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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Presumably the game starts you at whatever MMR it dictates is "average" and lets you go from there. That said, card collection won't matter in the long-term. Like, it's still a case of not screwing up the play. Just because someone has access to all the cards doesn't necessarily mean they'll outright win. If one of those players is legitimately stuck at a low rank, it's entirely due to mistakes in the play (or if you're really wary, intentionally tanking to get easier opponents for dailies).

Yeah, but I am new AND have crappy cards. I haven't played card game in a decade or so.

Hopefully my MMR catches up to my suckiness quickly lol.


war of titties grampa
pretty addicted to this game but I am trying to NOT spend money. Having only one quest a day is starting to suck...

I did get a Deathwing card that is pretty bad ass. It clears the board of all minions and takes away all of your cards but man it is powerful sometimes!

I had a match where the dude used all his cards at 10 to try finish me. He had 6 guys on the board, 3 of them taunts and 3 of them fairly powerful attacks. I was doomed, i had no cards with taunt so they would kill me my next turn. Then I get deathwing who clears the board and the guy I am playing has nothing else to play that will kill me. 2 turns later, victory! Such a powerful card in the right situations!


pretty addicted to this game but I am trying to NOT spend money. Having only one quest a day is starting to suck...

I did get a Deathwing card that is pretty bad ass. It clears the board of all minions and takes away all of your cards but man it is powerful sometimes!

I had a match where the dude used all his cards at 10 to try finish me. He had 6 guys on the board, 3 of them taunts and 3 of them fairly powerful attacks. I was doomed, i had no cards with taunt so they would kill me my next turn. Then I get deathwing who clears the board and the guy I am playing has nothing else to play that will kill me. 2 turns later, victory! Such a powerful card in the right situations!

Nice and clutch for the deathwing.

If I did build a RNG I'd include that for late game to make people go "wtf" lol
Hunter secrets are so ridiculous. Why do they get amazing stuff in the "2 mana secret" slot while mage gets stuck with some awful crap in the "3 mana" slot?


Hunter secrets are so ridiculous. Why do they get amazing stuff in the "2 mana secret" slot while mage gets stuck with some awful crap in the "3 mana" slot?

For what it's worth, Mage secrets theoretically have a higher possible return than most the Hunter secrets. Except for Ice Barrier, though I guess it's priced against Healing Touch.

Really though, I suppose it's just that thematically it makes the most sense for Hunters to have the best traps.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's because Mage traps get better the worse your opponent is, while Hunter traps are more or less consistent in how much value they give you.


Sailor Stevenson
Turn 9 against a Druid in arena.

Four swipes and one starfall played agianst me so far.

Over six possible turns.

good god

edit - but for the second game in a row... someone's imp master + first imp makes them susceptible to mind control tech, which wins the game by stealing a shieldmasta
I just created some Shaman cards and I'm finally winning most of my matches and having tons of fun, this game is soooo addicting.

Lightning Storm and Mana Tide Totem are sooo good.


For what it's worth, Mage secrets theoretically have a higher possible return than most the Hunter secrets. Except for Ice Barrier, though I guess it's priced against Healing Touch.

Really though, I suppose it's just that thematically it makes the most sense for Hunters to have the best traps.

Half the time, if I use Healing Touch it's to get better value out of an Ironbark or some other giant thing by healing it up after it murdered something horribly. You can't do that with Ice Barrier. All of the Mage secrets should cost less, except maybe Ice Block.


Half the time, if I use Healing Touch it's to get better value out of an Ironbark or some other giant thing by healing it up after it murdered something horribly. You can't do that with Ice Barrier. All of the Mage secrets should cost less, except maybe Ice Block.

You can't go over 30 Health with Healing Touch so I'd say it's pretty even for the comparison. Besides, I'm just saying that Ice Barrier is pretty miserable for what it is but it's effectively +8 HP for 3 Mana due to Healing Touch being exactly that (except targeted).

Personally, I think the Mage secrets are priced fine for what they do. Like, Vaporize and Mirror Entity are 2 mana cheaper than their targeted counterparts. It's just the fact you can't control how they work so they end up yielding a lot less value than they would if you had a choice. Doesn't mean that their effect is weak for the cost, though. The biggest problem with them is finding a reason to run them over just other cards and I don't think a cost change fixes that.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
General question. If I have 2 Gold Cards and 2 of the regular cards, its fine for me to DE the 2 regular cards right? Should I DE regulars if I have Gold versions? What is the common practice?


General question. If I have 2 Gold Cards and 2 of the regular cards, its fine for me to DE the 2 regular cards right? Should I DE regulars if I have Gold versions? What is the common practice?

I DE the gold cards to get more dust, but it's a personal thing. There are achievements for all murloc cards, all pirates, all expert cards, and for those you need at least one copy of everything. There's one for all golden and one for all non-golden.
General question. If I have 2 Gold Cards and 2 of the regular cards, its fine for me to DE the 2 regular cards right? Should I DE regulars if I have Gold versions? What is the common practice?

It is fine to DE any 2 of those 4 as Gold cards have the exact same functionality as non-Gold cards. Some people (me) like to collect all the cards, a pair of non-Gold and a pair of Gold, while others prefer to Dad all their Gold cards since they are worth more dust. Not sure what is most common.
I have an issue with Rag being played by any class at any time these days as the win condition. 3 games in a row in casual mode I have my opponent drop Rag on turn 8.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Start holding on to your Faceless + BGH for your turn 8 play?

boom. so many other options as well.

pally -> equality and a squire.
druid -> naturalize (sadly the worst removal in the game... better to go with minsc's choice unless absolutely necessary)
warrior - > deal 1 damage (take your pick) and execute
mage -> sheep
shaman -> hex
priest -> swd or mind control
rogue ->assassinate (and to be cruel betrayal right before)
warlock -> twisting nether, or siphon soul (or corruption as a last resort)
hunter -> hunter's mark or deadly shot
I have ways of dealing with it, I just find it being the go to legendary among a certain bracket of players an issue. I understand its hard to do anything about that. Popular Rag going to be popular.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I have ways of dealing with it, I just find it being the go to legendary among a certain bracket of players an issue. I understand its hard to do anything about that. Popular Rag going to be popular.

honestly Rag is only go to in casual and low level ranked. net decking FTW. "I finally have 1600 dust. Who should I craft?" to which 99.9% of the time the answer will always come up "Rag".

The reason this shenanigans stays in casual and low ranks is because..... well... there are a ton of ways to deal with it and it is almost always those players' only late game move.

edit - lol.... thinking about it, I actually don't have Rag in ANY of my current decks I'm playing. Tirion in my rush pally, Pagle, Van Cleef and Leeroy in miracle rogue, Grommash, Pagle and Bloodmage in my warrior control. yeah that might be it... FWIW I have all but like 13 legs.
honestly Rag is only go to in casual and low level ranked. net decking FTW. "I finally have 1600 dust. Who should I craft?" to which 99.9% of the time the answer will always come up "Rag".

The reason this shenanigans stays in casual and low ranks is because..... well... there are a ton of ways to deal with it and it is almost always those players' only late game move.

Annnnnd this is BS. If you run a late game deck, Rag is just plain good. It's the only 8/8 minion that also guarantees an additional 8 damage to something the moment it's played. Even if it's "dealt with" it's normally done so in a big way, and after Rag has already done damage (minimum 8 damage to a hero's health or almost a guaranteed minion kill). It's hard for Rag not to 2 for 1 in most situations if your oppponent has the answer in hand. If he doesn't have it in hand, he then has to flood his field with minions and hope the odds are enough in his favor.

The reason he's not seeing a lot of play in the top levels is simply that most people are playing early and mid game decks, thus Rag being a mostly dead card till after their best stuff has already gone out. It becomes a hail mary in those circumstances (ala Deathwing)


Rag is in like every control deck in Legendary - Rank 5. He's vital vs Control Warrior since it'll deny the reprisal Shield Slam typically (unless he's at 16+ Armor). He's also the only other 7+ Legendary used in midrange decks that isn't a Class Legendary.


So I had 3500 dust... I was wondering if I should dust my Nat Pagle for something else, and I was unsure.

I finally decided to dust him, craft a Cairne, then hey, fuck it, craft Ysera.

God damn. Ysera won me 2 games in a row, she's stupidly powerful. Cairne also caused a ton of problems, so I'm happy - it was a good trade overall.

Now I'm wondering if I should craft something else with my remaining dust.

I currently have the following legendaries:
Golden Rag
Cairne Bloodhoof
Edwin VanCleef
Illidan Stormrage
The Black Knight

I was sort of considering getting either Leeroy for more aggressive decks (Rogue and such), Cenarius for my Druid deck which is my staple deck, or just wait and craft whatever epics and rares I'm missing to craft other decks. The only thing I don't have is a "fast" legendary, which would be awesome to own (which is why I'm considering Leeroy) , so I'm just wondering what you guys think.

I also have a feeling the meta will shift a bit towards having much more silence since no Tinkmaster = you need to at least negate a lot of the various legendaries, so I'm seeing a *lot* more silence lately (which sucks for Cairne and Ysera).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Annnnnd this is BS. If you run a late game deck, Rag is just plain good. It's the only 8/8 minion that also guarantees an additional 8 damage to something the moment it's played. Even if it's "dealt with" it's normally done so in a big way, and after Rag has already done damage (minimum 8 damage to a hero's health or almost a guaranteed minion kill). It's hard for Rag not to 2 for 1 in most situations if your oppponent has the answer in hand. If he doesn't have it in hand, he then has to flood his field with minions and hope the odds are enough in his favor.

The reason he's not seeing a lot of play in the top levels is simply that most people are playing early and mid game decks, thus Rag being a mostly dead card till after their best stuff has already gone out. It becomes a hail mary in those circumstances (ala Deathwing)

you mistook what I was saying. I was not saying Rag was not a great card (he is), and not a great late game card (he definitely is). I was simply responding to his comment that it is a "go to legendary among a certain rank of players" and responding with "in those scenarios, that type of use largely stays at those ranks". Nothing you described really changes that.

As an actual turn 8 play, rag is so so if it's not lethal or setting up a definite lethal for turn 9... most players will definitely be holding onto their hard removals (especially after a minimum of 8 card draws), and unless you already have a clear board or like one enemy minion, you probably aren't going to get a board clear just with rag. so without lethal this turn or next, you are basically getting 8 random damage for 8 mana. which again is the context for the type of player we are talking about.

the type of player YOU are talking about is using rag much more effectively than 8 random damage for 8 mana on turn 8.

Rag is in like every control deck in Legendary - Rank 5. He's vital vs Control Warrior since it'll deny the reprisal Shield Slam typically (unless he's at 16+ Armor). He's also the only other 7+ Legendary used in midrange decks that isn't a Class Legendary.

it's only 5 mana to get back within range.. but yeah...... as a control warrior... that move sucks.



Well that was stupid.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Well, after all of this shenanigans, I am only missing 15 cards, 13 of which are legs (also Ancient of Lore and Big Game Hunter). I do have ~1800 dust right now, which I will probably use to grab 1 or 2 of each of those...

For desirable neutral legs, I'm only missing Black Knight (otherwise Deathwing, Harrison, Hogger, Mukla, Cho, Millhouse, Ony, and Tink who I DE'ed). For class legs I'm still missing Mage, Druid, Lock and Priest.



Lose three games and I dropped to nearly 100. Goddamnit. I was so close to single digits.

which again is the context for the type of player we are talking about.

Nothing in his post indicates it's being used the way you're describing, however. Just that it's being used a lot at a certain bracket, which isn't really true since he's a fairly stable Legendary across the board.

it's only 5 mana to get back within range.. but yeah...... as a control warrior... that move sucks.

Shield Block + Hero Power is 7 Armor so you'd need to have 9+ when the Rag was dropped to be back in Shield Slam range.


Well, after all of this shenanigans, I am only missing 15 cards, 13 of which are legs (also Ancient of Lore and Big Game Hunter). I do have ~1800 dust right now, which I will probably use to grab 1 or 2 of each of those...

For desirable neutral legs, I'm only missing Black Knight (otherwise Deathwing, Harrison, Hogger, Mukla, Cho, Millhouse, Ony, and Tink who I DE'ed). For class legs I'm still missing Mage, Druid, Lock and Priest.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Shield Block + Hero Power is 7 Armor so you'd need to have 9+ when the Rag was dropped to be back in Shield Slam range.
right, that's why said "back within range". even at zero armor that is enough (if you have the play) to the wipe out rag with one point. Obviously a devastating play, but as a control warrior one I've come to expect.


Well, after all of this shenanigans, I am only missing 15 cards, 13 of which are legs (also Ancient of Lore and Big Game Hunter). I do have ~1800 dust right now, which I will probably use to grab 1 or 2 of each of those...

For desirable neutral legs, I'm only missing Black Knight (otherwise Deathwing, Harrison, Hogger, Mukla, Cho, Millhouse, Ony, and Tink who I DE'ed). For class legs I'm still missing Mage, Druid, Lock and Priest.

What! Holly hell!


I've spent a fraction of that and have basically the same (missing ~15 cards with 4k-ish dust available). Just to help alleviate the whole "oh god so expensive" that seems to be going on.

right, that's why said "back within range". even at zero armor that is enough (if you have the play) to the wipe out rag with one point. Obviously a devastating play, but as a control warrior one I've come to expect.

Needing an extra card (that doesn't replace itself, anyway) means it's now a 2-for-1, however :x Though I didn't make it clear I was referring to Rag forces Control Warrior into a 2-for-1 against themselves or to have Slam + Execute (which then removes an Execute from possibly hitting Ysera). Just speaking of how Rag works for the Control Warrior mirror, basically, since it's apparently all I've done this morning.

Incidentally, not sure how much of a Control Warrior list it really is if it's only running Grommash.


Well, after all of this shenanigans, I am only missing 15 cards, 13 of which are legs (also Ancient of Lore and Big Game Hunter). I do have ~1800 dust right now, which I will probably use to grab 1 or 2 of each of those...

For desirable neutral legs, I'm only missing Black Knight (otherwise Deathwing, Harrison, Hogger, Mukla, Cho, Millhouse, Ony, and Tink who I DE'ed). For class legs I'm still missing Mage, Druid, Lock and Priest.
What the heck, and still missing so many Legendaries :O



Now I don't feel so ashamed of having spent $100.

And I know I'll eventually spend more

By the way, I found a simple, basic Priest deck called Dr. Draw that has been very effective for racking up wins in the lower ranks. As the name indicates it's focused on a high draw rate. You can play it a couple of ways, depending on what your opening cards are. If you get River Croc or Novice Engineer you can start to harass early. If you get buff/status effect cards you can maybe eat some damage early on and then start dropping the heavy stuff in the mid to late game. Or the way I like best is to chip away at the other guy, neutralizing his cards while putting out small damage cards one after the other until I have a huge death ball of cards that do 2 to 4 damage by the 11th or so round.

And I can pretty much hear my opponent's anguished screams of frustration when I mind control their super buffed whatever cards or their big hitting legendaries.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Incidentally, not sure how much of a Control Warrior list it really is if it's only running Grommash.

only? I mean I have other legs (pagle and bloodmage). beyond that it's not "much" of a late game deck. I need to build that more. mostly it is early removal, mid-pressure and control, and then a quick amalgamation of gorehowl and/or gromm to clean up. key is to usually employ frothing berserker for strong pressure at the same time you're doing mid-game control. so like whirlwind to NOT clear the board, then bloodmage and whirlwind to mostly clear the board (execute getting rid of a remaining taunt if needed) leaving me with one or two ~13-16+ frothing berserker(s). at this point you are usually within lethal of just an inner rage'd gromm alone, or like a 10 mana gromm + inner rage + cruel task master for 14 attack. at this point likely a weapon in my hand giving me lethal next turn.

I've spent a fraction of that and have basically the same (missing ~15 cards with 4k-ish dust available). Just to help alleviate the whole "oh god so expensive" that seems to be going on.
absolutely. I am a MAJOR supporter of the f2p portion of this game evening out the playing field VERY rapidly. I roll over laughing at those on the forums calling this game any sort of pay2win. you have so many free or almost free players hanging in legendary, and PLENTY of guys like myself dropping serious coin just chugging to stay above 15... (though I've only been playing since whatever that first date there is... so like a couple of weeks or so) Honestly the IAP in this game is perfectly balanced. Pay if you want to eliminate the grind, or don't spend a penny and get solid decks put together in (relatively) very little time.

What the heck, and still missing so many Legendaries :O

my legendary luck is awful. awful. a) I am a ways under per pack average of 5% (possibly even under 4%), and b) the ones I DO get are VERY often dupes. "If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all". I probably DE'ed at least 3-5 legs before I even collected 10.......... and from a collecting viewpoint, I'd rather get crappy legs that I don't have than awesome legs that are dupes.. aka "knocking down" 1600 dust for one I don't have vs. only 400 dust for one I do have.

I did get one Golden leg so far (Baron Geddon) which sadly almost puts me under those odds as well (if I buy one more bundle and don't get a golden leg I am under the ~0.5% of a golden leg)


only? I mean I have other legs (pagle and bloodmage). beyond that it's not "much" of a late game deck. I need to build that more. mostly it is early removal, mid-pressure and control, and then a quick amalgamation of gorehowl and/or gromm to clean up. key is to usually employ frothing berserker for strong pressure at the same time you're doing mid-game control. so like whirlwind to NOT clear the board, then bloodmage and whirlwind to mostly clear the board (execute getting rid of a remaining taunt if needed) leaving me with one or two ~13-16+ frothing berserker(s). at this point you are usually within lethal of just an inner rage'd gromm alone, or like a 10 mana gromm + inner rage + cruel task master for 14 attack. at this point likely a weapon in my hand giving me lethal next turn.

I mean, that's basically what every Control Warrior deck does. Spot removal your way up and then one of various routes to win from there with Frothing Berserker, Alexstraza+Gorehowl, Grommash, Rag, Ysera, etc. If it's just Frothing and then stuff like Yetis and DoA, I assume, then I'd imagine it's more of a midrange list.

my legendary luck is awful. awful. a) I am a ways under per pack average of 5% (possibly even under 4%), and b) the ones I DO get are VERY often dupes. "If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all". I probably DE'ed at least 3-5 legs before I even collected 10..........

About 60% of the Legendaries I've opened have been Lorewalker Cho, Millhouse Manastorm, and The Beast. They account for like 15 total pulls or something ;__; Even shit like Velen I've gotten multiples of.

Only "playable" Legendaries I've opened have been Bloodmage, Al'Akir, The Black Knight, and Jaraxxus.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I mean, that's basically what every Control Warrior deck does. Spot removal your way up and then one of various routes to win from there with Frothing Berserker, Alexstraza+Gorehowl, Grommash, Rag, Ysera, etc. If it's just Frothing and then stuff like Yetis and DoA, I assume, then I'd imagine it's more of a midrange list.
I mean you're right. 100%. I built this deck probably less than half way through that spending spree above.. so yeah, it really needs some more work. I really appreciate the critique.

About 60% of the Legendaries I've opened have been Lorewalker Cho, Millhouse Manastorm, and The Beast. They account for like 15 total pulls or something ;__; Even shit like Velen I've gotten multiples of.

Only "playable" Legendaries I've opened have been Bloodmage, Al'Akir, The Black Knight, and Jaraxxus.
I've opened Ragnaros I know.... and Golden Baron Geddon... and Krush. oh and Pagle. That might be it.... I think everyone else worthwhile I bought first and then some eventually opened after as a dupe. Honestly, at this point I hate opening packs... it is so depressing.

Really the only purchases I have left are a couple of class ones and black knight, and I REALLY want a golden jaraxxus... I mean you get a golden hero, golden weapon AND golden power/minion all for 3200!!!!!!! by my averages... once you have like 97%+ of the cards, you get about 2200 dust per 40 booster bundle (again, accounting for my ridiculously bad legendary luck)
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