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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Tink was changed last season, and they give full crafting value on dust during disenchants for a while after a card is changed. I think you just missed the cutoff by a few days.

I think Antonidas is better than malygos for a mage, personally, but malygos can be fun for priests and rogues too.

Rag is a good card, I'm glad I have it, but I think I would make Cairne first if I had no legendaries. It's very good in so many decks. I recently crafted Bloodmage Thalnos because it's good in pretty much all my decks.

Cairne is a good card but I purposely drop him or Sylvanas as removal bait. They rarely survive to do much damage but pave the way for a finisher. It's good faceless manip bait too.
Cairne is a good card but I purposely drop him or Sylvanas as removal bait. They rarely survive to do much damage but pave the way for a finisher. It's good faceless manip bait too.

Yeah. I like him better than rag because of how many times my rag has been facelessed and then immediately killed by the mirror rag :(


I just drafted the worst mage arena deck.

One fireball, One flamestrike, One frostbolt :(

Playing first match against another mage UH OH
That's pretty decent actually, if your other cards are not completely trash it should be enough for at least 7 wins.
Are rogues generally considered the most annoying class to play against? Certainly feels like it. They just sit and chill until they can pull off ridiculously stupid combos.

Such as:

Turn 9 Malygos
Fan of Knives

for 6 damage to all enemy minions. GG.

I want to agree with you, but I've had crazy stuff happen with Shamans too, usually coming out of no where and unleashing insane amounts of damage in 1 turn.


Any tips for the druid vs priest matchup? I figured it would be pretty straightforward because yetis, druid of the claws, and gadgetzans are all 4-attack creatures and I will have keepers to stop the buff gimmicks, but I realized that I have no answers for the early blademaster/circle combo nor do my minions scale well into the late game because of shadow word death and mind control. Plus thoughtsteal is especially devastating because of how versatile all my cards are.

Go Ramp Druid.

There will be times they get a combo that you can't answer early on, but your deck has long game so you should have a chance to turn it round. Ramping up mid game and clearing threats before they can be buffed, or putting pressure on the priest so he has to heal up will help.

Did someone just play stream/tourney with priests or something? They're everywhere (which I have no problem with).
I want to agree with you, but I've had crazy stuff happen with Shamans too, usually coming out of no where and unleashing insane amounts of damage in 1 turn.

Shammies can't unleash a lot of damage out of no where in one turn... Not like Rogues can. Rogues can go from clear board to 20+ damage in a single turn (I know I do it regularly :))

I'll be honest as a miracle rogue main... it needs to be changed, but the problem is that a wrong tweak will completely destroy the build and thus mostly destroy rogues as being competitive.

Right now, the best counter to a miracle rogue is a lot of taunts (side note, FUCK TAUNTS!! Unless I'm playing my Pally :)) but most people won't have a ton of taunts because of the stats being bad. The only other real counter is to be more "to the face!" than the rogue can handle before turn 6-8.


That's pretty decent actually, if your other cards are not completely trash it should be enough for at least 7 wins.

r u magic?

I totally turned it around to a 7 streak, only a shaman with cairne and illidan stopped me.

Should have gone for the mind control tech here and chance it to get cairne or illidan, went for the safe flamestrike and lost out in the end.


Just drafted this. First three cards were earth elemental, ysera, black knight...

I'm a little worried about the curve but 4 lightning bolts might help.

Feels like a 10+ deck to me though. I will wait until morning to play it when I'm good and fresh.
So...finally leveled up all characters to 10. Now...where to go from here?

pick a couple of favorites to play ranked with and start filling out your card collection prioritizing a couple of specific decks. play as much arena as possible to get more gold and cards.


I need some help building my warriors deck. It seems most of the matches I don't have good cards out until I have 3 crystals. I like have charge for a lot of my minions. Any suggestion? Thanks.


So this is going to be another full month of Zoo bullshit? I'm already tired of the game again two days into the season.

Without nerfs and buffs and new cards...probably!

On a side note, I haven't opened a decent pack in ages. Blizzard must want me to start paying real money lol. It's rigged!



Just drafted this. First three cards were earth elemental, ysera, black knight...

I'm a little worried about the curve but 4 lightning bolts might help.

Feels like a 10+ deck to me though. I will wait until morning to play it when I'm good and fresh.

"little" is putting it nice. Your curve is really bad. Hopefully your mulligans work nice and you don't get overrun.

Would be nice to hear the results.
this isn't true! windfury, flametongue, rockbiter, bloodlust. you can have massive burst out of nowhere. leeroy, windfury, rockbiter is 18 damage all by itself.

Too true, though Rogues are a lot more consistent since they have much better card draw.


Without nerfs and buffs and new cards...probably!
Probably waiting to apply any balances changes to when Naxx launches that way they aren't balancing for a future patch which will further unbalance things.

Their goal seems to be to not have as regular balance changes. Probably to keep the "card trading" via nerf refunds to a minimum.
I am tempted to put sinister strike in my deck. Pretty crazy. Not miracle either.

I just feel like, if I had 1-2 more damage spells on average per match, I'd win more.

Also tempted to keep sprint for that reason, but I took that out in favor of loot hoarders atm.


I would play the shit out of that deck if I had a Malygos.

Me too. Kind of ironic that the class that benefits most from spell power happens to be a melee class. Although I think it won't be long before we see a mage and priest variant. Maybe druid too.


My brother has gotten legendaries right and left since he started playing, just by opening 100 gold card packs he saves up from doing the daily+wins+etc.

Myself, not one... \o/


Me too. Kind of ironic that the class that benefits most from spell power happens to be a melee class. Although I think it won't be long before we see a mage and priest variant. Maybe druid too.

The original Malygod decks were Druid and Shaman. Had a small showing in Handlock too for awhile.


Me too. Kind of ironic that the class that benefits most from spell power happens to be a melee class. Although I think it won't be long before we see a mage and priest variant. Maybe druid too.

I already play a Malygos Druid. It's pretty awesome. I don't have Thalnos yet tho, so it is not complete.


Shaman seems doable with Lightning Bolt, Forked, and Earthshock.

I've been using Gelbin with great success. The only invention I don't want is the chicken one, and even that one has helped me in 3 matches out of the 5 it's been in(turning a stealhed 5/5 into a 1/1 is amazing)

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Unconfirmed Member
So I loaded this on the iPad yesterday.

...thank goodness I graduate in three weeks.


Cant seem to be able to defeat shaman with druid at all :/

My Anti-Hunter Shaman seems to have the best match-up against Druids for some reason. As long as the Hexes are saved for real priorities, and Earth Shock is in hand for AOW, it's surprisingly one-sided.


No turn 1 play from a Warlock, thought I'd actually see a Handlock for once - nope, turn 2 Voidwalker+Young Priestess.
Also zookeepers somehow always get the coin against me, which hurts doubly as a Rogue.


This am played a couple of miracle rogues in the 19 and 18 ranks, today is much different than yesterday because these guys I don't think even understood how the deck worked.

I was running a deck I modified slightly from a mage deck that Duaner posted last January. I forgot what I took out of it, but I added Rag. It is a pretty solid deck for getting to about rank 11-12, it plays fairly fast you want to win by turn 8 or 9.


Everyone complains about zoo.

Everyone recommends zoo to new players.

Personally, decks like Zoo are great for the game. Super effective deck that is relatively cheap to make (with expensive substitutions available) and also keeps some of the more expensive decks in check.


Me too. Kind of ironic that the class that benefits most from spell power happens to be a melee class. Although I think it won't be long before we see a mage and priest variant. Maybe druid too.

It would be pretty hard for a priest to fully utilize Malygos. I'm not saying it couldn't happen just that the rogue can benefit from Malygos due to low cost spells + preparation. Priest spells are nowhere near as flexible, Holy Smite being the only offensive spell you can directly use after playing Malygos, circle of healing if you have an Auchenai Soulpriest out but at that point you better be sure you want to clear the entire board, including your own Malygos. Holy Nova for 5, Holy Fire for 6 requires Malygos to stay alive and not get silenced. Consider that Velen does nearly the same job as Malygos for a lower cost yet it isn't played.


remember me
I'm done with this pay 2 win hack of a game! I started playing the other day and people are dropping epic cards on me like nothin'!

Back to Magic I go!

You can craft a hunter deck capable of hitting legend just with the free gold and packs you get from doing the basic stuff like beating the ai and leveling to 10. Midrange hunter is amazingly effective and cheap. Dropping legendaries does not guarantee a win at all.


Unconfirmed Member
I really want to see how some of these drafts and games go that so many runs seem to go 1 to 3 wins consistently. I really think it's just a lot of people not realizing the simple mistakes and other small bad plays that cost them games.
I picked this.
I will probably never pick this.

Ravenholdt Assassin / Wild Pyromancer / Questing Adventurer
Wisp / Raging Worgen / Kobold Geomancer
Murloc Raider / Goldshire Footman / Darkscale Healer
Grimscale Oracle / Light's Justice / Blessing of Might
Aldor Peacekeeper / Secretkeeper / Holy Wrath
Pyromancer and Adventurer are dependant on what other cards you get. I don't know what spells I'm going to get or how many low-cost cards I'll get, so Assassin takes my first pick. Same with Kobold; I don't know what spells I'm going to get, so Worgen wins. Darkscale Helaer for some healing, winning from the not that great Footman. Blessing of Might and Aldor Peacekeeper picked by default due to the shitty competition.​
Dragonling Mechanic / Bloodsail Raider / Murloc Raider
Hand of Protection / Eye for an Eye / Gnomish Inventor
Silvermoon Guardian / Boulderfist Ogre / Shattered Sun Clerick
Priestess of Elune / Sen'jin Shieldmasta / Young Dragonling
Azure Drake / Master Swordsmith / Blessed Champion
Bloodsail loses to Mechanic because I don't know what weapons I'll get. Gnomish Inventor wins for card-draw. I don't want to flood the deck with high-cost cards and I pick Clerick over Guardian because of the buff and lower cost. Sen'jin Shieldmasta is too good to pass up, Azure Drake wins from Swordsmith due to card-draw and spell damage.​
Hammer of Wrath / Hand of Protection / Dire Wolf Alpha
Lightwarden / Ancient Mage / Questing Adventurer
Truesilver Champion / Dread Corsair / Fen Creeper
Wolfrider / Blessings of Kings / Stranglehorn Tiger
Chillwind Yeti / Magma Rager / Stormwind Champion
Wanted to get some cheap minion, but decided to go with Hammer instead for the damage and card-draw. Questing Adventurer wins by default. Dread Corsair don't work without weapon and Truesilver beats out Fen Creeper. Wolfrider was tempting for it being able to trade with something better and chose Belssings over Tiger. Stormwind Champion is great, but I again didn't want to flood my deck with high-mana minions.​
Priestess of Elune / Light's Justice / Magma Rager
Holy Wrath / Coldlight Oracle / Gadzetan Auctioneer
Archmage / Light's Justice / Cult Master
Blessings of Kings / Reckless Rocketeer / Young Dragonhawk
Mind Control Tech / Holy Wrath / Ancient Mage
Priestess of Elune wins by default. Gadzetan wins by default. Cult Master over Archmage for the lower mana-cost and lack of damaging spells. Picked another Blessings, because Rocketeer was a bit too fragile IMO. Mind Control Tech wins by default​
Truesilver Champion / Mogu'shan Warden / Raid Leader
Grimscale Oracle / Faerie Dragon / Magma Rager
Shieldbearer / Archmage / Stranglehorn Tiger
Murloc Raider / Spiteful Smith / Blessings of Kings
Worgen Infiltrator / Blessing of Wisdom / Novice Engineer
I already have a ton of 4-mana creatures and would rather have another Truesilver than a Raid Leader. Faerie Dragon wins by default. Tiger over Archmage for the lower mana cost and lack of damage spells. I already have 2 Blessings and Smith is high-mana and situational, so I went for Raider for it's low mana-cost. I need more low drops and Infiltrator beats out Engineer due to being cheaper, havingStealth and already having card-draw in the deck.​
Stormwind Knight / Redemption / Bluegill Warrior
Stampeding Kodo / Wild Pyromancer / Sunfury Protector
Noble Sacrifice / Cult Master / Mogu'shan Warden
Humility / Kobold Geomancer / Dire Wolf Alpha
Equality / Pint-sized Summoner / Holy Wrath
I'd rather have a 2 mana 2 charger than a 4 mana 2 charger. Protector beats out Pyromancer, Kodo loses because of the high mana-cost. Sacrifice isn't normally that great, but I'd rather it absorb an attack than more 4-drops. I picked Humility, but in retrospect should've picked Dire Wolf here. Pint-sized Summoner didn't really fit in and would probably get killed on the turn it is played anyways, Equality wins. Should've probably still picked Summoner for having another 2-drop and Equality not being that great without Consecration.​
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