That looks like a deck where you'll spend most of your time staring at a hand full of spells while your face is pummeled.
The number of bad draws in this draft is almost comically impressive.
The number of bad draws in this draft is almost comically impressive.
The number of bad draws in this draft is almost comically impressive.
Just played a guy who conceded on the initial choosing of cards. :/ Free ranked star for me.
I said I'd get to this and I had the time this morning for the Draft. Not sure when I'll get to the games but I'll do those in PMs later if you want me to and just to avoid cluttering the thread with probably a huge post since it'll be a similar turn-by-turn format since I apparently like doing it that way.
My favorite part is that the only thing available to activate the ancient watchers is two silences. At least put a sunfury in there, geez.
That looks like a deck where you'll spend most of your time staring at a hand full of spells while your face is pummeled.
I'm determined to get a Paladin secret deck to work. People are so confused when a secret that isn't 'get down' is revealed.
The missing 5 is the 5 legendaries in the row above, though I still think it's fake.
edit: and even if real, the information is flowing from english -> chinese -> english via an illegal gold boosting site so misinformation is likely.
Believe in the hearth of cards
How do you get different card backs? I would have really liked the pandaria one but missed it because I didn't play this on computer. What do you have to do to win those different colors?
Just downloaded this. Played through the tutorial and unlocked two or three masters or whatever. I'm enjoying the game so far and am trying to decide if I want to stick with it or not, because if I do stick with it I know I'm going to want to go all out and I'll get sucked in @_@.
Just downloaded this. Played through the tutorial and unlocked two or three masters or whatever. I'm enjoying the game so far and am trying to decide if I want to stick with it or not, because if I do stick with it I know I'm going to want to go all out and I'll get sucked in @_@.
I'm determined to get a Paladin secret deck to work. People are so confused when a secret that isn't 'get down' is revealed.
In a game where my opponent is hovering a card to play over the board and not getting timed out. He's emoting and everything. What the hell?
When you say you think I hate pretty much every deck in the current meta, do you mean that the current meta is primarily Zoolock, Handlock, ThoughtPriest, StallMage and Traphunter? Because in my experience, it really isn't. Oh yes, Zoolock and Handlock, but I think we can pretty much all agree here that Zoolock is a brain-dead deck. So let's assume that the current meta is Ramp Druid, Miracle Rogue, Control Warrior, Zoolock and Handlock. I 'hate' two out of the five decks in the 'meta', and one of those two is pretty universally seen as a not-fun deck. And again; it isn't even about the 'meta' for me or viability or strength or 'OP! OP!', the decks I listed are just no fun to play against, no more, no less. I don't mind Ramp Druid, I don't mind Control Warrior, I don't mind Miracle Rogue, I don't mind Aggro Hunter, I don't mind Aggro Paladin, I don't mind Tempo Rogue, I don't mind Token Druid, I don't mind Overload Shaman, I don't mind Control Paladin, I don't mind Burst Shaman, I don't mind Spellpower Mage, I don't mind Shadow Priest, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. I still lose to plenty of those decks, sometimes even get crushed, but they're still fun to play against because at their core, those decks are about playing the right card at the right time.
Your words, not mine. It technically doesn't take 'skill' to play a turn one Yeti, but it does require going second to get the Coin and getting both an Innervate an a Yeti in your starting hand, and sometimes you might want to do Coin + Wild Growth instead for long-term gain or keep your Innervate for something else (like the turn 4 AoW). There is a 'play' involved and a turn 1 Yeti isn't impossible to beat. Miracle Rogue is all about management; what cards do you use to deal with the opponent's threats? You want to deal with them as efficiently as possible, but at the same time want to keep certain cards in your hand for bigger threats or combo's, so again, there's definitely 'play' here. Warrior don't do shit if you don't play the cards right, even with a perfect starting hand, legendaries or not.
Three of the decks I listed are not prevalent in the meta and thus do not warrant constructing a deck for to specifically counter them, nor is it even possible to build a deck that counters those three specific decks and if it was that deck wouldn't be viable against much else. And again; this isn't about the meta or losing to these decks or encountering a bunch of them or saying that they're OP; all I'm saying is that they are severely annoying decks. Why you keep dragging in the 'meta' is a bit unclear to me.
There is a point in venting over these decks: venting. I find them annoying and get frustrated by them, so I vent my frustration. That's all there is to it. I'm not complaining that they're OP, I'm not claiming that they're a big part of the meta, I'm not claiming that I encounter them all the time, I'm not calling for a nerf. I'm just venting my frustration over what I think are boring and annoying decks to play against. That's all. You bring in all this 'meta' talk ('you just hate the meta','no use in complaining because they're moving out of the meta','you just need to play around the meta','the other decks in the meta are boring as well'), not me.
Just went 0-3 for the first time in 75 arena runs.
Faced 3 Druids. What the fuck are you gonna do...
I'm no arena master but that looks like a pretty good deck?
My mage secrets deck is doing pretty well. Mirror entity and counterspell are very good secrets imo, especially when I get to cast them for free due to kirin tor mage. They slow decks down, even miracle, to get a high value flamestrike or to use pyroblast as a finisher.
My best openers so far was a turn 2 doomsayer (killed 1 minion and stalled) then I played a mana wyrm, coin, kirin tor mage, mirror entity on turn 3. By turn 4 I had gotten a free harvest golem and 4 mana still for my water elemental.
Later I used AI to get me counterspell and countered his board sweeper.
2 mana wyrm
2 arcane explosion
2 frostbolt
1 doomsayer
2 loot hoarder
2 arcane intellect
2 counterspell
2 mirror entity
2 earthen ring farseer (using on water elemental is amazing, or face vs aggro)
2 kirin tor mage
2 fireball
2 ethereal arcanist
2 water elemental
2 azure drake (thinking about replacing 1 with thalnos bloodmage for a chance at early arcane explosion for 2 damage for zoolock)
2 flamestrike
1 pyroblast
0 legendary mage deck, pretty fun.
What it is that triggers getting unlimited quest rerolls? I've played a couple times late at night and it's happened twice. Is it just something that happens at a certain point before the daily rerolls reset? Quite a useful bug if that's what it is.
I believe you can reroll quests infinitely between 1:00-1:59 am pacific time, has work for me every time so far.What it is that triggers getting unlimited quest rerolls? I've played a couple times late at night and it's happened twice. Is it just something that happens at a certain point before the daily rerolls reset? Quite a useful bug if that's what it is.
I believe you can reroll quests infinitely between 1:00-1:59 am pacific time, has work for me every time so far.
At 2:00 am you get your new daily quest and can only reroll once.
Also the 100 gold quest has a cool time of about 4 days I think.
I believe you can reroll quests infinitely between 1:00-1:59 am pacific time, has work for me every time so far.
At 2:00 am you get your new daily quest and can only reroll once.
Also the 100 gold quest has a cool time of about 4 days I think.
What is it that triggers getting unlimited quest rerolls? I've played a couple times late at night and it's happened twice. Is it just something that happens at a certain point before the daily rerolls reset? Quite a useful bug if that's what it is.
Yep, basically this. Except I think it's a two hour block. It's always between 1:00 am and 3:00 am Mountain time for me. You can reroll unlimited times between then. At 3:00 am you get the new quest for the day.
I get unlimited resets everyday 1am-5am EST. As soon as 5am hits you get the new quest and one reset.
So I'm assuming the infinite reset starts at 1:00 am no matter where you live in north america.
And then ends until the daily quest is initiated in your time zone 2:00am pst/3:00am cst/5:00am est