You always need to draft for the early game in arenas. Quality 2 drops win games. If you spend your turn 2 hero powering you already lost unless your opponent also does.
Which is a clear indicative what's wrong about the game. We need stronger control cards. (for other classes than Mage obviously)
I'd love a taunt card that can't be targeted by spells. Preferably with 5+ health. I think that is like the missing piece to my Shaman deck, otherwise I love it.
Which is a clear indicative what's wrong about the game. We need stronger control cards. (for other classes than Mage obviously)
More like you can't guarantee to get those cards in arena since it's random draft, so you value cards differently.
More like you can't guarantee to get those cards in arena since it's random draft, so you value cards differently.
I wish 2 drops were stickier. There is nothing like harvest golem in 2 drops. The closest would be a 2/3 or faerie dragon. But both just get removed either way.
Even then, it's not particularly hard to draw control in arena, you just have to pick the right class for it. Warrior, priest, and mage make for really good arena control classes. If you build around control, you seem to do really well against the current "to your face" meta in arena.
The same arena decks a month ago wouldn't have gotten me to 3 wins, now I'm consistently getting 6-8 wins. It's actually worth my time to play arena right now.
Sunfury protector is the best 2 drop imo, its a river croc that can taunt. I never feel bad playing it on curve and provides value later.
That said, I'm still expecting a usable 2cc Deathrattle minion (besides the Egg) out of Naxx. I don't think we necessarily need to improve the lifespan of 2cc minions but find ways to get more value out of the slot come later in the game.
The problem with 2/3s is they die to 3/3s for free and can't trade up to 4/3s. I don't mind taking them since most have solid abilities, but river crocolisk sucks, while bloodfen raptor is definitely playable.
I thought like this before, but in HS the ass is what matters. Which is why a turd like Oasis Snapjaw cost/power ratio is a playable card unlike in any other CCG's.
Like Ooze/BGH (okay BGH is 3cc, but I am pointing out the kind of unbalanced ability you're targeting, where when you can use it, it pays off in spades)? Basically more extremely conditional cards that have wild swing factors?
People would love a 2cc that removed all enemy secrets and got +2/+2 for each secret removed or something similar. Same for stealth, a 2/2 2cc that gets +3/+3 for each enemy minion with stealth (while also remove the stealth from them).
Maybe a 2cc that sets the opposing hero's armor value to 0, to hard counter control warrior.
Everybody agrees health is more valuable than attack, but the 1 and 2 drops are the exception.
The paladin one that gives a divine shield is huge as well, coin a 2 drop and put bop into it and you're set for a while.
Well no Hunter plays a Raptor, but everyone plays a Croc nowadays.
The problem with 2/3s is they die to 3/3s for free and can't trade up to 4/3s. I don't mind taking them since most have solid abilities, but river crocolisk sucks, while bloodfen raptor is definitely playable.
Those would be hilarious vs freeze mage and miracle rogue.
It'd be broken
You're mixed up right? Raptor is trash, croc is staple.
In a constructed hunter deck, yes the croc is better. In an arena draft the raptor is better.
Bro. You US or EU?Tilted like a boss. Maybe Naxx makes things better, if not then sucks because I thought this game could be something really special.
Bro. You US or EU?
You say this game is bad and so is SC2... YET I DON'T HAVE YOU ON MY FRIENDSLIST? You're now officially my best bud so add me, buddy!EU you don't remember the SC2 days when I still played that shitty game?
You wish you could see our message log in-game right now.Did you two just become rage buddies?
I wish 2 drops were stickier. There is nothing like harvest golem in 2 drops. The closest would be a 2/3 or faerie dragon. But both just get removed either way. I guess defias ringleader is the best 2 drop but also the most annoying to use on turn 2. He is almost impossible to get a turn 2 combo with him.
one of the new (not officially announced but pretty much confirmed, along with a few others) Naxx minions is a 2 mana 2/1 with deathrattle: summon two 1/1. Pretty much harvest golem's little brother
one of the new (not officially announced but pretty much confirmed, along with a few others) Naxx minions is a 2 mana 2/1 with deathrattle: summon two 1/1. Pretty much harvest golem's little brother
You wish you could see our message log in-game right now.
What if it can't attack or is 1-5??I think literally everyone would love a Taunt that had to die to a minion / Battlecry. Which is all the more reason that it would either never happen or would be an X/3 or X/4 at best while also being overpriced :x
Link to all the cards we know that we'll be able to use for constructed?
Miracle is good against zoo imo. Favorable matchup if you mulligan for it.
Well Ooze and BGH are pretty broken vs weapon heavy decks and control decks. 3cc for instant removal and a 4/2? 2cc for destroying a gorehowl or doomhammer and a 3/2 on the board?
Wow... Naxx will change everything!
and (leaked spoilers)
there were few more cards that were leaked in the Naxx writeup that I can't find now, one being the card I mentioned earlier and another one is the reward for completing the first wing. Can't remember what the other do2/8 beast, 5 mana, legendary, kills creatures it damages
Wow... Naxx will change everything!
Keep in mind these are 100% going to be boss only cards ala illidan from the opening quests.
Keep in mind these are 100% going to be boss only cards ala illidan from the opening quests.