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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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The best way to fix the charge mechanic is to have more 'cannot be targeted by spells' minions with built-in taunt. I want more cards that force players to actually play the board game, instead of the removal & burst game.

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Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
As the above edit shows, I have two quests for priest.

I also would like to get into Arena tonight.

So yeh, if anyone has a decent basic priest deck they could link me to, that would be shiny!

What else is someone gonna recommend but Trump's? You can play an inner fire deck if you want, just load up with high health minions. Or just play a vanilla deck with better cards than inventors or ogres.. drakes and argents or some auchenai and cabals.
Did Blizzard ever say anything about neutral spells? Might help some things, but might make it to good/everyone would use it.

I do remember seeing a legendary spell at a GDC talk but that was in alpha and they probably don't want spells to be to good.


What else is someone gonna recommend but Trump's? You can play an inner fire deck if you want, just load up with high health minions. Or just play a vanilla deck with better cards than inventors or ogres.. drakes and argents or some auchenai and cabals.

There we go!

Wasn't aware Trump had made a Priest deck. I've almost never played the class and can't be bothered to learn the synergy, I just want to get into Arena asap.


Someone should take the trump FTP decks and recommend obvious replacements as you get cards like Harvest Golems for Razorfen Hunters etc. I'd be happy to start the project with a nifty spreadsheet but I'd need help from some of the more seasoned vets.

I already listed the legendaries (when tink wasn't horribad) and still think the trinity is Rag, Cairne, and Leeroy.

As far as decks goes it is kind of tricky considering the variations from class to class. The cheapest decks to make are mage and zoolock with the most expensive being Ramp Druid and Control Warrior.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Just making a note. Started with like 10 gold on Monday, May 12. Let's see how long it takes me to get to 5k for the expac.


So were those the real prices?

Edit: Oh, unknown still... Well, I'm sitting on 3K just in case. It will suck when it's not enough. =S


I might just end up paying my first real cash for the expansion if it's a lot of gold instead of guessing. I'd rather play arena and unlock cards until then.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
This game is so weird. Playing my sham deck, 3 zoos in a row. No biggie, easy wins, but I feel like playing zoo now. First game as zoo.. paladin zoo. Dafuq.

I might just end up paying my first real cash for the expansion if it's a lot of gold instead of guessing. I'd rather play arena and unlock cards until then.

Real money on a game that's actually free? Negative.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
This isn't a full expansion. No chance it will cost the equivalent of $75.

There have been a lot of "no chance" over the last decade with Blizz. We'll see. Certainly don't mind if you're right.


Someone should take the trump FTP decks and recommend obvious replacements as you get cards like Harvest Golems for Razorfen Hunters etc. I'd be happy to start the project with a nifty spreadsheet but I'd need help from some of the more seasoned vets.

Yeah, that'd be great. That's about where I'm at. I've done little things like sub in Harvest Golem, Knife Juggler and Faerie Dragon in place of the vanilla creatures of the same cost, but that's about as far as I've gone. Not sure where to go from here.


Fuck Defias coin bullshit. Might as well concede right there.


What do you do here, uninstall?


Innervate Keeper.

Well, yea, or Innervate coin Starfall, or Claw-Claw(I don't run Claw). Or Innervate Innervate Thalnos Swipe face, etc.That requires having those cards on hand.

It's annoying if you don't have an immediate answer tho. Especially if they put it behind cheap taunts. Definitely worse than Priestess + Imp. That's easy.


Oooh man I made someone MAD in Arena by using Perdition's Blade combo to take out their Faerie Dragon. They started emoting "thank you" "thank you" "thank you" "thank you"


What makes the Priestess better than Blood Imp? 2/1 instead of 0/1? I appreciate the stealth the imp has since it can last a couple of turns (before the inevitable Swipe, Arcane Missiles, Fan of Blades, etc).

It's better in aggro because it can attack. Nobody runs it in handlock because it doesn't synergize. If blood imp was still a 1/1, I'd probably use it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What makes the Priestess better than Blood Imp? 2/1 instead of 0/1? I appreciate the stealth the imp has since it can last a couple of turns (before the inevitable Swipe, Arcane Missiles, Fan of Blades, etc).

When you're playing aggro, you don't want a creature that can't attack, whose only contribution is making your squishy dudes slightly less squishy. It was different when Blood Imp got better the more dudes you had on the field, but these days, a Priestess would do just as well and it gets to trade up if they don't take her out.
It's better in aggro because it can attack. Nobody runs it in handlock because it doesn't synergize. If blood imp was still a 1/1, I'd probably use it.

When you're playing aggro, you don't want a creature that can't attack, whose only contribution is making your squishy dudes slightly less squishy. It was different when Blood Imp got better the more dudes you had on the field, but these days, a Priestess would do just as well and it gets to trade up if they don't take her out.

Oh, I get it now. Thanks, guys. I'll stick with the Imp for now since I don't have any Priestess cards. When I have the dust I'll craft some.
I'm running a version of Koyuki's Paladin Giant Control deck, basically with substitutes for the cards I don't have:

2x equality
2x holy light
1x sunfury protector (I know I need 2)
1x wild pyromancer (need another of these..)
1x earthen ring farseer
1x aldor peacekeeper (probably should craft another of these too)
1x emperor cobra (in place of BGH until I get it)
2x truesilver champion
2x consecration
1x hammer of wrath
2x defender of argus (thinking of replacing one with Harrison Jones/Black Knight/Cairne/Sylvanus)
1x twilight drake (thinking of replacing with Harrison Jones/Black Knight/Cairne/Sylvanus)
1x spellbreaker
1x azure drake
1x gadgetzan auctioneer (my own addition, has been working out really well)
1x avenging wrath
1x boulderfist ogre (in place of a mountain giant until I get it)
1x sunwalker (again, thinking of replacing with one of the legendaries above)
2x guardian of kings
1x sea giant
1x molten giant
1x ragnaros
1x tirion
1x lay on hands

What do you guys think? It's been giving me some success, basically if I draw equality then I steamroll most decks, otherwise I get utterly steamrolled myself.

Trying to figure out what my priorities should be for upgrading the deck.. Do I add the Faceless Manipulator first or another giant? Do I splurge on a Nat Pagle to increase the chance of drawing equality or do I get a Harrison Jones to stand a chance against Miracle Rogue?

I only have 400 gold and an Antonidas I'm itching to DE so I gotta spend wisely.


You know I didn't realize you could silence Faerie Dragon. Since no spells or hero powers worked on it I just assumed that Silence (which for some reason I think of as being a spell) wouldn't work on it, either.


I enjoy watching twitch streams of HS, but my god, it's so boring to watch miracle rogues. It's the saaaaaaame thing every game.

By the way, i'm not complaining about miracle rogue decks, just watching streamers play it.
yeah I always feel a little bad for the other player when I do it. but when it happens to me I'm usually doing something on my other monitor anyway so whatever.
I enjoy watching twitch streams of HS, but my god, it's so boring to watch miracle rogues. It's the saaaaaaame thing every game.

By the way, i'm not complaining about miracle rogue decks, just watching streamers play it.

Same goes for midrange hunter, zoolock, handlock etc.

You can tell from turn 1 exactly how they are going to play the rest of the game. Quite boring. Boring to play, boring to play against, boring if you win, boring if you lose, boring to watch, boring to talk about, no sense of reward even if you try the deck yourself and climb the ladder because you know it's someone else's deck and probably semi game breaking.

The problem with miracle rogue specifically is bar one or two specific decks it doesn't really matter what you do, if they ignore you for the first half of the game and then if they have drawn the right cards then they auto-win. All the tenets of card games like value and trading are ignored in the miracle rogue style of play, you might as well be playing on your own, picking cards from your deck and if by turn 6-7 you have your combo then you "win".

The meta is boring and slow at the moment and will be like this until Naxx. Despite being digital, which should be a huge bonus to the game as Blizzard can change cards as they see them in the wild, Blizzard don't really want to significantly rework anything, so we are basically stuck with the unbalanced situation we have now until new cards come. You'll see the same 3 decks on the ladder and you'll pretty much have to play one of them if you want to compete without far slower progression. Snore.
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