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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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The irony of this post... Can I have your salt shaker?



I picked this.
I will probably never pick this.

The things I disagree most with are:

Questing Adventurer - I don't think it's at all dependant on the cards you get. You play one card with it and it's a 3/3 for 3, which is fair, and then the potential is so great that the opponent HAS to remove it the next turn. Sure, it's susceptible to silence when it reaches 8/8, but then you played one card for 3 mana, and got a 2/2 plus whatever they used to silence it with, also good value.

There's an argument to be made for Ogre over SSC.

Smith isn't situational, it's a 4/6 for 5 which when it's a Druid taunt is considered OP, and you already have a few Truesilvers so the enrage (or the threat of it) can be really scary.

The rest seem fine. More problems with manacurve than actual card quality probably. This could've been helped by picking Pyromancer first. As a general rule I like early picks to be on the lower end of the curve if I value the card quality equally, just to have more flexibility later.


Lost to palladin who had the card that draw and deal damage depending on the mana.
Of course he got molten :(
so much bad luck today, need to tone down all my decks for this meta.


I'm done with this pay 2 win hack of a game! I started playing the other day and people are dropping epic cards on me like nothin'!

Back to Magic I go!

Trust me if you started playing the other day I could beat you around even if you filled your deck with legendaries and I ran only basic.

This game is so far from pay to win as you can get.

In fact the so popular Zoo deck is the proof of that.

Wild Pyromancer (ravenholdt assassin is just not worth it, especially for a first pick over a solid 2 drop that combos so well with equality)
Raging Worgen
Darkscale Healer
Blessing of Might
Aldor Peacekeeper

Bloodsail Raider (2/3 is a solid 2 drop even without text)
Gnomish Inventor
Boulderfist Ogre (SSC is underwhelming imo, especially since it dies to every 2 drop except the ones no one plays)
Sen'jin Shieldmasta
Azure Drake

Dire Wolf Alpha (good synergy with paladin, lets hero power trade for cards for free)
Ancient Mage (decent 4 drop, but questing adventure is okay too I guess)
Truesilver Champion
Stranglehorn Tiger (BOK is too all in for me in arena, unless you combo with divine shield and take something big out and keep your minion and then it is somewhat acceptable, assuming the divine shield came from argent protector)
Chillwind Yeti

Priestess of Elune
Gadzetan Auctioneer (oracle is alright choice too imo)
Archmage / Light's Justice / Cult Master
Blessings of Kings
Mind Control Tech

Truesilver Champion
Faerie Dragon
Stranglehorn Tiger
Spiteful Smith (this is a great card and you have 2 weapons, plus murloc raider is trash tier, maybe top 5 worst cards for arena)
Blessing of Wisdom (worgen is meh, especially since mad bomber is a good pick in arena)

Stormwind Knight (bluegill is totally fine though)
Stampeding Kodo / Wild Pyromancer / Sunfury Protector (all three of these are very worthwhile picks, probably would pick kodo or protector over pyro tho)
Cult Master (very good 4 drop)
Dire Wolf Alpha (if I picked kodo earlier, humility is a no brainer over this)
Equality (even without consecrate this is the right choice, but you should've had a wild pyro from the first pick)


Pyromancer and Adventurer are dependant on what other cards you get. I don't know what spells I'm going to get or how many low-cost cards I'll get, so Assassin takes my first pick. Same with Kobold; I don't know what spells I'm going to get, so Worgen wins. Darkscale Helaer for some healing, winning from the not that great Footman. Blessing of Might and Aldor Peacekeeper picked by default due to the shitty competition.

Light's Justice is the easy pick over Blessing of Might; it's Rogue Hero Power for half the cost and twice the duration. It's a lot better than Blessing of Might, especially this early and with such miserable alternatives. A similar argument could be made for Pyromancer since a 3/2 this early is possibly better than grabbing an early win condition like Ravenholdt but it shouldn't matter too much. I'd have taken the Pyro, though, since Ravenholdt isn't very special and getting a good 2cc is a lot more important.

Bloodsail loses to Mechanic because I don't know what weapons I'll get. Gnomish Inventor wins for card-draw. I don't want to flood the deck with high-cost cards and I pick Clerick over Guardian because of the buff and lower cost. Sen'jin Shieldmasta is too good to pass up, Azure Drake wins from Swordsmith due to card-draw and spell damage.

Bloodsail Raider, even without a weapon, is most likely the pick over Mechanic. Mechanic just doesn't offer enough considering the cost and that half of it is a 2/1 body. Cleric over Ogre is a hard sell, too, especially with the lack of early game to even buff with the SSC. It's fairly close, though, especially since Paladin has Guardian of Kings as an option and you'd prefer to get your early curve sorted here rather than fatties.

Wanted to get some cheap minion, but decided to go with Hammer instead for the damage and card-draw. Questing Adventurer wins by default. Dread Corsair don't work without weapon and Truesilver beats out Fen Creeper. Wolfrider was tempting for it being able to trade with something better and chose Belssings over Tiger. Stormwind Champion is great, but I again didn't want to flood my deck with high-mana minions.

The Questing is pretty miserable in this deck but everything in that pack is a wash, really. Blessing of Kings is probably the worst card in its pack as well, though maybe better than Tiger since you have Ravenholdt as is. Wolfrider would have probably been my pick to give a 3 drop option to serve as removal as needed. BoK just doesn't have anything to buff besides a token.

Priestess of Elune wins by default. Gadzetan wins by default. Cult Master over Archmage for the lower mana-cost and lack of damaging spells. Picked another Blessings, because Rocketeer was a bit too fragile IMO. Mind Control Tech wins by default

Not much to say here, though I probably would have taken Rocketeer over a second Kings (though it would have been my first Kings over Rocketeer).

I already have a ton of 4-mana creatures and would rather have another Truesilver than a Raid Leader. Faerie Dragon wins by default. Tiger over Archmage for the lower mana cost and lack of damage spells. I already have 2 Blessings and Smith is high-mana and situational, so I went for Raider for it's low mana-cost. I need more low drops and Infiltrator beats out Engineer due to being cheaper, havingStealth and already having card-draw in the deck.

I dunno, just by virtue of card quality I'd have probably taken the Smith. Murloc Raider is that bad.

I'd rather have a 2 mana 2 charger than a 4 mana 2 charger. Protector beats out Pyromancer, Kodo loses because of the high mana-cost. Sacrifice isn't normally that great, but I'd rather it absorb an attack than more 4-drops. I picked Humility, but in retrospect should've picked Dire Wolf here. Pint-sized Summoner didn't really fit in and would probably get killed on the turn it is played anyways, Equality wins. Should've probably still picked Summoner for having another 2-drop and Equality not being that great without Consecration.

While I agree with the pick here due to the curve, Stormwind Knight is generally a better pick than Bluegill. 2/5 means it removes a 3/2 and survives or helps trade for a 3/5, 4/5, etc. and surviving it. DWA and Pint-sized win over their picks simply due to needing the curve, though Equality is still good to have since you'll need the removal option.

Overall, I'd say your early picks had bad priority and that caused your picks in the back half of the draft to be awkward as you needed to fill gaps but weren't offered them. It still ended up being a decent deck.


Unconfirmed Member
The things I disagree most with are:

Questing Adventurer - I don't think it's at all dependant on the cards you get. You play one card with it and it's a 3/3 for 3, which is fair, and then the potential is so great that the opponent HAS to remove it the next turn. Sure, it's susceptible to silence when it reaches 8/8, but then you played one card for 3 mana, and got a 2/2 plus whatever they used to silence it with, also good value.
Agree in retrospect.
There's an argument to be made for Ogre over SSC.
Indeed, but I chose SSC for the lower mana cost considering I already had Assassin. If I had picked Ogre it would've been another 'late'-game card.
Smith isn't situational, it's a 4/6 for 5 which when it's a Druid taunt is considered OP, and you already have a few Truesilvers so the enrage (or the threat of it) can be really scary.
It is situational. It needs to be damaged and you need to have a weapon equipped, and I didn't have a way of giving it taunt at the time of picking. Also, at 5 mana it would have skewed the deck further to high-mana cost, so I went with the 2-drop. It wouldn't have been a bad pick though if I had had a better starting Curve.
The rest seem fine. More problems with manacurve than actual card quality probably. This could've been helped by picking Pyromancer first. As a general rule I like early picks to be on the lower end of the curve if I value the card quality equally, just to have more flexibility later.
That's some good advice I will take with me for the next run.

Also, if I hadn't mentioned it already, class selection was Hunter, Paladin and Warlock.


It is situational. It needs to be damaged and you need to have a weapon equipped, and I didn't have a way of giving it taunt at the time of picking. Also, at 5 mana it would have skewed the deck further to high-mana cost, so I went with the 2-drop.

While the text is situational, the fact that it is a 5 mana 4/6 is not. It's a solid body for the cost and you'd pick it in this situation even on a class with no weapons.


It would be pretty hard for a priest to fully utilize Malygos. I'm not saying it couldn't happen just that the rogue can benefit from Malygos due to low cost spells + preparation. Priest spells are nowhere near as flexible, Holy Smite being the only offensive spell you can directly use after playing Malygos, circle of healing if you have an Auchenai Soulpriest out but at that point you better be sure you want to clear the entire board, including your own Malygos. Holy Nova for 5, Holy Fire for 6 requires Malygos to stay alive and not get silenced. Consider that Velen does nearly the same job as Malygos for a lower cost yet it isn't played.

Malygos + Velen = the dream. But yeah, I agree. The reason why Malygod rogue is so effective is that you can keep him alive with conceal and also unload with SS, prep, Evis, ect...

Still though, as long as druid and Mage Maly are viable, I'd imagine that priest Maly could be viable as well. Just not as great as rogue Maly.

Edit: I'd also imagine that such a deck would go for the face honestly. So, Smite for 7, and Mind Blast for 10, not bad choices. Holy Fire for 10 too, heal for 5, but that's more expensive. Priest has a lot of DD that could be useful in that kind of deck.
The ramp in ramp druid must stand for a ramp for rogues to a higher rank. I haven't lost to a single ramp druid today yet and I've already played like 4.

Turn 2 innervatex2 cairne?



And who said sap can't ever go 1 for 1 cause I had it counter 2 innervates :D

Turn 6-7 ancient of war? Black knight, assassinate, sap, I haven't had to actually eat through one of these yet today (I only carry one of these each though but still pretty good chance to have a counter to a taunt and I'll backstab+eviscerate DOTC if I have only 1 of them in my hand.

I had one really close match that ragnaros carried me through though. While I wasn't getting lucky with my late game draws, ragnaros was avoiding cairne like a boss so I figure it is about even luck :)

Special C

Stormwind Knight is generally a better pick than Bluegill. 2/5 means it removes a 3/2 and survives or helps trade for a 3/5, 4/5, etc. and surviving it.

I think Stormwind Knight is underrated. I always feel like I get good value from it every time I play it.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the tips guys. Unfortunately none of it would have mattered. Won the first game against a Druid who didn't do much of anything. Would've won my second game against a Shaman, but he top-decked Bloodlust and killed me from 20+ health one turn away from killing him. Third game was a disaster against a Rogue who did Coin + Ringleader on turn 1, played Deadly Poison, had Perdition's Blade, another combo Ringleader, Sunwalker, Kobold Geomancer, Faceless Manipulator on my Gadzetan, then another Deadly Poison and topdecked Betrayal (through the cloned Gadzetan) to clear my board. Also Oozed my Truesilver the turn it was played. Fourth game was even worse vs. a Hunter; Turn 1 Coin + Bluegill to kill my Raider, turn 2 Loot Hoarder, turn 3 Razorfen Hunter, then Animal Companion Leokk, Explosive Shot to clear my 3-minion board, Rocketeer to insta-kill my Yeti, another Explosive Shot to kill a 3-minion board, Savannah Highmane, a secret I had to play around for 2 turns due to being short on cards (turned out to be Snake Trap), Tracking, Ooze to destroy my Truesilver on the turn played, and finally a Thundra Rhino (He suicided his Highmane into my minion, killing it and leaving me with nothing and him with 2 2/2 charge minions.)

I got 30 Gold from it and a second Gorehowl from the pack.


The ramp in ramp druid must stand for a ramp for rogues to a higher rank. I haven't lost to a single ramp druid today yet and I've already played like 4.

Indeed, it seems hard to ramp properly vs a Rogue. A lot of Druids seem to forget this (myself included, on occasion)... can't rush to big bodies when all that removal potential is still out there.
The ramp in ramp druid must stand for a ramp for rogues to a higher rank. I haven't lost to a single ramp druid today yet and I've already played like 4.

Turn 2 innervatex2 cairne?



And who said sap can't ever go 1 for 1 cause I had it counter 2 innervates :D

Turn 6-7 ancient of war? Black knight, assassinate, sap, I haven't had to actually eat through one of these yet today (I only carry one of these each though but still pretty good chance to have a counter to a taunt and I'll backstab+eviscerate DOTC if I have only 1 of them in my hand.

I had one really close match that ragnaros carried me through though. While I wasn't getting lucky with my late game draws, ragnaros was avoiding cairne like a boss so I figure it is about even luck :)

I've been chewing through everything except handlock and aggro hunter. which are thankfully sparse. I'm running that varient that has 6 big taunts plus cenarius. so I don't really care about removal getting used. plus you can't BGH anything without making it a 2 for 1.


I think Stormwind Knight is underrated. I always feel like I get good value from it every time I play it.

I remember Trump saying he was always happy when he picked Stormwind Knight. And basically he narrows it down to the fact that it has instant value and will kill something and then it'll do 2 damage to something else.
I've been chewing through everything except handlock and aggro hunter. which are thankfully sparse. I'm running that varient that has 6 big taunts plus cenarius. so I don't really care about removal getting used. plus you can't BGH anything without making it a 2 for 1.

I haven't seen much of the watcher druid style in a while, but I saw one yesterday and got very lucky with double ancient watcher and sunfury protector, while I had none of those aforementioned cards. I think I lost by a round. Unusual match result though. I am used to beating that deck quite often.

Cenarius was part of the reason I lost, but mostly due to double watcher so early.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Aside from too many 1 cost minions/spells/secret it looks fine.


Loving the Paladin. When I first was creating a custom deck for him I thought his cards were meh at first but the synergy for some of these cards is so good. Definitely gonna main it for a while.

Any one else who plays Paladin have any tips I'd love to hear em.
it's hard to say for sure because we don't know what your other choices were but it's not the worst. assuming you don't have a bunch of core hounds or something awful in the 6+ slots.

although it's hard to believe the other two choices were worse than goldshire footman. and I would never take so many secrets. it's fun having 1 or 2, though.
Loving the Paladin. When I first was creating a custom deck for him I thought his cards were meh at first but the synergy for some of these cards is so good. Definitely gonna main it for a while.

Any one else who plays Paladin have any tips I'd love to hear em.

paladin has the most worthless hero ability so build your decks around ever having to use it.

divine favor is a card that makes the aggro paladin deck work. or you can make a control deck that has a million heals and combos like wild pyromancer/equality.


I'm 3 for 1 on my first Arena Run, right now.

For the veterans, how much does my deck sucks (my guess: a lot)?

WTF... I got disconnected on the way to my fourth win and when I came back, the game let me start a new battle, as if nothing happened (I imagine the server went down).

Won the new battle (the enemy conceded) and I think the game reconized it as a loss, as I was booted from the arena with my prize from 3 wins...
yeah it sucks when that happens. when I disconnect from an arena game and I can't get back in I just cool it for awhile and play constructed until the server has time to sort things out.


Question, my rivals on Arena had the same wins than I or, I could fight against anyone who is searching for a match in arena?
Question, my rivals on Arena had the same wins than I or, I could fight against anyone who is searching for a match in arena?

Arena matches are based solely on wins (The game tries to match you base on someone within 1 win of you. If after a while if it can't, it tries to find someone within 2 winsof you). You only get matched up with other people running arena (no one from casual or ranked).

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
i always pick priest when given the choice. he's really fun i don't care how much it sucks.

Priest is the biggest gamble for me. Either I get crazy control or just utter nonsense. Out of those I'd pick lock just because games will be fast.
Lost to a priest that Throught Stole not only my one assassin blade but also the one deadly poison in my arena deck (from the 1 thoughtsteal cast)...sigh in the 6 games I played with the deck I didnt even ever get those 2 together..
I took a chance on Priest.

Had probably the worst arena draft I've ever had.

Went 1-3. Last match was against a Rogue who got a Questing Adventurer to 10/5 on turn 4 lol. Oh well.
Shamans are absolute trash in arena.

I've done quite well with the Priest and Pally, managed to get 5 wins on both multiple times with decks that usually revolve around healing or divine shield/humility/peacedudethatsetsminionattackto1.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I feel like I'm getting worse at this game. I'd guess about a 45% winrate over the last week. I need a coach lol

Just watch streams. Not because they're necessarily better than you, just because you'll see a wide variety of matchups and decks and little tricks people pull. Also, you'll maybe disagree with a move the streamer makes and, if you're lucky, they'll explain why they made that move and you can compare that to your thinking.

Or pay Hafu for lessons.


Shamans are absolute trash in arena.

I've done quite well with the Priest and Pally, managed to get 5 wins on both multiple times with decks that usually revolve around healing or divine shield/humility/peacedudethatsetsminionattackto1.

The widely considered top four of Arena are Mage, Paladin, Shaman, and Rogue. Hunter has crept up there recently too.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Getting really tired of outplaying guys and then losing in the final moments because they bust out a legendary card =/


I mean, if a single Legendary is turning the entire game around, there's probably some other problem here. Especially if it's their win condition that they've been setting up for the entire time anyway (e.g., Warrior Groms you for 12, Rogue Leeroy + Shadowsteps for 6-18, etc.).

Edit: Or, put another way, you could be just playing right into their win condition. Like, you can be behind on the game while still being up on board, for instance, depending on the deck.
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