happened? I'm genuinely curious.


Me: did the people fighting to keep slavery really lose?
You: yes
Me: *laughs at you in 13th amendment *

You are clearly do not have the range for this subject. Educate yourself kthx
Those six words are the feeble justification for an inane comment like "did the Confederacy really lose?"

So you watched a Netflix documentary on modern incarceration, vastly overstated an actual criticism into an objectively false statement, defended the position with an oddly unjustified condescension, and now you believe you're in position to tell another person to educate themselves.

It's astounding.


What do you call The Man in the High Castle?

I never watched it as alternate history is not thrilling for me. Something about an alternate history where slavery was excepted is not something I can stomach. This isn't a show for me but someone will love it and defend it as an artistic masterpiece.


Those six words are the feeble justification for an inane comment like "did the Confederacy really lose?"

So you watched a Netflix documentary on modern incarceration, vastly overstated an actual criticism into an objectively false statement, defended the position with an oddly unjustified condescension, and now you believe you're in position to tell another person to educate themselves.

It's astounding.

lol I literally grew up across the street with a house with the confederate flag flying in their yard. Grew up in a county where Some parts I could go easily go missing. I'm not sorry if the statement bothered you or anyone else so build a bridge and get over it.

Also lol @ you thinking my education on this is limited to a Netflix documentary. Get hot and bothered about how I said what the hell I said because nobody has offered any substantive argument about what I said was false

Edit: lolololol y'all are so upset at me saying the confederacy didn't lose when their flag was flying on several state public grounds only a few years ago ( and some still do IIRC)
I don't understand this on any level. Why would anyone want to watch a version of history that's even worse for slaves? What is the goal with this?
I don't understand this on any level. Why would anyone want to watch a version of history that's even worse for slaves? What is the goal with this?

Ratings. It sounds like a sure bet either way as a number of people will probably hate watch it waiting for it to make some terrible decisions (which is pretty inevitable) others will eat it up as the outcome they always wanted.
I'm sure it'll be some hamfisted, fumbling attempt at allegory to current US race relations.

But I could get that any number of other ways without seeing black men and women whipped on national TV for gore porn again.

Enough with the damn slavery stories.


lol I literally grew up across the street with a house with the confederate flag flying in their yard. Grew up in a county where Some parts I could go easily go missing. I'm not sorry if the statement bothered you or anyone else so build a bridge and get over it.

Also lol @ you thinking my education on this is limited to a Netflix documentary. Get hot and bothered about how I said what the hell I said because nobody has offered any substantive argument about what I said was false
You reached for the "...but you're mad" stage of defense in one response rather than admit error.

Your statement was objectively false. The Confederate States of America as an independent nation state ceased to exist in 1865. The 13th Amendment outlawed slavery and indentured servitude as commonly understood today, with a notably awful exception pertaining to the incarcerated having the right to object to work withheld. The racism that fueled the Confederacy's rebellion and also existed a mere one or two notches weaker in the Union didn't die in 1865, nor was it even dealt a significant wound.

The last sentence doesn't render the first two false.


You reached for the "...but you're mad" stage of defense in one response rather than admit error.

Your statement was objectively false. The Confederate States of America as an independent nation state ceased to exist in 1865. The 13th Amendment outlawed slavery and indentured servitude as commonly understood today, with a notably awful exception pertaining to the incarcerated having the right to object to work withheld. The racism that fueled the Confederacy's rebellion and also existed a mere one or two notches weaker in the Union didn't die in 1865, nor was it even dealt a significant wound.

The last sentence doesn't render the first two false.

Thank you for being pedantic about what was obviously such a rhetorical question. I did not know the Confederate States of America officially ceased to exist. Your #wellactually has opened my eyes. Wow. Amazing.
I don't understand this on any level. Why would anyone want to watch a version of history that's even worse for slaves? What is the goal with this?
Same reason why people would watch Handmaid's Tale or read Underground Airlines.

These kinds of alternate histories are pretty much always cautionary tales that use the speculative fiction to show how terrifying, immoral, and disturbing these scenarios would be.
Definitely passing on this one. Have fun with defending the inevitable "well maybe not all slaveholders were bad" part, Game of Thrones fans


lol I literally grew up across the street with a house with the confederate flag flying in their yard. Grew up in a county where Some parts I could go easily go missing. I'm not sorry if the statement bothered you or anyone else so build a bridge and get over it.

Also lol @ you thinking my education on this is limited to a Netflix documentary. Get hot and bothered about how I said what the hell I said because nobody has offered any substantive argument about what I said was false

Edit: lolololol y'all are so upset at me saying the confederacy didn't lose when their flag was flying on several state public grounds only a few years ago ( and some still do IIRC)

It flies on the school flag poles in Pensacola Florida. (according to my sister who saw it on an elementary school's pole)
Wait, people think the right is going to latch on to this show?

The right is going to hate this show with the power of a thousand suns.

Except for those who don't get it, a la watching The Colbert Report while agreeing with everything Stephen says.
Wait, people think the right is going to latch on to this show?

The right is going to hate this show with the power of a thousand suns.

Except for those who don't get it, a la watching The Colbert Report while agreeing with everything Stephen says.

I don't understand what about the description given in the article gives you and others this impression.
Same reason why people would watch Handmaid's Tale or read Underground Airlines.

These kinds of alternate histories are pretty much always cautionary tales that use the speculative fiction to show how terrifying, immoral, and disturbing these scenarios would be.

Also the Man in the High Castle is still running. Not sure if the TV series is exactly like the book but the racial stuff in the book his horrifying.


I wonder if a pitch about slaves and native Americans teaming up to enslave white people would've gotten any traction at HBO


Lmao at that description

This is one of those ideas where it will either be brilliant or shit. No inbetween.

It's probably going to be the latter
Why in the fuck do I want to watch another fucking pornographic depiction of my people being beaten and subdued?

Make a show about the Red Summer riots and how Black folk took up arms and fought back against those who wanted to enforce violent White supremacy.


I'm a sucker for alternate history stuff, but I'm not sure I want to watch this subject matter in particular. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not terribly excited going in.


As someone entrenched in the Mississippi river delta area, pro confederacy has gotten visibly worse here. This shit is enraging. Its disgusting and frightening and I know there will be a sizable part of the population that are not intelligent enough to not see this as wank material. I want more refreshing stories for poc and we're making progress, but to me the show runners make me skeptical.

You walk around with giant flags waving, people telling you to "keep walking" yelling "free speech!" after saying some turd slack-jawed shit. Saying stuff like "I don't like black girls but I wanna see your titties." Yeah, lets make that, except its intelligent think piece fantasy! Haha.

Nah, I don't have to say "give it a chance". Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. Been there done that.
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