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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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remember me
Playing a warlock with a golden hero portrait and legend card back at rank 14.



I feel like you have to be pay-to-win to be decent at priest.

Playing a warlock with a golden hero portrait and legend card back at rank 14.
Yeah I'm avoiding ranked until the season fills up, shit is ridiculous, I'm sitting here with almost 3/4ths basic card decks and I'm having Paladins dropping Fordring on me like rain from the sky. Fuck this game.


I feel like you have to be pay-to-win to be decent at priest

It's a card game.these things take time. I haven't spent a dime, but I've been playing for months now so I have all priest cards except velen (which isn't a good card atm anyway).

It's pay2shortcut.
Was playing against a handlock at rank 18. He twisting nethers turn 9 and plays 1 molten giant (at 11 life). I play ancient of lore and wild growth to fish for Force of Nature (having Savage roar in my hand) and manage to get it. He plays another molten and then Jaraxxus. Next turn I force of nature/Savage Roar and then CLAW for the win.

But it was a funny handlock because he played no mountain giants or twilight drakes, had nat pagle, and had two wild pyromancers. I guess the wild pyros were teched in to counter aggro or something or did wild pyro become standard in handlock when I wasn't looking?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Control Warrior is the most expensive deck in the game atm.

I can manage a decent priest just by slapping together random shit I had lying around. I'm not even close to a competent Control Warrior or Control Druid.


Digging my way back to 16. Definitely a lot of strong players making their way up the ladder. Got torn up pretty good by a warrior w/ a loaded deck.


I think aggro mage might be on a comeback

Yeah.. the last time I played Hearthstone I used a Trump mage deck and had the dream happen against a Handlock.

Turn 1: Mana Wyrm.
Turn 2: Frostbolt creature + hit with wyrm for 2
Turn 3: Frostbolt another creature + hit with wyrm for 3
Turn 4: (still an empty board) Fireball + hit with wyrm for 4
Turn 5: Wyrm finally removed with a shadowbolt. RIP best Mana Wyrm ever, but at that point already 30-10.
Yeah.. the last time I played Hearthstone I used a Trump mage deck and had the dream happen against a Handlock.

Turn 1: Mana Wyrm.
Turn 2: Frostbolt creature + hit with wyrm for 2
Turn 3: Frostbolt another creature + hit with wyrm for 3
Turn 4: (still an empty board) Fireball + hit with wyrm for 4
Turn 5: Wyrm finally removed with a shadowbolt. RIP best Mana Wyrm ever, but at that point already 30-10.

Trump's deck is much more of a midrange deck than aggro. But yeah, mana wyrms are very good for crazy good openers and is a strong card in aggro mage as well.


I am having a pretty hard time ranking up this season. Usually I hit like 10-13 in the first few hours.

So awesome losing to a hunter who wins because he happens to have 2 buzzards when he uth's.


Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?
Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?

Go into practice mode and play with every class until you get them to level 10. Reaching level 10 will unlock all of a class's basic cards. Play around with building a deck, and play against the Expert A.I. Find a class you like, then play Ranked. You start at Rank 25 and don't lose progression to the next rank until you hit level 20. Read up on articles on Hearthpwn for card building advice. The links in the OT are super useful, too

If all else fails, try using Trump's basic decks, they have been super useful for me when I started: http://i.imgur.com/Fv7bMWv.jpg
I was able to get to Rank 20 with the Mage basic deck.

Card Boy

Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?

  • Unlock every hero for 100 gold in Practice mode
  • Get every class to level 10 for the all basic cards and a free booster
  • Defeat both the normal and expert A.I for 2 free bosters
  • Once level 10 with every class. Do arena for another free booster.
  • Stick to casual only for now until you feel confident.
  • Watch streams and videos.
  • go to http://www.hearthpwn.com/ for newbie decks you can make.
Here's a FUN deck I made a couple of weeks ago...Has problems with aggro but it's a blast.

I call it a "FUN" priest deck (Fuck UP Nerds)...Cuz naming a deck is all the rage!!!

It's got a couple silences, some decent value minions, decent card draw, and of course Cho...Which makes people stop in their tracks!

**********It's missing a Mind Control and Temple Enforcer at the bottom********



Played a few Hunter / Warlock matches yesterday and ran into some interesting things. I saw a few Millhouse Manastorms and a Lorewalker Cho.
The Cho match was pretty interesting. I didn't want to give the other guy any of my traps or a Hunter's Mark but didn't mind playing Animal Companions since I had more ways to synergize with them. Silenced his Cho after playing two Animal Companions and won the match pretty easily but it was still a pretty fun match.

Mages counter Zoolock pretty good from what I've ran into this season. Manawyrm + Mirror Images, freeze spells, Arcane Missiles/Explosion are very annoying.


i abused that hearthstone bug where you can reroll your daily quests as much as you want lol.

What bug is this now?

Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?

This Le Rebbit link helped me when I was a super n00b -


Card Boy

What bug is this now?

Not sure but i have noticed it at the start of each season it lets you re-roll all your daily quests as much as you want (normally its only once a day you can do this). So basically if you have 3 quests lined up you can roll 1 100g quest and two 60 gold ones.


Junior Member
Just played the most annoying priest in constructed... literally every single minion he played had taunt. He had no aggro, and never had board control. Around turn eight he makes a move... ends up with a 20/20 minion with taunt and divine shield... that lost the Brawl lottery.

This is my first TCG, and even I've learned not to put all your eggs into one basket.


Does rapidly conceding in Casual play mode not tank your Casual MMR? I'm hitting concede at the first sign of doubt constantly and I'm still running into people with Fireside/Pandaria/Legend card back.

I feel I want to stream myself on Twitch just constantly hitting concede at the start of every match, it's mildly amusing (and slightly philanthropic). It's almost like anti-rage.

I want to reach the level of play where people make MANY micro-mistakes. Thinking like 20 concedes? Hell I think I'm single-handedly tanking Warrior win-rate right now.
Does rapidly conceding in Casual play mode not tank your Casual MMR? I'm hitting concede at the first sign of doubt constantly and I'm still running into people with Fireside/Pandaria/Legend card back.

I feel I want to stream myself on Twitch just constantly hitting concede at the start of every match, it's mildly amusing (and slightly philanthropic). It's almost like anti-rage.

I want to reach the level of play where people make MANY micro-mistakes. Thinking like 20 concedes? Hell I think I'm single-handedly tanking Warrior win-rate right now.

Well, to be fair, no skill is needed for the Fireside back and only a bit of time is really needed for the Pandaria. They're not strictly indicative of a player's skill.


Well, to be fair, no skill is needed for the Fireside back and only a bit of time is really needed for the Pandaria. They're not strictly indicative of a player's skill.


Think I've insta-conceded over 20 games now, but I'm not noticing a drop in skill tiers...
Any tips for the druid vs priest matchup? I figured it would be pretty straightforward because yetis, druid of the claws, and gadgetzans are all 4-attack creatures and I will have keepers to stop the buff gimmicks, but I realized that I have no answers for the early blademaster/circle combo nor do my minions scale well into the late game because of shadow word death and mind control. Plus thoughtsteal is especially devastating because of how versatile all my cards are.


Hmmm, I got a golden Tinkermaster. He seems super underwhelming though. Should I just turn him into dust? -.-
Hmmm, I got a golden Tinkermaster. He seems super underwhelming though. Should I just turn him into dust? -.-
Too bad you didn't get it when they were giving full dust DEs on that card.

I would still dust it today for a better legendary if I were you.


I just opened a pack with Black Knight but I already own it. Now that I have enough dust, what should I craft ? I have almost every card except a few epic and legenderary, here are the ones I have : Cairne, Ragnaros, Leeroy, The Black Knight, Bloodmage Thalnos, Ysera, Grommash, Al' Akir, King Krush, King Mukla, Malygos, Hogger and the murloc one. My favorite classes are Mage, Druid and Warrior but I think I'll try the others a bit more.


I just drafted the worst mage arena deck.

One fireball, One flamestrike, One frostbolt :(

Playing first match against another mage UH OH


Probably wouldn't hurt to have a third deck I suppose. I'll check it out, thanks.

Edit: I love Miracle Rogue, and if you can set it up, you win, but it's so easy to throw a wrench in the works. I guess that's why it's called that.

Double Edit: Maybe I'll try working another that isn't directly focused on one single play. AKA Mana Addict / Leeroy.
Have you tried Malygos Rogue? It's really fun and despite being called Malygos it's not focused solely around one finisher, lots of removal against aggro and Midrange Hunters, as well as Zoolocks, and you can still get an easy lethal even if they have taunts up. Plus there is nothing more fun than doing an 8 dmg blade flurry, it's like doing a Ragnaros to the whole board.


Lost because other mage had Rag (as always) and 2 flamestrikes and 2 fireballs.


Thank god my second game is against another mage.
I just opened a pack with Black Knight but I already own it. Now that I have enough dust, what should I craft ? I have almost every card except a few epic and legenderary, here are the ones I have : Cairne, Ragnaros, Leeroy, The Black Knight, Bloodmage Thalnos, Ysera, Grommash, Al' Akir, King Krush, King Mukla, Malygos, Hogger and the murloc one. My favorite classes are Mage, Druid and Warrior but I think I'll try the others a bit more.

I'd make Sylvanas.


Too bad you didn't get it when they were giving full dust DEs on that card.

I would still dust it today for a better legendary if I were you.

It dusts for 1600 - so they gave it for 3200 before? boo my luck :p
First legendary too. However, I realized that they are not so powerful - at least not against my mage. I pretty much just morph them whenever they come out..

Also, wouldn't Malygos be a great legendary for a Mage, Ragnaros is still the best, though? (control mage that is)


Lol had a 10 attack assassins blade last game in arena. But still lost to a fucking King Krush, you just can't prepare for that...

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
since when half the server is legend :/

People have even playing for a while. I haven't spent a cent and in ~3 months have most cards, good legendaries, a few golden legendaries, a decent set of most meta decks, etc. And all I really do is get about a pack a day with the daily+ and gold from winning.

Note that when I started I felt the same way, how do I beat these people with so many cards.. well..you persevere and build your collection. Obviously people with more time will always have an edge.


Third game against a mage too. Of course HE had like 3 frostbolts in turn 7.


I'm coinig the phrase RNaGe

Edit: RnAGE?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Third game against a mage too. Of course HE had like 3 frostbolts in turn 7.


I'm coinig the phrase RNaGe

Edit: RnAGE?

The individual card limit is the only reason I only play arena once in a while. Otherwise it'd be a great format. 4 truesilvers or 5 assassinates, stuff like that sucks. Constructed will always be the way to go.
It dusts for 1600 - so they gave it for 3200 before? boo my luck :p
First legendary too. However, I realized that they are not so powerful - at least not against my mage. I pretty much just morph them whenever they come out..

Also, wouldn't Malygos be a great legendary for a Mage, Ragnaros is still the best, though? (control mage that is)

Tink was changed last season, and they give full crafting value on dust during disenchants for a while after a card is changed. I think you just missed the cutoff by a few days.

I think Antonidas is better than malygos for a mage, personally, but malygos can be fun for priests and rogues too.

Rag is a good card, I'm glad I have it, but I think I would make Cairne first if I had no legendaries. It's very good in so many decks. I recently crafted Bloodmage Thalnos because it's good in pretty much all my decks.


Are rogues generally considered the most annoying class to play against? Certainly feels like it. They just sit and chill until they can pull off ridiculously stupid combos.

Such as:

Turn 9 Malygos
Fan of Knives

for 6 damage to all enemy minions. GG.
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