3 of my 4 ranked matches so far have been against players w/ Legendary card backs. How are these guys falling to level 20?
Are these legendary backs or the Fireside backs?
3 of my 4 ranked matches so far have been against players w/ Legendary card backs. How are these guys falling to level 20?
Are these legendary backs or the Fireside backs?
Yeah I'm avoiding ranked until the season fills up, shit is ridiculous, I'm sitting here with almost 3/4ths basic card decks and I'm having Paladins dropping Fordring on me like rain from the sky. Fuck this game.Playing a warlock with a golden hero portrait and legend card back at rank 14.
I feel like you have to be pay-to-win to be decent at priest
Haha yeah totally. Rank 11 lay session and my 19 games are tough. Advance faster good players!Awful idea to try to rank up tonight. I can't even make it past rank 15. I was rank 3 last season.
I think aggro mage might be on a comeback
Yeah.. the last time I played Hearthstone I used a Trump mage deck and had the dream happen against a Handlock.
Turn 1: Mana Wyrm.
Turn 2: Frostbolt creature + hit with wyrm for 2
Turn 3: Frostbolt another creature + hit with wyrm for 3
Turn 4: (still an empty board) Fireball + hit with wyrm for 4
Turn 5: Wyrm finally removed with a shadowbolt. RIP best Mana Wyrm ever, but at that point already 30-10.
Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?
Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?
i abused that hearthstone bug where you can reroll your daily quests as much as you want lol.
i abused that hearthstone bug where you can reroll your daily quests as much as you want lol.
How do you do this?You gotta do it. 220 gold? Yes, please.
i abused that hearthstone bug where you can reroll your daily quests as much as you want lol.
Hi there. Downloaded this game on ipad but iam too stupid to play it. I almost lose every fucking match. I only did the tutorial. Can someone give me a useful advice?
What bug is this now?
Yeah... made a UTH Hunter deck for kicks. I feel bad stomping people with it.
Soon you'll be building murlocs, and your turn to the dark side will be complete!
Does rapidly conceding in Casual play mode not tank your Casual MMR? I'm hitting concede at the first sign of doubt constantly and I'm still running into people with Fireside/Pandaria/Legend card back.
I feel I want to stream myself on Twitch just constantly hitting concede at the start of every match, it's mildly amusing (and slightly philanthropic). It's almost like anti-rage.
I want to reach the level of play where people make MANY micro-mistakes. Thinking like 20 concedes? Hell I think I'm single-handedly tanking Warrior win-rate right now.
Well, to be fair, no skill is needed for the Fireside back and only a bit of time is really needed for the Pandaria. They're not strictly indicative of a player's skill.
Too bad you didn't get it when they were giving full dust DEs on that card.Hmmm, I got a golden Tinkermaster. He seems super underwhelming though. Should I just turn him into dust? -.-
Have you tried Malygos Rogue? It's really fun and despite being called Malygos it's not focused solely around one finisher, lots of removal against aggro and Midrange Hunters, as well as Zoolocks, and you can still get an easy lethal even if they have taunts up. Plus there is nothing more fun than doing an 8 dmg blade flurry, it's like doing a Ragnaros to the whole board.Probably wouldn't hurt to have a third deck I suppose. I'll check it out, thanks.
Edit: I love Miracle Rogue, and if you can set it up, you win, but it's so easy to throw a wrench in the works. I guess that's why it's called that.
Double Edit: Maybe I'll try working another that isn't directly focused on one single play. AKA Mana Addict / Leeroy.
I just opened a pack with Black Knight but I already own it. Now that I have enough dust, what should I craft ? I have almost every card except a few epic and legenderary, here are the ones I have : Cairne, Ragnaros, Leeroy, The Black Knight, Bloodmage Thalnos, Ysera, Grommash, Al' Akir, King Krush, King Mukla, Malygos, Hogger and the murloc one. My favorite classes are Mage, Druid and Warrior but I think I'll try the others a bit more.
Too bad you didn't get it when they were giving full dust DEs on that card.
I would still dust it today for a better legendary if I were you.
since when half the server is legend :/
Third game against a mage too. Of course HE had like 3 frostbolts in turn 7.
I'm coinig the phrase RNaGe
Edit: RnAGE?
It dusts for 1600 - so they gave it for 3200 before? boo my luck
First legendary too. However, I realized that they are not so powerful - at least not against my mage. I pretty much just morph them whenever they come out..
Also, wouldn't Malygos be a great legendary for a Mage, Ragnaros is still the best, though? (control mage that is)