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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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This is probably really obvious to most people in here, but I just noticed about a week ago that you can screw around with the boards, like turn lights on / off, light fires and my favourite is load and shoot the catapult on the Orgimmar map. I fell like an idiot for only finding it out now.

Damn another thing I didn't know :eek:


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The game plan of every priest I play against is to double a minions health then use inner fire on it. It's amusing and you can see it coming from a mile away.


What's zoo? I feel so far out of the loop on this game.

Reynad's most recent contribution to the meta and the dumbest Hearthstone deck to date: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/44560-reynad-zoo-warlock (original version, pretty sure most people are playing slightly modified versions by now)

You flood the board with cheap high-value or buffing minions, tap if you need more cards and finish the opponent with Soulfire/Doomguard/Argent Commander(/Power Overwhelming/Leeory).


What's zoo? I feel so far out of the loop on this game.
Warlock rush that utilize low mana cost efficient minions ( minions like flame imp and knife juggler).
Its very popular because its very mana efficient early game and if you opponent cant deal with it in the first 3 turns he auto lose.


Just lost to three rogues in arena playing shaman.
All three matches they had the coin and the perfect card combination draw.
Two of those matches I had to concede by the 6th turn, so lame.


will learn eventually
I only play Priest in ranked and rely on all RNG cards to win me games, because I can't take Hearthstone that serious anyway.

Turn 3 coined Mind Games, getting a Ironbark... Nothing feels better. Thoughtstealing / Mindvisioning all the cards I need lol
Also put in Gelbin for funs sake, but may be throwing him out soon...


God I even get fucking mad at losing streaks in card games of all things. 5 streak now, can't get out of rank TWENTY-FUCKING-THREE.


I only play Priest in ranked and rely on all RNG cards to win me games, because I can't take Hearthstone that serious anyway.

Turn 3 coined Mind Games, getting a Ironbark... Nothing feels better. Thoughtstealing / Mindvisioning all the cards I need lol
Also put in Gelbin for funs sake, but may be throwing him out soon...
Ironbark is one of the worst cards in rank....
Ironbark is one of the worst cards in rank....

It's actually not awful, I think most of the stigma against it was from when Priest was OP and you were just giving him a free minion that you had no way of killing.

Generally people run bigger threats in their decks and it's not a huge deal if they get poly-ed/hexed, or really even black knighted, and if they don't remove it it's a pretty good card.

Basically, I play it before I play rag just to get people to use their removals or BGH


No it isn't.

And definitely not on turn 3 it isn't.

sorry, didnt read mind game, thought it was thought steal.
I meant the card in general is bad in on constructed, there are much better alternative like ancient of war/lore.

Beat two legend in rank using Gaara druid, feels good.


will learn eventually
sorry, didnt read mind game, thought it was thought steal.
I meant the card in general is bad in on constructed, there are much better alternative like ancient of war/lore.

Beat two legend in rank using Gaara druid, feels good.

I'm currently playing at rank 18, so most people don't even have a single legendary in their deck. Ironbark doesn't suck at that rank haha ;)


Rank 19 > 14 streak with no losses on my Zoolock today.

Everything gets smashed in the face. Even huntards are too late with their UTH in turn 6/7 :)

I'm currently playing at rank 18, so most people don't even have a single legendary in their deck. Ironbark doesn't suck at that rank haha ;)

Rank 18 in a new season can be surprising.


Well it's been one horrible night. Think I only advanced from 23-22 in 9 games. Fuck this game with a rusty chainsaw sometimes.

ACE 1991

I crush like 7 guys in a row with Zoo until I run into a P2W Druid deck :(

GG Mr. Golden Black Knight.

Yeah man, I know that feel... I hate losing a game that I know I outplayed the other player but just don't have access to the 3 big legendary cards he drops on my face at the end of the game. Game is P2W as fuck.


Sorry, but as long as you run Zoo, you aren't allowed to complain. It's in the rules.

Actually it isn't. Zoo's a very viable strategy and just the game itself has issues with zoo-style strategies doesn't mean its somehow a "dishonorable" thing.

However getting wrecked by a gold Black Knight does hella suck. Time vs Money will always frustrate players.


Actually it isn't. Zoo's a very viable strategy and just the game itself has issues with zoo-style strategies doesn't mean its somehow a "dishonorable" thing.

However getting wrecked by a gold Black Knight does hella suck. Time vs Money will always frustrate players.

Honestly if Zoo got rocked by BK on turn 6 he's already lost. You should be closing in on lethal at that point. All you should need is doomguard/soulfire. Plus the whole point of zoo is to flood the board with cheap minions. The loss of one taunter shouldn't throw you into a tizzy.


Why is having a Gold Black Knight pay to win? It's possible he could have opened it from a pack he won playing Arena or one he bought with 100g. So salty.


Honestly if Zoo got rocked by BK on turn 6 he's already lost. You should be closing in on lethal at that point. All you should need is doomguard/soulfire. Plus the whole point of zoo is to flood the board with cheap minions. The loss of one taunter shouldn't throw you into a tizzy.

God I love facing zoo warlocks on my Druid. I think I'm one of the only Druids who runs both swipes and both starfalls. Everything I have is taunts/big taunts/tauntable and the only time I lose to zoo is when I mess up


Ironbark is the absolute best hard removal bait to pave the way for Rag/Ysera/what have you.

The problem is that it eats up your entire turn 8, on which you could have played Rag for an immediate effect, only to trade one for one with a cheaper card. If you're not ahead this tempo loss often costs you the game, and before that it's a dead card outside of Innervate shenanigans.
The game plan of every priest I play against is to double a minions health then use inner fire on it. It's amusing and you can see it coming from a mile away.

Saw this for the first time yesterday with a silenced Lightwell played turn 2.

I was pretty god damn upset. Damn thing hit me for 24 damage. I didn't see it coming at all because I had never seen that god damn card before.


Golden Black Knight is a control card, Zoo deck is a rush deck.

Hence, I side with the legendary.

control 4 lyfe
Maybe I miss something,but what's so special about black knight?
Removing a single minion with taunt is only helpful in some very specific and rare situation, and the attack&health aren't very good for its cost.


Saw this for the first time yesterday with a silenced Lightwell played turn 2.

I was pretty god damn upset. Damn thing hit me for 24 damage. I didn't see it coming at all because I had never seen that god damn card before.

Lol the first time a priest got me with it. They. Played the creature thats attack is equal to its health. First they played two cards that got it's health to 11. Then on the next hand doubled its health twice. I had no cards in my hand to deal with it so I took 44dmg to my face and just said thank you and laughed


Maybe I miss something,but what's so special about black knight?
Removing a single minion with taunt is only helpful in some very specific and rare situation, and the attack&health aren't very good for its cost.

That's why he shifts in and out of the meta depending on the commonness of taunts, hence not seeing much play in the current Hunter/Zoo-dominated meta (might be different on Legend), very similar to BGH. Cards with a tempo or card draw effect that also put a decent body on the board are just really strong in general, see Azure Drake, Keeper of Lore or even SI:7.
Last but not least Black Knight together with Mark of the Wild is the only viable unconditional hard removal option Druids have.

v how could I forget the piece of shit that is Fire Elemental
Maybe I miss something,but what's so special about black knight?
Removing a single minion with taunt is only helpful in some very specific and rare situation, and the attack&health aren't very good for its cost.

Anytime you can kill a minion and play a minion at the same time, you're creating card value and board control. That's why Fire Elemental is so good; it is a solid minion and can usually take out a small minion "for free" thanks to its battlecry. Black Knight is more situational, but the upside is huge if you throw it down and can remove an Ironbark Protector, Tirion, Al'akir, or any massive Taunt minion that was given taunt by Defender of Argus or Sunfury Protector... and the Black Knight minion by itself isn't absolutely horrid, like the glass cannon that is the Stormpike Commando.


Maybe I miss something,but what's so special about black knight?
Removing a single minion with taunt is only helpful in some very specific and rare situation, and the attack&health aren't very good for its cost.

Druid can Mark of the Wild + Black Knight to remove any minion. Expensive and, again, kinda specific. But when you need it you're glad you've got it.


Thought about giving constructed a go this new season, but I just can't be bothered with so much cancer-Hunter going around.


Warlock rush that utilize low mana cost efficient minions ( minions like flame imp and knife juggler).
Its very popular because its very mana efficient early game and if you opponent cant deal with it in the first 3 turns he auto lose.

It's not rush, it's mid-game control, at last the current itterations.


Zoo is not control.

Current versions are, or at least were toward the latter part of last season.

The meta shifted to go anti rush, and instead of going for face they used lots of buffed small minions to keep the early board clear so they could get to face with slightly bigger stuff mid-game. The same shift that saw the super effecient mid-game Hunter emerge.

Perhaps I should have said they're not always rush, at least the majority of Zoo decks I played during the last couple of weeks seemed to have shifted away from just going straight for face.
I was playing ramp druid last night and didn't lose a single game to zoo or lifecoach hunter so I hope there's a lot more of that today.

people would be crazy to play handlock today, right?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was playing ramp druid last night and didn't law a single game to zoo or lifecoach hunter so I hope there's a lot more of that today.

people would be crazy to play handlock today, right?

Works well against that FOTM aggro mage list running around.
Works well against that FOTM aggro mage list running around.

someone was talking about that deck on another forum I visit but I have yet to encounter it. the only mage I saw last night was running that mid-rangey one that was basically trumps f2p mage with a few legendaries thrown in.

there was so much zoo. which was glorious. they have no good way to deal with druid of the claw, sunwalker, ancient of war on turns 3, 4 and 5.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I saw a bunch last week.

Maybe one out of 3 games was aggro mage.

I was so confused.
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