I don't know why, but I went into arena again. You guys really have to share the secret here, because I just ain't seeing the point. I drafted a decent deck and made it to 6 wins without losses, a personal record for me. Then I ran into a Paladin with 2x Consecration, Equality, Avenging Wrath, Hammer of Wrath, 3x Truesilver, 2x Guardian of Kings, Humility and a Sunwalker. After that I ran into a Hunter with Starving Buzzard, Unleash the Hounds, Bestial Wrath, 2x Beast Companion, Hunter's Mark, Tracking, Arcane Shot, Deadly Shot and Explosive Shot.
Counting the 55 gold I got from it as compensation for the entry price, the only thing I have to show for this run (9 matches) compared to just buying a pack is 45 dust and a lot of frustration.
How the f do you guys consistently get 6+ win runs? HOW?